Is it really humorous when you have a group of women trying to get into a chat room where they are banned from, are not welcome and who only WISH they could get in to play mind games with other chatters, all while using foul and disgusting words as potential passwords?
Is it really humorous when for months certain of this same group of women posed as fakes, frauds and emotional con-women in a chat room where they obviously only pretended to be friendly and who emotionally manipulated others who were not in on the "game", which resulted in a lot of mental anguish, and caused allot of second guessing of ones ability to properly judge the characters of others so as not to be made a fool of?
Is it really humorous to have big grown women who themselves are mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers partake in petty, filthy, degrading name calling of fellow female chatters just for laughs amongst themselves while huddled in their little group in a separate chat room. A separate chat room used primarily for the sole purpose of really "speaking their minds among their own" to spew hateful remarks directed at one or more of the "innocent" chatters in the other room?
Is it really humorous to see such accusatory remarks behind chatters names that damage the reputation of others, but yet when the same exact thing happens to them they want to take offence and go on the warpath?
Is it really humorous for certain chatters, like Blue-TN, to go digging around on the Internet to locate the burial site of a certain person's deceased father, yet at the same time condemn others for trying to locate them in real life because of all the crap they have been the target of, and for no other reason other than because they chose to exercise THEIR own rights of freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom to go anywhere on the Internet they choose?
Is it really humorous for certain chatters, like Blue-TN, to go digging around on the Internet to locate the exact whereabouts of a brother of a certain person who they believe they have tracked to a far off South-east Asian Country? And for what purpose Blue-TN?
Is it really humorous for certain chatters like Mommiesdollies1 and NanaNC, to plot to go in search of a certain person's brother living somewhere in the Carolinas for the sole purpose of trying to cause family relations to hopefully breakdown and to hopefully dig up some juicy tidbit or damaging information about the person?
Is it really humorous to forward some fabricated Presser to the Sheriff's Office in Jacksonville, Florida for the sole purpose of trying to implicate a certain person in the disappearance/murder of a beautiful little 7 year old girl only because you hope it will advance your own agenda of totally ruining that person's life so that the whole group of them can declare 'VICTORY' for having achieved their goal. Is this really your "gut" feeling PrincessBH or just another way to get your laughs? Maybe you need to get out in the sunshine a bit more!
Is it really humorous to post repeatedly very graphic comments on accusing a minor female child of doing or having done certain sexual acts to a grown man in his late 50s, all the while spreading rumors around the Internet that this same man is a pedophile. That is not funny at all Zanlaughsatyou (aka mysterymuse) et al, yet ALL of you find it absolutely hilarious, don't you? Is it really humorous Mommiesdollies1?
Is it really humorous to post comments in a chat room accusing an 8 year old little girl of doing gross sexual acts to a grown man in his late 50s - the very same one who they all have rumored around on the Internet is a pedophile and even capable of murder. Even with the room having at least 7+ other females consisting of mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers in it at the time PrincessBH posted this in chat, absolutely NONE of the other females said "please do not say that about a child" but instead they all posted such things as "LOL", "LMBO" and then kept the chat going in that direction. Would it have been humorous had it been said about one of Mommiesdollies1's beautiful little daughters? Or perhaps NanaNC's grandson? Or perhaps any one of the minor children in the care, custody and control of any one of the other females in that room, OR one of the beloved female minor children in their families? And for this to be said just moments after chatting about little Somer Thompson's disappearance in Jacksonville!
Is it really humorous to sit in a chat room and make fun of ANYONE suffering from a growth or tumor? Is it Tinker_bell_1967? Or to post such things on Or do I only have half the story behind that one?
Is it really humorous to fabricate total LIES about what someone has said with a view to hopefully having the reputation of that person ruined or to cause fellow chat friends of that person to not trust or feel comfortable chatting with them? Is it feistyoldbroad?
Is it really humorous to bring up the death of some one's wife and son and to go as far as to accuse that someone for having done something to them to cause their deaths - in an attempt to inflict more pain and suffering upon that individual?
Is it really humorous to make fun of for months about what YOU believe to be an action done by someone while at a Memorial Service for beautiful little Caylee Marie Anthony? Look at what you all do and have done in public!
Is it really humorous to go to all lengths to destroy the plans of so many to have a Memorial Bench in the Loving Memory of beautiful little Caylee Marie Anthony placed at a beautiful lake front park, while at the same time accusing her Mother of being her murderer and accusing her Grandparents and Uncle of living off money obtained because of her horrific death? Again I ask, who really lost out in NOT having that Memorial Bench placed at Mount Dora Park?
Is it really humorous for a certain group, specifically ones like: CrazyCajun, disgruntled, SweetPea14, Patty100, NanaNC, Feistyoldbroad, midnite01, etc. etc. to type and say on mic in a chat room derogatory and foul disgusting words directed at elderly members who follow Murt, and to accuse them of doing the very same thing that they themselves have been doing for months and months courtesy of etc., and with such disdain?
Is it really humorous to send little spies into unsuspecting chat rooms like The Lostsouls to sit and chat and PRETEND to be friendly with them all the while funneling all that is being said in that chat room into your own PRIVATE chat room? Is it CrazyCajun and copnwpa? Hope the folks at The Lostsouls know what you are up to!
After witnessing all of the above for the past 10 months it causes me to have quite allot of understanding and compassion for a certain individual, DESPITE the content of anything I have read or heard that is floating around in cyberspace, in the files of certain Law Enforcement agencies and in the archives of certain Blog Sites. Quite frankly, I do not know how this individual has made it through all of this the past 2-3 years. He cannot even eat a meal without all of these pathetic bullies and hate filled people (made up mostly of mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers) literally digging through his garbage cans to find out so that they can post in on a certain Blog site, talk about it in their now PRIVATE chat rooms or in private IMs just for their laughs. When exposed that is what they want to cry "we are only joking around", "so and so doesn't have a sense of humor". But to sit and listen and read in real time while they are only "joking" around it sure as heck does sound like they are serious and mean every single word they spew. Doesn't it disgruntled? Perhaps the Orlando Sentinel needs to be made aware of my Blog before the first of their 5 part story hits the stands in about a week, so that they don't end up with their foot in their mouth after being fed false information by Mommiesdollies1 and/or her sister who lives only houses down from the Anthonys.
P.S. There is only about 3 more doses of this terrible tasting medicine you all have to endure - then it will be all finished!!!