Saturday, October 24, 2009

Is it really humorous when you have a group of women trying to get into a chat room where they are banned from, are not welcome and who only WISH they could get in to play mind games with other chatters, all while using foul and disgusting words as potential passwords?
Is it really humorous when for months certain of this same group of women posed as fakes, frauds and emotional con-women in a chat room where they obviously only pretended to be friendly and who emotionally manipulated others who were not in on the "game", which resulted in a lot of mental anguish, and caused allot of second guessing of ones ability to properly judge the characters of others so as not to be made a fool of?
Is it really humorous to have big grown women who themselves are mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers partake in petty, filthy, degrading name calling of fellow female chatters just for laughs amongst themselves while huddled in their little group in a separate chat room. A separate chat room used primarily for the sole purpose of really "speaking their minds among their own" to spew hateful remarks directed at one or more of the "innocent" chatters in the other room?
Is it really humorous to see such accusatory remarks behind chatters names that damage the reputation of others, but yet when the same exact thing happens to them they want to take offence and go on the warpath?
Is it really humorous for certain chatters, like Blue-TN, to go digging around on the Internet to locate the burial site of a certain person's deceased father, yet at the same time condemn others for trying to locate them in real life because of all the crap they have been the target of, and for no other reason other than because they chose to exercise THEIR own rights of freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom to go anywhere on the Internet they choose?
Is it really humorous for certain chatters, like Blue-TN, to go digging around on the Internet to locate the exact whereabouts of a brother of a certain person who they believe they have tracked to a far off South-east Asian Country? And for what purpose Blue-TN?
Is it really humorous for certain chatters like Mommiesdollies1 and NanaNC, to plot to go in search of a certain person's brother living somewhere in the Carolinas for the sole purpose of trying to cause family relations to hopefully breakdown and to hopefully dig up some juicy tidbit or damaging information about the person?
Is it really humorous to forward some fabricated Presser to the Sheriff's Office in Jacksonville, Florida for the sole purpose of trying to implicate a certain person in the disappearance/murder of a beautiful little 7 year old girl only because you hope it will advance your own agenda of totally ruining that person's life so that the whole group of them can declare 'VICTORY' for having achieved their goal. Is this really your "gut" feeling PrincessBH or just another way to get your laughs? Maybe you need to get out in the sunshine a bit more!
Is it really humorous to post repeatedly very graphic comments on accusing a minor female child of doing or having done certain sexual acts to a grown man in his late 50s, all the while spreading rumors around the Internet that this same man is a pedophile. That is not funny at all Zanlaughsatyou (aka mysterymuse) et al, yet ALL of you find it absolutely hilarious, don't you? Is it really humorous Mommiesdollies1?
Is it really humorous to post comments in a chat room accusing an 8 year old little girl of doing gross sexual acts to a grown man in his late 50s - the very same one who they all have rumored around on the Internet is a pedophile and even capable of murder. Even with the room having at least 7+ other females consisting of mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers in it at the time PrincessBH posted this in chat, absolutely NONE of the other females said "please do not say that about a child" but instead they all posted such things as "LOL", "LMBO" and then kept the chat going in that direction. Would it have been humorous had it been said about one of Mommiesdollies1's beautiful little daughters? Or perhaps NanaNC's grandson? Or perhaps any one of the minor children in the care, custody and control of any one of the other females in that room, OR one of the beloved female minor children in their families? And for this to be said just moments after chatting about little Somer Thompson's disappearance in Jacksonville!
Is it really humorous to sit in a chat room and make fun of ANYONE suffering from a growth or tumor? Is it Tinker_bell_1967? Or to post such things on Or do I only have half the story behind that one?
Is it really humorous to fabricate total LIES about what someone has said with a view to hopefully having the reputation of that person ruined or to cause fellow chat friends of that person to not trust or feel comfortable chatting with them? Is it feistyoldbroad?
Is it really humorous to bring up the death of some one's wife and son and to go as far as to accuse that someone for having done something to them to cause their deaths - in an attempt to inflict more pain and suffering upon that individual?
Is it really humorous to make fun of for months about what YOU believe to be an action done by someone while at a Memorial Service for beautiful little Caylee Marie Anthony? Look at what you all do and have done in public!
Is it really humorous to go to all lengths to destroy the plans of so many to have a Memorial Bench in the Loving Memory of beautiful little Caylee Marie Anthony placed at a beautiful lake front park, while at the same time accusing her Mother of being her murderer and accusing her Grandparents and Uncle of living off money obtained because of her horrific death? Again I ask, who really lost out in NOT having that Memorial Bench placed at Mount Dora Park?
Is it really humorous for a certain group, specifically ones like: CrazyCajun, disgruntled, SweetPea14, Patty100, NanaNC, Feistyoldbroad, midnite01, etc. etc. to type and say on mic in a chat room derogatory and foul disgusting words directed at elderly members who follow Murt, and to accuse them of doing the very same thing that they themselves have been doing for months and months courtesy of etc., and with such disdain?
Is it really humorous to send little spies into unsuspecting chat rooms like The Lostsouls to sit and chat and PRETEND to be friendly with them all the while funneling all that is being said in that chat room into your own PRIVATE chat room? Is it CrazyCajun and copnwpa? Hope the folks at The Lostsouls know what you are up to!
After witnessing all of the above for the past 10 months it causes me to have quite allot of understanding and compassion for a certain individual, DESPITE the content of anything I have read or heard that is floating around in cyberspace, in the files of certain Law Enforcement agencies and in the archives of certain Blog Sites. Quite frankly, I do not know how this individual has made it through all of this the past 2-3 years. He cannot even eat a meal without all of these pathetic bullies and hate filled people (made up mostly of mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers) literally digging through his garbage cans to find out so that they can post in on a certain Blog site, talk about it in their now PRIVATE chat rooms or in private IMs just for their laughs. When exposed that is what they want to cry "we are only joking around", "so and so doesn't have a sense of humor". But to sit and listen and read in real time while they are only "joking" around it sure as heck does sound like they are serious and mean every single word they spew. Doesn't it disgruntled? Perhaps the Orlando Sentinel needs to be made aware of my Blog before the first of their 5 part story hits the stands in about a week, so that they don't end up with their foot in their mouth after being fed false information by Mommiesdollies1 and/or her sister who lives only houses down from the Anthonys.
P.S. There is only about 3 more doses of this terrible tasting medicine you all have to endure - then it will be all finished!!!


  1. Stop BH from ruining an innocent personSaturday, October 24, 2009 2:53:00 PM

    Great post Kari! I agree with you 100%. I can't believe that these people who are was great grandmothers, grandmothers, and parents can act like this. I know I was fooled by some of them. It is because of people like them that I now am helping you and Murt.
    After waking up and realizing that some of these people in a certain group are ruining an innocent person's reputation has made me want to prove even more that he is innocent.

    Actually, I think it is time you expose this group's lies about this person to the Fla. papers. Maybe they should read your blog and be aware of your petition. I know alot more people who are victims of cyberbullying and stalking would love to sign that petition. Hopefully, It isn't too late to let others know that Murt is innocent of all that BH has said about him.
    Let me know if you need more info. You know how to get a hold of me. Anything to help prove Murt is the victim of these women who are acting childish playing these kind of games. Reminds me of when I was in Grade School. How about you?

  2. It's about time someone puts these haters in their place. they are very dangerous.

  3. Truth be known ,I would bet ,everyone of these women have big problems in there private lifes.
    It seems to tell they have lost control of the "real" world ,thus chooses to control there bitterness as cowards behind their monitor screens.It's a safe place to hid from the world that has not gone as well as they had hoped, a place to take it out on innocent people.
    Maybe that helps there tormented souls to hurt others as they have been hurt themselves .
    A word here Ladies and I use that term loosly, you are losers in the real world and losers in the make believe internet world ,you poor things.If you didn't sicken me as you do ,maybe I could find pity in my heart for you all ,but nope ,not there.

  4. Wow Kari I am one of those who were blind-sided by some of those names mentioned, they really had me believing they were decent, moral, kind and caring ladies who professed to be upstanding Christians of their communities and homes. When I opened my eyes and ears and listened and read the sewage spewing from their mouths, I cried. I cried for myself as being so blinded and cried knowing that they would lay in the sewer of their computers and that means their hearts and souls are also foul. I don't know how I will ever convince myself to "get over it" because I really cared about some of those ladies. Now I shed tears for other reasons but will always know how vile they are and were but hiding it so well. I can only say that maybe we should look at the evil of those Moms/grandmoms/great-grandmoms and that will answer why so many young kids turn out the way they do and become so evil. I will not hide as anonymous so I am known as Lovecanines and will forever be damaged by those of you who had me blinded.

  5. I find it ironic that the same people who are making fun of people are the same ones who have trouble in their own families. and they think nothing of it.

  6. If the internet makes you that upset where you are going to actually list names of people who bother you like this than get a life.... ITS PALTALK...yes people say a lot of SHIT and it does hurt but you know what.... ITS PALTALK AND THE INTERNET.... you will most likely NEVER see these people except in cyber land. makes me laugh that people take pal so damn literally... last time i checked it wasnt high school. need to grow tougher skin.

  7. Kari, you're a very brave and kind woman.I only wish you happyness.As for those biter women there are no words,pitiful. Loves I hope every thing is going ok for you glad to hear from ya.

  8. To Anonymous above who posted the comment on Sunday, October 25, 2009 @ 11:39:00 PM

    I'm going to take a guess here and say YOU must be Bekki Sowerby, and I'm going to take your comment to mean that YOU find humor in all I listed in this Blog Post -- it figures you would Bekki. But why are you hiding behind "Anonymous" if you are so dang proud of your humorous side?

    I hardly doubt that Murt's PalTalk Chat Room, a place that we went to in order to discuss as a group the disappearance and murder of a beautiful little 2 1/2 year old little girl, Caylee Marie Anthony, was a chat room on PalTalk intended for the type of "high school" behavior from grown adults (especially ones with responsibilities of being a mother, grandmother and great-grandmother).

    You may have to check again, or perhaps you need to watch, read or listen to reruns of "A Day In Hell" or "A Day at the Hive" or "A Day On Neutral Ground" and then maybe if you are bright enough you will really see first hand that it does not even resemble high school behavior from you women but rather junior high, immature hateful behavior. Goodness "Bekki" have you not heard with your own ears that silly immature skittish laugh of Feistyoldbroad - oh you gotta hear it if you missed that one, it will explain the mentality of the whole bunch of you.

    Perhaps if any of you and your group of FAKE people had an once of authenticity to your characters then you may be able to understand that this is not the type of behavior one would expect in a Chat room discussing missing/kidnapped/murdered children. If a person, specifically a female, cannot be REAL in a chat room like this it absolutely is a testament of who they really are deep down in their soul.

    When you come on the internet as a REAL person and not someone wanting to hide behind their monitors as a FAKE and a FRAUD, YOU can and do make real connections with fellow chatters, and you can and do make arrangements to meet them in real life. It is NOT a fictitious place for REAL people --perhaps you should try it some day.

    Suffice it to say your misinterpretation of what "the internet" is all about is really NO excuse for your behavior, maybe you are the one who needs to get a life. I guess you did not have the courage to sign your REAL name to your comment because you do not want your fellow PalTalk chatters to know that you really just consider them to be INCONSEQUENCIAL, and that YOU really do not care at all about what personal problems, health or otherwise, they may have and may discuss in a PalTalk Chat Room while you are present -- that is so sad, BUT what is sadder is the fact that they probably hold on to your "fake" kind words and find comfort in them. What the heck is the sense in all of that, really Bekki.


  9. CONTINUTATION of my comment above posted @ 11:12:00 AM

    And again, correct me if I am wrong BUT was not that IM between Murt and STDBDOP0102 a private conversation that took place on PalTalk? Yet YOU Bekki (or was it PrincessBH - hmmmm) thought it real enough to send on to D. Casey.

    "CriminalInjustice: ... turned chat scripts over to Lawson Lamar’s office & LE"

    "CriminalInjustice: "I've given up stopping him online ... he delved into real lives and now so am i ... he's dangerous"

    So which is it Bekki, is PalTalk to be taken literally or not - you are talking out of two sides of your pie hole?

    What about the information sent on to Lawson Lamar? What about the info on little Caylee's Memorial Bench sent on to Brad Conway? Wasn't all that information gathered by you and yours in FAKE cyberspace from a chat room on PalTalk that you and yours took and forwarded on to people in REAL life.

    "PrincessBH: bekki sent chat logs to Conway"

    "PrincessBH: and conway is making sure that murt is NOWHERE NEAR that courthouse"

    "PrincessBH: i did give bekki the chat logs".

    Hey Bekki, you better let Blue-TN know that she is taking this PalTalk/Cyberspace stuff way too serious (probably because she has her Masters in Police Science, right Pat-KY) she has spent countless hours digging up info on Murt and his family in REAL life. Might as well let NanaNC and Mommiesdollies1 know too how "high school" you think it is of them to be plotting and planning how to contact Murt's brother in the Carolinas, and even a sister too (right NanaNC) -- obviously they too take all this PalTalk stuff literally as well.

    Oh and Mommiesdollies1, how's that FAKE phone number of mine working for ya -- have I answered the phone yet? Guess you never stopped to think that the number was FAKE did ya Mommiesdollies1? Tsst, tsst.
    Mommiesdollies1, don't ya know you can't take PalTalk literally.

    Oh and PrincessBH, hasn't Bekki told you ALL this PalTalk stuff is NOT real. Would Bekki approve of you trying to locate my husband in REAL life to "inform" him of my having had dinner with Murt and how I took "our" daughter with me too? Now wonder why you would want to do that PrincessBH -- that is so junior high of you to do something like that! Best you worry about YOU and YOUR own life PrincessBH, especially with all that you went through there in DeKalb -- why not share that with all of your FAKE friends in Cyberspace PrincessBH!

    "PrincessBH: if anyone knew the hell i went through in DeKalb they wouldn't be slinging the shit they are".

    Another case of the old double standard at its best!

  10. Its so funny,watching these girls rot,thier souls decaying right in front of us.We smell their rotting flesh everytime they come into the same room as us.We put on our happy face, speak to them with such pity.Because we know that really deep down ,they feel the same as we do about thier destiny.We feel so sorry for them as they walk amongst the dead.They have no purity,no stability,no life ahead of them.broken homes. Ladies (and I say that with compassion),I pray that your families dont endure the torment, or the havic that you girls have brought into your lives. So Ill close and say.May you go in peace,because once you are gone from us..your HELL will just begin.I feel pity,and hope the ones you so claim to love on earth,never find out that it wasnt the monster in the closet they had to be afraid of,but at all this time it was you.(grandma,great gramdma , aunty ,and even you mom). His hand will be very hot,but his lair will be home to you..Game over ! Pity !

  11. Kari,
    Isn't it great that what ever is posted on the internet can now be found and a person can now take a photo of the internet page. What is even more amazing is how you can now take that photo and edit it to say whatever a person wants it to say. You can even make it look like a person is guillty of doing something like talking about going to a mall and picking up a child. I bet Princess wouldn't like it if someone would edit one of the conversations in her private chat that makes her look like she did something illegal. Maybe someone should give her a taste of her own medicine. But we know we won't do anything that low to any one no matter how much we dislike them.
    Thanks to Princess and her group,A killer might be found innocent because of her sending that to Conway. Way to go Princess!! If Casey is found innocent because of this we will certainly know who to blame. I bet you won't be laughing then will you?

  12. Didn't know Paltalk was only used for lies, and joking around. Who ever made that comment must be the same person who was harrassing some group of people on the fox blog at one time. She said hubby was a LE officer in Orlando, she eventually got kicked off after several people reported her. Turned out she was nothing but a lonely bitter woman who hated people that lived in trailers and who were on welfare. She was also a drunk. It was awful funny when we all turned on her and degraded her like she did to others. She couldn't take the heat. She made the same comment about how people on internet will never know each other and that you can say whatever.

  13. Kari, I just want to apologize for things I did that were like actions of a child.

  14. The last comment interesting. I wonder who this person was and what they did that generated the need for this confession.


  15. To the person who apologized to kari:

    Although I'm sure Kari appreciates your public apology, it is my opinion that a private IM, including your nickname would be a more personal and meaningful way to apologize.

  16. I do appreciate the apology but yes it would help to know exactly who the apology is coming from, for a number of reasons. The main reason being, AS A RESULT of the Anonymous person who continues to harrass Murt on his Blog and leave comments which contain complete LIES, such as:

    "I do know for a fact that Princess has not mentioned your name in two weeks...YOU on the other hand well...I really dont have to go on do I."

    AND this one:

    "And your moles are a bit off because i know for a 100 percent FACT that princess has not said a word about you, isn't trying to get you off the internet.. and frankly she doesn't give a fu** about you neither do any of the people she chats with.",

    I NOW feel compelled to produce evidence to the contrary provided to me in the form of screen shots taken from The Busy Bees and Neutral Ground chat rooms from Thursday 15th October 2009 to Thursday 22 October 2009 which contradicts what that Anonymous poster on Murt's blog claims, and I would like to know who this apology is coming from (particularly if they have been in and amongst the chatters in those two rooms over this one week period) so that I can do the appropriate thing as relates to that person.

    Just a quick FYI Murt: The reason The Busy Bees and Neutral Ground obsessed women are not twittering their usual disgusting crap is because of NanaNC's plan for a BLACK OUT to try to prove to any of your supporters that it is YOU who keeps "stirring the pot" with the hopes that WE will get disgusted with you and leave your chat room once and for all. Just curious though, just who do they think WE think it is bombarding Murt's Blog and harrassing him with the same ole stupid, nothing but lies for comments? IT IS THEM, and the screen shots will prove it too.

  17. A bit of an addition to the post above. Someone left a comment that Gary of Paltalk will be glad when I leave as if I am waiting for my account to expire.

    What the commenter does not understand is that when I was INVITED to Paltalk and given the account pro bono was that I could have said account revoked at any time.

    When a 6 month period for the commercial room ran out (the one where everyone had green level access while they were in my room) I was given the extreme status by Paltalk as a thanks for promoting them and bringing new members to the service.

    This designation also included the proviso that I could be asked to leave on a moment's notice.

    I have received not one negative comment by Gary or any of the other staff at Paltalk.

    In fact they were pleased that I informed them that Ipeep was out there and still being promoted. Their staff is taking steps to deal with the vendor of that product.

    I may choose to remain as a black name once the account expires as I have found a more reliable and powerful broadcast site if I so choose to continue with my broadcasts.

    The future of the chat room is in doubt due to the lack of participation there. I have not made a firm decision regarding Murthaven Florida other than to keep the username in order to prevent impersonation.

    A final note. I was aware of the blackout as the moles have and are still keeping me informed of these actions. Nana is now taking over the helm in the smear efforts as is standard practice for Princess. She lets others do her dirty for her and thus she is not there to suffer the legal consequences that her new "friends" may suffer in the future.


  18. I applaud you for standing up to these horrible people and for speaking the truth. It is not humourous in my eyes, at all. Kudo's to you. I too was one of them because I did not approve of what Murt had done. I now see that he did not do the things they accuse him of. They are the sick minded people here in this. Princess went way too far this time, and I just hope they can be stopped before someone gets physically hurt.

  19. Kari or Murt,

    Are you sure that NanaNC isn really Princess. Have you ever met Nana in real life? She could be using the name of Nana as an alias.

  20. I would have apolgized, but she would not take my PM. I am sincere and I hope someday down the line I will be able to. But for now I at least made the effort.

  21. Kari,

    Would it be ok to use this blog along with the other valuable information I have obtained to pass along to officials? They have asked for all documentation and I think your blog here explains A LOT! Although I have made LE aware of this, I would like your permission before it goes to media, etc.?

    Anon #12

    PS - I will reveal my identity when I have complete assurance from LE that I will be tracked, traced, watched online, etc. I want to do this the LEGAL way, to avoid ramifications. Please respond through here and I will conntact you when the time is right and I have permission from my attorney to do so. Thanks for all you do to expose these hurtful, powerless women.

  22. To Anon#12 above who commented on Thursday, October 29, 2009 @ 9:41:00 am

    Absolutely you can use my Blog for the purpose you mentioned and please be advised that I now have in my possession audio as well as video of allot of what went on in The Busy Bees and Neutral Ground chat rooms at PalTalk over the period from approximately 15th October 2009 to 22nd October 2009, which you and your attorney may also deem necessary and useful.

    Thank you Anon#12, together ALL of us who have been victims of this small group of hateful disgusting individuals can and will put an end to their cyberbullying, cyberharrassment and stalking of innocent people.

  23. Excellent blog! I wonder why they have not come here to post what they find so humourous about their behavior. Finally, someone wrote something to shut them up. They have no rebuttal against this one. I wonder if their families have read all of this? I am sure I would be very upset to hear my own mother treating people this way on the internet. Where are Princess, Michelle mcKee, Bekki, Zan (which I STILL believe to be Sandra Goddard herself), Midnite, Mysterymuse, CrazyCajun, Nananc, Tinkerbell, Mommiesdollies, Concernedmom of 2, Blue-TN, DD, BB11, etc... Where are they now I wonder? Awful quiet since this has been released. It is only on a blog for now. Just wait and see where they hide when they are being spoken of on Nancy Grace and many other news sources and even in Casey Anthony doc dumps. Should be very interesting to watch as the tables are turning very quickly!

  24. ANON:
    I have personal contact information that NANA provided to me when she was my Admin. This included her personal name and her street address.

    She also had her image on my broadcast many times. I am certain she is not princess based on the photos Princess has out there as well as other sources of information that varify both if their identities.

    PS. The information I have been provided also states that Zan Smith is a male half of a couple on Princess's restricted areas.


  25. By the way ConcernedMom is not a member of BeaconHell. Princess got rid of her because she thought she was the mole in her room and that she was supplying Murt with info. Apparently Princess doesn't know who the moles are in her room so she has gotten rid of anyone she thought were the moles.
    It sure would be funny if these people now have sided with Murt and told all that they know about being in Princess's Secret Forum Room. I heard she only lets a select few in there.

    Are you a member of that room? I doubt it. Princess knows you can't be trusted with any info.

  26. Don't get your panties in a wad over what is said in the "secret" room, its the same old crap you read on twitter. All the people over there are real smart, when it comes to nasty words.

  27. Regarding the above post about NanaNC not being a member because Princess knows she can't be trusted, but awwwww come to think of it "birds of a feather" yada yada. So I do believe they are both on the same moral leval and that means they flock together out of stirring up bull and I give it to NanaNC you had me fooled but I took your word and actions with blind eyes and now know you are one of the biggest hypocrites that I have seen on Pal Talk. So just "carry on" with your evil, mean, and foul ways and then go to church and act like a upstanding believer. But one thing for sure Princess knows who she is dealing with when I was fooled by you NanaNC and really thought you cared. Now I am not blinded. Thank you for that.
    I also need to add that unlike NanaNC at least with Crazy Cajun (aka CC) she never used religion as a way to fool people, she is just what she showed to all and that I can deal with better then any sweet talking fake and being a hypocrite.
    aka Lovecanines

  28. Actually, Murt does have people that are STILL in her forum and providing him information. lol She is clueless.

  29. It is quite apparent that she still does not know that people still in her forum are moles who she thinks are true friends. She may have cleaned house of little dust bunnies but the big mole(s)really is going to be her biggest surprise.

  30. Her biggest suprise yet, indeed :)

  31. I wonder if anyone heard the following quote: Keep your friends close but your enemies closer
    I am sure when all is said and done there may be surprises all the way around.

  32. FYI, just because I have ovaries, fallopian tubes and an uterus does NOT mean that I am a mother, grandmother or great-grandmother. Am I not allowed to be offended without having given birth?

    I came upon this blog by accident. I was using Google, looking for a high school classmate concerning an up coming reunion and unfortunately misspelled a word and ended up here.

    I know none of the players listed, but if I can give some advice; you say you are a mother, KariSueBee and after reading your blog, I have to wonder why you don’t turn off your computer and go spend some time with your own children. Practice what you preach.

    Seriously, I am offended. The place is an insult to all those who have uterus, rather they have used it to give birth or not.

    Dana Kight
    GBHS - Class of 1990

  33. To Dana Kight

    Well sorry you were offended, but you shouldn't be because obviously I was not talking about you since you do not KNOW any of the players listed, nor are you any of the players listed. Whenever I refer to mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers being among those associated with the individuals for whom I speak about on my Blog, it is directed, of course, at those to whom I know to be just that. If you are not a mother, grandmother or great-grandmother NOR a part of this particular group of women who have taken delight over the past year to harass, bully and ruin chat time for quite allot of individuals, then I have to wonder why you feel offended and WHY after reading my Blog your only thoughts you came away with was in regard to my remarks directed at the mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers among this particular group of individuals. Why, especially since none of the women who my remarks are indeed directed at have even been offended - hmmmm.

    Then Dana, you want to go on to presume you know how much time it takes for me to actually put up my Blog Posts, plus you presume you know how much time I spend on the computer as opposed to how much time I already spend with my children. For your information Dana, virtually ALL of my adult life has been devoted solely to my 3 daughters -- this time I spend on the computer, if you do not mind, is MY time -- am I not allowed to have private time as a mother. Now, as a mother, your remarks are something that truly offends me and it should also offend ALL mothers, especially since your comment or 2 cents is being injected into a situation you absolutely know nothing about, nor do you obviously even fully understand it AFTER reading my Blog.

    You come here Dana as a complete stranger to both me and this situation and you only happened to stumble upon my Blog while doing Google searches yet you feel it your place to give me advice, and that being to basically TURN OFF MY COMPUTER - now why does that sound more logical to you for me to do, I wonder.

    Anyway, Dana good luck in looking for that high school classmate of yours concerning your up- coming reunion -- just be careful which keys your fingers hit and I think you can consider yourself pretty darn lucky your "misspelled" word brought you here to my Blog, because there are some really scary sites out there which one can stumble upon and truly get lost.

  34. I have to agree with you Kari. As a Mom that have been totally devoted to my children also, I too have been able to get on the computer to blog and still spend tons of quality time with my children when they were younger. I now have one at home and the other is a Sr. in high school.
    People seem to think blogging is a day long effort. I just started a blog but I do it in the evening instead of watching Television after my daughter is in bed or has gone out for the night. People assume that because we are the internet during the day we are not spending time with our children. I don't know about you, but my children are in school during the day. I have found time to do my housework, errands, exercise and chat on the computer during the time my daughter is in school. Like I said my blogging is usually done in the evening. Even when my children were younger and both at home, I still had time for my husband, children, and computer.
    After all, If there wasn't such a thing as the internet I probably would be spending my time when my children are in school watching soap operas or doing some kind of craft. But apparently that is alright for us to do as long as we are not on the computer!!!!
    At least, I can say that I know where my children are, and know that by being a stay at home Mom, that my children are not getting into any kind of trouble. Even when I did work I still was able to work, spend time with the family, and chat or blog on the computer after they went to bed at a reasonable hour.
    Isn't it amazing how many things a Mom can do if they really organize their time.
    Keep on Blogging Kari, your doing an excellent job exposing crime.

  35. Hey Kari try not talking to me when i'm not here. That comment up there that you are attributing to me wasn't me, feel free to use your stat counter to check on the ip, it wasn't me.
    I haven't been here in ages, i haven't been in chat.. I have more than enough of my real life shit goin on that i just don't have time for all this piddly ass drama.
    You would think that would have been obvious since i haven't been a party to whatever things are going on in the last few weeks.

  36. Hey CriminalInjustice, well glad you cleared that up and here I was even accusing you of being a party to all that PORN stuff that happened the other night in Murt's Tinychat room. Glad you finally have come to your senses and gotten away from that group of sick, lacking of respect for self and others, lying bunch of trouble makers. Well darn, kudos to you CriminalInjustice.

    Would you believe that sick demented group of women even had the audacity to TRY and impersonate Murt in his own Tinychat room while showing disgusting PORN on their cams. Plus they even TRIED to impersonate bethtwaytoo and was even sick enough to have the person impersonating bethtwaytoo even show PORN on her cam. Needless to say it was yet another failed attempt by them to ruin other people's reputations and damage their characters, BUT then that is usually what people like all of them with low self-esteem and loathing for themselves usually do to others they are jealous of, isn't it CriminalInjustice?

    Glad you do not have time for that piddly ass drama stuff anymore CriminalInjustice and thus haven't been a party to all that has been going on the last few weeks, especially since you have the awesome responsibility of being Mommy to your two young sons.

  37. The Tinychat exparament showed beyond a doubt that nothing, but nothing will stop the haters.

    NANANC made a big issue out of the fact I was writing about Princess in my "huge" blog that was causing her to have great concerns.

    She decided to be "Donewithmutt" in a rather dramatic fashion and ran off into the Princess camp and joined right in.

    After a bit of tit for tate between me and that group,they went into a self-imposed exile and "left me alone" so to speak. No more twitters and a blockade of my "BIG" blog.

    I to decided on a self-imposed exile of sorts and went silent as well, eventually closing my Paltalk room.

    I then came across the idea of a litle test. I opened up a Tinychat room and left ALL the security protocols OFF.

    Sure enough, like flies on s**t, along come the haters full bore. It was like the old Ustream days of child porn, spamming, impersonating and so on.

    Quite interesting that all of this trashing of the test room comes on the heels of Princess and some other members of this little troop having visited some x rated rooms on Paltalk and elsewhere.

    Some of those "visitors" consisted of bible thumping grandmothers which is odd in it'self.

    To sum up here, it was NANANC and others in this nifty little group who consistantly called me a liar, chided me for a PRIVATE PM session that was clearly tampered with,and accused me of CREATING all the drama.

    The simple act of opening a PRIVATE tinychat that few people knew about and having it instantly trashed proves beyond any shadow of a doubt who the TRUE LIARS ARE.

    Now that my little exparament is over, I now reopen my room and go forward.


  38. You were tweeting the links to your your tiny chats. Anyone from Twitter could have gone in your room to screw with you. You can't prove it's "your haters" when you Tweet the links to the rooms your are in. It's not like you have the market cornered on trolls.

  39. You can pretty much assume it is "the haters" when these "people" sign in under the same name as some of those from Kari or Murts "group".

  40. Amazing! I have not been around for awhile and this crap is STILL going on? When are these immature women grow the hell up? Seriously...

    What has been said about MommiesDollies1 does not surprise me at all. When I had contact with her she did nothing but back stab me. She is a evil person. Spoiled rotten and puts on this front about being so ill all the time. Sorry but I seen her on her other alias names when on Mommies name she claimed she was ill. She is nothing but a liar and a indecent person. She claims to me "Mommy" of the year and trust me she is not.

    I recall when hubby was coming to her rescue on Paltalk. HAHA! That was hilarious. Dumbasses.

    As far as NanaNC that is a two timing control freak. NO one should trust that POS.

    PrincessBH hmmm see her twits are all gone. waaaaawaaaa. Poor baby. She is disgusting and to say she is a woman is disgraceful to the females out there. She is a foul mouthed POS shit too. And her side kick Criminal Injustice aka Bekki Sowerby is twice as bad. Don't believe a word "Crim" wrote up there about not being around.. she is always around.

    Did Crim get a divorce? Thats the "rumor" on the twitter pages.

    Great blog.. and post. I will be keeping up to date for sure.

    Thanks Kari!!

  41. Hopefully soon Twitter will be deleting Princess, Zanlaughsyt, Michell McMee and a couple of thers acconts. If I was them I would be very caefull about what I post on the internet from now on.

  42. Again whatever is going on in twitter i'm not really aware of it so of there is a rumor i got a divorce thats extremely false, i'm no where near a divorce and not in need of one i'm quite happily married in fact.

    And no, i am not always around, i am rarel ever around. Try looking at my twitter once i think i've logged 5 tweets in the last like 3 weeks? It has nothing to do with my need to get away from anyone it's as simple as i stated it above i really just don't have the time to play around! If you see my name logged into paltalk, odds are it is set to away or DND, i rarely talk.
    And yes Kari you are right, that is actually what is taking up most of my time is the kids and school which i don't mind, that's my job as a mom and a student so i just suck it up. With swine flu all over my sons school has been closing off and on, and some of you know about my sons predicament which is quite taxing all by itself trying to deal with a school system that is ill equipped to deal with special needs children. Ok so saying ill equipped is me just being timid, they are idiots and ignoring all of the children with disabilities... It's sickening if you ask me.

    Kudos to you if you try to find me involved in anything at this point it's gonna be a long road trying to find that. I think most know me well enough to know that when i am involved? I'm the first one to own it. And usually when i decide to play around i go for more catastrophe than whats been happening lately. What's the point of stirring the pot if it doesn't boil over and make a mess right?
