Tuesday, October 20, 2009


1. Princess I LOVE Minnesota - that's why, LMBO.

2. Patty, now you know Mommies said last night to keep that Announcement thing under wraps, that is why I did not mention that BUT I could if you like -- ok here is a hint, Mommies announcement had something to do with a 5 part thingy about thingy coming out on the Orlando Sentinel -- AND that is ALL I am allowed to say on that subject right now, per Mommies ORDERS. ROTFLMFBOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Sorry, don't even have the time to fix this underline problem -- oh well!!!

Not quite sure why, but it seems Mommiesdollies1 just will NOT rest until I make mention of the following names of her fellow chatters who were at Neutral Ground on Sunday night 18th October 2009, so this is for you Mommiesdollies1:-
Mysterymuse (oh aka Zan - the septic tank mouth)
Maybe I will find out during the course of the day or tomorrow, just where it was in my previous Blog Post that Mommiesdollies1 would have liked to have seen me mention the above names specifically.
This is just CRAZY!
Oh and speaking of CrazyCajun - anyone contemplating inviting her over for dinner anytime in the future, please be forewarned - she CANNOT even stand the smell of CURRY, it burns the sh** out of her nose BUT she sure as heck does LOVE that Wiener Schnitzel. FYI CrazyCajun, you were correct in calling it "Wiener Schnitzel" - apparently (according to Google) it has always been referred to as that and has always consisted of VEAL (poor NanaNC doesn't care for Veal because that comes from baby cows) and NOT "Viener Schnitzel" as Deb corrected you on Sunday.
Oh and I would be remiss if I ended this post without some words of advice for tinker: Stay AWAY from those dang chocolate chip cookies, just because you put walnuts in them does NOT make them healthy! Dang woman, how many batches DID you make on Sunday, but more importantly - how many COOKIES are left today -- 1 1/2 days later? HOLY RIP!!!!!
P.S. NanaNC, so now I am given to understand that YOU have actually been working for Beaconhell since as far back as December 2008. What a FAKE and a FRAUD and a CON-WOMAN you are - and quite the actress too I might add. NanaNC wasn't it somewhere around February/or early March 2009 a number of us had that private meeting with you to express our FEELINGS about your Crazy friend? Hmmmmm.