CriminalInjustice aka Bekki Sowerby really got me thinking with all her recent comments, maybe she is being picked on unfairly by me in my effort to EXPOSE the internet bullies/ harassers/ trouble makers associated with PrincessBH, NanaNC and all their other cohorts, yes even YOU AngelinFl. I have been neglecting to mention AngelinFl but that's only because she is such a coward and is to skeeered to come on PalTalk under that name (shhhhhh, don't tell anyone but she uses a different name on PalTalk in order to lurk, she sure is skeeered).
Anyway back to Bekki Sowerby aka CriminalInjustice. OK so I went back and read some of the IMs CriminalInjustice sent to me Tuesday 29th September 2009 @ about 8:00 pm, that's the night in Murt's chat room when that FAKE ProfilerPat was in his room, and then I beamed the FAKE ProfilerPat into the Dew Drop Inn, remember that FAKE ProfilerPat? Now after refreshing my memory on the content of the above IMs from Bekki Sowerby that night it is more than obvious to me that she does not EVER want me to really stop dragging her into what is going on NOW simply for the mere fact that she has not done the right thing that decent people do when they want to make amends and fix the horrible WRONG they've done against another person. Instead, what we see out of Bekki Sowerby aka CriminalInjustice is a hell of a lot of BACK PEDDLING to try to distance herself from her fellow low life disgusting cyberfriends before the shit really hits the fan. What a chicken shit coward you must look like to PrincessBH, NanaNC, tinker_bell_1967, Feistyoldbroad, SweetPea14, midnite01, heybuddy_2, PATTY100 etc. etc. because you sure look that way to us at the INN. Oh and Bekki, are you forgetting that it WAS YOU who sent all those chat screens to Brad Conway and Lawson Lamar? Hows come PrincessBH claims it was YOU and yet you still try to deny it - hmmmmm - I thought whatever PrincessBH says or does is based on pure FACTS. Oh and peek-a-boo to all of YOU - I do still see you, what.....YOU think iPeep is exclusively for you creeps to use. Hahahahahahahaha. Oh, and Hargarmoopy, I didn't have near as much problems as you had trying to get that doowicky to download - hmmmm.
AND I gotta agree 100% with you Murt -- I DO NOT FORGIVE nor FORGET so easily -- especially since I have NOT received a written apology for all the nasty crap and damage done by YOU Bekki Sowerby and all your other cohorts in your scheme to ruin Murt and his Chat Rooms and by extension ALL of US real and sincere people who ever followed Murt and enjoyed what he had to offer.
OMG Kari, it's hard to believe that criminal is a mother. Strange that none of the haters seem to know how to express themselves except by using vile language. Wonder if she talks like that in front of her kids. Not hard to figure out who her friends are. I have one word for her, "pathetic".
ReplyDeleteHey Kari, it wasn't me that sent shit to Brad Conway. Try looking in some other directions. And this is weak even for you Kari. Pms from september?
ReplyDeleteWhat's the matter Kari, lonely that most of us gave up?
Keep trying to pick a fight with me Kari but it's a waste of time. And no i don't look like a coward i look like someone who has better shit to do with her time.
Well i know the history of CriminalInjustice aka Bekki Sowerby. She can write horrible awful things to you. Trust me i have all her writings as well that she wrote to me. she is very dark inside. And I feel sorry for her patients. She is not suppose to be in the nursing field if this is how cold her heart is. And it is not based just on what you posted. Many have been affected by her meanness. My God she talks to people so harshly and imagine what she is going to be like as a NURSE? I wouldnt want her to be my patient.
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine her yelling at someone ill or giving birth calling them cunts or trailer trash? Seriously she is wicked. I think that all the PMs and emails need to be sent to whatever hospital she is working at. I have hundreds of screenies if you need them.
Ummm.. Crim... September was just a couple of months ago. You act like it was years ago. You still have a foul mouth. Is that how you talk to your kids? You are disgusting in my book. This is the way you have been since people met you. HORRIFIC! Why don't you find God. It would do you wonders!
ReplyDeleteI can't get over how these people who are supposes to be grown women talk! They sound like a bunch of ignorant hillbillies to me.
ReplyDeleteAnd Bekki, I hate to say this but there is no way anyone would hire YOU to be a NURSE. LMAO!! You are nothing but a joke and a pawn. I can't wait until Princess and gang turn on you.!!!
I think poor Bekki is a want to be someone decent but she just can't walk the walk . You can take trash out of the trash can ,but it's still trash.
ReplyDeleteWell, I think we should gather together all of the screen shots, including picture, and send off to the appropriate people.
ReplyDeleteFunny how in September she was saying "I haven't been involved in this shit in months" LMAO wow. just wow. Im so glad you started this blog kari. You don't know me, nor do I know you but you have balls girl! Thanks for standing up for so many who didnt have the time to mess with these leeches of women. She is a mother? a nurse? WOW. Im speechless.