Again, here is the contents of SheWolfRocks' comment in question:
[SheWolfRocks has left a new comment on your post " "HELP ME!" said the mole as it gasped its last ...":
"You sluething SUCKS... Haven't got the time right now.... But look again dummy because my child isn't 14.. I had my first child when i was 19 I am now 44.. Do the math.. and Mine can't get knocked up.. Well if ur being politically correct I guess if something like that happened they'd be knocked up too...lmao"
Posted by SheWolfRocks to KariSueBee at Tuesday, February 02, 2010 4:43:00 PM]
Of course when I read this I said to myself WTH, this person is obviously getting her scripts confused with one of her fellow lying low life BH cohorts because I remembered from back in December, 2009 (only 57 days ago in fact) she, SheWolfRocks, left the following comment on my Blog Post "COMING SOON" which was posted by me on Tuesday, November 17, 2009:
[SheWolfRocks said...
I have never seen a bunch of adults act so juvenile. We hate Princess and what her and her friends have done blah blah blah, so we'll do the same thing. She is a liar, rude, mean,and stalker so we are justified in doing the same thing. If everyone wouldn't have been searching for friends and a life on the net to begin with none of this would have happened. My 14 year old knows better than u adults not to give out all the personal info that you bunch have! Murt is nothing but a liar ( I've seen that with my own eyes) and the lot of you aren't much better. NONE of you have done anything worthy enough to even mention Caylees name. why don't you all try and better yourselves rather than find your enjoyment in the dirt you can find in others? All jumping for joy when 1 more little speck of dirt is found, all so anxious to read it. How pathetic can ones life be? Wow... I'm sure you all make your children proud..."
Tuesday, December 08, 2009 12:23:00 AM]
SO my reply to SheWolfRocks is: How are you going to explain your way out of this one? AND PLEASE save that lying dribble that seeps out of both sides of your mouth for your BFFs at - they all appreciate each other for the LIARS you all are and are very welcoming of that crap on ALL of their sites.
OH and SheWolfRocks just so you know, if you do post a reply comment to this here, IT DEFINITELY IS going to be the very last comment of yours to be posted here using that name AND if I have the slightest gut feeling that any other comments received by me under ANONYMOUS is actually coming from YOU in sheep's clothing, the same will not be posted either. SO make your last comment here a good one SheWolfRocks -- choose your words wisely and be sincere for once in your life - if you even know how to be sincere that is.
Yes I agree with you Anonymous who left your comment on that Blog Post at 12:18:00 PM today, SheWolfRock does reek of Rebecca Sue Sowerby big time -- who has also forgotten she has two (2) young children in her house to care for, right Crim?