MOMMIESDOLLIES1 instructing NANANC on how Zillow.com works
in order to search the internet for the whereabouts of people in
I had to go throw up after I listened to the last tape . What a bunch of sorry, bored out of there minds women.They have lost touch with reality, for real .Getting their jollies into looking where Murts father is buried ,come on ,folks ,get a grip .You are making complete fools out of yourselves!someone needs to contact mommies husband and let him hear how insane his wife is ,for the sake of their children. Man ,I have heard it all now. Captain Blue ,God what a laugh.
ReplyDeleteAnyone could have found out all this info easily ,the question is why would anyone want to ,unless they were crazy as hell!!
That is just wrong on so many levels. It makes me sick to know these are moms,grandmas..grown women! And to hear their voices again just made my ears hurt!!..Thanks Kari for the information and for once again proving how insane they really are.
ReplyDeleteOMFG I was sickened to hear these tapes. These are moms and grandma's? Law enforcement definitely needs to be involved here on ALL levels. What's next? Ugh, the ugliness of it all.
ReplyDeleteLMAO!!! Those bored women can barely speak English. Sound like a bunch of uneducated hillbillies. OH Guess What Ladies, Google Maps are not up to date!!!! Why don't you grow up and go back and get your HS diploma.
ReplyDeleteThanks Kari for putting that up. Hope you have more.
Why in the world would they care to where Murt's father is buried. Do they want to dig him up? They are sick and lowclass.
ReplyDeleteman ,I think these idiots are dangerous ,all except cc and dis ,they are just plain ass ignorant.Laughed my rear off listening to last tape lol
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell will finding out where Murts father is buried achieve? It has to be all the meds they are on ,legal and not legal (hey cc?)maybe they are passing the med bottles around lol what a bunch of idiots!
And they accuse me of taking pain Meds. I think they were talking more about themselves being addicted to them. I can't believe how low these women have gone in order to seek revenge on whatever their psycho minds have thought Murt has done to them. I don't know about anyone else but that is considered stalking or bullying to me.
ReplyDeleteI bet if you looked into one of those women's parent's deaths they would be screaming how you are stalking them.
Interesting night:
ReplyDeleteFirst NANA called and denied that the Gas station profile is not hers. Just happens to be a woman with the same name in the same city. She did say that she is an rn which SOMEONE with the same name does have a license.
I told her to send me a rebuttal letter and I would post it unedited. I am still waiting. Probably get it tomorrow.
She did deny that she is interested in my family history and denied she said anything about going to see or contacting my brother.
She gave her reason for going after me as me writing about Princess and the others after I told her I was going to change the format of the blog. I told her that I was not going to play dead for Princess when she posts crap like the PM'S on line and refuses to tell law enforcement the true story behind them.
Last but not least, things got hot and heavy in my blog. I had over 200 published comments and the same number of unpublished comments all since earlier this evening.
This is the busiest I have ever seen my blog.
Just wanted to rant and brag ladies. See ya tomorrow sometime..
Stay Tuned
This is disgusting. Seriously. Mommies, aka Lisa Sack needs to get a fricken job and quit her BS. Man that idiots voice alone makes me ill. How the hell can her hubby listen to it? Maybe he drinks.
ReplyDeleteThis is just a prime example of how low class these dumbasses are.
Man it never stops. And what they just found out about google or zillow? LMAO! Okayyyyy!!
Hey Captain Blue, you been drinkin that ol moonshine you been brewin in the hills of Kentucky? LMAO!
ReplyDeleteKari, I think I probably had just voluntarily left Murt's room on Paltalk when you got there. I got a 24 hour ban from NANANC at the time for daring to speak back to her, but I just could not take to that control freak no matter how hard I tried and couldn't go back there. I'm not surprised about NANANC turning on Murt when he wouldn't do what she wanted because I recognized her for the control freak she was the very first day she got her hands on the mic. MOMMIES on the other hand has surprised me, especially her teaming back up with NANANC and Tink. Don't ask me why she surprised me because I didn't know her or anyone else in Murt's room, but she just didn't strike me in the same way NANANC and Tink did. NANANC with her control issues and Tink purring like a sex kitten as she lounged on her couch before her camera. LOL!!
ReplyDeleteAfter reading through much of your blog tonight, Kari, all I can say is Wow!!! Go Girl!!! I can't believe how something that started out so wonderful and successful ended up this way. It seems Murt's umimagined and astounding success at streaming live drew the hordes of hell after him. The filth that has been spewed at him and his supporters is nothing short of demonic....as far as I'm concerned.
I read BH's site near daily when they mercilessly attacked Murt because I really didn't know Murt either and I had mailed checks to him twice. I wanted to get all sides of the story to get all the facts and I'm saddened to say what I witnessed done to Murt was downright evil. It was all about jealousy and revenge and nothing to do with protecting children as they claimed.
God bless you for taking the righteous stand you have for Murt. You're doing great!!! It's wonderful you have a running record of all this, too.
~ Pep610