Alex, I know I am going to kick myself in the BUTT for offering you this piece of advice but because of your mistaken habit of giving me credit for ALL that is bad in your life lately (which just may cost you more than just a little pain in the BUTT in the END), here goes:
1. I would strongly recommend that you contact your local Law Enforcement Agency and lodge an official complaint with them with respect to any THREAT you have received from ANYONE. Provide LE with the evidence of the said THREATENING messages you claim to have received from me Karen Sue Lim via YouTube, and let them handle it from there. I am sure you know that YouTube can be ordered by the Courts to produce the necessary information etc. of anyone having a YouTube account, which is what one needs in order to post messages, right? Have you at least lodged an official complaint with YouTube to alert them to the fact that you have received THREATENING messages via their service. Start there and let YouTube know how much you are in fear because of those THREATENING messages you have received from ME. Of course LE's first question to you would be: Do you know of anyONE who would be sending threatening messages to you? AND unfortunately for you Alex, when you answer: "Yes, there are about 500+ people who would do this to me". Then can you figure out what LE's next question to you will be Alex. I can, it will be a simple one word question Alex, and that being: 'WHY?'. Then what will your answer be to LE Alex?
2. You need to wake up Alex, I by no means am the only one on this here Internet who has a beef with you - do you really think I am alone in my loathing of you for all that you have done the past few years on this here Internet? GET REAL! I think you would be surprised Alex, just how many people there are "out there" who have been your VICTIM the last few years that have been pushed to the vigilante style of justice to get you to STOP what you have done and continue to do to INNOCENT people. Rumor once had it that YOU had over 200 members on your Blog - just curious Alex, why is there never more than the same old 10/12 nick names in any room on PalTalk following you to show their support in all of the disgusting crap you do on a daily basis to cause trouble for others in so many ways???? What happened to your other 187+- faithful followers Alex?
Alex, maybe YOU need to STOP doing what you do on the Internet to INNOCENT people, which is precisely what the majority of the people who were following Murt in his chat room were when you and your disgusting cohorts on a daily basis invaded his room and ruined their Internet Chat Room experience. I personally sat day in and day out in Murt's chat room for approximately 5 months putting up with you and your cohorts' disgusting trouble making ways - until I could take no more. If, in your opinion, I am a MONSTER now, guess who is to blame for that. YOU, Alex, no doubt have created many "MONSTERS" via this here Internet over the last few years. Maybe you need to take the advice of your BFF Rebecca Sue Sowerby and turn the dang computer off and get to doing something more with your life, it is as easy as that - so says Rebecca Sue Sowerby. What happened to all that determination and dedication and all those hours and hours of sleuthing both on and off the Internet a couple years back to discover the true identity of Princess Blue? All that time and effort now seems to have been just a huge waste. Makes me very suspicious about your motives and your genuineness behind your intentions to HELP bring Princess Blue home, as well as your involvement in missing/ kidnapped/murdered children's cases.
It boggles my mind the audacity you have Alex, in allowing yourself to think that, with all the BAD that you have done and do to so many people on so many levels on this here Internet, that you have only one (1) enemy in me. There is absolutely NO doubt in my mind that all that you have done on this here Internet for the past few years while under the guise of trying to solve cases involving missing/murdered/ unidentified children and adults was and is all FAKE you are a FRAUD and you must be EXPOSED. How can there be ANY doubt in any ones mind about you, when you compare what you initially involved yourself with on this here Internet to what you have been involved with the last year or two while pursuing your agenda in ruining Murt and others. Any wrong YOU ever put "out there" about Murt or me will always be over shadowed by ALL the wrong YOU and your cohorts have done to INNOCENT people over and over and over again the past few years.
There is a huge difference in what I am trying to do here and what you have and are doing Alex. I am trying to EXPOSE you as the TRUE person that you are. You are not an INNOCENT nor am I trying to ruin your good reputation and good character - YOU DID THAT A LONG TIME AGO ALEX. I have the TRUTH on my side, while all you have are LIES, FALSE ALLEGATIONS, INNUENDOS, CONJURED UP BULL CRAP and like minded women with very low self esteem and NO self respect - with absolutely no substance, fact or truth at all. Can you comprehend the difference between what I am TRYING to stand for and what you have stood for and DO stand for Alex?
NOW there is my advice to you Alex, take it or leave it. Threats against a persons life need to be taken very, very seriously and in view of the fact that you have written proof of such threats by way of messages sent to you by ME on Youtube, IMO you have a very very strong case against me -- REPORT IT WITHOUT FURTHER DELAY!
P.S. TO SheWolfRocks: Bet you are going to claim that you never ever heard of PrincessBH's Blog Site called You Make My Butt Hurt. LMBOOOOO at SheWolfRocks -- where ya been all this time girl? Oh don't bother to answer that question in a comment on my Blog because I am telling you right now, my quota for wasted space has been reached. Try over at For Blog Sake OR The Truth About Karisuebee OR -- they are all about WASTE over at those two (2) sites! PLUS that way SheWolfRocks, ALL that "traffic and increase in numbers" that your comments generate can be theirs to gloat about.