Seems like for whatever reason the individual who hosts the Beaconhell site has a bone to pick with Murt and all throughout my experience in Murt’s chat we, the loyal Murt chatters, were subjected to non-stop childish, psychotic behavior by the Host and those small handful of followers of that site. “The haters” is what Murt and us call them – and it fits each and every single one of “them” to a T - IMO.
Here is my experience with the Host of Beaconhell, after I had posted a reply comment to one of the posters on that site. Obviously what was contained in my comment must not have set very well with the Cult Leader, nor the individual my comment was in reply to, angelinfl, nor the followers. Oh dear, I make it sound like Beaconhell is a Cult, don’t I – well that is what is so OBVIOUS after only a couple minutes visiting that site!!!
Ok, so a little time goes by and then it is brought to my attention that the Host of Beaconhell has posted something on the site and is giving ALL the credit to me for having provided it. Well needless to say, I wanted to find out what it was I had provided to Beaconhell WHILE SLEEP WALKING so I went and had a peek. Under a Blog Post titled TARDATION posted by Princess on April 17th, 2009, I came upon a comment posted by Princess (DUH) at 11:26 pm which said – “This just in. Thanks, kari!”. It was, I believe, what is called a Screen Shot containing 62 lines of text taken from Murt’s Chat room on PalTalk showing what was being chatted about by Murt, flamingos3, luv4caylee, Pat-KY, roxie_36, stillautumn and me. Seven (7) of us supposedly in the chat at the time chatting, though it was OBVIOUS from what I posted that I was not joining in the conversation at all or trying to “pick Murt’s mouth”. In fact, if my memory serves me correctly (and just ask my hubby what kind of memory I have – I don’t FORGET a thing of importance) what I had posted in chat at that time was a one line comment to Murt regarding his typing skills compared to mine PLUS at that time with all that had happened and was happening in Murt’s chat room, I had ceased chatting with anyone in the room for quite a while, for OBVIOUS reasons. Well, we can just ask the Host of Beaconhell to confirm this fact by producing the content of Murt’s chat for the remainder of that day which I figure was April 17th, 2009 just going by how princess(DUH) started the comment off when the Screen Shot was posted, i.e. “This just in” and it was posted at 11:26 pm on the said evening. As a matter of fact, we can ask Princess(DUH) to provide us with the entire room sessions from Murt’s chat to date – I am sure PrincessBH has them ALL on file!
Well so this Princess(DUH) person was trying to make it look like I, KariSueBee, was one of the Beaconhell “spies” sitting over in Murt’s Chat room day in and day out, you know one of those FAKE chatters a/k/a one of the HATERS from the Beaconhell Cult, in the hopes that I would be BANNED from Murt’s Chat room. How OBVIOUS is that – geesh, but I did get a good laugh, in fact I was ROTFFLMBO (note “FF” stands for “freaking floor”). (The reason why they would want me, little ole me to be BANNED from Murt’s chat requires another Topic altogether and does involve a few of the "FAKE" MURT CHATTERS a/k/a BEACONHELL HATERS sitting in Murt’s Chat room).
Ok, so this is what I figured out after looking at the Screen Shot taken from Murt’s Chat that day:-
1. There were ONLY Seven (7) people OBVIOUSLY in Murt’s Chat room at the time of the Screen Shot, I’ll name them again: Murt, flamingos3, luv4caylee, Pat-KY, roxie_36, stillautumn and ME.
2. Ok, so if I did not send this Princess(DUH) at Beaconhell the Screen Shot, and Murt would not, then that leaves only 5 others as named above – hmmmmmmmmm. See which direction this makes my mind head – yep, you got it, it means that 1 or more of the remaining 5 people who were in Murt’s chat at that time MUST have been the culprit – in other words, that individual(s) is one of those FAKE people who Princess(DUH) claims is stationed in Murt’s chat room for the sole purpose of being a FAKE and a FRAUD all the while befriending other Murt chatters, asking questions, chit chatting, expressing concern for those chatters they well know are the “true” Murt chatters, etc. etc. etc. while they wait for some juicy tidbit to come their way to take back to their Cult Leader. I can only BELIEVE what the facts so OBVIOUSLY prove, so let the chips fall where they may!!
3. Ok, so after being accused of doing something by this Princess(DUH) on the Beaconhell Blog that I had absolutely no idea about, it was obvious to ME that Princess(DUH) and all of the Beaconhell Cult followers are nothing but HATERS, bashers, internet terrorist (oh yea that is what I said!), stalkers, trouble makers and just plain unhappy, pathetic, jealous, lost souls (hmmmm, lost souls that sounds very familiar to me- wonder why??).
4. Ok, so now I know that they have done this to me (for whatever reason, apparently only because I voiced my opinion at different places on this here internet, particularly on Beaconhell IN SUPPORT of Murt), obviously it is NOT to far fetched to realize and believe that this is exactly what the BEACONHELL HATERS are doing to Murt, and have been doing relentlessly for the past 8 months that I have been witness to!
Ok now back to the story. So when it had been brought to my attention by a fellow chatter from Murt’s chat room that my nick name (well 1/3 of my nick name to be precise) was seen over on Beaconhell Site and that I should go and check it out, I did, and that is what it was. Princess(DUH) was thanking “kari” (ME) for providing Beaconhell with a screen shot of Murt’s chat. So OBVIOUSLY I was perplexed as to what was going on so my next move was to make contact with Princess(DUH) via an IM on PalTalk, which I did because that is just the way I am (well, it IS my reputation we talking about, isn’t it). The contents of my IM to Princess(DUH) is as follows:-
KariSueBee: Hi this is Kari, I presume it is me you are thanking on your Hell site. Oh by the way, thanks for the proof that YOU and all those posting at your HELL hole are nothing but liars, hypocrites and fakes BUT then I already knew that. Wonder if you know that the joke is really on YOU and all of your fake chatters sitting in Murt's chat room day in and day out PRETENDING to be someone who they are not. My hope and prayer for all of them is that perhaps if they sit in Murt's chat room long enough they will be delivered from evil -- and that would be YOU. To be honest (wished you knew what that meant) the JOKE is really on YOU and all your transparent little robots and I am ROTFLMBO. Bet it is hard living with yourself day in and day out, that's gotta be rough, I only HOPE that you have not procreated and therefore some beautiful little child(ren) has to be subjected to YOU on a daily basis as well. Well for whatever it was you were thanking me for, I just wanted to tell you yvw.
My notes indicate that I sent that IM to PrincessBH on Sunday April 26th, 2009, exact time unknown.
Not knowing if Princess(DUH) received that IM of mine, I sent a follow-up, as follows:-
PrincessBH is now offline.
Messages will be delivered when they sign on to Paltalk.
KariSueBee: Geesh haven't heard from ya to say you got my IM, sure hope you did cuz I wanted to make sure you knew I had manners by saying "you're very welcome" for whatever it really was you were thanking me for on your Beacon Hell blog. I was the Kari you were referring to, wasn't I??? TaTa. And I beg to differ with some of the comments on your blog, I see a very, very strong resemblence in that 1st picture on Murt's Blog and You, taking into consideration ALL the body work ya had done, of course. LMFAO
My notes indicate that I sent my follow-up IM on Wednesday April 29th, 2009 around 10:30 am.
Ok, so more than a month passed, geesh I had forgotten all about these two (2) IMs I had sent PrincessBH way back in April (remember here, I stated above that I don’t forget a thing of IMPORTANCE), so you can imagine my total confusion when I sat down at my computer early evening on Sunday June 7th, 2009 and saw the following IM from PrincessBH (WARNING: THE CONTENTS OF THE FOLLOWING IM FROM PRINCESSBH IS HORRIBLE AND WILL DISGUST AND ANGER YOU BUT IT WILL CONFIRM THE TYPE OF INDIVIDUAL PRINCESSBH IS - SO FOR YOU WHO ALREADY KNOW THE TYPE OF PERSON PRINCESSBH IS, IT WILL NOT SURPRISE YOU ONE BIT – BUT FOR OTHERS, PROCEED HAVING BEEN FOREWARNED):
PrincessBH: Dear kari - no I have never shot babies out of my twat...pristine condition unlike your saggy, roast beef looking cunt. Ohhh ugly word. hee hee As for my hell, I rather enjoy it. PS Jesus saves. I saw him shopping at Walmart. Actually the joke is on all of you loser cunts who can't get any real dick and have to rely on dirty murty to rub your e-clit. Have a great day. oh, and lick my taint.
PrincessBH came online at 2:15 PM
PrincessBH is now offline.
Messages will be delivered when they sign on to Paltalk.
WAIT let me show you a shot of the IM from PrincessBH (three (3) shots of the IM I took with my digital camera from off my computer monitor: two (2) showing complete content of PrincessBH’s IM and one (1) a close up of the pic PrincessBH exhibits on the PalTalk IM screen):
Well needless to say it angered me beyond belief that this PrincessBH would send such filthiness in an IM to someone who no facts are known about who uses the computer at the receiving end of that IM message. Well my 8 year old daughter and 11 year old niece were on the computer at the time this filth arrived!! You see whenever ANYONE does ANYTHING to endanger or tarnish the innocence of a beautiful innocent child(ren), whether it be physically, mentally or psychologically IT PISSES ME OFF BIG TIME, and when it specifically happens to one of my own children or blood relative, IT PISSES ME OFF EVEN WORSE!!!!!
So then, later that evening (Sunday June 7th, 2009) I go into my chat room at PalTalk already with smoke coming out my ears, (well not really MY chat room but my name is on the door) and almost right off the bat I am asked about some video I supposedly put together regarding floridamom and the recent George & Cindy Anthony situation. Well again wanting to know how much more I was capable of doing while SLEEP WALKING, I went in search of this video. First stop Beaconhell (of course it would be the first stop, this Site is where all the feces comes from these days on the internet). Bingo, there again in the comments section under the latest Blog posted by princess on June 4th, 2009, towards the end a comment by MorningGlory on June 7th, 2009 at 3:13 pm (note here, approximately 1 hour AFTER that disgusting IM from PrincessBH was sent to me). MorningGlory says: “Everyone is making videos. Heres mine lol.” (MorningGlory provides a link to where HER video can be seen on the internet). Then Princess (DUH) posts a comment at 5:18 pm right under MorningGlory’s in which Princess (DUH) inserts the video that MorningGlory previously provided the link to with Princess (DUH) saying: “LMMFAO”! “Did you see the other one?”. So then MorningGlory responds to Princess (DUH) at 5:19 pm and says: “Which one.. that one is the one i made. lol.. I saw Karisuebee’s as well . that was good too"
So then, later that evening (Sunday June 7th, 2009) I go into my chat room at PalTalk already with smoke coming out my ears, (well not really MY chat room but my name is on the door) and almost right off the bat I am asked about some video I supposedly put together regarding floridamom and the recent George & Cindy Anthony situation. Well again wanting to know how much more I was capable of doing while SLEEP WALKING, I went in search of this video. First stop Beaconhell (of course it would be the first stop, this Site is where all the feces comes from these days on the internet). Bingo, there again in the comments section under the latest Blog posted by princess on June 4th, 2009, towards the end a comment by MorningGlory on June 7th, 2009 at 3:13 pm (note here, approximately 1 hour AFTER that disgusting IM from PrincessBH was sent to me). MorningGlory says: “Everyone is making videos. Heres mine lol.” (MorningGlory provides a link to where HER video can be seen on the internet). Then Princess (DUH) posts a comment at 5:18 pm right under MorningGlory’s in which Princess (DUH) inserts the video that MorningGlory previously provided the link to with Princess (DUH) saying: “LMMFAO”! “Did you see the other one?”. So then MorningGlory responds to Princess (DUH) at 5:19 pm and says: “Which one.. that one is the one i made. lol.. I saw Karisuebee’s as well . that was good too"
So this is for YOU PRINCESSBH (DUH) and I don’t give a rats behind how it is you get this message, there is NOT much you really know about me, the best has been kept to myself but little by little I am going to share with you who I really am. You, Cult Leader PrincessBH, and your cult followers do not scare, intimidate, or worry me one bit – I do not RUN so if you think this will go on for 2-3 years like it has with Murt – you will be a fool to believe that, cuz it definitely will not. You see Princess(DUH) the first thing I want you to know about me is that I fight back hard when it comes to defending my name/character/reputation and definitely my children and family members AND you have crossed the line with that filthy IM coming on my computer while my daughter and niece where sitting right there in front of it – I will NOT forget what you DID because ya see, that is something of HUGE importance to me! It is time that you low lifes over at Beaconhell and all those other fake little Blog Sites you all put up on the internet, get a taste of your own medicine – and I hope it makes YOU ALL puke your guts out -- NOW OPEN WIDE!!!
Just for the record, I am NOT ashamed of or have regrets for the contents of anything that I have ever posted on the Internet – nothing can come back to bite me!!! I definitely HAVE NEVER and WILL NEVER have to apologize to anyone or any group of people for the content of anything I have ever or will ever post on the Internet, it has NEVER and will NEVER contain such downright degrading and despicable words/thoughts/opinions as was written in that IM to me on Sunday June 7th, 2009 by PrincessBH but then again, that is the norm of what can be read over on the Beaconhell Site. Anything I have posted on the Internet anywhere, I have absolutely no problem showing to any of my children, my husband, my dear Mother, my siblings, my former Employers, any FUTURE employers, my close friends, any Pastor/Reverend/Father/Elder or the like of any religious organization, the President, the Principal and/or any Teachers at the schools where my children attend, or to the parents of ANY friends of any of my children, or to any parent on the PTA, or to any JUDGE sitting on the bench in ANY Court of Law anywhere. Can YOU Princess(DUH) and ANY of the people posting those disgusting comments on Beaconhell Site say that, especially the ones who are mommies -AND afterwards still be able to hold your heads up high???? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!
And before I forget (oh that’s right I don’t forget), can someone please explain to me why it is that the remaining chatters in Murt’s Chat room have a problem with seeing my name on the list, especially Pat-KY. How many times does one have to ask the same old question or make the same old statement about “why are names on the list and they never talk in here”. Geeesh, pay attention people – my name has been in Murt’s chat room for months and I have not chatted in that room for the same amount of time. Get used to seeing it there cuz I am NOT going anywhere unless Murt sees fit!!!
As an aside, with respect to beautiful little Caylee Marie Anthony, I am totally shocked that WE have not heard of George & Cindy Anthony raising cane about Beaconhell and demanding that Princess(DUH) STOPS using their beautiful granddaughter Caylee Marie in the way that that Site has been using her all these months, i.e. as a front to be able to spew hatred and use their foul and disgusting words all while under the guise of being concerned about little Caylee Marie and the safety and welfare of “our” children. Apparently just from the first two (2) sentences in that IM from Princess (DUH) to me it is OBVIOUS that she does not consider children to be the BLESSINGS from God that they most certainly are!!! So many HYPOCRITES, yet so little be continued for sure.