This same group of so called women, namely: NanaNC, SweetPea14, mysterymuse (aka Zanlaughsatyou), Hargarmoopy, CrazyCajun, PrincessBH, disgruntled, PATTY100 and CakeCre8tor sat in The Busy Bees chat room and listened and participated in chat while all this was being said on mic AND not one of these so called women even thought their filthy talk went too far when referring to even my 8 year old daughter in the same disgusting manner as my daughter being talked about by CrazyCajun on mic -- NOT ONE OF THEM! What MOTHER out there would idly sit back and do absolutely NOTHING to defend the innocence, honor, reputation, and character of their pre-teen and teenage daughters? Probably ONLY those MOTHERS who are obviously so desperate for "friends" who just sat in that group and participated and who were LOLing the whole time --- WELL NOT THIS MOTHER!
OH and if I am to be called a HYPOCRITE and a STALKER by people the likes of YOU who were present in The Busy Bees on Tuesday, 20th October 2009 then so be it BUT my so called "hypocrisy" and so called "stalker actions" are solely for the purpose of DEFENDING MYSELF, MY FAMILY, MY PRINCIPALS and MY RIGHTS (which incidentally are the very same RIGHTS all of you are under the false belief belong only to YOU under The Constitutions of both the United States of America and The Commonwealth of The Bahamas) AND TO PUT AN END to the disgusting behavior exhibited by all of you over the past year -- by way of EXPOSING you for who you all truly are.
Just curious - are the nick names which all of you filthy mouth people at The Busy Bees use on PalTalk and elsewhere on the Internet known by your respective families, "real life" friends, associates, co-workers, etc. etc. etc. or would you be too scared and to much of a coward to reveal the same to them for fear of what could come back to bite you in your butts at some point now or in the future. In other words, are you basically the same person you are in REAL LIFE as you are in CYBERSPACE, or are you FAKES in both worlds?
AND for the record, absolutely NONE of the information contained on this Blog Site was obtained by any illegal, deceitful and/or pretentious means or by any third parties on my behalf -- most of the information contained in this Blog CAME TO ME ONE WAY OR THE OTHER BY JUST SIMPLY FALLING INTO MY LAP or from my own observances, gut feelings and web sleuthing this past year while trying to follow Murt - period! How exactly is it that ALL of YOU who were present at The Busy Bees find out anything about anybody on this here INTERNET???? Most of us know exactly how -- it is all conjured up lies and complete and utter garbage borne out of your sick and twisted little minds!
Wow!! Im speechless..CrazyCajun is just that.. actually PsychoCajun would fit her better. I would be so scared to talk that way about ANYONE let alone the most precious of humans (children and elderly). I would also be ashamed to sit and listen to anyone talk that way without opening my mouth (and I don't do that often). For your own good..Go get help. God Bless you all.
ReplyDeleteOnce again....good work Kari. MIg
NANANC: "where do I change it so I'm looking in Murt's room?"
ReplyDeleteLOL!!!! Gotcha!!!
That filthy language is so disgusting! Ewwwww!!!! Hey, ladies, doesn't it make your skin crawl to hear yourselves?
~ Pep
Well, now isn't that crazy just one tough bitch. Fact is she is just a skinny little ugly poor excuse for a human being. Her only friends are the few psychos that she hangs out with on Paltalk.
ReplyDeleteBig surprise coming your way ladies.
That sickning CC not only gives females a bad name,but Gays like her everywhere.Shes gonna find herself, one of these days without the Queer to take her in. Right Deb!
ReplyDeleteWTH! This audio is disgusting! These people have no class whatsoever. Swearing like truck drivers, threatening lives, wishing death upon others. Wow and then the kid thing. Seriously... these are very unstable people. Very. I don't care what transpired in the past. What is going on now. These people need to be looked at. Not just by Paltalk either. By authorities and children services. Personalities are just that. They may act a certain way on the net, but there are many grains of truth in their real lives as well. You just don't "flip a switch" like this.
ReplyDeleteMentally ill is what these guys are.
Why are they soooo worried about what is being said in a chat room? It is a public chat system. Paltalk is owned by Paltalk. Period. We are prvy to the rooms. The payment of a nic is for viewing extra services such as cams and what have you. These mentally unstable idiots think they were given the PALTALK CROWNS.
Bunch of sickos.
Guess they are proud of themselves now ,Huh,Kari? Harg ,what if cc had said those nasty things about one of your daughters ,would you still sit and listen to her foul mouth while she takes her ego trips on the mic? How about the rest of you with children or grand babies? I think not.
ReplyDeleteAnd nana , guess your bible reads different then mine about hypercrites you better re-read it for the sake of your soul.
As far as cc goes ,I knew what kind of person she was ,will not call her a woman ,I think she's a freak, but really ya all, how can you sit and listen to her spew filth like she does? what has happened to the decent women I thought you all were ? To be mad at Murt for what ever reasons you have is one thing ,but to go after innocent children and the elderly is was beyond crossing the line .
Listen ,really listen to cc, can you really call her your friend and be proud of it? I think not.If so ,then I am so wrong about most of you and may God have pity on your souls.
Well nanaer hog, you should have thought of shuting your trap before your tounge got the runs. HA AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!!!!!!! THE TRUTH NEVER LIES [UNLESS YOUR NANER HOG] NOW "SILENCE IS GOLDEN" Try nursing a gallon of Bismuth. Diarrhea mouth
ReplyDeleteOkay, Princless we are shaking in our boots.We so skeered you gonna swoop down on your broom and get us all.I'll go hide now so you're special powers can't find me and put a princless ass kissing spell on me.That would really SUCK. LMAO
ReplyDeleteFor those who didn't get to listen to crazy's last rant.
Now tell me, how on earth do grown women sit in a chatroom that is filled with vile, crude and hate filled conversation? Some of these women are mothers and grandmothers. When the psycho runs out of words, she burps instead. Doesn't take much to entertain those women. NanaNC says crazy is a nice person. NanaNC also says she's a Christian. I'm very surprised that Hargarmoopy would subject herself to the rantings of a simpleton. I know she's better than that. And the whole time crazy is spewing disgusting filth about a child, you all just sit there as though it's just normal conversation. You are all so pathetic.
I've heard it said that if you want to know the character of a person, just look at his/her friends. Nuff said.
ReplyDeleteKari-I listened to the tape and it seems to me that your need to dig up dirt has you looking dirty yourself, In your earlier post you stated that you didn't go spying on rooms and everything you found was available from the internet. Yet you were spying and recording all that was going on in that room. They knew you were in there so CC got whipped up to a frenzy and put on a show for you. Its like a neighbor complaining about a pit bull being dangerous, just to prove their point, they climb into the yard and provoke the dog, - "look everyone..the dog is biting me..see I was right". I was felt sick to my stomach listening to Crazy rattle on and on and yet I still couldn't figure out why you sat there and recorded it? Its almost like you used your child for bait..now the poor child or one of her friends will surf the internet and one day come across this recording and be even more embarassed by the fact that its something her mother made???
ReplyDeleteWhat happened. I went to listen to what It said and it would not download?
I think it is horrible that these whatever you call them(no decent woman says things like they do) would drag a child into this. Actually I should say any other family member. What did these people do to deserve this? As a parent myself, I wouldn't want my child to hear or read some of the things that have been posted or discussed by these people. These women claim to be religuous. They really do seem to have put themselves on a pedestal haven't they.
What is funny is the fact that they have publicly accused Murt of being a pedophile....Maybe they need to take a better look at themselves before they judge or accuse others...
I would like to hear this audio but the link is not working. Is it possible to hear how crazy this idiots are?
ReplyDeleteIt is hard to believe that these are the same people that were brought together because of what happen to a child. These are the same women that weeped when the body of a 3 year old was found laying in a swampy wooded area. These are the same women that have said how Cindy Anthony should of protected her granddaughter. These are the same women who have been blogging that the mother who supposedly murdered her 3 year old daughter should be locked up for life or even better get the death penalty.
It is hard to believe that after all of the tears they supposedly said they have shed over these missing children that they could say or post something that would hurt an innocent child.
It goes to show how little they really care about children
I'm pretty positive that the "minor child" was not a child after all. They were not speaking of your minor daughter Kari, they were speaking of the daughter you took with you to chill with Murt. Not your very young daughter, the daughter that is like well into her teens, nearer to 17? 18?
ReplyDeleteWell, there are dueling banjos and now there are dueling audios. I have not listened to the new Kari entry just yet.
ReplyDeleteThere has been at least three threats on my blog that a "call" is being released to where it is alleged that I said some negative things about the remaining followers of my room.
I do not recall any telephone conversation that would have been construed in that manner so I am curious to see what is in this one.
If there is something I said in the audio, I will own up to it and take whatever beating I deserve for it by my remaining friends.
I suppose, at this point it is a game of wait and see as to what the drama is about,
So now they claim that they said that stuff because it was suppose to be some show they were putting on. What an excuse. What a lie. LMFAO how they always say they never do anything wrong.
ReplyDeleteAlso it does not matter how old the child is. Would you want your 16 or 17 year old daughter to hear what you people say? I bet if they did they would be embarrassed that they were related to someone that could do something this low.
ReplyDeleteI was the one who posted about CC being whipped into a frenzy. I would like to say that I do not speak for them and in no way making excuses for what was said but I am glad that the file has been removed for the sake of your daughter.. that was the right thing to do. Good job Kari for being the better person.
To Anonymous who commented on Friday, December 11, 2009 8:35:00 AM
ReplyDeleteI have closed ALL audio recordings from being shared.
Anonymous, I have listened and read the whole video/audio recording of that afternoon in The Busy Bees and it is obvious that what CrazyCajun and others said on mic was not "scripted", they were ALL just too dumb to fully grasp what their new discovery of Mr. Widget meant. I have no doubt that PrincessBH had to keep sending CrazyCajun IMs or whispers to remind her that perhaps THOUSANDS ON PALTALK COULD HEAR WHAT SHE WAS SAYING thanks to Mr. Widget. CrazyCajun got so whipped into a frenzy because she was being praised by the others in chat who were obviously enjoying every single word she was saying about a MINOR. 'THAT A GIRL CRAZY - YOU GET THEM' was basically how they protested in chat to the filth CrazyCajun was saying.
Oh and the video is proof that my 8 year old daughter was brought up when all this disgusting filth was being said by CrazyCajun on mic. Figure out a way that I can get a copy of the chat to you and I will definitely arrange it.
And it does not matter how old someone's DAUGHTERS (or SONS) are -- unwarranted filthy verbal attacks like that definitely would make a MOTHER go into "PROTECT & DESTROY" mode -- yall know that!
ReplyDeleteMy latest entry.
I have been labeled a Pedophile just because of what was alleged to have been said in the PM's that have created such a firestorm in recent weeks.
This is because they PM's contained alleged depictions of sexual and heinous acts on a child.
Well, ok, umm, let's see. What do the audio files contain that came from the Busy Bee's?
Umm sexual and heinous depictions involving one or more minor children.
If the above PM's attributed to me make me out to be, at the vary least a closet pedophile, what does it make them?
Another comment here:
In the. state of Florida (not sure about the Bahamas) a minor is anyone younger than the age of i8.
Unless I am a bad judge of age, the daughter who Kari brought to dinner with her was well under the age of 18.
Another point. This "play" involved actual living persons. This makes whoever was involved in that stunt. Has anyone ever wondered why that little disclaimer appears in all movies and tv shows, the ones that say that the people are not real and does not depict real people? I think a lawyer told them to do that.
NANA, yet again.
ReplyDeleteYou know, the more I want to give the woman the benefit of the doubt. something like the call recording comes along.
Nana and the others have said, confidently that there was no offer from me to have Nana put an UNEDITED letter on my blog.
Well, there wasn't......for one simple reason.
Close to 4 minutes of the call is mising. The clip is in two parts. The second part is 6:13 in length. The last part of the call was cut off. It is so obvious a 2 year old can see it.
It is one thing if she had hung up before I had a chance to tell her, but that is not the case.
What she did was to lie on purpose. She can tell people that I did not offer her the chance to write a rebuttal, but SHE knows and I know the truth, and that is all that matters.
Well, rumor has it that nananc is collecting disability. Maybe nananc is working at the gas station and being paid cash so as not to let the government know. Just a thought. However, we do know that Nananc does not lie and that she is a Christian, so I don't think she would ever do something so dishonest.
ReplyDeleteI just got the strangest e-mail, from someone who says he is a pastor, no less. I did agree to keep our conversation private. All I can say is it made for an interesting day.
Be careful Murt. Anyone can create an email address and profess to be a pastor, employer, friend, relative, etc. Even if they claim to have information just don't correspond unless you know for fact they are legitimate. Otherwise, your written response will be edited or tampered and voila! it will be on the web.
ReplyDeleteI would be more than happy to give Pastor Webbs phone number so you can follow up.
ReplyDeleteHow do you know the name of the Pastor? I did not see Mr. Murt mention the name. I have no need to "follow up" as you suggest. It was just a cautionary post.
ReplyDeleteWrong pastor. Who is pastor Webbs?
ReplyDeleteThis pastor letter business has been an interesting excercise in assumption. For some reason a number of conclusions were drawn from the fact that someone who "said" he/she was a pastor seems to have gone into a rather strange direction. Let me break this down a bit.
The post in THIS article seems to have the post directed at a SPECIFIC individual. Well, first, this is the most CURRENT and READ article on this blog. It would make no sense to put it at the FIRST article read or anywhere else.
Second. There is this immediate conclusion that this is about a "confessional" or "intimate knowledge" about someone.
NOBODY stopped to think that perhaps it was interesting that someone took the time out on a Sunday to write to me saying that they were a Pastor.
Perhaps I was trying to get across that SOMEONE is playing games again. This pastor was probably an impersonator meant to start the drama that has been going on.
Remember that woman on my chat who claimed to be a reporter?
Nice try but I did not bite this time.
Try reading the post a bit closer the next time.
Murt it sounds like the work of Rebecca Sue Sowerby, lol the more she tries to clear one of her cohorts' names to direct the attention away from that person the more she implicates them as being the subject - case in point the comments regarding Michelle McKee that Rebecca posted. Now, thanks to Rebecca, it makes everyone believe without much doubt that THE Michelle McKee, Manager (not Editor anymore) of ICB is in fact one and the same as the disbarred Michelle McKee from Baton Rouge, Louisiana commented about on both yours and my blog. Way to go Bekki!!
ReplyDeleteIs NanaNC the only woman in that PATHETIC little group of about 10 women who would have a Pastor and that is why her name alone was concluded by them that the email you received was about her? Hmmmmm, that is just so sad. Perhaps NanaNC needs to take a closer look at the people she calls her "friends", OR she needs to stop being a hypocrite by only playing the role of a Bible toting, God fearing woman -- which is probably the case since NanaNC aka Diana Kittel is such the LIAR.
And Bekki, don't even waste your time dear. Consider this the equivalent of your IP address being BANNED from my Blog and if I am forced to actually go that route, expect to see a picture of yourself dressed up in THE JOKER'S costume.
ReplyDeleteI spotted the hoax shortly after getting the "letter." It was written by someone involved wiith the "porn queen" hoax.
How do I know that?
The sender used the same e-mail address.
This means there is a certain someone within "the inner circle" that does not like the "newcomers."
I wonder why Nana ,Tink,and Becki and a few of the other turn coats don't go to www.beaconhell and read back a few months, to refresh their memory a little.I just read 12 months back and can't belive what the BH people said about them. Now they belive they are all friends. With friends like that who needs enemies? Oh I'm sure prinless will run not walk over there for a deleteing party. The turth never whats that nana? You may need to post that a little more by your name at paltalk. Well they may not be able to go back and read Princless baned them . Pricess June 16 at 9:46am to just one of the angles a reply about nananc I quote [She has proven that just like her e-love she has abolutely no self control. I banned her. I don't want her back here.I'm tired of her stinking this place up Adios fool] and that was a nice one. unreal!
ReplyDeleteA Pastor wrote? No. I don't believe it or conceive it. And Murt you brought up a memory about the "reporter" who was in fact Bekki Sowerby, under screen name "Maladaptation" posing as Brenna Abbott --- who RECORDED your interview in a Paltalk IM if you recall. So...
ReplyDeleteMakes sense she would come on as another person to get the attention.
Just wanted to give the FYI on Bekki aka CriminalInjustice, Crim, MichiganPrincess, Murtilicous, LowestLane, MorningGlory, SerenityFare, AngelVida, FindTheFraud, and oh the list goes on...
So now she is Pastor... what? LOL
Talk about an identity crisis!
Maybe the inner circle is done using Nana and her group in order to get the info they supposedly had about you. After all, isn't is kind of strange how after all these months of trashing Nana on the internet they suddenly became friends.!!! I guess Princess was right when she called Nana a tard.
ReplyDeleteFirst we have MOMMIES (mommies follies)
Then we have Tink with the article about her sister,
NOW we have NANA with her tirade after ALL that was written about HER.
NONE of those posts, by the way HAVE BEEN REMOVED.
Either these women either:
A: had one HELL of an epithany.
B: Have absolutely no self esteem.
c: Are increadably dumb.
or D: ALL the articles by Pincess about them has been part of an elaborate HOAX (lie).
You decide.
All I know is that there are some people in a secret place somewhere, laughing their asses off at them.
I can't begin to tell you how many times princess banned Bekki S from BH back in the day when I read there. They are all a big joke. I think I hear a bus coming down the street. And kari, I wold love to ear that recordin you have partly because the main reaso I left Murt's rom last year was because of nanner, coach lady and stinkerbell.