What we have here is the "haters" doing what they do best.... SPYING on Murt in his chat room. On this night, 19th October 2009 in the evening at approximately 11:00 p.m. EST PrincessBH and her cult followers (for THEIR kicks, laughs, entertainment OR is it more like because of their nosiness, troublesome ways, hateful personalities etc.) opened up their own little Tinychat room where they all converged and then the one or two of their group who were still allowed in Murt's chat room at that time are sent to go into his room under a different fake name from what they normally use in Murt's chat room in order to stream what is being said/done in his room into their Tinychat room. On this particular night, it was SweetPea14 who had the honors of being the individual to stream Murt's chat room. SweetPea14 entered Murt's chat room under the FAKE name of KatieDivine. SweetPea14 is one and the same as you see in the Tinychat room as "muttville" with the little yellow star in the box to the left of her name, which indicates her cam being engaged for the purpose of streaming.
The person(s) in Murt's chat room is then told what subject to bring up to Murt and of course whoever that person is in Murt's chat room "fooling" him into thinking that they are a legit chatter wanting to shoot the breeze with him (or so they think they are fooling him) is then told via the Tinychat room what further questions to ask Murt or comments to make which is done for no other reason then to make fun of him and his answers and to find fault in his every word. (Now doesn't that sound like ones like SweetPea14 aka KatieDevine aka muttville is nothing more than a mere PUPPET?)
This is the sort of stuff which PrincessBH aka "sunshine" in the Tinychat room that night claim that they do for laughs YET all of them being the hypocrites/liars/fakes/frauds that they are STILL have the audacity to fix their mouths and call other chatters who follow Murt AND Murt himself all the petty/foul/disgusting names which they do, and to accuse Murt and certain of his followers of doing precisely what they all themselves do and have done for the entire year since I personally have been a member of Murt's chat room, and they all seem to partake in this and their other sick games of bullying/ harassing of others on the Internet with such delight and pride.
So again the above screen shot begs the question "JUST WHO IS STALKING/HARASSING/
P.S. Just a reminder here - please remember the sole purpose of my Blog, i.e. "Exposing the TRUE underbelly of INTERNET BLOG CRIMINALS! Nutcakes who take delight in harassing, bashing and bullying others on the internet AND spewing hatred ....." In addition, please remember that I started this Blog after being LIED about by PrincessBH initially and then MorningGlory (aka CriminalInjustice) and despite asking for the proof from them to back up what was posted at Beaconhell.com, to this day the same has NEVER been provided to me or anyone else, that I am aware of.
Also, because PrincessBH and MorningGlory (aka CriminalInjustice) told bald face lies about me I thought it more than necessary to commence a Blog to expose their true selves so that anyone reading all the garbage on the Internet about Murt and any of his "true" followers written/spoken by these same individuals would perhaps stop and think and use some common sense and therefore be able to see through exactly what PrincessBH/ Beaconhell.com were indeed doing and capable of. ALL OF THEM DO LIE ABOUT INNOCENT PEOPLE AND I BELIEVE THAT AT THIS DATE I AM NOT THE ONLY OTHER ONE WHO KNOWS THAT TO BE A FACT!
I must say I too know that is a fact.
ReplyDeleteOk so i was in that room where?? Again, if you insist on bringing me up at least make sure im part of whatever crap your spinning.
ReplyDeleteKari don't play, you know it was explained to you time and time again where the video came from, i even went as far as showing you the chat script and screen shot of the video that was posted and attributed to you. Obviously i didn't know you at all back then, when i saw someone named Karisuebee post a link in a chat room thats who posted it in my mind.. Regardless of if it was actually you that doesn't make it my fault, i saw the name Karisuebee, the youtube account is under Karisuebee and i hadn't ever heard of you at that point so logically who would i say linked the video? That's right.. DING DING DING LIGHT BULB!! Karisuebee..
I think thats the 3rd time i have explained that to you, and last time i even gave you the address to the youtube account.
Kari may I ask what grade you made it to in elementary school? You seriously need writing classes. The nerve to even think you could write a blog. It goes on and on and on and on and when done I walk away with nothing but a freakin headache from all the blah blah blah blah and 2 inch writing font with primary colors. Get a grip girl go back to school u need it.
ReplyDeleteDon't listen to the idiots above. Your writing is fine. Those idiots are just pissed because they are finally getting a taste of their own medicine. Like I've said before It is alright for them to go into Murt's chat rooms but when done to them it is a crime.
Soon my blog will be up and going so they are really going to get pissed off. Especially after I expose what I have.
Hey Kari,
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to let your readers know that Princess has been busy altering posts that people post in that secret forum room of hers. I finally got the proof now that proves she has been making photoshots of posts and chat room conversations and then uses the same program to edit it. She can make it look like people said things they never said.
I guess it is now time for Sandra Goddard aka Princess BH to get a taste of her own medicine.
To Crim don't play, YOU really need to stop lying. You never once provided any link, chat script, screen shot or anything else for that matter concerning that supposed YouTube video YOU and PrincessBH claim to have watched which the two (2) of you claim was put on YouTube under an account in the name of "KariSueBee". Here is a newsflash Crim, maybe the same person who put up that FAKE twitter account in the name of "KariSueBee" or the person who was in Murt's Tinychat room the other morning using the same "KariSueBee" nick name could be behind that non-existent YouTube video. DING, DING, DING LIGHT BULB!!!
ReplyDeleteDo you NOT get it Crim -- you nor PrincessBH have any credibility whatsoever NOR do any of the following individuals: NanaNC, tinker_bell_1967, SweetPea14, Feistyoldbroad, heybuddy_2, CrazyCajun, OhioLinda, Justme2, midnite01, Patty100, Hargarmoopy, PatsyDee, MOMMIESDOLLIES1, mysterymuse, flygirl_5, disgruntled, Blue-TN and CakeCre8tor. Who'd I miss?
AND apparently the members and guests at the genuine Dew Drop Inn are NOT the only people on PalTalk who would agree with the above. Geesh, I've heard some pretty choice words said about quite a number of the individuals I named in my previous paragraph and NOT surprisingly, the worst is being said about good ole Bible toting, God fearing NanaNC aka Diane Kittel. My oh my what a fall from grace NanaNC has experienced this past year -- so, so sad.
I came across some old files that were print outs of articles that Princess wrote about NANANC, Tink and her sister Mommies and others.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading them and the comments that followed I am left wondering what kind of low self esteem these people have to crawl over to PrincessBH and do her bidding.
Is it, perhaps, a result of a threat, on Princess's part that if they did not come over to HER side, she would increase the intensity of her attacks against them?
A anon letter to me said something to the effect "MURT, I HAVE to do this to protect myself and my faimly. I hate doing it but my family comes first. I am sorry and please understand."
I do understand in one way but not in another.
As much as I feel sorry for the person who wrote that letter, I have to be disappointed that the person can be strong enough to scorn me in public while cowering under the thumb of an oppressor in Private.
ReplyDeleteI am so looking forward to reading your blog. It's about time that low life bitch got exposed for the trashy skank that she is.
I am trying to decide if I should open my blog now or maybe I will do it on the same day that Princess posts Michele's story on Murt.
ReplyDeleteActually Murt, If that person left your group to protect their family then, maybe they should of gone to another chat site instead of to Beaconhell. Oh by the way, I found a post were Princess was advertising for anyone that was a monitor in one of your chat rooms to come over to her room.
I really am starting to Love that Screenshot Studio that you can download on your web browser. You can also download programs that you can edit videos too. I wonder if that was the program she used to alter some of your videos Murt?
By the way isn't it illegal to alter something to make a innocent person look guilty of a crime? Murt, I wouldn't be surprised when the truth comes out if Princess and her group of bullies end up going to jail for what they have done to you and others.
NanaNC better make sure you take your bible with you when they lock you up.
I like your blog Kari and the beautiful colors you put into your text. Has nothing to do with what grade did you "get to" in your writings. Blogs are for "expressions." Obviously the above poster has no creativity in their being - let alone their life.
ReplyDeleteAs far as "PrincessIDIOT" going about and deleting all, doesn't surprise me. Doesn't surprise me no one wants to follow on her NEW Twitter page either. She is a liar, a low life and a POS. And her side kick CriminalInjustice wipes her A** for her every chance.
I recall the "youtube" days and Criminal aka Bekki Sowerby did not provide crap to you nor anyone else. "Crim" is a liar. But she did not learn this from Princess AKA Sandra. No. She learned this from her Mommy, Michelle. OH don't get me started on that trailer trash of a family.
I look forward to coming here to your blog Kari and to Murts. And no I am not into picking sides. I am an adult and choose to read the blogs that are interesting, educated, and full of truth. What beaconhell and her cult followers fail to comprehend.
Furthermore, Mommiesdollies1 (aka Lisa Sack) yea, LISA SACK. Oh please Lisa pit your hubby against me! I would love to reduce his manhood to below zero. We all know you have him down to a 2.
And NanaNC, for someone with a disability you sure get around and know how to two face and back stab all. Karma bitch. Remember that. It will come back 3 fold to ya. To all of you... :))
GREAT blog keep up the WONDERFUL COLORFUL job Kari!
Stop the bullying:
ReplyDeleteThere are several laws being broken. Perhaps the person who has the spouse in law enforcement can answer that question.
From what I have been told, the first is Theft of intellectual property.
For that charge I cite The State of Florida vs Melinda Duckett. This woman was charged with setting up a myspace page where she impersonated her ex-husband Josh Duckett. With that account she wrote a letter to herself as her ex-husband making threats that could have landed him in jail.
On the vary day that the FBI was on their way to interview Ms. Duckett regarding that incident and an embezzlement from a local bank, Ms. Duckett committed suicide and thus was never prosecuted.
The secould charge could be obstruction of justice since copies of the pm's were sent to local law enforcement agencies a year ago.
There was also a call to 911 by a woman who pretended to be my daughter. She reported that I threatened her with violance and that I was in the process of commiting suicide.
At the vary least, the woman who made the call is facing a charge of filing a police report. The charges could get more serious if they ever find ALL the parties behind the PM'S.
I hope these people pay for all the lies they tould about Murt and Kari. nothing but a bunch of freaks.
I've said it once and i'm gonna say it again.. Quit bringing me into this shit Kari.. I am not in the chat, i haven't been in the chat for god knows how damn long.. Check up on it.. You seem to have noticed i wasn't around in your "kudos crim" comment on the other blog post.. So why say i'm there now when you know damn well i'm not?
ReplyDeleteIf you want numbers on your blog do it some other way, keep me out of it.
Dear Crim,
ReplyDeleteQuit your BS. We all know what you have been doing "behind the scenes" ok? You have always ALWAYS put on this "oh oh it wasnt me that did it!" CRAP! You are responsible for practially everything that has happened on paltalk chatrooms and the blogs. You are a trouble making no good SOB.
Kari doesn't need numbers due to you Biatch. She is just telling the TRUTH. Something you know nothing about or how to do.
Hows the hubby doing Crim?
KariSueBee said...
ReplyDeleteCrim, I am not God, but I do know for a fact, yes a FACT, that you were in Neutral Ground chat room on Sunday, 18 October, 2009 @ 3:12 p.m. EST -- that is less than a month ago.
I've said it once and I'm gonna say it again...QUIT YOUR LYING CRIM!
Numbers on a Blog mean absolutely nothing to me Crim, but are you trying to say that because I mention your name then I should expect to see numbers in the thousands? Dang, now that is vain!
P.S. Oh and I hope you realize that the Anonymous coward who left a comment here on Saturday, November 14, 2009 @ 9:00:00 PM will be lumping you in with me as "seriously needing writing classes". It does not reflect as bad on me having only had an elementary school education BUT for you Crim being a Psychology Major at Gogebic Community College you are sure to catch a lot of criticism for your poor writing skills, especially since you appear not to even know the basics, like capitalizing "I" always, and capitalizing the "G" in God ALWAYS. Crim, I sure hope you know that Anonymous person really, really well that way maybe they'll go easy on you. LMBOOOOO
ReplyDeleteGood one Kari!
Crim and education? Please. She is not in nursing school, is not majoring in anything except bullshit.
I loved the days she used to say she was in finals, or exams or in labs and would be in chatango chat rooms. Now that is LMBOOOOOO!
A month ago?? that's the best you can come up with?? A month ago?
ReplyDeleteAnd what did i say in there a month ago? Did i do anything? Did i try getting into your room? Murts room?
Me having popped in a room is not a crime, and i said in a comment on one of these posts that it's been at least 2-3 weeks since i have been in the chats talkin so did i lie? Didn't think so.
Anon why are you asking how my hubby is? Is it because of some twitter rumor that was spoke about in a comment from someone? A little FYI for ya folks, saying i'm getting a divorce isn't gonna make it true lol. Is that supposed to hurt my feelings? Why may i ask am i getting a divorce?
I'm happily married, no where near a divorce or even a heavy argument :). I'm sure you will say you have it on good authority but who could you possibly talk to that actually talks to me? I'm sorry but my love life is something i don't talk to chat friends about not even the best of friends in chat so you really need to pull this one outta your behind fast and make it good. Divorce is too damn expensive and it's pointless, you don't get a divorce because you had a fight, or pms, or it's just a bad month. Marriage is kinda a long term thing guys, vows are spoken for a reason.. For better or worse, remember that!!
Until you come up with something more than rumors and "you were in chat a month ago" your really just something to laugh at. With all the connections murt has (lmfao) you should have had something better than me chatting a month ago to hold against me.
Re: Crim and Education
ReplyDeleteDoesn't that remind you of someone else? That someone else is so delusional from all her meds that she thinks she's in University. She posts about all the papers she's writing, while sitting on her fat a$$ on the computer,stalking and harrassing people. Pathetic.
I seem to remember Princess writing some nasty things about Crim.
ReplyDeleteIt figures they're friends, they both have a lot in common. They get their kicks out of ruining peoples reputations.
Never heard of a Community College having a major in Psychology. What did she take one class and now she claims she has a degree in it!!!! LMFAO
Anon (11-16 12:32) I totally agree with you.
ReplyDeleteI don't know who crim is, but I remember princass claiming she was writing papers for school all the while being online 18 hours a day.
Crim does seem to be challenged when it comes to grammer and writing, this person claims to be a student and/or nurse?
Lets look at the big picture, princass is on disability, collecting checks. princass IS addicted to Vicodin. I don't care what pictures of body parts she posts she has to be a fat cow. Anyone that's laying on their ass because of a back injury and spending 12 hours a day on Twitter, Paltalk and her 37 secret rooms isn't getting any excercise. The drug addiction isn't helping her physique either. If the cow is in school, she's getting Federal Student Aid. So, we as the tax payers of this great country are bank-rolling her mental illness. Anyone with anything going on in their lives would not waste their time with all the insane bullshit that she wastes her time on.
Because the internet is still in it's infancy, some day when they find her dried up corpse in her tiny apartment with 10 computers running with comments like "lick my taint", some doctor will do a case study about fat, drug addicted, old women who believe they wield power over the universe via their typing skills. When their hard drive crashes, they're left lonely and manic, talking to the toaster.
ReplyDeleteI'm not what now? Do your research before you boast things you know nothing about. Is it jealousy? Envious that other people are able to manage their time between life, their family and continuing their education? I thought so. It's not hard i hear there are many online colleges you can easily get into, many grants you can apply for go do something productive with your life rather than harping on those that are actually doing something. And yes this is what keeps me busy. Maybe last semester it was a little easier to screw around and play online and chat and whatnot but this close to the end of nursing school is not the time to get caught up in the war against Murt, i don't have the time for it. If i had the time you bet your butt i would probably be in the chats and havin a good time but simply put it's not worth my time, i'm over it. How pathetic would it be to have to say "I didn't graduate because i was busy fighting with some guy online about shit that really doesn't affect my life".. Now that would be sad, i'd rather not.
And to the comment about how can princess be in school and on the computer? Because she's in Distance education (online college). There are many and you choose your own schedule. Seriously do your research before you make yourself look like a know nothing idiot. (talking to anons, not Kari just in case you were wondering. One anon i already know who it is.. surprise analee/annie marie makes a comeback now huh? lol)
To Anon posted Monday November 16 8:55am
Spit my coffee all over my monitor, but well worth the mess.
Can't you just visualize the crime scene investigators trying to pry her fingers off the keyboard.
lmao, I don't know who that last anon was ,but that post was great!
ReplyDeleteIsn't it funny ,If we are just a hand full of Sea Hags ,Princass's last name calling LOL Why is she and all the other Looney Tunes so worried about us? Could it be ,fear of the truth being let out all over the internet? LOl Good Work , Kare Bear
Wow!!! what a sad life if all they have is a computer or computers for companionship!!! No wonder these women are such BITCHES! Maybe they should get off their ASSES and get a life or better yet a MAN!!!!
ReplyDeletePriceless! ( Anon @ 11/16/09 8:03 am)
ReplyDeleteYes I totally agree with you. How on earth would princass find the time to do what she does? Or Crim, aka Bekki Sowerby? Consistently on Paltalk. Consistently on Twitter. Now mind you, I know with the cell phones you can "twit away" but why would you want to do so obsessively like those two?
And last night PrincessBH had next to her name on Paltalk "Screen shot this you cumguzzlers..." Wow what an educated person. I mean she has to shock her professors with her wit!
And yes while Princass and CRIM are on government payouts to go to school while tax payers pay for them to attend, they spit in the faces that feed them, quite frankly. For if it wasn't for US, the taxpayers, they would not have the funds to attend any college albeit a community one or not. Also, Crim, Bekki Sowerby, gets loans due to her hubby not being a legal citizen of the U.S. lest us not forget that one.
How is it in these times that people that lick the dirt such as princass, SANDRA and crim, BEKKI are scamming their way through? For it is a scam folks. If Sandra can type away at her computer and be so fully minded to belittle and cowardly attack others, disability should not be an option for her. Therapy should be. And yes I have "screen shot" and will be sending it in to the disability office. Maybe there they can do a psychological test on this idiot.
And Bekki, you have talked to many about your marriage, so stop the innocent act, once again. You act as though you have never said a swear word let alone a slip of the tongue when it comes to your personal life. Please... You have told numerous people how you are unhappy with your marriage and were not compatible. AND it was not just a "month" of doing so.
Bekki Sowerby you write "For better or worse" well cheating on your spouse is worse don't you think? And internet cheating is the same as doing such. So take the nun uniform off and put on your "dirty" clothes. They fit you more properly.
Whats wrong Kari? Why didn't you post the pic of my transcript? It's not ok for me to disprove anons on here saying something, but it's alright for you to post things in defense of yourself?
ReplyDeleteOh and ONE CLASS? Please tell me you are joking! I've taken 57 credit hours so far in school, a year on nursing which im graduating from in a few weeks and 2 years on my psych which i don't graduate from for at least another year. And i'm not federally funded i paid for my schooling.
ReplyDeleteI'll post it again.. I never claim to be something that i'm not. I am in fact a student and i have been since 2007.
HAHA cheating online? Please tell me who i am or have ever cheated with online lmfao ..
ReplyDeletePlease tell me your not gonna say that because i have male friends online its cheating, Kari has a male friend she went to see and thats not cheating so why is it cheating when i speak with guy friends online?
Have i ever, even once told a guy online i liked him more than a friend? And you're going to need some proof to back up your answer if it is yes. Never since the day i got married have i dated or attempted to date a guy online EVER!!! So i have guy friends online, BFD, my husband has women friends online.. I'm not that insecure to not allow my husband to have friends of the opposite sex. Neither one of us have jumped ship and met up with a new mate so clearly your way off the mark. Couples have problems. EVER couple has problems no marriage goes without fights, that's all part of building the relationship is learning to get past your troubles and if you can't you get a divorce.
And anon above since when do i get loans for my husband not being a citizen? I don't even think a loan exists like that lol. In all actuality unless your in the united states for 5 years the government doesn't help you at all. not one teeny bit. If you can find a loan company online that gives loans for having a non us citizen in the household please link it i'd love to see it!!
Seriously do you just make stuff up as you go along..
And Kari, sorry bout the post when i looked you had approved a few comments but not mine i didn't think you were posting mine and had deleted it..
Quoting Crim: "And to the comment about how can princess be in school and on the computer? Because she's in Distance education (online college)."
ReplyDeleteWhoa, whoa, whoa! Didn't princass say she's going to school to be a psychologist or something? Oh my God! Employers and patients will be knocking down her door to get therapy from her. She got a degree from "We are a real school, really U" and to prove it they're going to send her a real diploma and a real class ring to prove it.
I for one am jealous! I bet all of you player haters are also.
Oh my god Crim, My daughter goes to a State College and has to take 4-5 years of college. At least she will make a lot more money than you will. And I took 6 years for my psych degree just to get a half way decent job in psychology. Not many places(if there is any) hire someone with a 2 year degree in Psychology. Get off of it you are not an expert with a degree. You and Princess are probably getting your degree from some online school. What a joke you are.
ReplyDeleteHi KariSueBee!
ReplyDeleteI went through your blogs and can see you are battling the same cyber bullying as you were when I was last here, a few months ago. I also visited Murts blog to see the same ordeal. Unreal!
A good friend linked me over when "Crim" decided to throw my name in the mix. I guess it was "Crim's" attempt to an educated guess that I had been writing over here since she saw that I left a blog comment on Murts blog, under my BLOG name.
I am sorry to disappoint you Crim, but this is my first vist here. And I can see you are in the same spot you were in since the last time I was around. Odd isn't it?
And so you know "Crim" in my blog I actually stood up for you and your nursing school classes. So please do not assume something before actually knowing the facts. And if you need to talk to me, or say your peace, say it directly to me. I am on PalTalk under my blog name.
Other than that, wow Kari you have been one busy bee! You have really blossomed into the seasoned "blogger" I see! LOL Well good for you! It's nice to see others standing up for injustices put against them in cyber land. I don't know if it was here or at Murt's, but one day the Internet laws will finally catch up and these people will be properly prosecuted for what they do. Karma. What goes out comes back 3 fold.
There is so much need in this world, especially right now, for others to put all this work and energy into things that will produce positive results. Helping people and families right now. Even if it is just talking to them. Serving at a soup kitchen. You can even donate all the time these haters donate to this and volunteer for the unfortuante. Oh what am I saying! That would take a heart, wouldn't it?
ReplyDeleteIsn't Bekki that person that also uses about 20 different names on the internet? I think someone posted all the different names she has used and they also exposed alot of her lies.
I have to agree with AnnieMarie there is alot of need in this world right now. It seems like these people that are bullying you, Murt and others need to get off their computers and go out and help others in real need instead of worrying what a person has sitting in their yard in another State, how you can find time to blog and still spend time with your family. who is in a chat room, and all the other things they have done.
We all know you can maintain a blog, read email,chat, spend time with your family,volunteer, and still go out and enjoy life. Obviously, they must not spend much time with their families if they are on the internet all day long. Instead of attacking you about how you spend your time, maybe they should get rid of their extra computers. One is enough. Anyone that uses more than one computer (except a work computer) has a serious addiction to the internet.
By the way, my blog is now up and going. It is http://stopthecyberbullying.blogspot.com/.
Hopefully, you will let me post the link to your petition on my new site. Hopefully, between, You, Me and hopefully AnnieMarie, we will be able to stop the bullying and stalking and help others that are victims of people that get their fun out of doing this to them.
"Hopefully, you will let me post the link to your petition on my new site. Hopefully, between, You, Me and hopefully AnnieMarie, we will be able to stop the bullying and stalking and help others that are victims of people that get their fun out of doing this to them."
ReplyDeleteAMEN I am with you all 100% !!
Analee is now joining Murts side lmfao this is freakin hysterical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And did I read that right? Crim is in online college? What about all those hours she was "in the lab"??????? Wow, just.. WOW. This shit gets better every month hahahahaha