FROM: Stop the Cyberbullying
You may want to put this in a seperate blog. Here is a copy of what I sent to Murt so please repost it for me.
I just published a new post on my blog. It is entitled Have they gone too far. It is about how this person is attacking children of people involved in this and childto ren that are missing or dead. It also has to do with the attack on LovesCanine. I am asking all of your readers to Join with me, YOU, Kari, QB and help us get the word out about what they are doing. I ask that anyone that has Pics or copies of posts by whoever is behind this to send it to Parents, relatives, lawyers of these missing or dead children, to any news channels or papers, on their blogs etc.
I also ask that any pics or posts about any of your Supporters that have been attacked because of their disability, that it be sent to any organization that deals with discrimination.
Please let us join together and Finally Stop this person or persons.
Murt, I feel that this is no longer about you but about them attacking children. You know I am a big advocate of children and disabled so please join with me and lets do something NOW!
Kari I hope you also will be on board with this. I know as a parent that I too would feel like you if they did that too me.