MOMMIESDOLLIES1 and NANANC never cease to disgust me. Anyone who has followed the tragic case of little Caylee Marie Anthony are well aware of how offensive the image that the individual being referred to as "karisuebear" chose to upload to his/her Profile on this Blog which MOMMIESDOLLIES1 and NANANC are so very proud of. There should be NO doubt now as to who ALL was involved in this sick demented piece of "humor" (as all of them mistakenly call it) and everything else that so many have witnessed who have followed little Caylee's case since 15th July 2008 - YET they all want to claim that they CARE about the missing/kidnapped/murdered children!
MOMMIESDOLLIE1 and NANANC was their anything else on YOUR Blogs about me or Murt that you wanted me to be shocked/surprised/ashamed of -- because it didn't work. Again I stand by anything that I have ever said in any comment anywhere on this here Internet. I will gladly repeat it to any ones FACE as well.
Keep digging MOMMIESDOLLIES1 and NANANC but I can assure you that NOTHING you find in my background will ever cause me to abandon my principals, beliefs, morals, etc. which I live by TODAY and become another VICTIM of PrincessBH et al by being threatened with EXPOSURE unless I join the low life ranks of all of them. Some are of the belief MOMMIESDOLLIES1 and NANANC as well as TINKER_BELL-1967 that perhaps such is the case with all three (3) of you. That is what you call BULLYING, INTIMIDATING, HARASSING, TERRORIZING, BLACK MAILING, etc. and I for one do not play that "GAME".
Keep digging MOMMIESDOLLIES1 and NANANC and if there is anything I can help you with just ask, just ask - that is all you have to do. Need a list of all the sites I have ever left a comment on, just ask, just ask. Bet both or all of you were pretty darn shocked yourselves to see that what I have ever said since having the misfortune of "meeting" you all on this here Internet is what I have said all along, same opinions, same views, same talk, same ME, ME, ME. Unfortunately, from way back in Murt's chat room both of you, especially you NANANC, will recall that politics and religion were NEVER allowed to be discussed in depth and when the two (2) subjects were brought up wasn't it YOU SUPER ADMIN NANANC who always put an end to the discussion immediately with threats of RED DOTTING/BOUNCING or BANNING people. Makes me wonder why you want it discussed now! But oh well, bring it on.
NANANC do you truly believe that the FREEDOMS which are being fought and have been fought by the men and women in the Military, and all the thousands and thousands of lives lost in combat over the years, were LOST so that you and all your BFFs could have the RIGHT to ABUSE others and cause pain and suffering with all the hatred, filth, garbage, lies upon lies, etc. which YOU have been doing either jointly or alone for at least the past 12-15 months? I have United States Citizen Uncles who have also served in the Military and I know for fact that they did not put their lives on the line to fight for such disgusting things and who, no doubt, shed many a tears out of pain, NOT for what they witnessed on the battle fields, but out of disgust when they hear people like YOU with the gall to claim that THEY fought for your FREEDOMS so that you can abuse such FREEDOMS to spew hate, to cause harm in one way or the other to your fellow man, to cause pain and suffering, and to cause divisiveness.
Personally, I would be so enraged if I were to have lost a loved one or have a loved one returned home severely injured only to be subjected to the bull crap from people the likes of YOU that repeatedly insist that he/she fought for the RIGHT for YOU to spew such hate and cause such pain and suffering, especially to your fellow Americans, either while hiding behind your monitor screens in cyberspace or in your "real" life. You should be ashamed NanaNC and MOMMIESDOLLIES1 and any one of your other ten (10) BFFs who mistakenly believe that! Ask your son NANANC when he returns home safely (and I pray to God that he does) if he concurs with what you believe. Ask him if he fought for YOU to have the right to be on the computer in cyberspace and purposely to do all that you have done or been involved in the past 12-15 months for no other reason but to inflict pain and suffering in one way shape or form, and then let us ALL know what his answer is, please.
I welcome ANYONE to come here to my blog (or anyone who chats with me in Dew Drop Inn) and ask me anything about anything contained in that hate filled Blog that MOMMIESDOLLIES1 and NANANC take such pride in having put up on the Internet for all to see - with the hope of accomplishing only one (1) thing, i.e. to cause trouble and divisiveness. What, am I not entitled to my Opinions like the two (2) of you and all your other BFFs? Good thing for all of you that my Internet Life only goes back, oh I would safely say to around the beginning of 2006 - otherwise you all would really be wasting your precious time - time and energy that could be put to such causes like the missing/kidnapped/murdered childrens' cases which are happening at an alarming rate each day.
Perhaps we should all now wonder what your respective husbands would think about what the two (2) of you do on this here Internet daily. My husband is well aware of what I am doing and he is also well aware of WHY.
P.S. MOMMIESDOLLIES1 you keep accusing me about some complaint that I supposedly made to CPS or whatever, can you provide me with the City/State you live in so that I can call them to ask for a copy of my supposed complaint or such other proof that would support your claim, please. Yes, I do feel for your daughters and guess why I do, besides the OBVIOUS as expressed by me many times both on my Blog and in a chat room setting -- because I can, and BECAUSE you give me reason to and I can't help it. Is it really so horrible that I would be concerned about your daughters considering all that you have done on this here Internet the past 12-15 months? YOU made it my business from the very second you introduced your daughters to us in Murt's chat room on cam, remember, and what was Murt's room rating at the time - was it a G or an R, and how many people were in Murt's chat room at the time -- hmmmmm?