Wednesday, July 1, 2009




Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) — or Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) (as it is referred to today) is a classic psychological condition. MPD/DID is a mental illness in which a person has AT LEAST two distinct personalities. Symptoms and signs include lapses in memory, feeling unreal, blackouts in time, hearing voices in their head that are not their own, not recognizing themselves in the mirror, and finding items in one's possession but not recalling how they were acquired. It is theorized that this condition develops in response to childhood trauma. Treatment usually involves psychotherapy, medications, and sometimes hypnosis.
As mentioned, a person is known to suffer from MPD/DID when two (2) or more ‘alter’ personalities coexists within him/her. To add to the existing enigma, each of these alters may boast of a separate name, age, history or identity – like many individuals living in one. These ‘alters’ emerge during certain situations and tend to take control of the original self.

MPD/DID specialists believe that MPD/DID is a valid, common diagnosis that can be clubbed along with schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety, as one of the four major mental health problems. It is reported to be induced by early psychological trauma involving extreme form of physical, sexual, and/or emotional abuse.


Firstly, I would like to say that I sympathize tremendously with anyone who suffers from MPD/DID for the mere fact of what it is reported to be induced by, as long as they seek the professional help they need and continue to take their prescribed medications (if any) under a doctor’s care in order for them to live long happy, healty productive lives as contributing members of society.

What I do not and cannot understand, is why individuals like this Bekki Sowerby person (and all her multiple personalities) thinks that she has the right to get on this here internet and harass, intimidate, bully, terrorize, make fun of, disrupt, lie about, be deceitful, etc. etc. etc. with others is beyond me. WHY and HOW is it that she thinks she can go about conducting herself in this kind of manner on a daily basis and get away with it, is also beyond me. It truly sickens me to think of the very real possibility that her own child or children are now living through what she has so obviously lived through as a child growing up. WHO is looking out for this woman's (ugh) offspring!!! WHO is enabling this woman to continue this unacceptable behavior by just turning a blind eye to it all. WHO I ask!!!

I remember the night when "Maladaptation" came into Murt's chat room at PalTalk. She was on cam and rattling on and on with foolishness, making out like she knew IT all. I just sat and watched in amazement with my mouth hanging open and thinking to myself "what the hell is wrong with this person - she is not in control of any of her faculties?" Within about a day she was gone out of Murt's chat room, thanks to the help of an already worn out boot IF memory serves me correctly - and thank goodness. Then “she” returned not long afterwards under the nick name of “CriminalInjustice” - whose personality was no better, if not worse, but with a bigger know it all kind of attitude. Did she really think she was fooling anybody??!! Even though “CriminalInjustice” thought she was someone to be taken seriously, I had not even given another second’s thought about whether or not she was even still among us or not, until that is, I stumbled upon the comment posted by “EyeOpener” on that Topix Board and she was linked to the nick name MorningGlory.

So if Bekki Sowerby is also CriminalInjustice who is also Maladaptation who is also Morning-Glory (with whom I have a bone to pick because she LIED about me in her comment posted over in Beacon hell regarding some video she and PrincessBH wanted "people" to believe I had done regarding Lois Peter) this could explain a lot about what innocent people have had to put up with for months while chatting in Murt’s chat room, trying to discuss the very serious case of little Caylee Marie Anthony.

That Topix comment referred to above and contained in its entirety in my last Blog Post (as QUOTED therein) was indeed very informative to me, unless I misunderstood what that EyeOpener person was really saying. NOTE TO BEKKI: I was quoting EyeOpener, so do not threaten me with any kind of slander lawsuit okay, read and try to follow and understand. Oh, and Bekki, if this is 3rd grade level writing that I do, then how’s come you find difficulty in following?? I cannot go down to kindergarten level just so that you are able to follow Bekki – you had better ask MorningGlory to draw you pictures, or better yet PrincessBH!!

Like I said, I have a bone to pick with this MorningGlory person who posts comments religiously over on Beaconhell, if indeed she is one and the same person as Bekki Sowerby and all her other alias (and I have to believe she is because I don't see anything in the response comment from CriminalInjustice over on the foolish little Twunt Blog Site to deny the same). I want YOU Morning Glory and/or YOU Sandra Goddard a/k/a PrincessBH to produce the evidence that proves that I did a video regarding Lois Peter, evidence which includes proof this so called video was put together by me, from my computer or from ANY IP address in the Bahamas, and if you are having trouble producing the evidence which Beaconhell prides itself in being able to produce to back up anything written about on that Blog, then maybe that is because NO such video exists. My goodness both of YOU (if you indeed are two separate people in two separate bodies and PrincessBH is not another a/k/a of Bekki's OR vice versa) are LIARS, with serious mental problems and issues. For ease of reference here again is where I found the comment as posted by MorningGlory (Personality, oh let's say #3, of Bekki Sowerby), and as referred to in my initial Blog Post dated Wednesday, June 10, 2009 I LOVE A GOOD MYSTERY, THE OBVIOUS IS BORING!! :

[In the comments section under the latest Blog posted by princess on June 4th, 2009, towards the end a comment by MorningGlory on June 7th, 2009 at 3:13 pm (note here, approximately 1 hour AFTER that disgusting IM from PrincessBH was sent to me). MorningGlory says: “Everyone is making videos. Heres mine lol.” (MorningGlory provides a link to where HER video can be seen on the internet). Then Princess (DUH) posts a comment at 5:18 pm right under MorningGlory’s in which Princess (DUH) inserts the video that MorningGlory previously provided the link to with Princess (DUH) saying: “LMMFAO”! “Did you see the other one?”. So then MorningGlory responds to Princess (DUH) at 5:19 pm and says: “Which one.. that one is the one i made. lol.. I saw Karisuebee’s as well . that was good too"]

Well, Bekki, I do not know which of your personalities will inform you of the fact that you have messed with the wrong person in me, but "she" better do it quick and she had better make you well aware of the fact that you just cannot go around conjuring up complete LIES about others and think you can get away with it without consequences. Bekki here is some advice, other than the obvious, why not try to make someone smile, preferably your child/ren. Who knows, you may even find yourself smiling back at them for once - on the outside and on the inside too.

Anyone remember how many personalities Sybil had? I believe it was sixteen (16)......HOLY RIP!!!!! This is going to be very difficult to keep track of, better get out our notebooks and pens folks.