Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Am I glad I stumbled upon this comment by GirlFawkes today on Topix posted in the Orlando Forum under "blogger claims that caylee memorial service a "dreg fest""

QUOTE from "GirlFawkes" comment posted around July 6th, 2009:

"I read your blog and have to disagree wholeheartedly with your assessment of Princess. What, you're pissed because she IM'ed you about your disgusting beefy meat curtains? I'll remind you that this was in response to a very rude IM you *FIRST* sent her. Don't dish it out if you can't take it. And some kids saw it? Whaaaaaa, why do you let youngsters online unattended in the first place without closing chat programs and putting safeties on your settings? That's like letting them watch Cinemax at 2 AM and then complaining about the soft corn porn when you wanted Disney.

Nope- we don't mince words there, tw@t.

Hey, you're entitled to your opinion, but make no mistake, that's ALL it is. At least at Beaconhell we have docs to back up any opinions we may form. You won't find better E-detectives and though the language may be less than delicate there (on a PRIVATE forum? GASP!), we all care about the welfare of children.

And cult? Please, b!tch. We disagree among ourselves quite often. You want cult, stick with Murt or go to websleuths. Speaking of Websleuths, Princess was DIRECTLY responsible for getting a confirmed, papered pedophile off of a forum who claims to advocate for victims of crime. What have you done lately?"

Well I thought it best to post my comment back to GirlFawkes here on my Blog as for some reason my comment did not seem to post in its entirety over on the Topix thread:

Well GirlFawkes isn't it quite obvious WHY you would disagree wholeheartedly with my assessment of PrincessBH, you are one of her followers -- DUH, and any of the disagreements you all nut cakes may have amongst yourselves, I bet, it has something to do with a POWER STRUGGLE!!

If you GirlFawkes think it ok for the utterly disgusting things that PrincessBH wrote in that IM to me, then you are in a very sad state yourself. That IM PrincessBH, oh heck let's call her by her real name please, Sandra Goddard, was indeed in response to an IM I sent to her BUT you are forgetting one thing nut cake - my initial IM to her was because she LIED (which of course is nothing new with Sandra Goddard) about me with respect to that screen shot she received from Murt's chat room wherein she thanked me Kari for sending it to her, to try and make Murt and my fellow "real" chatters in his room think that I was a "beaconhell spy" -- such an old transparent tactic people, geesh.

You and your little cult group need to understand something, a person who is forced into standing up and defending herself for what is RIGHT from wrong, has a lot more drive and determination than any of you over there at beaconhell who are just driven by HATE. The vast majority of people in this world today are more on the side of good then evil -- and in case you are unaware of this fact - HATE is indeed an EVIL!!! I challenge YOU GirlFawkes to check out anywhere on this here internet (hehe) for comments posted by me either under KariSueBee or Karen and make a list of all the foul and disgusting words used by me to express my opinion on whatever the subject matter.

For goodness sake GirkFawkes, please explain to me how the HELL anyone at/associated with or in support of what goes on over on beaconhell can say, and I quote you: "we all care about the welfare of children" YET in your paragraph just above as relates to my 8 year old daughter and 11 year old niece being on OUR computer when PrincessBH's filthy, nasty IM popped up on my computer you say, and I quote: "And some kids saw it? Whaaaaaa, why do you let youngsters online unattended in the first place without closing chat programs and putting safeties on your settings?". You nut cake, YOU may be used to receiving filthiness like what PrincessBH wrote in her IM to me on your computer on an hourly basis BUT rest assured for me and my family this was the very first time! So instead of digging deep into your sorry ass soul and mustering up the courage to at least offer some words of apology for that filth your best friend Sandra Goddard wrote in that IM you want to try and dictate to me how I should have my computer set up with a minor(s) in my home. UNREAL but TYPICAL of HATE-FILLED people like all of you over there at beaconhell -- the old DOUBLE STANDARD tactic.

As for being able to take what I dish out -- well by now GirlFawkes I am quite sure YOU and all those in that hell hole are well aware that I most certainly can take it. Geesh you don't hear me crying that "OMG so and so is stalking me, if something happens to me, yall know who is responsible". WAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Who all in your hell hole have cried that pathetic cry GirlFawkes?

Oh and as for your PrincessBH and her little MorningGlory friend (unless of course you are either of them yourself on here posting with yet another FAKE name) -- I am still waiting for the proof (you know the PROOF that PrincessBH brags about she has to back-up every single thing written on her Blog) of: 1) that it was indeed "Kari" from Murt's chat room who supplied PrincessBH with that screen shot; and 2) a link to or copy of that video MorningGlory claimed I did with respect to Lois Peter, which PrincessBH claims to have viewed herself. PrincessBH always claims to check out the sources of any information provided to her and we all know it is all very well kept filed away by her, so the excuse from either one of PrincessBH and MorningGlory about this link not being accessible anymore, or that the information was not saved is ALL a bunch of crap.

Can I just remind people of something here, was it not ME, KAREN, who left a comment on beaconhell in response to AngelinFL, only to be BANNED by Sandra Goddard for having the audacity to go on her blog to voice my opinion and leave a comment(s) in reply to a comment by her buddy AngelinFL as relates to her obsessive attraction to Murt, AND let me just remind you people too that PrincessBH’s "Dear Karen" response to me was one of the most, if not the highest ever commented on Post on beaconhell – I think the last time I saw it the number of comments for that post were somewhere in the region of 350 +. So now what could possibly have been Sandra Goddard’s explanation to all of her little cult members as to the when, where, how and why it was that I, KariSueBee, would now be supplying her with anything from Murt’s chat room, particularly a screen shot. Did anyone notice that there were no comments but maybe 1 (or 2) that followed that mention that supposed screen shot I supplied Sandra Goddard or that video I supposedly put up (somewhere) that both Sandra Goddard and MorningGlory commented about, oh heck why am I calling her MorningGlory when we all know she is really Rebecca Sue Sowerby? Wouldn’t one think that at least one of those cult followers over there at beaconhell would have said “hey Princess YOUR HEINESS, since when did KariSueBee become one of us?” Nope, I saw no one comment about that – dummies!!

You hell-raised people over there at beaconhell need to stop assuming that every single person who you all feel the need to target to harass, terrorize, bully, scam, fabricate lies about, etc. etc. etc. on this here internet (hehe) ARE all going to be little meek individuals who scare easily or who let the crap that yall spew about them just role off the cuff of their sleeve -- well, in me you have another thing coming to yas, and in case you haven't realized it by now – I am the TAT for your TIT – game on!!!

GirlFawkes, you like the saying "IF YOU STAND FOR NOTHING, YOU WILL FALL FOR ANYTHING" - and I hasten to point out that standing for HATE is nothing to be proud of? I do, I love it!! Oh this one is good too: “THOSE WHO HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE, HIDE NOTHING” – that may very well explain the reason for the use by all of you of ALL the fake usernames yall have. Either that OR it is to give the impression to the world that Beaconhell followers number in the hundreds whereas in reality there are but only a few of you lost souls out there – hmmmmmm.