Monday, September 14, 2009

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ZanLaughsatyou says: "PPL who give you money get nothing in return that is soliciting which is illegal, selling logo'd items are not donations, squirrel brains." 12:16am Sep 13th from Power Twitter -hmmmmm
Karilaughsatyou says: ROTFFLMFBO @ ZanSmith
Could only be talking about Murt, right ZanSmith? Well, I will only speak for myself but I can confirm that time and time again (and I have many times heard it echoed from other individuals too who also followed and enjoyed the whole experience of Murt's chat room) THAT Murt did provide a SERVICE to people both FAR and NEAR and it was a great service indeed. Murt's genius idea of a "News Van/Chat Room" experience was priceless to a lot of us true and sincere members of Murt's chat room. Our "road trips" which Murt unselfishly took us on at his expense (mostly even at the request of us - his members) to visit different sites and locations relevant to little Caylee's tragic case was informative, enjoyable, happy, sad, fun and well worth the time and money (if anyone did send UNsolicited GIFTS to Murt to help defray his costs) and Murt's Road Trips provided loads of information to enable us members to engage in hours and hours of intelligent and thoughtful discussion about little Caylee's case for days/weeks.
The "Memorial Service" which all of us had for little Caylee Marie at the site on Surburban Drive was a very beautiful experience - we showed little Caylee the respect she so very much deserved, firstly by being there and being able to witness it first hand (thanks to Murt and his "News Van"), and then by the beautiful prayers, songs, words and tears from all of us who were there to and for little Caylee. It was an experience I will always cherish! All of the members of Murt's chat room could not ever have had that opportunity if it were not for the "service" Murt provided - no other media outlet anywhere could have or would have provided that to us, i.e. the members of Murt's chat room who had completely fallen in love with little Caylee Marie Anthony.
Murt did all the work to get us to these places (and FUEL is NOT free and Murt is NOT a millionaire) while we sat on our butts hundreds and thousands of miles away enjoying and sharing the experience with him and our fellow chatters. Strangers coming together in cyberspace because of their interest and love for little Caylee Marie Anthony. In Murt's chat room, for the most part, we all sang together, prayed together and mostly offered up kind and supportive words for each other, practically every single day. Long lasting meaningfull friendships have been made by me thanks to Murt and to beautiful little Caylee Marie Anthony.
Suffice it to say, Murt certainly was doing a service for me, and many others too IMHO.
But do not take my word for it, let's take the words of her most HIGH and MIGHTY (insert BIG eye roll here) PRINCESSBH: "..........I ADMIT that when he is on the searches he's providing a service..........".