WILL THE REAL Annie Marie aka For Blog Sake aka Analee please step forward?
I'm waiting.........
Still waiting............
YES, I'm still waiting............
Is this a test of my patience or what? Well yes, I am still patiently waiting..........
HOLY RIP and WTH! Rebecca Sue Sowerby aka CallMeCrim aka Crim aka CriminalInjustice aka MorningGlory aka Maladaptation aka GiggleSneeze aka about 50+ other nick names you are using or have used on the Internet WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE - IS THAT REALLY YOU???
Prove me WRONG Bekki with solid concrete evidence (such as State ID, Passport, Notarized letter from your Attorney (or Annie's Attorney or both - whatever), IF you can. IF NOT, I intend to PROVE me RIGHT and expose YOU for exactly what YOU are and exactly what YOU are not!
Hey Bekki, how about YOU (or ME) creating a ROOM on PalTalk named HERE'S YOUR PROOF KARISUEBEE and have YOU and Annie Marie both on cam at the same exact time (looking GORGEOUS like we all know you both to look) with your respective proof of identification in hand to show whoever may be interested in all of this that I am WRONG. And I will go as far as to say that IF you prove me WRONG Bekki, I will go on cam and eat.......... my words and get down on my hands and knees and ask both of you for forgiveness for being so suspicious of the two of you and making such outlandish accusations against you both. Gee Bekki, now that is a challenge YOU should take delight in accepting, right?
P.S. Not that I accepted "Annie's" explanation for her use of those two (2) different nick names on PalTalk in one of her comments here, but can there really be any sensible (and I mean sensible) explanation from "Annie" as to why she would deem it necessary to send ME two (2) separate Friend Requests on PalTalk. You see it has only been somewhat recent that I have focused my attention on just who "Annie Marie/For Blog Sake" is, and as I mentioned earlier in a comment of mine relating to her, I have been ignoring my gut feelings about her for far to long now.
Why would she want to try and make out to ME that "For Blog Sake" and "Annie Marie" were two (2) different women altogether by sending ME two (2) different Friend Requests? Why would someone purposely cast doubt in their direction, considering ALL that has gone on the past 12 or so months? I cannot wait to hear this one "Annie" and I am sure your explanation will make all of this clear as MUD.
Perhaps Rev. Grund (and I sincerely apologise to Rev. Grund for bringing his name into this at this time) needs to be made aware of this, my latest Blog, so that he can be up on all the latest disgusting foul ill intended crap "Annie Marie" of For Blog Sake has been up to lately. I am sure he would be saddened and shocked considering all the sweet little innocent tweets she is and has exchanged with him on Twitter.com. Yes indeed, perhaps we should all turn to Rev. Grund for spiritual help and guidance in ALL of this. Wouldn't you agree "Annie"? I will leave it to you "Annie" to arrange that since the two of you are Twitter friends.
You have me confused here. What exactly am i supposed to be proving to you Kari? That my name is my name? Why the hell would you even ask someone to show you personal identification? There is not a snowballs chance in hell of me showing you any of my personal identification or my passport(which I don't have). That's asking a bit much of ANYONE, especially people that you spend your days smearing. What is it you are digging for? Proof that Annie is not me? You seemed to have more than enough proof for the last 6 months to still talk to her, knowing it wasn't me. Many have seen Analee on cam, many have seen me on cam. We are not one and the same at all.
ReplyDeleteYa know what... On second thought i'll take this "challenge" on one condition. You cannot ask something of someone else you would not do or give yourself. So ante up. Anytime.. Anyplace i'll pop up on cam and show my drivers license, ONLY if you do the exact same at the same time. Not after i do it, same time. ID.. Pressed up to the camera so all information is readable. No covering shit up. I feel it's only fair you put yourself in jeopardy and your families safety in jeopardy if your asking me to do it as well. Deal? You know where to reach me on PT.
And obviously my new ID is not made to "confuse ppl or hide" Since its CALL ME CRIM. It's just a new nic, and a different color.
Do we have a deal? Yes? NO?
Not sure where to put this one:
ReplyDeleteFor some reason Mommiesdollies1 is intent on denying that she had anything to do with the creation of any ROOM that would use my original ROOM name or any variant thereof.
I have had to tell her at least three times, perhaps MORE that I have NO idea WHO created either the impersonator ROOMS or USERNAMES on paltalk or elsewhere.
I am stating her denial again HERE as well as on my blog so I hope she has a good set of reading glasses on and the message gets through this time.
I do not control or otherwise regulate what Kari says on her blog. If Mommies or anyone else has an issue with what Kari says here, take it up with Kari. I post here as a guest only.
To Crim - ABSOLUTELY WE DO HAVE A DEAL but since you are now changing the deal I will need a few days to get myself ready for the cam - you know, color the hair etc. to make sure I am as close to looking like I looked back when the photo in my Passport was taken.
ReplyDeleteNow we just need to hear from Annie, and by the way, THE DEAL was BOTH you and Annie on cam at the same exact time, and now me of course.
However, I do reserve the right to add a couple of additional conditions of our deal, (as you have had the privilege of doing) taking into consideration the fact that YOU have absolutely no credibility on this here Internet IMPO, and apparently in the opinion of so many others, as I have to do my best to ensure that this little exercise is 100% FOOL proof.
Do we have a deal? Yes? NO?
And, now we wait to hear from Annie and perhaps Annie might even be able to convince Rev. Grund to join us in the room as well. Tweet him Annie, please.
P.S. We will work out the details of how and whether the room will be accessible by others, and, of course, the room rating will be G as we have all heard more than enough of your foul disgusting dribble to last 3 lifetimes. A G rated room would also be more appropriate in the event Rev. Grund is able and willing to join us.
Kari that worthless Beki will never stop.She doesen't have a clue. She is not intelligent enough to pour water out of a boot with the instructions on the bottom.
ReplyDeleteMurt, Mommiesdollies1 knows exactly where to find me -- she is just too scared to come play in my sand box.
ReplyDeleteAnd since, according to SheWolfRocks, I am awful when it comes to trying to figure out who my Anonymous commenters are, please Mommiesdollies1 if you do grace me with your presence have the short and curlies to sign your comment as Mommiesdollies1 NOT Anonymous.
Seems Mommiesdollies1 is getting her panties all in a wad because she claims someone is speaking mistruths about her. Well, now isn't that rich.....how do YOU like the feeling Mommiesdollies1? You don't seem to be appreciating the humor in being accused of doing something that you claim you have not done Mommiesdollies, hmmmmmm.
No one accesses the room but us three. I don't think it's in anyones best interest to have every Tom Dick and Harry looking at our cams and Drivers licenses.
ReplyDeleteYou may be just fine and dandy with everyone seeing yours, but i am not fine and dandy with everyone seeing mine.
Again i ask you to explain to me the point behind this? What exactly are we supposed to be proving here? If i'm not mistaken many many people have seen both myself and Analee on camera. In fact we can go to the point of the radio interview crap with Murt. Both my voice and Annie's voices were on that call speaking over each other and to each other.
No one but us three get in that room. None of our friends and surely none of yours since we already know what your crew does with personal information. no cam snagging either.
No time to do hair, my hair doesn't match my DL pic anyways. Tonight. i wanna do it tonight and get this shit over with or the deal is off. I'm not waiting around while you write blog after blog dragging this out. Let's get it over with. We are online and ready get ur ass up on PT and let's do this.
No one accesses the room but us three. If im showing personal info, and so are both of you then its just us on cam.
ReplyDeleteno chatters
NO SNAGGING (because photographing a drivers license without authorization is illegal)
And we are doing it today. I'm not waiting while you write blog after blog to drag this out. We are online, you are not. get online and lets do this. Im not doing my hair to match my DL so i'm not affording you the time to do it either. You are the one that wants this not us, so you bend the rules to what we are comfy with or no deal!
I really just don't see what we are proving here. We show our DL's and shit on cam then what? You say one of us is a hologram or something? cmon..
We are waiting ..
ReplyDeleteYou have been officially designated as a cyber bully by the owner of ForBlogSake.net!!!
You are in equal company because FBS has placed the same designation on me. This is because I "demenan" women by calling them idiots and so on.
These are the same women who call me "pedophile"and accuse me of engaging in sex acts with your daughters.
One thing I have yet to learn from FBS is HOW does someone know the GENDER of an ANON poster? Never heard of that one before.
Is she saying that all the ANONS including those who use gutter language that even a sailor would not use are ALL WOMEN?
If that is the case, what has the female half our race come to? My goodness.
Okay let me know the date and time and I will be there. I agree with Bekki, Kari has to be on cam with her info up there too. The real Kari... ahem. Showing her REAL name.
ReplyDeleteMy past nic's on Paltalk as EVERYONE knows cause all they have to do is go to MY blog and read it, was Analee Grace and Tainted Evidence. Tainted Evidence was created when Bekki and I did the radio show with Murt. Way in the beginning. Analee Grace was done thereafter. And that is all explained on my Blog as well.
Kari no one is hiding crap from you. So your big dramarama once again is mindless chatter. But I AM VERY interested in SEEING YOU ON CAM and your REAL identity. Cause in my opinon I feel you have been making up quite a lot of paltalk names on this here ole' Internet.
So please let me know ahead of time so I can purty up my face... do you want my whole family present. You know my "elderly" mother that you had someone post about? Sicko!
Oh and those friend requests Kari... were in the beginning and I wanted to befriend you for a purpose. ON Analee and Forblogsake. Have no clue who the other person is.
Ok waiting Kari... lets do this today!! NO dying any hair... today. You called it, lets do it.
Are you both kidding me? This was my DEAL I came up with as a way to help both of you prove me wrong and now you both think you get to call the shots.
ReplyDeleteWhat about Rev. Grund, Annie?
I have no problem with showing my proof of identify in the front of your low life friends Bekki, so wonder why you would. Hmmmmm.
Annie, that is just what I am trying to find out -- just what exactly was your "purpose" in wanting to befriend me. Because it sure as heck did not take long before you abandoned your supposed "purpose" behind your Blog, For Blog Sake, and jumped into bed with all the Beaconhell low lifes -- did it Annie? And now it turns out that you are one and the same as Tainted Evidence who pulled that disgusting stunt on Murt and some of us way back.
All this new found information about Bekki and Annie Marie sure does make it understable why I, or anyone else, would have such doubts about just how close the two of you really and truly are -- dang, the both of you are like white on rice!!!!
Guess it is not a FORGIVING heart you have Annie as I was giving you credit for, but rather a very deceptive heart.
I will make my debut on Cam on PalTalk when I am good and ready. This little exercise is NOT meant for me to prove anything to YOU but rather to assist you in disPROVEing all the suspicions I have about you -- get it.
Now if you "Annie" are able to get Rev. Grund to agree to be present in the room (since he is someone we both obviously Trust) sometime this afternoon/evening then I will forget about the need to color my hair and it WILL happen today. Keep me apprised.
new found information? WHAT NEW FOUND INFORMATION? lmfao. You haven't found a THING lmfao.
ReplyDeleteWell Kari think your runnin this all you like but you have your chance to do whatever it is you wanted to do and your running, not us. We both said we are game to get it done and over with today, neither of us are gonna sit and wait on your ass.
Get all your friends up on cam then and have them all show THEIR drivers licenses as well then. I highly doubt any of your friends want their enemies seeing their license, drivers license number, address, shit like that. Thats none of your business or anyone elses.
Reverend grund has absolutely nothing to do with whatever witch hunt you are on. Today. Us three only.. take it or leave it.. You go runnin scared. We will know once and for all WHO is the shady one here.. We are more than willing.. You .. me .. and annie... no one else is involved, rev grund is not her daddy and shes sure as hell not family to him. He needs to be left out of it.
Ball is in your court old lady.. Ante up for shut the hell up. In fact IM ON CAM right now.. join in on paltalk.. :)
ReplyDeleteJust make sure Rev. Grund IS the real Rev. Grund. Have all 4 (Rev., Annie, Crim, Kari) of you on cam at the same time. Make sure no one uses the excuse that they cannot see more than 1 cam at a time.
Have the Rev say, "On the count of 3 everyone show their photo ID...i, 2, 3"
stay out of it anon. We sorted things out our own way.. And as soon as annie and kari get themselves feeling pretty for the camera we will try again.
ReplyDeleteAs far as i could tell we all respected each other, i did not cuss.. well once but i apologized lol.
I was on cam, no one else was on cam but i understand why.
This is between myself, annie and kari. No one else needs to be involved.
And Richard Grund.. Why don't you hit him up on myspace and see what he thinks of me... I can't stand that man. What he did to the people in the document dump disgusted me. Not only myself, but murt, and many many others were DUG UP ON by his followers because he told them to do it.. and let all the "people involved in the case" know what you think of them. That is what he did. Him and i in the same pm box will never happen the minute he sees me he will bolt.
Whoa! You mean that Crim was one of the ones mentioned in the doc dump? Holy crap! I know several who were in that dump, and it wasn't pretty. They were the ultimate Topix (toxic) bullies who tried to insinuate/frame Jesse Grund for murdering and disposing of Caylee. They also were in direct communication with Dom Casey and Cindy Anthony....even to the point of taking direct orders from DC to come online to try to plant "reasonable doubt" by throwing everyone else under the bus except KC. One of them even went so far as to make threats to former members of their private group, and also threatened the children and other family members of said group.
ReplyDeleteIt makes me wonder if Crim et al aren't those same ones I mentioned.
See that right there ^^ is what caused the problem. I had NOTHING to do with the topix crap on jesse grund. And thats where the problem came in. Grund explained it to me like this.. Some people in the doc dump were topix ppl some werent but everyone got treated like they were. We all got the threats, the calls at 1 am .. the emails.. Because grund failed to specify WHO those ppl were. Grund knows none of those are me..
ReplyDeleteFrom day one i havent given a shit about the grunds and i still dont care. Their life is whatever, not my business and no ones problem but their own. They have to wake up every day knowing they tossed caylee outta their lives because she wasn't related to em.. but turn around and say they miss her so much. Well they sure as hell didn't miss her after they tossed her out and told casey they couldn't have her round no more.. interesting.
Please let it go Kari ,they are just like the poor people in elementry school, that would bully you until you had to get you parents, and teachers envolved. And now they grew up to be the same pitiful sad people that everyone knew they would be.
ReplyDeleteI don't know you from Adam. I'm just someone who joined here because I, too, was bullied by cyber-terrorists, and was interested in support for that.
But I DO know who some of those people on topix are. I mean I know who the ring leader was and a few of her cohorts. I know her name and address and phone number. She also went so far as to break away from the main group, and turned on many of her so-called friends....and then she threatened to harm those ladies, their children and families.
ReplyDeleteNow u see why i got upset that i got inadvertently tossed in with those people?
I have read that topix thread since Grund pointed it out to me, i honestly had never really known it was there until someone pointed it out to me. There are so many topix threads it's hard to dig through them all. I never had a reason to google Jesse Grund, if i had done that i probably would have found that topix thread a long time ago.
Anyone threatening to physically harm others outside of an insults chat (which is made for that, just jokes) really needs to have their heads checked. I think i can safely say no one cay say i , annie, Kari, Mommies, Murt, Princess, none of us have ever stooped that low as to actually threaten to physically harm someone.
ReplyDeleteIf you were not a part of that sinister group of ladies, and were not a part of the group that followed Dom Casey and Cindy to the point of starting a smear campaign to frame Jesse...and then be accused of being part of that whole situation, then yes...I could see where you would be upset.
I do disagree with you, though, that the Grunds abandoned Caylee and wanted her out of their lives. According to RG, it was Cindy who took Caylee out of the Grunds' lives, and refused to allow them any further access. I truly believe they were and still are grief-stricken over losing Caylee twice...once when she was taken away from them, and again when her body was found.
Pardon me for saying this, but insults aren't cool either. People get hurt even from mere words. The tongue is a double-edged sword, which can cause irreparable damage. Remember the case of the young girl in MO who hanged herself because of mere words said to her online. Words wound the soul and can "kill" a person, even if it's only emotionally/psychologically.
The old saying "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" applies here.
Jesse Grund said it in his depositions.. That they told casey they could no longer keep watching caylee.. And this was just after the DNA test was done..
ReplyDeleteAnd no i am not a member of that group that smeared Jesse. I never even THOUGHT of Jesse to be completely honest. I got slapped in there because of a Tip that was not followed up on by the police, and i forwarded the information To Cindy. She passed it to dominic.. Thats how it got in the doc dump.
I think that the reason they asked Casey to get other child care arrangements is because it was getting to the point where she expected this free childcare on a daily basis, and none of the Grunds would have had any time left to do their normal day jobs.
ReplyDeleteSorry I gotta cut this short. My step-daughter's water just broke. I'll take this up later.
dumb dumb ass Busy Becki, so funny you kept your clothes on tonight while your new pals were waiting for a taze.There probly in bed by now, except CC (she cant wait) go ahead and do your nitely show. Im sure your new pals would love to see your sex act.
ReplyDeleteLmfao hey anon.. Hop in there and ask anyone in the room if they have EVER seen anything other than my head and arms on camera lmfao. Though the perverted men might ask every woman in the room to get naked on cam, i have yet to see anyone actually do it and that INCLUDES me. You really need to get the hang of an insults room, Everyone calls everyone a whore, everyone is a cam whore, u get it?
ReplyDeleteOR are you talking about the two sets of boob still images put up on cam? If that's what your talking about you failed to read the room when i was asked if they were mine and i said what? what did i say? NO lmfao . Got them off photobucket. Or the set that had I LOVE BEKKI written across them? You have to pay attention Anon. Since everyone else in the room knows i DO NOT i will repeat that for you DO NOT get NAKED ON CAM, SHOW MY ASS ON CAM, SHOW MY CHEST ON CAM, I basically show my head :) Like any self respecting woman!! U start flashin ur goodies on the camera and you make a name for yourself fast. If you can't handle or understand the insults rooms.. You probably shouldn't be in there.
ReplyDeleteWatch out for that Analee Grace. She changes names on here and if you knew her reputation, you would understand why ladies such as her have to change their names so often. I remember her taking money from some people in a chatango room a long time ago. She said she had a hotline open for abused women. Unfortunately, it was not true. She admitted in private chats to some of the women what she really had going on and why she needed the money. She apologized and offered to return their money since she had been deceptive in the cause. Kudos to her for owning up to what she had done. After that she had to change her name to Annie Marie to hide from the well known psychic personality, Analee Grace. Just be careful. These women are NOT well Kari. I can see above that Annie Marie/Analee Grace/Tainted Evidence, etc already has your radar up and that is good. I know you are trying to help stop all of the cyber bullying but many have tried and not succeeded. These women are vicious and have all the time in the world to destroy your personal life, homelife, children, and the list continues. Thank you for your determination. Keep up the good fight, but please be careful! Annie Marie is not to be trusted and even her mother will admit (much like bekki's) that she is sick and a danger to others.
Anon.. STFU. People change their names online all the damn time GET OVER IT! Most people on paltalk have more than one ID for a specific reason as well. I myself have 3 nics on paltalk, A black name, a blue name and a green name. BFD! We women are JUST FINE. You judge a persons life by the way they are online? If that's the truth what do you think of everyone from insult rooms that spend their days ripping each other apart? hmmmmmmmm?
ReplyDeleteAnd excuse me while i whip out my tiny violin and play my heart bleeeeeeds for you. I have never seen anyone destroy someones personal life, or homelife through the computer. Ya know why? It's soooooo easy to just TURN THE DAMN COMPUTER OFF!! With the flick of a switch every mean nasty person on the internet just fades away.. COOL TRICK HUH! Your opinion about how sick and dangerous i am or anyone is has what kind of professional or educated background to make it relevant or even minimally accurate. AWWWWWW was someone mean to you? Didn't wanna be your friend?? Pooor Poooor baby.. GET THE FUCK OVER IT!!!!!! My god..You whine more than my 2 year old.
I can see Lori is at it again writing cruel statements about Annie. This chick needs to get a life. Serious one. She gets banned out of every chat room, every blog and she comes here? Kari why do you allow such garbage and non factual statements?
ReplyDeleteWell there is going to be something coming on the Internet that you Kari have dugged your self into. And only you can blame yourself for it.