Exposing the TRUE underbelly of INTERNET BLOG CRIMINALS! Nutcakes who take delight in harassing, bashing and bullying others on the internet AND spewing hatred ALL while under the guise of being concerned for the safety and well being of beautiful innocent children - their own, as well as OURS! What else are these sick criminal minded people engaged in while hiding behind their monitor screens?? Let's ALL find out!
I think its like I tried to explain earlier. When you saved "forblogsake" to your computer ( ie. put it in your favorites) you had already clicked through the blog to the "places I visit" section. which put you at "beaconhell" with the forblogsake still showing in your url bar. If you would type in the url, then save before clicking through it should fix it. If you cannot understand what I am trying to explain, I am sorry.
ReplyDeleteI was already told that numerous people have explained this to you Kari. Why you are carrying on like this is ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteWhat is "compliament"? Shouldn't it have been "complement" or "compliment" depending upon how the writer wanted it to be associated?
ReplyDeletecom·ple·ment (kmpl-mnt)
a. Something that completes, makes up a whole, or brings to perfection.
b. The quantity or number needed to make up a whole: shelves with a full complement of books.
c. Either of two parts that complete the whole or mutually complete each other.
1. An expression of praise, admiration or congratulation
2. A formal act of civility, respect or courtesy
So is BH part of the whole scenario or is it praising itself here?
It seems clear that the tab opened reads "for blog sake" yet the page shows BH. When going to another page from a link the new page usually appears on another tab or supersedes the original one.
This is quite interesting.
ReplyDeleteI really do believe that there is a connection between FBS and Beaconhell. I know I will not be reading FBS anymore. The blog is becoming more and more like crim's style. Don't think I have to explain what I mean, we all know crim's mentality. Wonder how many blogs she has on the go now? lol. Poor girl. Oh, and by the way crim, congrats on becoming an RN. Yup I believe you, *wink, *wink. lol.
To FBS up above.
ReplyDeleteFor Blog Sake/Annie Marie/Analee I really could care less who has told you anything NOW and quite frankly Annie Marie I am done with you coming back to me with words to that effect, or like "I got word". I really do not put much merit in what people say that follows "I got word" or "I was told by so and so" and then if and when asked by me who told them something they want to claim CONFIDENTIALITY -- WTH you come to me concerning something I supposedly have said or done YET I am not supposed to know right off whether you being legit or you just fishing. You know Annie Marie, like how you started off that one IM to me about "Crim" on 16th November 2009. To be honest Annie Marie, that's when more doubt in my mind arose about you. Then even more doubt in my mind arose about WHO you really are (inside) with that IM exchange we had concerning that site that was put up on the Internet containing different audio clips of what was being said in The Lostsouls chat room. See Annie Marie, when you showed amusement and delight in what tinker_bell_1967 and her cohorts had done by creating that whole site it caused much concern for me given the fact that this sort of thing was exactly what you initially set out to end/expose/address on the Internet and to offer a safe haven at your Blog Site for "victims" of this sort of thing. AND please do not come back at me with "but you have posted audio recordings of the goings on in The Busy Bees and Neutral Ground" - because THAT is different, if only for the mere fact that I never once heard on any of those audio clips regarding The Lostsouls (that tinker_bell_1967 was the PR person for) YOUR name mentioned OR your Blog, HOWEVER in ALL of the audios I posted on my blog I was the subject being discussed and/or Murt and those audios were a direct example of the crap that has been going on for so long. I DID NOT put those audio recordings up to cause any problems or inflict any kind of pain on INNOCENT people who I have no beef with at the time - period! Like I said, I do not get my laughs at the expense of INNOCENT people, or animals either.
ReplyDeleteAnnie Marie, you tend to the content and direction your Blog FOR BLOG SAKE is heading and I will tend to mine. Do you see me commenting or bitching about what you put up on your Blog about me or anywhere on the Internet -- NO you do not. And just for the record Annie Marie:
1. You seem to be very pushy and impatient when it comes to me publishing comments that I receive on my Blog, please DO NOT dictate to me WHEN I should POST any comments, or IF I should post them. I am beginning to feel how Murt must have been feeling for so very long: CONFUSED as to which side of the mouth all of you want people to listen to. First Murt and I are accused of sitting on our butts in front of our computers 24/7 neglecting everything else in our respective lives, and then because we do not publish ALL comments as soon as they come into our respective Blogs we are accused of NOT publishing them and neglecting our Blogs and being a failure, or guilty of this or that.
You know what Annie Marie, I have another person who comes to my Blog and posts comments and doesn't have an ounce of patience either when it comes to her comments left here, just like YOU, and that is none other than CriminalInjustice. Right Crim?
2. An FYI for you Annie Mare/For Blog Sake/Analee you have never had access to my Chat Room on PalTalk and I have had you blocked on my PalList, oh probably since the 10th December 2009 for the reasons mentioned above. I've ignored my gut feelings about you for far too long Annie Marie but after much meditation and guidance through prayer about YOU it seems that 2010 is not going to be the year that we bond and our "friendship" flourishes.
3. Here is a quote from you using your For Blog Sake nick name at the end of our long IM conversation on the evening of 16th November 2009:
"You too Kari and thanks for talking with me. I will not be associating with any of those people. Goodnite to you my friend!".
Now if you need me to post that specific IM in its entirety to refresh your memory as to who "those people" are you were referring to, just let me know by return comment. BUT please Annie Marie, just so you know, here are my plans for MY day today:
1. Post my reply comment to FBS at approximately 9:55 am;
2. Put kettle on for 3rd cup of tea;
3. Drink Tea in front of the computer -- 5 minutes tops;
4. Go outside and smoke a cigarette, and I intend to enjoy my cigarette and think a while, so give me about 10 minutes to do those 2 things, which would make it about 10:20 a.m., give or take a minute or two;
5. Then, hmmmmmmm, let's see what am I going to do.......NONE OF YOUR DANG BUSINESS, I will post any comments left on my blog when I feel like it and no sooner just because YOU, Annie, are an impatient woman. Patience is a virtue, did you know that Annie?
Until then “my friend” bye bye.
P.S. Oh, are you familiar with the nick name “Tainted Evidence”. Is she still around PalTalk – curious minds want to know???
Hrm.. To anon up there that decided to post about me.
ReplyDeleteI'm not an RN you idiot, I'm an LPN. By all means go to the michigan board of registry and you will see my name, my license type (LPN) and the word Pending. Why is it pending? Do you really think you just walk out of school with license in hand? No. You take boards, then wait a few weeks to a month for them to drop it in the mail and send it off.
But thanks for showing how little you know! :)
NOTICE: I have been contacted by and they recognize that Murtwitnessone, Murtwitnessonelive, AND Murthavenflorida are Trademarks and the material that has been on Youtube placed there by Murthavenflorida and others were an infringement. The FAKE Murthavenflorida account has been removed and MY Murthavenflorida account has been put in it's place.
ReplyDeleteThe creator of THE FAKE Murthavenflorida has been banned from youtube.
Get them!
Just remember that these sneaky people will just try again with another email account or computer. YouTube will keep tabs on any accounts resembling yours but these lowlifes will continue their games until......
ReplyDeleteI call bullshit murt. According to the United States Patent and Trademark department, found at
ReplyDeleteYOU HAVE NO TRADEMARK on any of those words. Your name was searched as well as the words Murt Murtwitnessone, Murt wittness one, Murt witnessone, and all of the above using the word LIVE included. You have no tradmark on any of those words. They are fair game. Maybe i will even register for the trademark to the words myself!
By the way. Using the Tradmark symbol next to your name is a federal offense.
How on Gods green earth can nana, crime,princeless,sweetpiss, cc and all the others sit in the (p***y nasty den of iniquity room) and say such hateful vulgur things about humans, only thing I can think of, they must be thinking about when crazy cajun got on cam in ark. Tina's room and masterbated. I guess it must be a turn on for them. Yes Chris Lyons we can show it if you wish. Don't know what makes fools talk like that unless its porn.
By the way, ANON, the names are COPYRIGHTED, big difference.
ReplyDeleteWhoever the dimwit was that did the so called "search" missed the supporting documentation that I sent to Youtube. She needs to get a refund on that service she is using because it is a piece of crap.There is a LOT if information she is either NOT getting or getting WRONG.
Are you people nuts? You have "Hurray Murt Get them!" Then another writes oh these people are sneaky.. But umm excusssseee meeee - you folks are forgetting sumptin! Murt does not have a trademark out on any of his MURT names!! So.. how could the person or persons on YouTube be banned? Are you that dumb?
ReplyDeleteKari I thought you had more intelligence than to post false information. I will be notifying blogspot to let them know you are allowing slander, lies, and what not on your blog. You will have this crap taken down. You will be forced by blogspot.
And honestly the more I read your rantings, the more stupid you are becoming. You have no followers but MURT. And we all know who the anons are. YOU AND MURT. And you have no good material at all. NONE. Give up the blogger patrol and keep your day job... you really suck at this.
To Anonymous right above me at 9:18:00 PM
ReplyDeleteFIRSTLY: my having NO good material to work with is NOT my fault. You say you read my rantings so you are well aware of why the material is no good, but then considering what my Blog is all about, I'd say the material is very appropriate;
SECONDLY: wonder hows come YOU know more about what Murt does or does not have a trademark on then what Murt does -- whose business is it anyway?
THIRDLY: have you ever heard that saying "You know what THOUGHT made a man do"? Just curious.
FOURTHLY: make up your mind, which is it that you think I am: nuts, forgetful, dumb, intelligent or stupid - you have me so confused as to what I am LOL.
FIFTHLY, can you give me at least 48 hours to get my crocheting classes all lined up before you have blogspot yank my life out from under me by forcing my crappy Blog to be taken down? Please!!
SIXTHLY: I did not start this Blog to have "followers" but rather to expose the likes of PrincessBH and others for the injustices against myself and what I witnessed for myself against Murt and others - PERIOD.
SEVENTHLY: Please can you produce to me the proof that all the comments on my Blog signed ANONYMOUS are from either ME OR MURT? But wait just a second, tell me YOU, OH ANONYMOUS ONE -- is your comment supposed to be one posted here by ME OR MURT? LOLOLOLOL
Good grief and HOLY RIP!!!!
Like I said... KariSueBee.. Like I said. You should take up a hobby cuzzzz you suck at this.
ReplyDeleteUmmm the only reason dumbshit we have any info on Murt is: (drumroll please)
FIRSTLY: You post the crap!
SECONDLY: Murt posted the crap!
THIRDLY: Do you own a dictionary? Or spell check?
FOURTHLY: Why don't you be a mother to your DAWTER and give up the writing career. It doesn't suit you well at all.
ReplyDeleteThe comments by this anon idiot and those who comment at my blog and then scream bloody murder when I do not post them are about as stupid as they can get. They even resort to cartoons to get their lies out.
Youtube YANKED the Murthavenflorida sie there WITH the content due to COPYRIGHT violations. I sent to Youtube SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS TO BACK UP MY COMPLAINT.
As I posted on my blog "If the NITWIT had bothered to check they would have found that MURTHAVENFLORIDA.COM is a registered DOMAIN."
There is also ANOTHER place where MURTHAVENFLORIDA is registered and the user of that worthless net detective service apparently cannot find it.
Oh well
End of story
ReplyDeleteRE: For Blogs Sake
I was under the impression that the owner of this blog was against cyberbullying. Judging by the recent content of that blog, I no longer believe that is the case.
I am most profoundly disappointed that the author has abandoned this worthy cause.
Enough is enough:
ReplyDeleteI have absolutely lost my faith in people. I have lost faith with law enforcement. I have lost faith, PERIOD.
I am worn out. The detractors out there are determined that I not be able to have the right given by this country to the freedoms granted to me by the constitution.
I have spent enormous amounts of money on domain registration, domain hosting, software, computers and all kinds of expensive equipment to provide content to everyone AT NO CHARGE.
What do I get in return? Lies, smears, threats and harrassment. I have had enough. I am better off playing facebook games and watching viral videos.
One less voice on the internet.
PS.FOR BLOGS SAKE IS A FRAUD. That blog is in no way AGAINST cyberbullying. Anyone who thinks it is is a fool.
Can I just say - Bless you Kari - you have the patience of a saint. Enough said. As much as I would like to engage in this BS - it's way too petty.
ReplyDeleteforblogsake is beaconhell? darn. I thought it was someone trying to help Murt. I'm so tired of these mad people. I will never trust anyone ever again. Dee :(
ReplyDeleteI found the answer quite by accdent. It turns out to be a simple matter of imbedding the url for Beaconhell behind the text.
My website is an example of how easy this is to do.
In my links section, all I have are the words "Link to blog" for people to link to my blog. The url is not visible. That is because the link is hidden (imbedded) from view.
Hypertext can be layered. Some websites will have a photo with no text at all. Yet, if you move your cursor over the picture and left click, you may be redirected to another page on the website or to another location the author set up.
There are examples all over the internet of this technique.
It takes less than a minute to do and another to undo.
It goes to show the degree of deception the author of that site was willing to go. Another reason not to trust the site for now a reader would have no idea what hyperlink would be hidden under the text.
There is a way to detect when this is done but she has likely covered her tracks and changed the link by now.
Oh my CC the truth never lies. Ask nana. Her and mommies were fighting like always over to ban you . But you begged and lied right back in. There was more than 30 in the room that day as you know.
ReplyDeleteIn repsonse to your statement made above...with the hyperlinks. I hope you are not stating the For Blog Sake is manipulating the Internet by linking Beaconhell under disguise as For Blog Sake? To make it CLEAR and easy to READ -
For Blog Sake is not linked, affliated, or is one in the same.
PrincessBH owns the domain of
I own the domain of For Blog and For Blog There is no deception here. Quite honestly I do not know how Kari linked the two together. If you all want to sit around and believe that they are both ONE in the same websites... okay!
Also Murt, when one buys the domain it is not immediately copyrighted or trademarked. Those are separate steps one has to make and separate costs. Just as if you want to incorporate your business you would either go with Inc, or LLC or whatever else suits your need. All things are done separately.
So that is why most BUSINESSES will buy a .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info and so forth to prevent anyone else from obtaining the "name" of the domain. THEN they proceed to the other steps above or have already.
Why you are acting as though you have no clue what anyone is trying to say, is ridiculous. Murt you know the Internet. You know how businesses run. Anyone can put in google and say 'definition of copyright' and waaalaa there you have it! You just can't put a "C" symbol next to your name and it is your material! Normally people who do that already have all the above in place and have purchased copyright RIGHTS.
As far as TRADEMARK... what is it you are TRADEMARKING?? So I do not have to type it ALL out here, do a Wikipedia search on that term and "TM" clearly states it is an UNREGISTERED Trade Mark used to promote goods or services. What are you promoting? In order for any legal proceeding to commence if someone were to use your name or names you would have to be REGISTERED. That is where you see the R with the circle around it! MURT you are not registered anywhere.
ReplyDeleteSo that is why after numerous people came to my site with emails stating you were now trying to come off as a branded entity, I looked into your names. I also contacted YouTube and asked if someone were to come on there and use ForBlogSake for instance as their own, could they? I was told basically the same information above. I bought the DOMAIN of ForBlogSake. It basically is not my baby entirely until I REGISTER it! Why do you think there are yearly fees or however you set it up? You must renew the domain sites and if you do not... and it expires, then someone else can come and use it.
Just as my Abuse organization is filed as entity type Incorporation. Then it states what type of corporation on the document and it says Not-For-Profit. That is how my attorney set it up for now. There is much more work and money that is needed to make it a full blown NON for profit organization. But to acquire the name and secure it... they made the intial steps and it is filed as Perpetual.
Murt can you provide us that information? You state you have the paperwork. Well if you had such you would not be ranting on and on about how you showed YOUTUBE the documents yet you have not ONCE provided it for the PUBLIC to see. If you have nothing to hide, then where is the proof? Anyone that knows my organization can look up the name and see its filing. Just to add, FORBLOGSAKE Murt is not my organization either. That is my blogger site. And yes I do stand for abuse issues and when I see a person manipulating others to say hey look at me I OWN this and abuse your words on the net, you bet your butt I am going to look into it. And I did and on my site is what I discovered.
Now if I am wrong MURT.. Please prove me otherwise and a public apology will be made. Until then do not make up lies about me or anyone else just cause you got caught with your hand in the cookie jar.
ReplyDeleteI am not certain who the owner of For Blogs Sake is nor do I care. I do know that the blog is no longer what the author claimed it was.
I had thought that the author had started to see what was going on out there and decided to take a stand against this sort of thing.
I am disappointed but not suprised to see that this is not the case. FBS is no different than the other blogs out there than have engaged in this new trend.
It is plain old childish bullying. The posts at FBS along with the comments are proof enough.
Their treatment of Joy Wray, who is no fan of mine and visa versa, speaks volumes.
The blogs are little more than name calling sites where the owners try and one up each other with the little toys that are out there to play with. The cartoon videos on youtube are nothing more than gimmics. They have no substance whatsoever.
Playing Farmtown is more entertaining and more productive.
ReplyDeleteI see that nurse gretchen cannot leave you alone. Oh, what a tangled web we weave. I hear she even called a hospital to find out if Joy was a patient. Now how sick is that. FBS is now showing what it's purpose was all along. Just another bashing, bullying site. They even have special private bashing rooms. What a disgusting bunch.
And lets not forget about shewolfrocks. Can't expect too much from that one. You know what they say about "birds of a feather". Just look at who she follows on twitter. Oh yeah, and she's friends with that one over at cold blood. I'll send you some information on her to add to your collection.
In the meantime, Kari, know that there are a lot of people standing behind you and appreciate you exposing these lowlifes for what they really are. Just the dregs of society.
ReplyDeleteThe person who opened the MURTHAVENFLORIDA did so with the intent to DECIEVE. Plain and simple. Trademark or not. It is clear out and out cyberbullying and you are supporting it.
By creating that account, I am now unable to use youtube for my Murthavenforida webcasts and have changed the plans regarding how to proceed.
It goes to show just how dirty and rotton people have become.
As for whre Murthavenflorida comes from, peole were apparently not paying attention and the person who has the net detective account should ask for a refund for the origin of the name is obvious.
I am, however through telling everyone what is none of their business. I have paid the price for trusting people with that information already.
ReplyDeleteA few years back there was another case similar to mine where someone used the name of someone on Myspace that was not theirs.
In this case, an ex-wife who was in the midst of a custody battle with her ex-husband for the custody of their son.
This woman created a fake myspace account in the name of her ex-husband. She wrote, in his name, a threatening letter to herself.
The ex-husband came embroiled in a nasty fight with dcf and nearly lost visitation rights to his son.
The fraudulant myspace page was traced back to the ex-wife (BY PRIVATE INQUARY) and the information turned over to law enforcement.
The ex-husband did NOT have a registered TRADEMARK of his name nor was his myspace account was not COPYRIGHTED.
I suppose FBS and the others would have made good support witnesses for the ex-wife since they seem to support actions similar to hers.
Unfortunately they are a tad too late.
As the FBI was on the way to interview the woman to build their case for charging her with theft of intellectual property.
The woman committed suicide hours before the scheduled visit by the FBI.
This case was The State of Florida vs Melinda Marie Eubank, the mother of still missing, TRENTON DUCKETT
ReplyDeleteIn the months that passed participants in certain forums found themselves victims of what were known as "Myspace scams where someone would put up parodies using names of well known users from a certain forum where the creators were BANNED.
The techniques were virtually THE SAME as what Melinda Eubank was alleged to have used, causing several members of the forum in question to wonder if Ms. Eubank was NOT guilty of creating the fake myspace page of her husband Josh Duckett.
Why the hell are you addressing me in this topic MURT. Worry about your own damn issues you got going on and quit with your bike reflectors.
ReplyDeleteHey you are you good at fooling people Murt... Just put a I in the L in Flordia... waalaaa!! MurtHavenFIorida! No one will know! You are REAL good at that aren't ya Murt.
Again, where is the docs supporting your stupid ass claim that you are a trademark or now a copyright. All it takes is a drop of a link.. come on Murt!
ReplyDeleteYou missed my post over at my blog regarding the TM issue which you had WRONG. TM means an UNREGISTERED Trademark.
Wikipedia has the PROPER defination of TM and how it is used. I did NOT use (R) which is the REGISTERED trademark symbol. BIG difference.
Also, there is a standard of on line behavior that goes back to the days before the WWW.
It is that once someone has established a known username, NOBODY copies or misrepresents it. Doing so is one of the OLDEST forms of CYBER BULLYING known.
Since you seem to condone this practice, it is just another piece of evidence that you SUPPORT cyber bullying rather than being AGAINST it.
As for posting here. I will not be told where to post. If I do not want to post at YOUR blog, I will not. If you do not like that, then do not come here. I have a blog where you can comment if you wish. I cannot gurentee I will publish your comment but I will read it.
Because of the complaint that Kari has raised regarding your blog, I felt that in order to prevent damage to my pc, it would be advisable not to link to your blog.
RE: Usernames vs Room names:
ReplyDeleteNot sure where to put this one. I just had a comment from Mommiesdollies concerning the issue of ONE of the Murtwitnessonelive ROOM names.
Mommies seems NOT to know the difference between a ROOM name and a USER name. There is a difference, you know.
A USER name is the one you signed on to paltalk with. This does not change once you get it if you are a PAYING customer of Paltalk.
ROOM names are another matter. The ROOM NAME can be changed at will by the owner or anyone designated with the authority to do so. The ROOM PASSWORD does NOT need to be changed.
If you do a search for PALS on Paltalk, you will get the USERNAME of a member. You will not get their ROOM NAME unless the member adds it to their profile.
ROOM names are found through a ROOM search and will ONLY show up if the room is OPEN.