Believe it or not, southerncharm_1 aka MOMMIESDOLLIES1 is the mother of two beautiful girls. What kind of example is she being for her daughters? Google will be their friend too when they grow up and can you imagine the things they will discover on this here Internet about their mother -- too sad.
Children learn by way of example MOMMIESDOLLIES1 and recalling some of the stories you used to share with us in Murt's room as relates to you and your mother -- you very well know yourself deep down inside that it is true. Unless of course all those stories of yours were just pure LIES? You are supposed to do your utmost to try and break the cycle MOMMIESDOLLIES1 not let the cycle continue on and on and on and on. If I am not mistaken, the name of MOMMIESDOLLIES is a tribute to her daughters, and yet she sees fit to put disgusting stuff behind her name on PalTalk where perhaps hundreds of people can see and know just what kind of female she really is behind the name.
ReplyDeleteThat was a LOW blow you just stated. As I mentioned before... you wanna spit at each other by all means, but bring up Mothers and what others have said to you in private or a private group is not cool. Come on' you know that is hurtful and wrong.
So will your children read what YOU wrote when they grow up and go on the internet??
ReplyDeleteTo Anonymous above.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely, they will, in fact my two oldest daughters know all that I have written and I have nothing to be ashamed of anywhere on this here Internet. In fact, since my middle daughter specifically has been thrust into this sick little "PrincessBH game" and made the subject of such cruel, disgusting, and filthy talk she now reads the Blog religiously to keep up on all the crap. Want to know what she says about THEM ALL? She has to keep up on all the lies, rumors and disgusting things that she is being accused of having done BECAUSE it has been made her business by PrincessBH and all her cohorts. I am sure you know who all of them are, either because you are ONE of them or because you have read and/or listened to the evidence by way of audio recordings that I have shared here. If you happen to fall in neither of those two (2) categories, then perhaps you do not even have the right to be here leaving the comment that you have.
FYI, this Blog has turned out to be a very valuable tool for me to use in order to educate ALL my daughters on just what sort of evils exist in this World today, and where it can be found in the most unsuspecting places, i.e. even in a chat room that was set up for the main purpose of following, discussing and sharing opinions with others in a case involving the disappearance/murder of a beautiful little 2 1/2 year old child, as well as other beautiful little children who have disappeared and/or been murdered.
All three (3) of my daughters now know that even in such an innocent setting that evil will still be found, even in the guise of fellow FEMALES who impersonate themselves as being kind, considerate and caring all the while purposely pulling the wool over so many peoples eyes. All three (3) of my daughters now know that it is NOT just MEN that they have to be cautious of in their dealings but also their fellow SISTAS.
Suffice it to say, I have absolutely NO worries at all about what any of my children should ever happen to come upon on this here Internet written ABOUT me by the likes of the so called women involved in this ordeal AND there is absolutely nothing "out there" that I (not any impersonator of my name or nick name) have personally WRITTEN or DONE that will cause them to ever think or believe that their mother is or has been a FAKE and a FRAUD in their eyes. Needless to say, I am a staunch believer in the saying: CHILDREN LEARN BY WAY OF EXAMPLE and that has been my main focus/goal since being blessed with the awesome responsibility of being a MOTHER to my three (3) beautiful daughters. I don't just owe them that, all three (3) of them DESERVE it and are most certainly WORTH IT, as are ALL other children in this World.
Think about that, you bunch of gutter yaking hags. And you know who you are.
ReplyDeleteYou are off on your facts. ALL of what Kari said in refrence to Mommies was said in a PUBLIC room with NO password restrictions.
Princess and her minions have HOURS of those conversations and as a result EVERY WORD of what Mommies has ever said in my room. Since EVERY WORD of text has also been copied, those things that were said would not be PRIVATE either.
One has only to read "Mommies Follies" at Beaconhell (if you can get access) and see what Princess wrote about Mommies (and others) using the same information as above.
MOMMIES claims she is heavily involved with her daughters' school. I wonder what the school board would think of this filth she's spews here? Unbelievable!
ReplyDelete~ Pep
FBS said...
ReplyDeleteOkay KARI
That was a LOW blow you just stated. As I mentioned before... you wanna spit at each other by all means, but bring up Mothers and what others have said to you in private or a private group is not cool. Come on' you know that is hurtful and wrong.
What one "hears: is what you are saying, FBS? Then what about what one "sees" in black and white text which has been written after Mommies or southerncharm's name in Paltalk lists. This is open for ALL to see who have her on their list.
Perhaps she is not concerned about what she writes because she speaks like that in front of her children anyway.
Call me crime you are the best lier, scammer, trouble maker, there is on the net.Too go on FBS and spew lies that you don't know Kari. My goodness stupid go to b HELL where you and your insane mother caused all kinds of trouble. But now your kind of people is the only ones that p**** nasty can get to flower her. Have fun burning you lying dope. I don't see how you can even hide behind your computer, I would go away and never come back if I were you.
ReplyDeleteCould someone please translate the post dated January 12, 2010 10:56:00...was this written in some kind of code?
ReplyDeleteKari, I am so sorry that grown women act like Jail House Hookers. No class asses with nothing else better to do than to make fun of other people, when their lives are just as sad and act like third grade bullies
ReplyDeleteI can imagine what your daughters must think. We are suppose to be the adults instead some are acting like children by the way they are harrassing others. I can't believe that a group of women who supposedly found each other through a blog about a murdered child can act like this. One minute your friends and the next you turn on each other. And for what reason. I don't think Murt is the reason anymore. For some of you it is just a game for you. You log into a chat room so you can pretent you are something you are not. In real life you would never be able to do the things you have done to people that you have done on here. Some of you say you are religious and care about people. Well that is hard to believe after reading what you have posted. What's funny is that whatever you said is now part of the WWW for the whole world to see. Is this how you want to be remembered?
To Anonymous @ Wednesday, January 13, 2010 12:05:00 AM
ReplyDeleteI too am sorry that grown women act the way the dozen or so "women" who are involved in this ordeal act.
I feel sorry more so for the children of those "women" who are mothers. Like for instance, MOMMIESDOLLIES1 - would she not be a huge hypocrite in the eyes of her two (2) beautiful daughters and others if she claimed she has/had instilled in them the differenc between RIGHT from WRONG? Wonder how she has taught them the acceptable way to treat others. How could she educate her daughters on the wrongs about being a bully or how NOT to allow anyone else in their lives to BULLY and INTIMIDATE them thereby robbing them of their rights in any way shape or form? How can MOMMIESDOLLIES1 teach her two (2) daughters NOT to hate; NOT to be lacking of compassion for their fellow man; NOT to be a LIAR; NOT to be a follower instead of a leader and even if they chose to follow not to do so blindly; NOT to be disrespectful to their elders; NOT to be spiteful, NOT to be a woman with a foul, sewerage spewing tongue; NOT to be selfish and self-centered; NOT to feel as though they are so privileged that they think the entire World revolves around them and them alone; NOT to be so weak that they will do and say anything to anyone to gain "acceptance" among their peers; NOT to be an IMPERSONATOR of others for the sole purpose of causing trouble and damage to others, BUT to be true to themselves with uniqueness and originality; etc. etc. etc. THE ANSWER is obvious: SHE CANNOT NOT. SHE CANNOT EVEN TEACH THEM TO HAVE RESPECT FOR THEMSELVES. MOMMIESDOLLIES1 cannot even possibly TRY to teach her daughters to have respect for her as their Mother, as sadly she is not deserving. MOMMIESDOLLIES1's conduct over the past year on this here Internet has been deplorable and has been witnessed by many.
Here is some advice for MOMMIESDOLLIES1 and I know for fact YOU will see or hear this. Begin today, the very moment you catch wind of this, to change your wicked disgusting ways so that you do not be a disappointment to your daughters. Do not leave the door open to where when they reach the age of adulthood and look back on their lives they then see and realise that the MOMMY they THOUGHT they had and knew was only just one big FAKE and a FRAUD. Start at the most important place MOMMIESDOLLIES1, start with God, put God first and all else will just fall right into place and you will be amazed how easy it truly is to be a MOTHER.
Crimie, why are you on line almost 24/7, except on the first of the mouth. If I were you I would keep my big trap closed about it, but everyone knows you can't. So come on tell us a big one. LOL! Whom ever you are on FBS, Ami, Anna or nana. I'm not John or Kathy. Crimie knows me very very well. I see you now in your fav room. Look around. Boo!
ReplyDeleteAnon.. Why do you care so much about how often i leave my computer turned on? Please... Tell me... Do you pay for my net? Do you pay my bills? whats that? no??? really?? Didn't think so.
ReplyDeleteSee maybe in your house you are devoid of toys and fun things to play with but during the day i don't sit and hold my son non stop. You might? But then if you do you might want to get checked out since kids need to play and explore to learn. I was blessed with my children being very adventurous and in turn i blessed them with many toys to help them explore :). Anyone that chats with me when i do chat (which is usually after 7pm at night by the way which is ALSo my kids bedtime :) ) knows that im poppin in.. and im poppin out.. cams on .. cams off..
And please don't try and ellude that i do unsavory things on cam cuz you will get laughed right off the net. Im not one of those cam whores.. I don't so much as blow a kiss on the camera lmfao! and at 9:11 am sorry buddy but i wasnt in the chat room. In fact i wasn't even HOME so please show me a screenie of me in the chat room at 9 this morning. If ya can't then shut the hell up .
When you wake up try to answer the hard questions? Oh never mind we all know all the lies you will tell. They are hurting my eyes, I'm done with you, liers never stop! I'm real sure my thirty year old son, and wife would love to come back and go to the attic and get all his toys,lol maybe when they make me a Grandmother. try to turn your life around like so many many people have begged you to do. So Sad.
ReplyDeleteTo Anonymous right above me, YOU talking to me OR MOMMIESDOLLIES1.
ReplyDeleteIf you talking to me, come back at me with your hard questions, I'll be here. Plus, if you talking to me about turning MY life around wonder why it is you do not see from all the evidence on this Blog the need for MOMMIESDOLLIES1 to turn her life around. Seems to me you only seeing what YOU want (or are being MADE) to see as relates to me despite my providing the PROOF that has been SHOWN or shared by way of audio recordings for you to hear with your own ears.
Perhaps all those many many people are begging me to turn my life around for the worse not the better -- for some reason, hmmmmmm - wonder what that could be, and of course now I am all the more curious to find out.
they were talkin to me i think....but it bored me.
ReplyDeleteMurt Defends Convicted Sex Offender
By princess, on February 27th, 2009
That’s right. Murt is allowing his moderators to engage in elicit activity while using his paltalk room, and Tinkerbell is defending her sister, CONVICTED sex offender, Windchime (BreezySeas45) aka Terri Cavitalo. Windchime had been a longtime administrator at Websleuths, until today. I applaud Tricia for doing the right thing and removing her from the community [...]