MOMMIESDOLLIES1 and NANANC never cease to disgust me. Anyone who has followed the tragic case of little Caylee Marie Anthony are well aware of how offensive the image that the individual being referred to as "karisuebear" chose to upload to his/her Profile on this Blog which MOMMIESDOLLIES1 and NANANC are so very proud of. There should be NO doubt now as to who ALL was involved in this sick demented piece of "humor" (as all of them mistakenly call it) and everything else that so many have witnessed who have followed little Caylee's case since 15th July 2008 - YET they all want to claim that they CARE about the missing/kidnapped/murdered children!
MOMMIESDOLLIE1 and NANANC was their anything else on YOUR Blogs about me or Murt that you wanted me to be shocked/surprised/ashamed of -- because it didn't work. Again I stand by anything that I have ever said in any comment anywhere on this here Internet. I will gladly repeat it to any ones FACE as well.
Keep digging MOMMIESDOLLIES1 and NANANC but I can assure you that NOTHING you find in my background will ever cause me to abandon my principals, beliefs, morals, etc. which I live by TODAY and become another VICTIM of PrincessBH et al by being threatened with EXPOSURE unless I join the low life ranks of all of them. Some are of the belief MOMMIESDOLLIES1 and NANANC as well as TINKER_BELL-1967 that perhaps such is the case with all three (3) of you. That is what you call BULLYING, INTIMIDATING, HARASSING, TERRORIZING, BLACK MAILING, etc. and I for one do not play that "GAME".
Keep digging MOMMIESDOLLIES1 and NANANC and if there is anything I can help you with just ask, just ask - that is all you have to do. Need a list of all the sites I have ever left a comment on, just ask, just ask. Bet both or all of you were pretty darn shocked yourselves to see that what I have ever said since having the misfortune of "meeting" you all on this here Internet is what I have said all along, same opinions, same views, same talk, same ME, ME, ME. Unfortunately, from way back in Murt's chat room both of you, especially you NANANC, will recall that politics and religion were NEVER allowed to be discussed in depth and when the two (2) subjects were brought up wasn't it YOU SUPER ADMIN NANANC who always put an end to the discussion immediately with threats of RED DOTTING/BOUNCING or BANNING people. Makes me wonder why you want it discussed now! But oh well, bring it on.
NANANC do you truly believe that the FREEDOMS which are being fought and have been fought by the men and women in the Military, and all the thousands and thousands of lives lost in combat over the years, were LOST so that you and all your BFFs could have the RIGHT to ABUSE others and cause pain and suffering with all the hatred, filth, garbage, lies upon lies, etc. which YOU have been doing either jointly or alone for at least the past 12-15 months? I have United States Citizen Uncles who have also served in the Military and I know for fact that they did not put their lives on the line to fight for such disgusting things and who, no doubt, shed many a tears out of pain, NOT for what they witnessed on the battle fields, but out of disgust when they hear people like YOU with the gall to claim that THEY fought for your FREEDOMS so that you can abuse such FREEDOMS to spew hate, to cause harm in one way or the other to your fellow man, to cause pain and suffering, and to cause divisiveness.
Personally, I would be so enraged if I were to have lost a loved one or have a loved one returned home severely injured only to be subjected to the bull crap from people the likes of YOU that repeatedly insist that he/she fought for the RIGHT for YOU to spew such hate and cause such pain and suffering, especially to your fellow Americans, either while hiding behind your monitor screens in cyberspace or in your "real" life. You should be ashamed NanaNC and MOMMIESDOLLIES1 and any one of your other ten (10) BFFs who mistakenly believe that! Ask your son NANANC when he returns home safely (and I pray to God that he does) if he concurs with what you believe. Ask him if he fought for YOU to have the right to be on the computer in cyberspace and purposely to do all that you have done or been involved in the past 12-15 months for no other reason but to inflict pain and suffering in one way shape or form, and then let us ALL know what his answer is, please.
I welcome ANYONE to come here to my blog (or anyone who chats with me in Dew Drop Inn) and ask me anything about anything contained in that hate filled Blog that MOMMIESDOLLIES1 and NANANC take such pride in having put up on the Internet for all to see - with the hope of accomplishing only one (1) thing, i.e. to cause trouble and divisiveness. What, am I not entitled to my Opinions like the two (2) of you and all your other BFFs? Good thing for all of you that my Internet Life only goes back, oh I would safely say to around the beginning of 2006 - otherwise you all would really be wasting your precious time - time and energy that could be put to such causes like the missing/kidnapped/murdered childrens' cases which are happening at an alarming rate each day.
Perhaps we should all now wonder what your respective husbands would think about what the two (2) of you do on this here Internet daily. My husband is well aware of what I am doing and he is also well aware of WHY.
P.S. MOMMIESDOLLIES1 you keep accusing me about some complaint that I supposedly made to CPS or whatever, can you provide me with the City/State you live in so that I can call them to ask for a copy of my supposed complaint or such other proof that would support your claim, please. Yes, I do feel for your daughters and guess why I do, besides the OBVIOUS as expressed by me many times both on my Blog and in a chat room setting -- because I can, and BECAUSE you give me reason to and I can't help it. Is it really so horrible that I would be concerned about your daughters considering all that you have done on this here Internet the past 12-15 months? YOU made it my business from the very second you introduced your daughters to us in Murt's chat room on cam, remember, and what was Murt's room rating at the time - was it a G or an R, and how many people were in Murt's chat room at the time -- hmmmmm?
Well sorry to say but I went thru that whole site that they have up on you and murt. I went thru the whole forum and to be honest kari you have this coming. you started this whole thing with the group, yet you do not like the reprecusions. You cannot go and write hateful things yourself and not expect the cyber war to begin! And you do not allow others to express themselves on your blog. You pick and choose what you want said. So they created a forum where ALL is out. honestly I do not blame them. You have no right to start something and not let all voice their opinions. if there are swear words well you do have this blog rated higher cause you have to click to enter, but if you dont like them then put #### by the words. you have to approve them anyway!
ReplyDeleteKari YOU started this. YOU did this by posting screenshots of someone that YOU had no business doing. And the bear. No, i really do not feel they are doing this because of caylee. Why is that the first thing you think of? Nope. They are stating SHUT UP! You are not fight any CYBER WAR OR ABUSE you are contributing to it.
Trust me this group from what I know of them, the likes of them, they did a throuough background on you and are saving it in their pockets. RETRACT what you said. Post all the comments and you wont have a problem. Realize every comment that is left on your blog, if you do not post it, it gets posted somewhere else making YOU look like you are hiding something. Murt does the same thing with people. You cannot accuse, exhort, or expose people and not have a healthy debate on it. that is not what a blog is about.
Maybe you are just not cut out for the blog world or to fight cyber crimes. Or even talk about them in this fashion. Its obvious for THIS did affect you and they got their response.
Words to think on. Who knows if you will even post this one!
There are a number of things I find rather odd in the rant over in the hate blog that has sprung up against Kari.
ReplyDeleteFirst is the use of explicit language by so called christian women most notably the "c"word.
If that word had been used by any male, let alone me, I would have been virtually tarred and feathered for it yet SOME women seem free to spew this rather interesting word for part of the female anatomy with recless abandon.
The second point is the charge of racism from the blogger of racism while SHE engages in racism of a sort inferring that Kari does NOT have the right to discuss the actions of the USA even though the USA is considered a SUPERPOWER and thus the actions taken by THIS country affect the world.
The other blog is an example of how some people take the rather odd stance of "it is only I me that have the right to...... and NOBODY ELSE"
Quite an example of arrogance on her part.
I have watched the decline of nananc and mommies morals since they left murts room.I never ever thought they would stoop as low as putting this teddy Bear up for all to witness . It made me sick , what the heck did this achieve ,except to dishonor Caylee's memory.Who ever did this ,Mommies or nananc ,Please for the sake of yourselves and your family ,Get help!You are beyond sick!! aka Agranny
ReplyDeleteI see the ANONS are up to their old tricks of EXTORTION. Ie: retract or else or Post here or it will get posted elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteI remind the ANON of a couple of things.
First Kari's and My blog belong to US. WE and WE alone will decide WHAT comments will get posted.
I remind YOU ANON that a certain blogger not only SCREENS what she will allow to be posted but also BANNS those she disagrees with from even READING her posts even when the posts are about the PERSON BEING BANNED.
To me you are a hypocrite for NOT bringing HER into this. Remember it is THAT BLOGGER that started all of this and THAT BLOGGER who refuses to stop.
She got her latest devotees through EXTORTION. That is, support my efforts or YOU WILL BE EXPOSED. She has done this in the past and is doing it now.
Rather than stand up to her, the cowards tuck their tails between their legs and OBAY OBAY OBAY. Good little doggies.
I would advise, as I do on my blog, that if you do not like the editorial policy of the owner of this blog, you go elsewhere.
I cannot believe that a parent would introduce their child to people on the internet!! Don't they realize the danger they are putting their children in. My chldren were never allowed in a chat room until they were almost 17. I never even let them use the computer much.
ReplyDeleteI can only hope that they haven't exposed their child to some pedophile that is pretending to be someone else.
If you find this blog and the pic of the bear so offensive why in the world do you draw others attention to it by posting it? Once again you have peeked my interest by posting a blog and pic I probably would have never been aware of.. These other blogs should be paying you for the advertisement! Once again Thanks Kari, I'm off to read that blog now.. I swear ur stuck on STUPID!
ReplyDeleteI noticed by Mommie's tagline (under her OTHER name) that she does not want to take credit for the bear photo and makes a rather crude remark in her tagline against Agranny about it.
ReplyDeleteWeeeel I have read Granny's remark more than once and she does not point to a SPECIFIC individual as to who put it there. Why is it that WHOEVER put it there does not want to take the "credit" for it? Who's blog is it anyway? Rather interesting.
Kari let it go, low lives have nothing to live for except lies, and drama. Any real friend they may have had in the past have been long gone. There are out to ruin other peoples lifes here on the net where they hide, cause we don't belive the way they think. As in MMMMM! KKK, BLACK PANTHERS, NATION Of ISLOM. The End
ReplyDeleteYou know, if someone is going to argue that usernames cannot be faked and impersonations are not possable,they should not pull a stunt that would get them caught. I am not able to post the link here for some reason so you will have to go to my blog and read the article "On a Silver Platter."
ReplyDeleteSomeone over there certainly is not the brightest bulb in the lamp.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of stuck on stupid, you already knew about the blog. Don't you think we all know who your so called friends are? And just in case you're too stupid to understand why Kari posted this, let me tell you. She is showing us just how low these idiots will go. Are you so sick that you find humor in the picture of the bear with duct tape wrapped around it's head and a heart on it's mouth. Does that image entice you to head over to the blog? You and your group have hit an all time low.
To Anonymous who commented on Friday, January 15, 2010 @ 10:55:00 AM
ReplyDeleteAnd I quote:
"Trust me this group from what I know of them, the likes of them, they did a throuough background on you and are saving it in their pockets. RETRACT what you said. Post all the comments and you wont have a problem. Realize every comment that is left on your blog, if you do not post it, it gets posted somewhere else making YOU look like you are hiding something. Murt does the same thing with people. You cannot accuse, exhort, or expose people and not have a healthy debate on it. that is not what a blog is about."
For the most part what I have put on this MY Blog requires NO debate really. It is PROOF of who and what PrincessBH aka Alexandria Goddard and her Beaconhell low life cohorts ARE. No room for misinterpretation of anything in the IMs, Audios and Screen Shots that I have provided here, as it is all from the horses mouth (or ass more likely).
Once again YOU Anonymous have proven what I have suspected to be true about PrincessBH, MOMMIESDOLLIES1, NanaNC, CriminalInjustice, etc. etc. etc. and that is, that THEY DIG thrououghly into the backgrounds of people both on and off the Internet, then tuck whatever information they may find into their pockets to use against their VICTIMS in a threatening/blackmailing manner in order to either: (1) shut their victims up and force them off the Internet and into hiding; or (2) force them against their will to join the ranks of the rest of them. Again, is this how MOMMIESDOLLES1, NanaNC and tinker_bell_1967 got sucked into the Abyss or are they in fact the SUCKERS.
Oh and likewise with Murt AND PrincessBH, I will post what comments I receive to this MY Blog if I feel there is a need to post them. Comments from the likes of Crim, FBS, SheWolfRocks and someone referring to themselves as VULVA are not worthy of the space on my Blog, and that's my right. In addition, I have received comments from Murt which were not posted as comments under a certain Blog Post but rather were used as actual Blog Post themselves. Then there are a couple comments I have received to my Comments Section which began with the words "PLEASE DO NOT POST THIS". Just for your information and with the hopes of making you realise that you are wrong again, I have a total of 18 comments in my Comment Section that have NOT been posted, OK LMBOOOOOO.
If per chance you are referring to comments which I have received on this MY Blog from "FBS" or "Crim", as I informed Rebecca Sue Sowerby in the presence of Annie Marie in that IM little fiasco the three (3) of us had I do not post her comments for the mere fact that I am tired of what she has to say PLUS those two (2) individuals' comments would at this time for obvious reasons on my part, fall into the category I mentioned above as NOT being worthy of space on my Blog.
Look at it like this, if me and Crim or FBS were having a face to face conversation, and all that was coming out of their mouths IN MY OPINION was nothing but SHIT I would turn my back and walk away and not want anything else to do with them, well that is exactly where I am with respect to the both (?) of them. Besides, if all the UNPUBLISHED comments received by me from Crim, FBS, SheWolfRocks or Vulva eventually end up over on For Blog Sake then really what is the need in cluttering up my space.
At present here is a list of all the comments still sitting in MY comments section for either publishing or trashing, and I have chosen to do neither at this time simply because I CAN:
Murt x 1
Murtwitnessonex 5
Crim x 3
FBS x 1
SheWolfRocks x 1
**Confidential Commenters** x 3
Vulva x 1
Anonymous x 3
Now for transparency sake, would you like for me to Post screen shots of this information as PROOF. I am all for transparency, and providing actual proof to back up what I say. Openness, honesty and transparency go a very long way in proving a person's credibility IMO.
"hell is nothing compared to me and my children." ~ NanaNC
ReplyDeleteWhat an old battle-ax! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
To SheWolfRocks above at Friday, 15 January 2010 @ 6:18:00 PM
ReplyDeleteHere's a question for you:
Who do you really think you are fooling?
You are being TRANSPARENT though, so I do give you credit for that. LMBO at SheWolfRocks.
Hey SheWolfRocks, bet you were surprised as hell when you initially (just recently) visited Beaconhell.com for the very first time and saw that other person who posts religiously at that Site have almost the same identical name as yours.
Maybe you can understand why you are being lumped into the same category as PrincessBH and Co. and not being taken seriously at all with your comments here on MY Blog.
To NanaNC up above at 10:39:00 AM
ReplyDeleteYour very first, and very last, comment posted to my Blog without you hiding behind "Anonymous" and you choose to post something that only proves how lame and dumb you are.
Good LORD NanaNC aka Diana Kittel AND too bad if that comment up above signed NanaNC is NOT really from you the one and only NanaNC aka Diana Kittel but rather it's from one of your sick twisted new Beaconhell BFFs who get a kick out of impersonating others. Now you see how it feels to have your nick name impersonated AND now the World will never know, not from my Blog anyway, whether it was or was not really from YOU.
Kari, I'm sorry, I should have signed my nic. That was me posting a quote of NanaNC's from "The Truth About Kari Blog." She was trying to intimidate you for daring to ask a veteran whether they killed someone or not. I thought you would have recognized me by my ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ to the old battle-ax, NanaNC.
ReplyDeleteSorry for the confusion, Pep :-(
Sorry, Kari but HA HA HA HA HA! Bet nanner had to run to the outhouse, out there the the good ole South.
ReplyDeleteThis was on the TAKSB blog. With any luck bible thumping Diana is so sick that she will die anyday now. What a blessing that will be.
ReplyDeleteNanaNC said...
My husband would love to meet Murt for a very frank discussion about his treatment of me KariSue. My husband is thankful that I have an outlet on this here internet when I am too sick to get up off the couch KariSue. My husband is aware of everything that goes on with me on this here internet KariSue.
Do I think my children fought for the right for me to speak my concerns about the sleuthing from you and your unhealthy obsession with me? You are damn right I do. See, for 6 months KariSue you have continued to bring up my Nicname and my real name in your obsession with me. KariSue by posting my real name you have brought my family into your sick obsession with me. KariSue I gave you the option to shut up and remove my full name from your blog but your obsession with me will not allow you to do that. See KariSue I do not have to stoop to your lying level to show who and what your are. All I have to do KariSue is tell the truth because KariSue the truth never lies.
ReplyDeleteWish you wouldn't leave comments to OLD Blog Posts, I don't like having to go back two (2), three (3) or four (4) Blog Posts to reply, and doubt anyone else does either.
Curious, have you ever thought about taking your own advice about TURNING OFF YOUR DANG COMPUTER -- like you say, it is as easy as that, problem solved.
Here is an FYI for you too, Murt's chat room was NOT one of those stupid childish Insult Rooms on PalTalk, it was a Chat Room set up for people to gather in order to follow and discuss, at the time I joined, the case of little Caylee Marie Anthony. Can you not comprehend that all that Murt's legitmate followers had to put up in such a Chat Room setting was disgusting and cruel to say the least. Who was behind all of the sick disgusting crap -- none other than PrincessBH and her KoolAid drinking followers from Beaconhell.com.
It is quite obvious who it is that needs friends on this here Internet, and to what extent they go just to be accepted by a bunch of low life hate spewing creeps. Really pathetic, isn't it.
I have no need to "turn off my dang computer", I'm not having the problem....You are.
ReplyDeleteUnlike you, and murt whatever i dished out i took back with no question. At this stage in the game you are far outdoing Murt in the shit spewing department. You attack people without provocation and it's something we have all grown quite used to at this point.
Hey crim, take a look at what NanaNC has behind her name on Pal List. Do you think she is trying to intice me into some MORE drama?
ReplyDeleteHmmmmmmmmm, I'd like to see a screen shot showing me making foul and disgusting remarks about others on PalTalk, or with false and damaging accusations like what all of YOU take such delight and pride in doing. Isn't that what you call PROVOCATION crim? Dummy!
SHUT UP crim and turn your dang computer off - your dribble only makes for a bigger mess on this here Internet.
Do you people read what you post? There is that preview button here that allows you to read first what you post. Just pointing it out due to how in the hell can you say such awful things to one another!
ReplyDeleteThe poster above wishes NanaNC would die? And Kari you post this garbage? What kind of human beings are you all?
You call each other names and as I can see Kari, you have turned into Murt by now calling others names as well. Does this all make you feel warm and cozy inside? Does it make you a better person, all of you for doing this?
A blog that started out as you put it as a campaign against abuse HAS TURNED it's ugly head and YOU Kari have fallen in the same hole as all the rest of these people who slash out their ugly words. What is wrong with each and everyone of you?
I doubt this will even get posted. There is so much pain and suffering in the world yet you people spit on one another and never even met each other. Let me ask you this... If you all were in a disaster that needed one anothers help, would you help each other? Seriously. Nana would you lend a hand to Kari and vice VERSA if lets say one of you were trapped in a building like those in Haiti?
Crim would you help any of your haters that have spewed their garbage over the INTERNET since you are nurse? Would you discard your hatred and help those in need?
If Princess lyed on the side of the road, dying would ANY of you STOP to help her or would you drive on by? Hollering BITCH!
Mommies if one of Kari's children were in need of help or medical attention would you say no way cause you are Kari's kid? Or would you do all you can to assist? Kari would you help any of these people if they needed YOU?
I am curious to what the response would be. If you choose not to post this comment than I guess I pretty much got my answer.
For a person that STATES you are against such intolerable actions, why Kari are you committing them YOURSELF. LOOK at what you are writing.
ReplyDeleteBefore you include me in your arguments, do show where I would EVER wish anyone dead. I would not wish that, not even to Princess.
There was once, at the height of the battle between us, I even sent her a message of condolance when her favorite dog was in pain due to surgery. I got a rude retort in return.
There was once a quote on Twitter "I wonder if it is ok to wish that the wheels, on someone's wheelchair would rot and fall off."
Can you guess who it was that even dared to post such a thing? Hmm, can you?
Anonymous above @ 11:59:00 AM
ReplyDeleteWish I knew who you are. In any event I appreciate your comment and thank you for it.
I can answer an ABSOLUTELY YES to ALL of your questions asked in your said comment. I would not hesitate to help any one of the individuals involved in this ordeal if the situation arose and they needed my help.
As for why I posted the said comment, well to be honest that comment did cause me some concern but I decided to post it, and I do accept full responsibility for having done so. Had that particularly comment ONLY contained that one offensive sentence rest assured it would not have been published. I do struggled at times with whether or not to post certain comments but in the end it is my decision one way or the other and for whatever reason.
I am very curious as to why you thought it necessary to put in your comment "I doubt this will even get posted."
I hope that you have likewise posted your exact same comment on all the other Blog Sites mixed up in this ordeal. The timing just might be right.
>>With any luck bible thumping Diana is so sick that she will die anyday now.<<
ReplyDeleteKari, I can not imagine anyone in the Dew Drop Inn Room writing anything like this. Whoever wrote this is NO friend to you, but a foe.
~ Pep
ReplyDeleteI agree. Nobody in Kari's room would write anything so horrible, saying they wish someone dead.
Whoever wrote that is obviously from that other group and wanting people to think otherwise.
Point is PEP... Kari posted this message on her blog. That is not morally right nor correct in any spiritual vision. Why post such a hateful thing YET not post other comments.
ReplyDeleteCalled Kari's game...
Pep and shadow I agree with you both.
ReplyDeleteIt is more than obvious why that post regarding wishing NanaNC dead was posted here for me. It was a trap, as I did suspect. That is one reason why I did allow it to post. Do they all think that I do not or have not been paying attention to how they operate both here and on Murt's blog.
I knew it did not come from anyone who comes to Dew Drop Inn or anyone who sees the wrong in all that those hateful people do and say.
None of us, to my recollection, have ever said such a thing about anyone - despute being pushed to the limit many a times this past year. I do chuckle at some of these comments that I get as they are so very transparent and always point to the same direction - BeaconHELL for blog sake!
Amazing how reference was made to this particular comment on that Rip Off Report that Mommiesdollies1 and NanaNC are responsible for putting up and NanaNC is even advertising the same behind their name on the PalTalk list. Another failed attempt by them to ruin my reputation and character. Do they not realize that I do not give a dang about what the likes of either of them think about me. NanaNC knows full well that the TRUTHFUL NEVER LIE BUT THE DECEITFUL, LIKE HER AND MOMMIESDOLLIES1, LIE EVEN IN THEIR SLEEP. About the only factual and truthful thing in that Rip Off Report is my name, my husband's name and where it is on God's green earth we live. All the rest is worth about as much as the two (2) so called women who conjured the crap up in their wee minds. I am LMBOOOOO at NanaNC and Mommiesdollies1, sorry but I am. They are making complete fools of themselves, yet again while even PrincessBH is sitting back laughing at the two (2) of them, or for sure one (1) of them.
P.S. NanaNC when you arrange for that meeting with your hubby and Murt, can I be in attendance too, pleaseeee.
ReplyDeleteThses two fools are really making it easy for princess ,lol I love it .I know she's laughing as hard as the rest of us .How stupid can these two women be ,add good old crim and ya got the 'new three stooges " lol
First of two posts:
ReplyDeleteI do not condone anyone wishing someone to get sick and die. Not even toward NANA would I tolerate such a thing. As much as I disagree with and am mad at NANA, I only wish her good health and that she not suffer any pain. She is human as is the rest of us and does not deserve anything of that nature. I would hope that whoever made that remark would retract it and apologize to NANA.
Now for my second comment:
ReplyDeleteThe discourse we are having is going down a dark road. It has now come to the point where private confidental information is finding it's way onto the blogs.
In this day in age, it is a dangerous thing for people to be doing. Identity thieves are just waiting for such information so that they can steal someone into the poorhouse. It is also against the law.
Whoever is responsible for that information getting onto the blog where it is may be in serious trouble. The merchant who is the source of the information, is at the vary least civilly liable.
One of the requirements of obtaining my dealer's license is to complete a course that included the provisions of The Fair Credit Reporting Act. One of the sections of this law deals with keeping the personal and financial information of their clients out of the public sector.
ANYONE licensed in the State of Florida or ANYWHERE in the United States has to be trained in what are federal laws.
Whoever put that information in the image beam and on the forum needs to take that information down. ANYONE posting such information, regardless of where they got it may be in violation of that law and are well advised to take that stuff down.
Hmmm, sorry its been abit and just caught up with yours and anon's little remarks towards me.. First off, I've been going to BH since the days that Murt was telling everyone that going there would cause ur comp to crash. Although I haven't checked recently I'm sure any posts you read are my own.. :) No one is impersonating me there. There would be no reason to, I only state my opinion and thats about it. So if your reading things from Shewolf, thats me! What I don't understand is why you think I would care even if someone was using my name? From princess all the way down.. none r personal friends of mine. I post at Murts and now have at FBS, and am not chummy with them either, so whats the big difference with BH?
ReplyDeleteANON...**Especially for you**.. Tread the waters lightly... Your looking like a moron.. My friends? Now who would that be? Are you to dependant on others that you find it impossible for someone to post on a blog without any relationship to others? Your sad. Now if you could copy and paste just 1 line where i said I find the pic of the bear funny I would great appreciate seeing it. I actually had to reread my post, because I couldn't imagine someone making up crap like that just to respond to me, yet at the same time I couldn't imagine myself finding humour in that pic either... Just as I thought, you were just making stuff up.. ( most of the problem in these blogs) Since you didn't get it Anon I'll explain... (DUH!) the humour i found was in the the fact that Kari was condenming this other blog for things written and the pic posted, yet she displayed the web page so all could go and check it out! Got it now? Now I'm not sure who said it but nope... I had never been to that blog before (at least not that I remember) Even when i tried to google its name all that came up was Kari's blog about it. So being the great problem solver that I am, I checked out a couple blogs and eventually found the link to it! Can't figure out your reasoning for me lying about that either, but so be it! When i write in response to a blog I state my opinion on what has been posted. While you were running around checking to see where i had been and what I had wrote I would have thought you would have noticed that.. Or was it 1 of those "A-HA" moments, where u thought you got me? Should have read my posts..*Sigh*... As far as you lumping me in with princess or whoever for that matter, it doesn't offend or worry me.As for not taking me seriously thats ok too. I've seen how your blog works, you accusing others of writing my rants, assuming my relationships with others, insinuating that others are writing under my name, and calling me transparent when all the while you just can't accept the fact that someone out of the blue just doesn't agree with what you are doing or saying.The ONLY thing I will agree with you on is "this is your blog" and you can post as you see fit. If you choose not to post this, fine with me, no threats, no copy and paste to other blogs. It will only show your desire to cause problems for others by spreading lies. I would appreciate you passing on my outlook to the dumbass posting under Anon though. They deserve a response.
I think the owner of FBS has gone totally insane and has lost all creadability as an anti cyberbully site.
ReplyDeleteHer blog now reads like the National Enquirer.
I honestly cannot understand what her concern is with the editorial policy of my blog is. She has her own blog. I do not tell her how to run her blog. I may give my opinion of her and her blog but that is it.
I certainly do not go around looking into her credit history and imply she is "getting milk" with married men.
And she accuses me of creating drama?
ReplyDeleteI think it is horrible that these people are looking into other peoples business. First of all, in order for someone to pull up a Credit bureau report on a person they have to know a person's social security number and some other confidential info. If a person is able to do this then they are doing something illegal and could also be charged with a crime.
Unfortunately there are sites like 123 that people use to find info about others. It will tell the person where you live, work, what you sites or chat rooms you go to. The one thing about this is when a person uses this to look up personal info on a person, it is forever posted on the internet. When you do a google search on a person or a search on the person who looked up the info on 123, it will show up. I know Princess used to use this to check on people. She even used it to look up info on NanaNC. That's right Nana, your new buddy Princess made sure she checked all of your personal info so she could post it on topix. Now that is what I call a true friend!
ReplyDeleteFrom: sheila wood [mailto:sheila_wood@rogers.com]
Sent: Sunday, July 19, 2009 4:22 PM
To: 'ohforblogsake@gmail.com'
Subject: membership
Hi Annie,
How does one become a member?
Thank you.
Just wanted to post the date of that email to show what FBS does to try to fool people.
ReplyDeleteFrom: sheila wood [mailto:sheila_wood@rogers.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 8:03 AM
To: 'forblogs@box564.bluehost.com'
Subject: RE: Thank you for your comment
How do I become a member?
From: forblogs@box564.bluehost.com [mailto:forblogs@box564.bluehost.com]
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2009 5:14 PM
To: sheila_wood@rogers.com
Subject: Thank you for your comment
Hi Sheila Thank you for your message on FOR BLOG SAKE! We look forward to your future communication. You can find your comment at this URL: http://www.forblogsake.org/?p=265#comment-130
Any reason why you forgot to post my comment to your blog?
A criminal complaint of providing false information to a law enforcement agency has been filed by me in regards to the statements contained within this article:
The responding agency is:
The Lake County Sheriff's office
360 W Ruby St.
Tavares, Florida 32778
Gary Borders, Sheriff
responding officer: Cpl. G. Dozier.
Typo on the case number. It is# 10011999
ReplyDeleteAn update. Someone left a rebuttal implying that I somehow have the power and ability to control how and when Ripoffreport posts any content regarding the reports and rebuttals to them.
I suggest anyone that thinks I have this ability contact Ripoffreport.com staff as to how I am able to manage this.
New target of the cyberullies at FBS.
ReplyDeletePep is now the new target of choice at FBS. They are angry she has come to my side and posted favorable comments.
According to comments on the FBS blog, there are members there that are starting to look for where she lives and any personal information about her.
I seem to recall BOTH FBS and Beaconhell calling this sort of thing STALKING.
I guess this applies to everyone but THEM.
I will understand if anyone wants to withdraw their support of me rather than be a victim of these cyberbullies.
Nobody should have to pay the price of being a friend of mine. That price is too steep.
ReplyDeleteI don't think the haters understand just how many people that you have on your side. And as each day goes by, it seems more people are coming forward. It's just a matter of time now, Murt, and guess who will have the last laugh. Tread carefully Sandi because you will soon be squashed like the insect that your are.