Again, here is the contents of SheWolfRocks' comment in question:
[SheWolfRocks has left a new comment on your post " "HELP ME!" said the mole as it gasped its last ...":
"You sluething SUCKS... Haven't got the time right now.... But look again dummy because my child isn't 14.. I had my first child when i was 19 I am now 44.. Do the math.. and Mine can't get knocked up.. Well if ur being politically correct I guess if something like that happened they'd be knocked up too...lmao"
Posted by SheWolfRocks to KariSueBee at Tuesday, February 02, 2010 4:43:00 PM]
Of course when I read this I said to myself WTH, this person is obviously getting her scripts confused with one of her fellow lying low life BH cohorts because I remembered from back in December, 2009 (only 57 days ago in fact) she, SheWolfRocks, left the following comment on my Blog Post "COMING SOON" which was posted by me on Tuesday, November 17, 2009:
[SheWolfRocks said...
I have never seen a bunch of adults act so juvenile. We hate Princess and what her and her friends have done blah blah blah, so we'll do the same thing. She is a liar, rude, mean,and stalker so we are justified in doing the same thing. If everyone wouldn't have been searching for friends and a life on the net to begin with none of this would have happened. My 14 year old knows better than u adults not to give out all the personal info that you bunch have! Murt is nothing but a liar ( I've seen that with my own eyes) and the lot of you aren't much better. NONE of you have done anything worthy enough to even mention Caylees name. why don't you all try and better yourselves rather than find your enjoyment in the dirt you can find in others? All jumping for joy when 1 more little speck of dirt is found, all so anxious to read it. How pathetic can ones life be? Wow... I'm sure you all make your children proud..."
Tuesday, December 08, 2009 12:23:00 AM]
SO my reply to SheWolfRocks is: How are you going to explain your way out of this one? AND PLEASE save that lying dribble that seeps out of both sides of your mouth for your BFFs at - they all appreciate each other for the LIARS you all are and are very welcoming of that crap on ALL of their sites.
OH and SheWolfRocks just so you know, if you do post a reply comment to this here, IT DEFINITELY IS going to be the very last comment of yours to be posted here using that name AND if I have the slightest gut feeling that any other comments received by me under ANONYMOUS is actually coming from YOU in sheep's clothing, the same will not be posted either. SO make your last comment here a good one SheWolfRocks -- choose your words wisely and be sincere for once in your life - if you even know how to be sincere that is.
Yes I agree with you Anonymous who left your comment on that Blog Post at 12:18:00 PM today, SheWolfRock does reek of Rebecca Sue Sowerby big time -- who has also forgotten she has two (2) young children in her house to care for, right Crim?
ReplyDeleteUsually I agree with you about your posts, but I googled SheWolf and I really didn;t find where she has posted much on BH or has been involved in many chat rooms.
Sorry SheWolf but I just wanted to see if what was posted was the truth. Most of SheWolf's posts have been on Twitter or they have posted on various other missing person sites.
SheWolf does tweet alot to a person who is a member of Bh. Also if Shewolf's bio is right on the internet she does have 2 kids and has Grandchildren.SheWolf has always posted a name and a pic on the internet and where they supposedly live. As we all know that this info may not be the truth also. SheWolf seems to post on different sites about missing people.
It is ashame that it is getting harder to tell if a person is who they say they are on the internet or if that person is really someone using more than one Screen Name.
I feel that because of a couple of peoples abuse of using several different screen names we are all assuming that almost every ID is one of the ones used by those people.
As for SheWolf if you don't want to get be involved in the petty fight than don't you think maybe it would be better not to comment? I am not trying to be nasty because I have never dealt with you.
To SheWolfRocks above - you just couldn't bring yourself to do it, could you? How truly pathetic.
ReplyDeleteNow I feel sorry for your 15 year old SheWolfRocks :(.
Oh and what is the matter SheWolfRocks -- you do not have the balls to come right out and say what you THINK you know to be fact concerning one of my daughters? You seem to think that what you have to say about one of my daughters is the TRUTH and fact based so let your twisted tongue spit it out and stop your dribbling.
So much for you and your maturity in this whole ordeal, eh SheWolfRocks? 57 days ago you came here saying:
"I have never seen a bunch of adults act so juvenile."
Who is the ADULT JUVENILE now SheWolfRocks? YOU ARE!!!
Do you honestly read what you write? It is PATHETIC! Grown women acting like 12 year olds. And I thought Kari you were against this all. tsk tsk. You fell right into the pit of hell havent you?
ReplyDeleteIs it true? Are you a Grandma???
ReplyDeleteTo Anoymous above at 11:53:00 AM
ReplyDeleteOh so that is what SheWolfRocks was too scared to come right out and ask - pity.
Am I a Grandma - NO, not that I know of BUT now you and SheWolfRocks have gone and ruined my surprise - jerks!!!
Get with the program Anonymous and SheWolfRocks -- this is 2010. Why do you think in times like we live in now where men are marrying men, women are marrying women, women parading themselves around as men and giving birth, etc. etc. etc. that for a young woman to get pregnant out of wedlock would be anything for a parent to be ashamed of? Good grief, grow up already. No wonder why PrincessBH and the lot of you have not been able to help bring Princess Blue home -- what a sorry pathetic bunch you truly are!
But you are a christian right? So you would forgive your daughter for having sex outside of marriage but you cannot forgive others for what you state they have done?
ReplyDeleteAnd you are filled with hate and anger to do so much damage you have done on your blog.
But that is ok to do as a christian?
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing wrong with a person having a child out of wedlock. Unfortunately though a lot of kids are getting pregnant at an early age.
My daughter has 2 friends that are pregnant. What is scary is that they think of this little baby as nothing more than a toy that they can dress in some nice outfit and show off to their friends. They don't realize that this baby needs to be fed, diapered, clothed, and constant attention. Most of them are lucky enough to have some kind of support system but some have non.
I feel that this may be one reason that we now have been seeing more and more children being killed by a parent. These parents don't understand what all is involved and most are still just a child raising a baby.
I feel that the Government needs to do something to help educate these children more to prevent them from getting pregnant. They also need to make sure that these parents have some kind of a support system so they don't end up abusing or murder their child.
If it is true and you are going to have a Grandchild I want to say Congratulations and I know you will be there to support your child.
To Anonymous @ 3:22:00 PM
ReplyDeleteThanks for the Congrats, but I am not a Grandmother yet nor do I have knowledge that I will be one anytime soon.
To SheWolfRocks:
ReplyDeleteI welcome, no challenge you and whoever else it is that are spreading vicious rumors about any of my daughters to produce the proof to ME, if you cannot back up what you are saying then perhaps we have a case on our hands to deal with. Oh and hopefully I do not have to wait forever for the proof to be produced, as is the case with PrincessBH and MorningGlory -- I've been waiting on them to produce EVIDENCE of their claims against me ever since my first or second Blog Post. Hello!!!!
To Anonymous above @ 2:49:00 PM
ReplyDeleteI forgive if:
1. The person(s) who wronged me apologizes and asks to be forgiven and ONLY after I can be made to understand why it was that I was wronged in the first place, i.e. was it done maliciously, unintentionally, because of a misunderstanding, etc.; and
2. I NEVER forget – it would be foolish for me to. If one FORGETS then how is the lesson supposed to be learned. That's my own personal opinion on the subject, take it or leave it.
As for the damage I have done on MY blog, well let’s see -- it was not of my doing, I just exposed certain fakes and frauds for what they truly are, which was the goal and focus of this blog from day one (1). Read the heading at the top of my Blog Anonymous, I’ve stayed focused and on course since day one (1). If however, I have swayed from my original intent, perhaps that is because I have been forced to defend the honor of my daughters and other innocent people dragged into this crap by PrincessBH and her fellow cohorts.
Oh an FYI - I do not believe that I have ever in my whole life declared or referred to myself as being a CHRISTIAN, but I am thrilled that you admit to seeing a few Christ-like traits in me. To be honest Anonymous, I am well aware of my shortcomings in God’s eye and strive each day to do better in a number of areas in my life – but then that is between just Him and I, isn’t it Anonymous?
Great Blog! Glad to see someone is putting their foot down about this. I have thought for a long time what they are doing is completely wrong. I think a lot of people support Murt now thanks to them! He really wasn't that bad afterall after seeing what these ladies are doing.
ReplyDeleteMy silence spoke loudly.
ReplyDeleteI had decided on Feb 3 to quit the debate. I shut up. I went away. No forum, no blog, no broadcasts, nothing.
Was the out to lunch content?? Hell no! Almost immediately my mailbox filled up. Hundreds of comments goading me over and over again. Trying to get me to respond, to join the debate. To give them the attention they were so starving to get.
In the midst of these was a girly man, Shortbusdude, who, rather than explain how his Monogram SBD kept appearing in the oddest places, decided to mock me...again and "challange" me to a debate on HIS blog, HIS show.
I decided not to feed his starving for attention and turned him down not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES. Twice by e-mail and once in a comment to his blog.
Not content with a no for an answer, he begged his fellow women to come to his aid. The blog articles went up and the paltalk tag lines have gone up.
They cannot stand the silence. They cannot stand not having the drama.
They are shouting about my silence.
Proof that:
I speak the loudest when I am silent.
Thanks for listening.
ReplyDeleteWishing you a Happy Valentine's Day filled with love, smiles and peace. Same to Star and Lovecanines.
LOL--word for me to type was "wooff"
Awwww thank you Anonymous and I hope your day was whatever you were hoping.
ReplyDeleteLOL that "wooff" is trying all kinds of tricks in order to sneak in here lol.
ReplyDeletePlease post this link to a video I found on You Tube making fun of Poor Little PrincASS Alex of BH.
Don't know who put it on you tube but you will Laugh Your Butt Off at how she is finally being exposed as the beotch she is.
Anonymous, thanks for that link. I had seen that video and did have a good laugh except for the end part when "they" had to bring my name into it. I will never live down having told SweetPea14, CrazyCajun et al that they all act like FETUSES -- they should be glad I didn't tell them they all act like EMBRYOS lol. They are all way beyond acting childish is all I know!!
ReplyDeleteIn any event, I truly believe that the video is dead on as relates to PrincessBH's sick obsession with Murt the past 12+ months, oh and throw in Mommiesdollies1, NanaNC, tinker_bell_1967, CriminalInjustice, etc., etc. etc.
Those so called women need a dose of much more stronger medicine than what I have been giving them here -- they all need a 30 day supply of "The Bitch Pill" prescribed and administered by Queen Bitch lol.
To SheWolfRocks above.
ReplyDeleteAnd lets say we have that talk face to face, and in private SheWolfRocks - I would love to hear all about your kids!