"HELP ME!" said the mole as it gasped its last breath.
Poor little moley, it should have been trying to beg for forgiveness from all whose life it had caused problems for and all the damage it was about to leave behind? Will it be too late for poor little moley?
One day after catching a glimpse of itself in a mirror, poor little moley was shocked to see the ugly rat of a mole starring back at it. Poor little moley had become a very ugly mole indeed - too ugly for poor little moley to even bare to look at. Poor little moley right then realized that it had long ago allowed itself to be trapped and poisoned. It knew it had become highly toxic and poisonous to itself as well as to all who came into contact with it, but it was too weak to even try to change. Poor little moley, all the while it and its fellow mole rats were feeling so proud of all their digging and digging and digging, they didn't realize that the tunnel they worked so diligently on day in and day out had long since taken a downward direction and was leading them closer and closer to the gates of Hell. Poor little moley gloated and laughed along with its fellow mole rats at the huge mounds of broken hearts, shattered spirits and destroyed friendships they had dug up and destroyed along the way. Was it now going to be too late for poor little moley? Had all its digging finally ended at the gates of hell and it was about to be sucked into the abyss? Was poor little moley's last two words "HELP ME" enough to right all the wrongs and repair all the damage it had done in its lifetime? Poor little moley :( - if only it had chosen its last two words more wisely, and instead of saying "HELP ME" it would have said "FORGIVE ME"! :(
Poor little moley, it should have been trying to beg for forgiveness from all whose life it had caused problems for and all the damage it was about to leave behind? Will it be too late for poor little moley?
One day after catching a glimpse of itself in a mirror, poor little moley was shocked to see the ugly rat of a mole starring back at it. Poor little moley had become a very ugly mole indeed - too ugly for poor little moley to even bare to look at. Poor little moley right then realized that it had long ago allowed itself to be trapped and poisoned. It knew it had become highly toxic and poisonous to itself as well as to all who came into contact with it, but it was too weak to even try to change. Poor little moley, all the while it and its fellow mole rats were feeling so proud of all their digging and digging and digging, they didn't realize that the tunnel they worked so diligently on day in and day out had long since taken a downward direction and was leading them closer and closer to the gates of Hell. Poor little moley gloated and laughed along with its fellow mole rats at the huge mounds of broken hearts, shattered spirits and destroyed friendships they had dug up and destroyed along the way. Was it now going to be too late for poor little moley? Had all its digging finally ended at the gates of hell and it was about to be sucked into the abyss? Was poor little moley's last two words "HELP ME" enough to right all the wrongs and repair all the damage it had done in its lifetime? Poor little moley :( - if only it had chosen its last two words more wisely, and instead of saying "HELP ME" it would have said "FORGIVE ME"! :(
Mole Control & Removal
Need mole removal in your Chat Room?
Mole Info: Moles live underground and surface only occasionally. Their bloated bodies, especially their heads, are ideal for digging, especially digging up garbage. Moles create a complex network of interconnected Chat rooms and Blog sites in cyberspace by burrowing both deep into and close with fellow chatters and bloggers disguising themselves as something they only long to be. Their true selves often leave visible signs of their filthy, disgusting personalities. They have very poor insight and feed mainly on others emotions with their keen ability to manipulate and con others. They do not eat or sleep for days on end until their destructive work is done and their sick perverted laughs had.
Nuisance concerns: The primary problem with moles is that they take up way more space than they are worth and they possess an outmatched ability to deceive, connive and twist everything they say and do as well as what others say - in their attempt to make their own selves appear as important and right. They leave broken spirits and hearts all over cyberspace with their destructive self-centered behavior. They also leave large molehills of shit everywhere in cyberspace that they manipulate or dig their way into. In their selfish little demented minds they believe they own cyberspace and every one else's voice. They are primarily dangerous to their own selves but one or two who claim to be a beacon of hell can ruin one's whole Internet, Chat room and Blog experience and your real life too -- unless they are trapped, stopped and exposed.
Nuisance concerns: The primary problem with moles is that they take up way more space than they are worth and they possess an outmatched ability to deceive, connive and twist everything they say and do as well as what others say - in their attempt to make their own selves appear as important and right. They leave broken spirits and hearts all over cyberspace with their destructive self-centered behavior. They also leave large molehills of shit everywhere in cyberspace that they manipulate or dig their way into. In their selfish little demented minds they believe they own cyberspace and every one else's voice. They are primarily dangerous to their own selves but one or two who claim to be a beacon of hell can ruin one's whole Internet, Chat room and Blog experience and your real life too -- unless they are trapped, stopped and exposed.
Wondering how to get rid of moles? There is no magic spray or device that you can use to make them go away. Some people try to ward off the little demons that they are by calling out the name of Almighty GOD three (3) times and seek His help and guidance through prayer to expose the moles for who and what they truly are -- it does work! Some old wives' tales recommend the use of mothballs or ammonia-soaked rags to make them leave, but I wouldn't even waste my rags on any of them. The ONE AND ONLY WAY to take care of your problem with moles is with trapping and removal of the low life pests once and for all.
If YOU have a problem with MOLES destroying your chat room, blog or Internet experience in any way whatsoever, there is only one way to get rid of the problem - WITH MOLE TRAPS. Just set the mole trap out in the open, keeping it above the surface, and you'll have digging no longer - problem solved. Unfortunately though, mole trapping is not easy but it sure as heck is worth the trouble and is very rewarding! :).
If YOU have a problem with MOLES destroying your chat room, blog or Internet experience in any way whatsoever, there is only one way to get rid of the problem - WITH MOLE TRAPS. Just set the mole trap out in the open, keeping it above the surface, and you'll have digging no longer - problem solved. Unfortunately though, mole trapping is not easy but it sure as heck is worth the trouble and is very rewarding! :).
Hey, What do you get when you have a Company of moles acting like idiots in their Citadels?
Answer: MoleAsses
I swear you have been put on this earth simply for my entertainment.. Seriously, do u read your shit?.... I'm not a chat person, (as you know..creeper..)... but your childish banter about it is STUPID.. Who's feelings are you trying to hurt there Kari? I'm getting this really funny feeling that your some old overweight bored housewife who's husband won't touch them... Get off ur ass and do something productive!
ReplyDeleteOH, and have you found anything interesting about me yet? we could make this a little game where i pop on once in a while and give you hints if you like... :) moron..
Can you tell I'm in a GOOD mood Kari? Lets play! You've got all ur little chat friends.. I've got just me... You start... :)
Well SheWolfRocks I have 47 years of entertaining you to catch up on. Sorry this Post struck a nerve in you -- or perhaps you got a glimpse of yourself in the mirror this morning at around 6:00:00 AM.
ReplyDeleteDon't really care what mood you are in SheWolfRocks, and no I haven't directed my attention on YOU just yet so that little game you are suggesting will have to be put off for right now.
Sad that you feel all alone SheWolfRocks -- one wouldn't think you were all alone given the fact you are right up in PrincessBH's butt and following her and her other cohorts all over the Internet.
You come to MY Blog trying to fool me, but look again in that mirror SheWolfRocks and know for a fact that you are only fooling the person looking back at you. Now go trim those dang whiskers girl!
P.S. This is NOT the blog for you to come to when you are in a GOOD mood SheWolfRocks, because I will only piss you off big time. LMBO @ SheWolfRocks.
HAHAHAHA! Honest to GAWD! BRING IT BITCH! and your so right this Blog isn't for me because your nothing but some kind of bully yourself. You sit behind your little comp screen and become all you could NEVER be in real life. I'm alone? My mistake i guess you haven't been following me..(Was that just the one day deal?) I'm not bringing anyone else into this... You take all the swipes you like at whoever you like.. I know thats the only way you can comprehend someone like me NOT liking you, no actually I really think i HATE you!! Just for the evil you truly are... Your the kind of evil that hides behind religious quotes and claims of GOD. That in itself is enough for me.. So NO stupid, its because of any blog I may read. and you bet your ass I saw myself in the mirror at 6am, I liked what i saw, how about you??
ReplyDeleteDang SheWolfRocks - HATE is such a horrible emotion, it truly does bring out the UGLY in a person. Now I am almost convinced you are indeed one of "the haters" mixed up in all that has/is going on.
ReplyDeleteHaving someone like YOU SheWolfRocks not like, or as you say HATE, me gives me all the more encouragement to carry on.
Here is a tip SheWolfRocks since we only bucks heads when you come to MY Blog to tell me "Get off ur ass and do something productive!" -- don't come back, please - your're not welcome anymore, for all the obvious reasons.
ReplyDeleteI have to know how you found that picture of Princess. I just know she is pissed that you posted her picture on the internet.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous @ 6:08:00 PM above
ReplyDeleteI published your comment, and then decided to delete it because it was just STUPID.
Let me HELP you.... Its BUTT heads to start off with.. Second, your stuck with me.. You should have NEVER followed me... I came here in the beginning in total fascination of your stupidity, after reading your garbage I realized how dangerous you truly are.. So I'm here to stay.. Post don't post.. No matter to me.. But i will keep writing. Technically ur right.. I'm a hater, a hater of you.. So what?? I do not need any association with anyone to see right through you.. No-one has to point in your direction for me... all i have to do is read your shit! I'm glad I have given you the incentive to carry on... What are you trying to do with that statement? Maybe make me feel bad? TRY AGAIN! Do you think that by posting that,some phantom blogger is going to come and get me over the internet? I'm a bit stronger than that... Nope not scared.. Sorry try again... Besides from all the sites that I have read... You can't touch them... hahahaha... They've got all the goods on you... They don't care about me and my private battles... Its only YOU that attempt to drag others in NOT I!
ReplyDeleteDon't want me back? Awww poor kari.. BITCHIN OUT already..... I'm actually disappointed, i was just starting to catch up.. I thought that if you could snoop in my life than it was only fair that I do the same... Like.. Hows the daughter? you know, the one sent on a hiatus.... Don't know if its the truth but hey WTF right??
As people post comments anywhere on the internet or keep a journal, condsider, oooops, I am now dead from a car wreck and what is left behind is our children and grandchildren to go through all your belongings and give your computer to a child in the family ot use and then they come upon all things written by you, what a high opinion that young person will have of you when they read the hatred you spew. Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me - have any of you taught your children that saying, well words do damage and hurt, and once put in written form it could be the legacy you leave behind. And for you shewolf, may God have mercy on your family members who read what you have written with such hatred, and then we wonder why out young are being pushed to suicide by evil actions on their computers and texting, well adults are doing the exact same thing - shame on you. AKA Lovecanines
ReplyDeleteTo SheWolfRocks above @ 4:22:00 AM
ReplyDeleteDang girl - you don't sleep eh? Yes seems I was wrong, you are indeed a BUTT head.
Still trying to fool people SheWolfRocks - you came here in the beginning trying to make out as if you had no idea about PrincessBH and ALL her Blog Sites out there, and quite frankly SheWolfRocks you only made yourself look stupid. You are well aware of every single last Site run by PrincessBH and one or two of her sidekicks. Ever hear of this one SheWolfRocks - someoneknowsme.com. Wasn't that the site PrincessBH had going on while still actively involved at Websleuths?
What is fascinating SheWolfRocks, is that most of what I have put on MY blog is fact based by way of screen shots of IMs, Chat and recordings of what your cohorts (PrincessBH, CriminalInjustice, NanaNC, Mommiesdollies1, CrazyCajun, etc., etc.) have actually said and done, which proves what they have been up to the past 12+ months. There is no disputing anything – it is all from the horses mouth, but I do agree with you it does make for a lot of garbage on my Blog. Can you see how stupid it makes you look to come here and criticize me, yet you choose to totally ignore all the truth and facts about your fellow co-horts. All YOU and PrincessBH et al do is spew lies and levy false accusations against me (and Murt and others) based solely on conjured up crap in your wee little minds. The only clear cut factual thing that PrincessBH, NanaNC, Mommiesdollies1 et al have out there on the Internet about me is my name – and LOL, I volunteered that information myself on the Petition linked to my Blog. You dribble crap such as: "Like.. Hows the daughter? you know, the one sent on a hiatus.... DON'T KNOW IF ITS THE TRUTH BUT HEY WTF right??" Perhaps it would be wiser for you SheWolfRocks to keep track of your own 14 year old and dig around in his/her life for facts instead of attacking someone else's child based on pure lies and hearsay passed on by your fellow low life hate filled friends.
Oh and in case you missed this comment of mine on Murt's Blog, I’ll repeat it for you now. I have been advised by a Sgt. at the Ironwood Police Department that I have every right to do whatever I have to do in order to find out who the person or persons are on the Internet that are spreading vicious lies and garbage about me, my husband and my children. Now what exactly was it that you were saying about my daughter, “you know, the one sent on a hiatus”?
Oh and SheWolfRocks your true colors are showing and you sure do exhibit shades of Crim in your rants. Let me HELP you - when referring to yourself in your rants the "i" is always, always capitalized.
You sluething SUCKS... Haven't got the time right now.... But look again dummy because my child isn't 14.. I had my first child when i was 19 I am now 44.. Do the math.. and Mine can't get knocked up.. Well if ur being politically correct I guess if something like that happened they'd be knocked up too...lmao
ReplyDeleteJust want to make a comment on Love's post above. SO TRUE!!!
ReplyDeleteI have never participated in any type of crazyness such as this, but have witnessed it for a few years.
I personally would be embarassed if ANYONE, be it my family, co-workers, or friends, knew I was the person stooping to that level...
You hit the nail on the head, Loves.
Kari,your dad should have pulled OUT! I just hate waisted sperm cells like you. Have a nice day! WINK WINK
ReplyDeleteIf SWR's is not crimmie she has a clone.God help us all. That thing is a bag of french fries short of a Happy Meal!
ReplyDeleteIt is probably Annie Marie. That nutjob has more than a few id's AND personalities online. Funny thing, she thinks Bekki and her have "squashed" their issues LMFAO What was that you said in the chat room yesterday about Annie Marie and the detective? LMAO! BUSTED!!! Annie Marie, sorry but you have NO ONE! Ahhh sweet Karma! Finally getting whats coming to you :)
ReplyDeleteMURTWITNESSONE said...
ReplyDeleteI have placed an embargo on my blog so I post this here.
The out to lunch bunch accomplished one thing when they caused my numbers to tank. They made it so that I cannot add my voice to get people like the person in this link off Facebook and draw attention to the sick rantings on his wall.
I wonder if a child is going to be vicimized because one less person knew this person is out there, perhaps stalking their child.
For some reason I am unable to post the link here. I will send it to Kari to see if she wants to post it. At least, perhaps, some of you here may be able to find ways to see if this individual can be taken off Facebook.
Murt I post the link now and hope this works: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000716301360&ref=search&sid=1821485567.1838095800..1
Sorry to change the subject ,but I'm still hunting for that great award winning artical on Murt! (In Cold Blog.) I belive it was to be out in nov.2009. Dang, I so wanted to read that.
ReplyDeleteLMAO yea, where is that anyways?? I don't check there since shes so crazy stalkerish about the visitors of the blog. She must not have THAT many readers to be able to single out people like she does. If you find it, let me know...Id be interested to see if she ever even posted anything.
ReplyDeleteBe glad to .If I ever find it.
ReplyDeleteThe ICB article about me never came out.
Neither, by the way did the 5 part series by Mommies "BUDDY" in The Orlando Sentinel.
All that seems to be out there are all of these "Housewife and Girlyman" blogs and forums where they can all visit each other.