Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) — or Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) (as it is referred to today) is a classic psychological condition. MPD/DID is a mental illness in which a person has AT LEAST two distinct personalities. Symptoms and signs include lapses in memory, feeling unreal, blackouts in time, hearing voices in their head that are not their own, not recognizing themselves in the mirror, and finding items in one's possession but not recalling how they were acquired. It is theorized that this condition develops in response to childhood trauma. Treatment usually involves psychotherapy, medications, and sometimes hypnosis.
As mentioned, a person is known to suffer from MPD/DID when two (2) or more ‘alter’ personalities coexists within him/her. To add to the existing enigma, each of these alters may boast of a separate name, age, history or identity – like many individuals living in one. These ‘alters’ emerge during certain situations and tend to take control of the original self.
MPD/DID specialists believe that MPD/DID is a valid, common diagnosis that can be clubbed along with schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety, as one of the four major mental health problems. It is reported to be induced by early psychological trauma involving extreme form of physical, sexual, and/or emotional abuse.
Firstly, I would like to say that I sympathize tremendously with anyone who suffers from MPD/DID for the mere fact of what it is reported to be induced by, as long as they seek the professional help they need and continue to take their prescribed medications (if any) under a doctor’s care in order for them to live long happy, healty productive lives as contributing members of society.
What I do not and cannot understand, is why individuals like this Bekki Sowerby person (and all her multiple personalities) thinks that she has the right to get on this here internet and harass, intimidate, bully, terrorize, make fun of, disrupt, lie about, be deceitful, etc. etc. etc. with others is beyond me. WHY and HOW is it that she thinks she can go about conducting herself in this kind of manner on a daily basis and get away with it, is also beyond me. It truly sickens me to think of the very real possibility that her own child or children are now living through what she has so obviously lived through as a child growing up. WHO is looking out for this woman's (ugh) offspring!!! WHO is enabling this woman to continue this unacceptable behavior by just turning a blind eye to it all. WHO I ask!!!
I remember the night when "Maladaptation" came into Murt's chat room at PalTalk. She was on cam and rattling on and on with foolishness, making out like she knew IT all. I just sat and watched in amazement with my mouth hanging open and thinking to myself "what the hell is wrong with this person - she is not in control of any of her faculties?" Within about a day she was gone out of Murt's chat room, thanks to the help of an already worn out boot IF memory serves me correctly - and thank goodness. Then “she” returned not long afterwards under the nick name of “CriminalInjustice” - whose personality was no better, if not worse, but with a bigger know it all kind of attitude. Did she really think she was fooling anybody??!! Even though “CriminalInjustice” thought she was someone to be taken seriously, I had not even given another second’s thought about whether or not she was even still among us or not, until that is, I stumbled upon the comment posted by “EyeOpener” on that Topix Board and she was linked to the nick name MorningGlory.
So if Bekki Sowerby is also CriminalInjustice who is also Maladaptation who is also Morning-Glory (with whom I have a bone to pick because she LIED about me in her comment posted over in Beacon hell regarding some video she and PrincessBH wanted "people" to believe I had done regarding Lois Peter) this could explain a lot about what innocent people have had to put up with for months while chatting in Murt’s chat room, trying to discuss the very serious case of little Caylee Marie Anthony.
That Topix comment referred to above and contained in its entirety in my last Blog Post (as QUOTED therein) was indeed very informative to me, unless I misunderstood what that EyeOpener person was really saying. NOTE TO BEKKI: I was quoting EyeOpener, so do not threaten me with any kind of slander lawsuit okay, read and try to follow and understand. Oh, and Bekki, if this is 3rd grade level writing that I do, then how’s come you find difficulty in following?? I cannot go down to kindergarten level just so that you are able to follow Bekki – you had better ask MorningGlory to draw you pictures, or better yet PrincessBH!!
Like I said, I have a bone to pick with this MorningGlory person who posts comments religiously over on Beaconhell, if indeed she is one and the same person as Bekki Sowerby and all her other alias (and I have to believe she is because I don't see anything in the response comment from CriminalInjustice over on the foolish little Twunt Blog Site to deny the same). I want YOU Morning Glory and/or YOU Sandra Goddard a/k/a PrincessBH to produce the evidence that proves that I did a video regarding Lois Peter, evidence which includes proof this so called video was put together by me, from my computer or from ANY IP address in the Bahamas, and if you are having trouble producing the evidence which Beaconhell prides itself in being able to produce to back up anything written about on that Blog, then maybe that is because NO such video exists. My goodness both of YOU (if you indeed are two separate people in two separate bodies and PrincessBH is not another a/k/a of Bekki's OR vice versa) are LIARS, with serious mental problems and issues. For ease of reference here again is where I found the comment as posted by MorningGlory (Personality, oh let's say #3, of Bekki Sowerby), and as referred to in my initial Blog Post dated Wednesday, June 10, 2009 I LOVE A GOOD MYSTERY, THE OBVIOUS IS BORING!! :
[In the comments section under the latest Blog posted by princess on June 4th, 2009, towards the end a comment by MorningGlory on June 7th, 2009 at 3:13 pm (note here, approximately 1 hour AFTER that disgusting IM from PrincessBH was sent to me). MorningGlory says: “Everyone is making videos. Heres mine lol.” (MorningGlory provides a link to where HER video can be seen on the internet). Then Princess (DUH) posts a comment at 5:18 pm right under MorningGlory’s in which Princess (DUH) inserts the video that MorningGlory previously provided the link to with Princess (DUH) saying: “LMMFAO”! “Did you see the other one?”. So then MorningGlory responds to Princess (DUH) at 5:19 pm and says: “Which one.. that one is the one i made. lol.. I saw Karisuebee’s as well . that was good too"]
MPD/DID specialists believe that MPD/DID is a valid, common diagnosis that can be clubbed along with schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety, as one of the four major mental health problems. It is reported to be induced by early psychological trauma involving extreme form of physical, sexual, and/or emotional abuse.
Firstly, I would like to say that I sympathize tremendously with anyone who suffers from MPD/DID for the mere fact of what it is reported to be induced by, as long as they seek the professional help they need and continue to take their prescribed medications (if any) under a doctor’s care in order for them to live long happy, healty productive lives as contributing members of society.
What I do not and cannot understand, is why individuals like this Bekki Sowerby person (and all her multiple personalities) thinks that she has the right to get on this here internet and harass, intimidate, bully, terrorize, make fun of, disrupt, lie about, be deceitful, etc. etc. etc. with others is beyond me. WHY and HOW is it that she thinks she can go about conducting herself in this kind of manner on a daily basis and get away with it, is also beyond me. It truly sickens me to think of the very real possibility that her own child or children are now living through what she has so obviously lived through as a child growing up. WHO is looking out for this woman's (ugh) offspring!!! WHO is enabling this woman to continue this unacceptable behavior by just turning a blind eye to it all. WHO I ask!!!
I remember the night when "Maladaptation" came into Murt's chat room at PalTalk. She was on cam and rattling on and on with foolishness, making out like she knew IT all. I just sat and watched in amazement with my mouth hanging open and thinking to myself "what the hell is wrong with this person - she is not in control of any of her faculties?" Within about a day she was gone out of Murt's chat room, thanks to the help of an already worn out boot IF memory serves me correctly - and thank goodness. Then “she” returned not long afterwards under the nick name of “CriminalInjustice” - whose personality was no better, if not worse, but with a bigger know it all kind of attitude. Did she really think she was fooling anybody??!! Even though “CriminalInjustice” thought she was someone to be taken seriously, I had not even given another second’s thought about whether or not she was even still among us or not, until that is, I stumbled upon the comment posted by “EyeOpener” on that Topix Board and she was linked to the nick name MorningGlory.
So if Bekki Sowerby is also CriminalInjustice who is also Maladaptation who is also Morning-Glory (with whom I have a bone to pick because she LIED about me in her comment posted over in Beacon hell regarding some video she and PrincessBH wanted "people" to believe I had done regarding Lois Peter) this could explain a lot about what innocent people have had to put up with for months while chatting in Murt’s chat room, trying to discuss the very serious case of little Caylee Marie Anthony.
That Topix comment referred to above and contained in its entirety in my last Blog Post (as QUOTED therein) was indeed very informative to me, unless I misunderstood what that EyeOpener person was really saying. NOTE TO BEKKI: I was quoting EyeOpener, so do not threaten me with any kind of slander lawsuit okay, read and try to follow and understand. Oh, and Bekki, if this is 3rd grade level writing that I do, then how’s come you find difficulty in following?? I cannot go down to kindergarten level just so that you are able to follow Bekki – you had better ask MorningGlory to draw you pictures, or better yet PrincessBH!!
Like I said, I have a bone to pick with this MorningGlory person who posts comments religiously over on Beaconhell, if indeed she is one and the same person as Bekki Sowerby and all her other alias (and I have to believe she is because I don't see anything in the response comment from CriminalInjustice over on the foolish little Twunt Blog Site to deny the same). I want YOU Morning Glory and/or YOU Sandra Goddard a/k/a PrincessBH to produce the evidence that proves that I did a video regarding Lois Peter, evidence which includes proof this so called video was put together by me, from my computer or from ANY IP address in the Bahamas, and if you are having trouble producing the evidence which Beaconhell prides itself in being able to produce to back up anything written about on that Blog, then maybe that is because NO such video exists. My goodness both of YOU (if you indeed are two separate people in two separate bodies and PrincessBH is not another a/k/a of Bekki's OR vice versa) are LIARS, with serious mental problems and issues. For ease of reference here again is where I found the comment as posted by MorningGlory (Personality, oh let's say #3, of Bekki Sowerby), and as referred to in my initial Blog Post dated Wednesday, June 10, 2009 I LOVE A GOOD MYSTERY, THE OBVIOUS IS BORING!! :
[In the comments section under the latest Blog posted by princess on June 4th, 2009, towards the end a comment by MorningGlory on June 7th, 2009 at 3:13 pm (note here, approximately 1 hour AFTER that disgusting IM from PrincessBH was sent to me). MorningGlory says: “Everyone is making videos. Heres mine lol.” (MorningGlory provides a link to where HER video can be seen on the internet). Then Princess (DUH) posts a comment at 5:18 pm right under MorningGlory’s in which Princess (DUH) inserts the video that MorningGlory previously provided the link to with Princess (DUH) saying: “LMMFAO”! “Did you see the other one?”. So then MorningGlory responds to Princess (DUH) at 5:19 pm and says: “Which one.. that one is the one i made. lol.. I saw Karisuebee’s as well . that was good too"]
Well, Bekki, I do not know which of your personalities will inform you of the fact that you have messed with the wrong person in me, but "she" better do it quick and she had better make you well aware of the fact that you just cannot go around conjuring up complete LIES about others and think you can get away with it without consequences. Bekki here is some advice, other than the obvious, why not try to make someone smile, preferably your child/ren. Who knows, you may even find yourself smiling back at them for once - on the outside and on the inside too.
Anyone remember how many personalities Sybil had? I believe it was sixteen (16)......HOLY RIP!!!!! This is going to be very difficult to keep track of, better get out our notebooks and pens folks.
Hi Murtards. This is NanaNC. I use DiKitt on google. Seems like a few bird brains want to call me dick it but whatever. To my Murtards you know me to anyone else. See ya.
ReplyDeleteKari, great job and research. We are and will always be with you.
Kari before you start talking shit you might wanna check the link that video was from.. The account it was set up on was Karisuebee, as well as the name that posted it in chatango rooms.again.. Karisuebee.. If it wasn't you .. whatever not my problem.. i dont know you nor have i ever talked to you .. and when did i say you write at 3rd grade level .. I DONT KNOW U .. Stop acting like i do.. i've never even talked to you .. get off it already .
ReplyDeleteand please get off the multiple personalities thing.. Everyone knows all of my sign in names.. because i put my picture next to each name, i don't hide i'm right out there everyone knows when its me.. i say its me..
Many people have numerous sign in names, that does not constitute a personality disorder when the personality and the person on each sign in name is the same.. Maybe you didn't realize everyone knows what sign in names are and arent me because again.. I don't know you .. you don't know me.. we have never crossed paths until you started writing shit about me for some odd fucking reason..
Man I am so THANKFUL you are bringing this out to the light. Bekki Sowerby DOES have muliple personalities. You are very correct. I have saved IM's from her that show her disruptive behavior and actually quite mentally dangerous. That is why I am very unsettled with the fact that she is trying to be a childs advocate! Bekki Sowerby needs to stay away from children PERIOD!!
ReplyDeleteI will warn you on this. Bekki is known not only for her outrageous behavior, then her pole stripping video she presented in a Christian Chat room. Yay that was a sight. LOL And she is known to be a fake and a liar. Completly! She was on Topix posting a false email about a particular person. Stating she emailed her. There is EVIDENCE that Bekki wrote it to herself claiming to be the other person! That is how sick she is.
She started a whole thread on an innocent woman and that person got the law involved and had the thread removed. Bekki made such outlandeous lies on her and others. But this woman stuck to her word and stated it will be removed and damn it was!
Bekki Sowerby has a Mother named Michelle who is Thymepeace on the chat programs. Both of them together is like taking a trip to the mental institution.
Kari, Bekki goes under NUMEROUS NAMES. I know of many names she has on BH as well. So yes, you are correct. She needs to come out with the PROOF about what she allegedly said about you. And I will email you some information to file charges against her. It is to my understanding she is under investigation as we speak. And there is a pending harrasment charge against her as well. Internet harrasment and stalking is now becoming a huge deal. People do not realize when they do what Bekki does, they are damaging peoples lives. Seriously...
As far as her children Kari, she is not a good mom. No mother spends her entire day on the internet with two small children to care for. No mother takes video shots of her kids that are half naked place them on youtube.com for the world to see. In those videos you see a house that is utterly disgusting with mess. She is not in a postion, IMO to be a parent. There is a group of us just collecting all the evidence we need of her conduct online, and submitting it to the proper authorities.
Child services will be called. That is a fact.
So Bekki if you are reading this, bring it on. Step up and defend yourself and say your peace and clear the air with Kari. For my dear you are coming into serious consequences for all your past behaviors. Wise up, grow up and own up.
Thank you Kari for bringing this out to light once AGAIN. The stuff is hitting topix again. Bekki Sowerby needs to be pulled off the radio show. IMO she is dangerous to children and families looking for help. I do feel she is in need of mental help. I say this with sincerity for I do feel she is very unbalanced.
ReplyDeleteI thank you for writing about this.
ReplyDeleteDid criminallnjustice actually admit to this diagnosis on the topix thread? If not I am very concerned that you would write this about a person not knowing the dx is absolutely the truth. Do you have the link to the topix thread? If you do could you please post it?
I enjoy reading your blog and your rebuttles but I am just floord with this one.
I am not a personal friend of criminallnjustice but I have seen her in chat rooms. I never felt like she had multiple personalities though. I've seen her "go off" on a few people but it is usually after they have provoked her. I think anyone is going to do this. Even me, and I don't talk much in chat rooms because people alread have their own "special group" and an outsider is well, just that, an outsider.
Im screenshotting me putting this comment on your page since you chose not to put the last one up because your obviously scared of what will happen if you do.
ReplyDeleteFirst off, whatever did and didn't happen to me in my childhood is non of your damn business, how dare you make fun of someone who was sexually abused like that.
Like i said in the last comment i posted, having multiple sign in names does not constitute having a disorder, especially when i have my photograph next to every single name. You would have to be an idiot to not know it's me. I do not hide behind names, everyone knows which one is me. And the reason for so many names? Seems a lil friend that posted a comment on this thread has gotten into damn near all of my accounts because they all had the same password. Most accounts were trashed because of it.
Thank you for the post above anon, i don't know if i have come across you but yes i only retaliate when i was provoked first. And this? Right here is bull. I don't know you Keri nor have you and i ever spoken once. So why you feel the need to start crap? I will never understand. Being that you have posted a ton of stuff that you still failed to prove like the donations i do not and have never taken but another commenter here takes em without a 501c check the irs website.
The video that was posted in a chatango chat room was posted by someone named karisuebee, and pmed to everyone by the same name and the account on youtube was under the name karisuebee.. So me saying thats where it came from was only the truth. At that point, and now even i have no idea who you are, had never even heard of you until that day with that one video.
And that is exactly what i said in the other comment. If you refuse to post this comment i will email it to someone i know that will post it with the entire screen showing i posted this.. on your page.. and you hid it so that you could save face.
You know nothing about me.. yes i was abused as a child.. You think thats funny? I have had a full psych evaluation, you have to have one at my school to go through some of the courses i went through. I am perfectly perfectly healthy and sane aside from having OCD. are you going to make fun of that too?
This is ridiculous. Bekki states you did not post her comments. Well, I posted early and did not come up till now. So, Bekki once again the world does not revolve around you.
ReplyDeleteAs far as the claim that you go off only when "provoked"... NO. You go off period. You stalk, you harass, you make up false allegations of others, you have no absolutely NO proof of anyone doing any wrong doing and you are up the ass of Princess on BH. You are a no body.
And get over your I was abused as a child. Do you realize how many of us were abused as kids. As adults. Please. Kari is simply stating IN HER OPINION which we are all entitled to BTW "Anonymous" that she feels she has this disorder. I feel Bekki not only has this but anger issues, bipolar, and seriously is in need of counseling and meds. But that is MY opinion.
Why can I say this, for I have communicated with this lunatic for over a year. I have stood in the corner and watched her personally go off on people "just because." So it doesn't matter what a few people have to say in defense of Bekki. They are most likely just like her. Attract attracts like.
Bekki Sowerby is a Stalker. There is proof of this on the internet.
Bekki Sowerby is a liar. There is proof of this. And now Bekki states she is doing a radio interview. Utter lie. Infact, she did not post the stations name or channel so we all know is once again BS.
I love that Bekki comes on here to defend herself. Just proves she knows she is wrong. If one does not feel they are in the wrong they would ignore blogs and sites such as these and let them say their peace. Not Bekki, always trying to win people over with more lies.
And there is a new blog coming out on her too. This person now, wow watch for it to come out! Talk about a kick in the pants! LOL
Kari, thank you again... Good work!
Ya Bekki states she will be on this show --- http://www.wjmsam.com/contact.htm I contacted them and they know NOTHING ABOUT HER. LOL Ya okkkkkkkkk.. I gave them the heads up about Bekki so that if she was planning on it in the future, well they will know ahead of time.
ReplyDeleteAnd Bekki you are making no difference in this world so get off of your soap box. You are nothing but trouble. IF YOU were making a difference and you were a kinder person with a heart, we would all be behind you. YOU have chosen this path and the consequences that go with it?
And I quote you above... "And the reason for so many names? Seems a lil friend that posted a comment on this thread has gotten into damn near all of my accounts because they all had the same password. Most accounts were trashed because of it." Ok another LIE. You had all these names since day one. And you made up the Maladaptation name on Paltalk to do your false interview with Murt to frame him. You are a cruel nasty ass person!
And it was all over Topix and other sites of you writing false emails and we saw the site where it states that is pending in the courts. Stop your bullshit ok? Really. No ONE believes you.
The only friend you have is Will Casterline and his rep, well look him up folks. Another peice of work. Even the MySpace community can't stand you! Why do you keep on going with this holier than thou persona? I dont get it. Own up to it Bekki for once in your life.
And I will tell you this, after seeing your videos of your kids on YouTube and seeing your house, there is no way in HELL you have OCD. NO way! LOL Look up the definition young one. Oh wait arent you studying to be a nurse? God help us all! The will to live will be lessened with her taking care of you. LOL
Actually OCD is not a cleaning disorder my friend. It is anything that starts with an obsession with a compulsion. Examples: Tapping on things, checking door locks, separating foods, washing hands, ect. Many many forms. Maybe you might want to check the definition.
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting my comment. Again, I would like to say that I am not a personal friend of criminalinjustice....I was just stating my thoughts about what I had read. When I logged into your site this morning I was interested to see some replies about your blog.
YES, I agree, everyone has there own opinions, but I was shocked to see that I had been attacked (this is exactly the way I feel now), because of what I said.
This is what "Blogger" said on July 2, 2009 at 10:53 PM........{".So it doesn't matter what a few people have to say in defense of Bekki. They are most likely just like her. Attract attracts like."} So now, because I have an opinion, and remember....it was mostly asking you about the proper dx of the personality disorder, I AM JUST LIKE HER!!!!!
I was in no way arguing with you or anyone else when I made my post. This is a perfect example of what I am seeing and what you and others have been trying to stop. Attack, Attack, Attack,.....well, go ahead and attack me all you want. I certainly don't have anything to hide.
As I said in my previous post, I have only seen her in chat rooms. When I started following the Casey Anthony case I came across the chat room for Sara's and from there it led to several other rooms. I am a member of several forums about KC, etc,. I do not stay in chat rooms all day or on the internet.
Please let me say this and I will stop. :) I do not know any background on criminalinjustice or know anything about her childhood. And I agree with blogger about everyone having problems. Blogger and everyone else has stated their opinion about her and I was only doing the same. I would just like to say again that I have not seen this side of criminalinjustice unless she was being provoked by someone coming in and starting something with her. I will continue to read about her and your blogs. This is my opinion and I am not going to ARGUE or INSULT anyone because they have a different opinion than mine.
OH OKAY! Now we know that the Anonoymous who is writing are two people...Bekki and Wishing. I cannot understand how you guys think you can type stuff and we do not know who you are. Seriously. We only have had correspondence with you for over a year now? So we get your writing style and even the grammar. It's not even psych 101 here!
ReplyDeleteAnd you are correct, we all have our opinions. That is why we have freedom of speech.
And btw, most people with OCD, are clean fanatics. YOU look up the definition and study case files. I have because I have been in the field. And "my friend" I never said it was a 'cleaning disorder' I stated that it comes with the OCD. I was making a connection. In addition, I have 2 friends with it and a family member, so I do have first hand knowledge PERSONALLY as well.
I love how people (Bekki) just think they know it all. That is what I am saying. Bekki is notarious for spouting off her mouth when I really do not understand how a 25 year old child would know so much in her short years. One day Bekki, you will look back on your actions while you were a KID and see how immature and unstable you are.
We all have regrets and trust me this will be one for you.
Kari, I do not know how old you are so this is not a slap to you if you are in this age group. Or rather anyone else for that matter. I am just older and see the immaturity levels off the chart with Bekki's responses.
And Bekki, you know there is a way to go into the code and see where each location is posted from on blogs. Interesting how many times you have posted here.
And...I googled your name Bekki Sowerby. You really like to comment on blogs alot and you start much a rise in them. Not with your intelligent talk, no. But wow the mouth on you is unreal. And in this particular blog THAT person was wrong too, go figure! Here so all can see what I mean.
Why would you be so foul? Swear like a low class person? Put yet other people down? You were not being "attacked" here. In fact it was this persons blog and you attacked HIM! Bekki if you are supposedly standing for the rights of children, shouldn't you clean up your reputation a bit? For it is sites like this that will be forwarded to your new interview. No one minds you being interviewed if that is even true, we just want to make sure they know who they are interviewing. This is not like the balloon release you did for class. That is a local peon newspaper looking for a story on Caylee Anthony. And you saw it and took advantage of that to get your name out there. So what did you say before? You don't do things for attention or money? Right....
First off i don't see what post your talking about on that page. This is the first time i have seen that page and i don't see any of my sign on names having commented anywhere on that page. The only mono page i have seen is the MMAC page.
ReplyDeleteI never attacked the bloggers, ever. The blogger on this page being keri i have never even talked to her before.
The paper and radio are not doing a story on Caylee Anthony. The release is not all about Caylee Anthony, it is simply named that because that happens to be the child that really got serious attention for missing children, at the cost of other missing children i guess.
None of the interviews are about me either, they are simply about the event, when where and why and what kind of information is going to be available to the public.
If you or whoever else wants to make phone calls and whatnot to try and prevent getting those childrens names back out into the public, in hopes that people will continue looking or start looking if they weren't looking before.. that makes you sick IMO. No one was asked for money, No one gets fame off of this. What kind of fame am i going to get for a missing childrens awareness event? OH WOW small town recognition? Like that is anything huge! Am i gonna get an award? no .. i'm not even gonna get a cookie :( .
It's all about making connections and using them to your benefit. And to be honest it's so much more simple than some of you realize. Things as small as joining the PTA! Nothing is too small, any kind of help is appreciated. You think i'm the only one? That makes you egotistical not me. I'm not the first, im not the only and i am certainly not gonna be the last person to try and change something. It's a lot of work if your up for it, and those of you that blog can easily make a difference by blogging about the causes.
Feel free to think whatever you feel like about me, my family , or the work i do with reputable and legal foundations. It's not about me and never has been, you people seem to keep making it about me and that's why so many children are still missing, people would rather fight and smear than get off their butts and make a change. Just one little thing to say about people and CPS. Feel free to call CPS, i doubt they would even acknowledge any claims from anyone considering i have a social worker in my house twice a week for my sons group therapy. If there was anything amiss? Oh you can bet your bottom dollar i would have been reported ages ago.
Do you have the bong hit photos? I have them if you need them.
ReplyDeleteI hope this post is not too long for you to post. If it is I understand. I hope this will be my last post. This post is not to argue with anyone. However, I think it is an important one considering the comments made by Net Patrol.
I would like to say this first and foremost, becuse it is important that the record is set straight.
Net Patrol said and I quote, "OH OKAY! Now we know that the Anonoymous who is writing are two people...Bekki and Wishing. I cannot understand how you guys think you can type stuff and we do not know who you are. Seriously. We only have had correspondence with you for over a year now? So we get your writing style and even the grammar. It's not even psych 101 here!
I am not the person you call Wishing and I think to bring someone's name into this by only quesing (no proof at all) is a hurtful thing to do to this person named Wishing. I don't know who you are and you don't know who I am. I would never say so and so wrote something without proof. You may have had correspondence with criminalinjustice and Wishing for over a year, but you stating that you know that it was Wishing that wrote that because of the way she writes is ridiculous. I would like to know what is wrong with my writing style and grammar and I am certainly not trying to teach a Psych 101 class here. It never crossed my mind that giving one's oppinion would equate to a Psych 101 class.
From what I have read above it seems a lot of people know a lot about criminalinjustice. All I wanted to know was if there was proof of a dx concering the things that were said about her. The things that are being said are pretty profound and if there is no proof who knows what one will do when horrible things are written about them. Also, if she is doing the same thing, then she shouldn't. If truth be known, we all probably have some kind of problem (or something in our lives), that we would not like to be splattered all over the internet. And for the record, I don't blame anyone for defending themselves.
I would also like to make a comment about the swearing and bad language. Criminialinjustice is not the only one that uses bad language in the chat rooms. As I said before, that is the only place as of now that I have seen her talk. Most of the chatters (not all) in those chat rooms use bad language......f....,c.....,whore, and many other words that I won't say here. I am certainly not offended by these words but criminalinjustice is not the only one that says things like this. Most of the time the rooms are pleasant with friends talking with friends....and then someone says something to anger someone and all hell breaks loose. Our human instinct is to defend ourselves (especially our children) and this is when it happens the most. When someone gets angry and hurt they say things like this. Again, I don't see a problem with it for anyone.
Now, I will say it again. I am not Wishing. I will not give out my name, address, telephone number or personal information. I don't know where Wishing lives but I live in NC and I have a beach house in SC. So my ip could come from either place. I have never looked up my ip (don't even know how) so I don't know if personal information is on there or not, but I would hope that no one would post my personal info if it is.
I am not trying to argue with anyone on KariSueBee's blog. I just wanted to set the record straight so no one else's name will be brought into something that I am writing about. It's just not the right thing to do.
Okay listen, I just listened to Bekki Sowerby, aka CriminalInjustice's show and I am appalled. Why?
ReplyDeleteThis is to Bekki. You stated on your show you left your 5 year old outside by himself and he is autistic??? You state --- you AND your husband were INSIDE with the baby? Okay let me get this straight, you are on here and everywhere complaining that kids are missing all over. That parents are not watching their kids and its happening in their own front yards. Did you not say this BEKKI SOWERBY? Yes all over the internet. You bitch at people that are doing it. Saying wake up are kids are going missing. BUT you allowed your OWN child out without parental supervision, on top of which the cops were called. It is right on your show date July 3, 2009! Why is it that one of you, the parents, could not be outside with such a young child??? Why?? It does not take TWO of you to watch a baby! I am utterly disgusted at this whole thing. And you claim people are coming at you to STOP you for doing an event? No one is trying to stop to do crap! WE are complaining of how you conduct your own life. I guess that was "personal" like you stated on your show. You know you have your personal like and then your professional life. Are you for real??
Then you openly stated "while on the phone with JennifferMaddy, you screamed cause there is foxes and wolves that come right to your home. But it was just a deer this time." BUT you let your baby (5 years old is a baby) by HIMSELF?
This is what others are talking about. I had to shut off the rest of the show. YOU DISGUST ME. You claim you are doing this for "the children" yet you do not take care of your own! GET OFF the INTERNET and take care of your CHILDREN. I have copied this show so all can hear it, just in case you decide to ooops accidentally delete it.
How can anyone respect or follow you when you state openly you do not take care of your own kids??? OH lest not forget... you even made sure to tell us about the sex offender that lives right down the street. Bekki, STOP just STOP. This is insane.
This is what I left on the Justice for the Children's talkshoe website. I choose to just copy and past it here as well:
Thank you to the person that sent me the link to this site. And to the other sites. I am a blogger. I will be doing an upcoming segment on this person that runs this show and conducts herself as a child advocate. I have listened to "most" of the show's airing on July 3, 2009 called "Random Topic Call In", and took a screen shot of the page for future use. I will admit I too, had to turn it off.
I am very disheartened by hearing you allowed your five year "autistic" child outside, unsupervised. Any parent, especially young ones such as yourself, I would give a good talking to. This is unacceptable. Not to mention that you are out there advocating "missing" children, yet you place your OWN child in danger. The statistics of a child missing are as follows:
The U.S. Department of Justice reports:
* 797,500 children (younger than 18) were reported missing in a one-year period of time studied resulting in an average of 2,185 children being reported missing each day.
* 203,900 children were the victims of family abductions.
* 58,200 children were the victims of non-family abductions.
* 115 children were the victims of "stereotypical" kidnapping.(These crimes involve someone the child does not know or someone of slight acquaintance, who holds the child overnight, transports the child 50 miles or more, kills the child, demands ransom, or intends to keep the child permanently.)
You state Mrs. Sowerby that you had first hand knowledge of a REGISTERED SEX OFFENDER living right down the street from you. Yet, when the police arrived, which I am still confused as to why police were called, you gave more attention to why the other child's mother did not come outside to explain what happened? Did you explain to them you were not present yourself?
It is bad judgment calls such as these that put our little ones in danger.
I do not understand why you needed to be with your husband to take care of your "baby" while your other child was left unattended. It only takes seconds for a child to be abducted right outside their home. But I thought you knew this? With this type of parenting you may be adding your own child to the banner you plan to display. Then what would your words be? Go kick rocks? This and the rest of my review will be on my blog. I will post a link when it has been completed.
WOW the actions of people such as BHPrincess, her followers, and this Bikki or Morningglory or whoever they are astounds me when I read the words they use and learn about their attacks on other people via the computer and has me really worried about the victims of their actions.
ReplyDeleteRecall that old saying "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me"? As adults we know that isn't true, words cut deep and can have an extreme impact on the people that are hurt. The language and some of the actions of those mentioned above I have to place in the same catagory as Lori Drew age 47 and her evil, cruel torment of a very young girl named Meagan Meiers. Hiding behind her computer this evil 47 year old mother used words to victimize an insecure teen girl, and who then committed suicide.
For all the mean spirited actions, for all the vulgar language, for all of the attacks on other people via your computers - May God have mercy on your soul, but most of all may your victims never lose control to the point of no return.
Rest in Peace Megan Meiers as your family will never recover from those who used words as evil weapons hiding inside a computer.
Great work KariSue - I am proud of you.
Bong hit photos? LOL Oh that is too good. LOL Please share... with the rest of us. Please do not tell me Bekki has pics of her smoking a bong? OMG..LOL was that in between her swinging around the strip pole?
ReplyDeleteOk I will stop. I am laughing too hard........
For anonymous way up there.. What about the pics? BFD! I was 22 years old and at a party. Your point? You do realize that people do have lots of things they used to do right?
ReplyDeleteI've never made a show of hiding things i used to do. again. BFD i used to smoke pot when i went out, i used to drink as well. Haven't done either since bout March of 2007. After a while people eventually get tired of party's and watching people act like idiots. It was fun in the teenage years but the glamor wears off really fast. If you ever wanna quit drinking, go to a party sober and watch everyone act like douchebags. That's bout when the fun ends. And please don't say "Your a mother and you party?" Past tense yes i did bout twice a month. BFD again. Being a mother doesn't mean you have to give up your identity, or your own life. Parents need time away, time to unwind and have some ME time. And children need time away from their parents as well. I can't really give you an excuse all i can say is big effin deal i'm human, and still quite young with a lot of life left in me. Maybe you need to go have a drink? Unwind a bit?
This gets more interesting as the posts go on. Especially the ones from "Crim" aka Bekki Sowerby. What you wrote makes no sense whatsoever and why I am even attempting to write to explain is beyond me. LOL But that is the Mother in me, which it is quite apparent you do not have one of those. With all the research that I have conducted over the past few days, and all the websites linked to you where they do bring up your Mother, Michelle, it is very sad to say the least.
ReplyDeleteBekki, when one gives birth they take all the teenage things of the past and leave them there. They now have a responsibility of a new life to take care of. You openly admit you have not smoked pot, gotten high nor drunk since March 2007. May I ask how old is your oldest son? Five if I am not mistaken...
Well, so while under your care, you took it upon yourself to do drugs. OKAY! And what gets me is that you say it on the internet. Why are you commenting on this blog btw? Is this the attention you seek that you did not have growing up, nor do you have in your marriage perhaps? It is obvious you like this.
For the person that stated they have pics, I ask how did you obtain these? Bekki, did you post them on the internet? Well then it is open game for all.
Since you put in that small description of what a Mother is, let me remind you of something. Being a Mother is one of the greatest gifts and highest level jobs out there. Yes it is a job. And if you were to say it is not, then what the hell are you "unwinding" from. WE know it is not your outside job, for you do have one.
Being a Mom means yes you give up quite a lot for your children. You come second now Bekki. Your children come first. I agree there is time needed to be away from the family and have your "own" time. But that too, is even scheduled around your children. If you wanted to party or continue I shall say, then why did you have children?
Oh Kari I apologize. I will be writing all of the same things on my blog later. This 25 year old PUNK is something else. Now I see why the Web world has a distaste for her. She doesn't know when to shut up.
Thank you for allowing me the use of your platform...
Sweetie it's called a sitter. No responsible parent should ever do drugs, or drink with their children in their care. I know a lot of people that toss back a few with their kids at home, and though i disagree with it i cannot run their lives for them, the most i can do is tell them if they are going to do it, at least have someone in the house that is sober and can trust their judgment. There are many stories of children that get smothered by co-sleeping with a drunk or drugged parent and they are sad and horrible. I disagree with co-sleeping for that reason alone. It's plain to see you take words and do not actually comprehend anything behind the words. In a perfect world with no stress, parents would be as you stated. But the world isn't perfect, there is stress and lots of it. Parents do in fact need to set aside a time for themselves, couples especially. Without that time away from your child some parents get too stressed, too angry and some of them end up the stories of child murder in the papers. Children also need time away from their parents to learn social skills, and to interact with other people. So to any parent that wants to go out once or twice a month? there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Have a reliable babysitter and give out the numbers to where you will be. Most of the time a family member or granparent is the best bet because they (in most families) know your child just as well as you do. Have your permanent babysitter authorized to get medical care for your child in the event that something goes wrong, and integrate them in as much of your childs life as possible. There is no use having a sitter that knows nothing about your child. I don't think it's responsible at all to put an ad in the paper for a sitter, and just take one that way. You don't know that person, or their background unless you do a background check on them. Sitters should be CPR certified and first aide trained as well.
ReplyDeleteNow please stop trying to tell me what i do, and what i don't do. It's very clear you don't know me, or anything about me aside from internet rumors which are worth bout as much as the people that tell them. NOTHING.
Here is a compliment to your blog. You both should work together. :)
Bekki, knock off the BS. I've only known who you are for the last year and I read your myspace comment about you and your mother getting high together. I also read the email you posted on your myspace where your mother told you that you're a crappy parent.
ReplyDeleteThe only reason you're being civilized here is because it has your RL name attached to it. If you were in a chat room you'd be your usual foul self. You and your alter ego there aren't fooling anyone but you! We've all seen you in action.
Does your alter ego actually think ANYONE believes that someone was in a chat room with you for more than a day and didn't get to personally witness your erratic behavior? LOL
I know you don't really have MPD. You only have one personality and it sucks. That's why it's so easy to spot you no matter what name you're running under.