Monday, July 6, 2009


Firstly, I must say thanks to Wiki and Googs!!

Secondly, it is my strong personal opinion that this topic describes to a T the two characters that are the focus of this here Blog - from my own personal experience with them on this here internet.

I love the following quotes:-

1. The hypocrite's crime is that he bears false witness against himself. What makes it so plausible to assume that hypocrisy is the vice of vices is that integrity can indeed exist under the cover of all other vices except this one. Only crime and the criminal, it is true, confront us with the perplexity of radical evil; but only the hypocrite is really rotten to the core. ~Hannah Arendt, On Revolution, 1963

2. What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

3. The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend to be. ~Socrates

Okay, those three (3) quotes were way too deep for Sandra Goddard aka Alexandria La Tainte aka PrincessBH AND Rebecca Sue Sowerby aka CriminalInjustice aka CrimInjust aka Crim aka Maladaptation aka MorningGlory to grasp, so let me list a few sayings that apply to these two (2) characters and hopefully they will be able to understand the meaning behind them:-

1. The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you! I hasten to point out here, when a person does not follow The Golden Rule they are bound to find themselves engaged in a game of TIT FOR TAT!!!

2. Practice what you preach!

3. The pot calling the kettle black!

4. Fight Fire with Fire!

5. A Wolf in Sheep’s clothing!

Hypocrisy is the act of pretending that one has beliefs, opinions, virtues, feelings, qualities or standards that they DO NOT actually have; this is usually done in order to mask their actual motives or feelings; falseness.

Psychologically, hypocrisy can be an unconscious act of self-deception.

A Liar is someone who tells lies.

A PATHOLOGICAL LIAR is someone that does not know how to tell the truth. There could be many reasons for this behavior. The person was not treated well by their parents and made to feel like a sub zero human being, so they lie or dramatize their life events to impress their peers. It also could be a person that is totally spoiled and never made to face consequences for their behavior. Their personality may not fit in with most of their peers so they lie to impress their peers (it generally back fires). They could simply be lazy and not work at improving themselves so lying is easier to them than actually telling the truth. What liars do not get is they stand out like a sore thumb in a crowd. There is help for pathological liars, but most will never admit to it and therefore few will seek help for this condition.

A Pathological Liar is someone who lies all the time - it's a habit of theirs and they do not really see it as wrong.

A pathological liar is someone who often embellishes his or her stories in a way that he or she believes will impress people. Some think a pathological liar is different from a normal liar in that a pathological liar believes the lie he or she is telling to be true (at least in public) and is "playing" the role. It is not clear, however, that this is the case, and others hold that pathological liars know precisely what they are doing. Making up stories and at the same time believing them is known as confabulation. The term "pathological liar" is not an official clinical diagnosis however most psychiatrists agree that pathological lying is often the result of a mental disorder or low self-esteem.

A pathological liar is usually defined as someone who lies incessantly to get their way and does so with little concern for others. Pathological lying is often viewed as a coping mechanism developed in early childhood and it is often associated with some other type of mental health disorder. A pathological liar is often goal-oriented (i.e., lying is focused - it is done to get one's way). Pathological liars have little regard or respect for the rights and feelings of others. A pathological liar often comes across as being manipulative, cunning and self-centered.

A COMPULSIVE LIAR is defined as someone who lies out of habit. Lying is their normal and reflexive way of responding to questions. Compulsive liars bend the truth about everything, large and small. For a compulsive liar, telling the truth is very awkward and uncomfortable while lying feels right. Compulsive lying is usually thought to develop in early childhood, due to being placed in an environment where lying was necessary. For the most part, compulsive liars are not overly manipulative and cunning, rather they simply lie out of habit – an automatic response which is hard to break and one that takes its toll on a relationship.
Can you imagine the degree of tolerance one has to exercise in having to deal with an individual or individuals who encompass all the above characteristics of a HYPOCRITE and a LIAR on a daily basis on this here internet? It is no wonder some like myself are forced into a game of Tit for Tat -- HOLY RIP!!!!

All I will say on this subject for now is - well better yet, I’ll end this topic with a quote from one of Orlando, Florida’s most upstanding and forthright residents who believes she is an authority on this subject: "Lying doesn't mean that you're a murderer." -- Cindy Anthony


  1. I think you have hit the nail on the head with this one KariSueBee. An eye opener for sure!!!

    The more I read and see, the more I just shake my head in disbelief. I have found out a lot about a lot of things since reading here.

    Love reading your blog...keep up the good work.

  2. Very good Blog! Thankyou for sharing this with us. And I agree with what you wrote, that this is too far fetched for the likes of Bekki Sowerby with all her alias's and PrincessBH over at Beaconhell to comprehend.

    See, with a "sick" mind and blinded by their own arrogance they do not see what they do to others. They go out for blood and guts not realizing the damaged they cause.

    You know I will say this for example, when Murt first started out I really enjoyed what he was providing the public with his web cam and road trips. It was different. Then PrincASS at Beacon hell started saying all these things and the group would 'set murt up' on fake interviews Sowerby did, which was disgusting btw. She intentionally went into Murt's group to get an interview faking to be a reporter. How insane is that? Well anyway after hearing all this horrific acts that PrinASS claimed and wrote about I really started to think wow Murt is a nutcase. After finding out that none of that was true and PrinASS made it up, only to damage his character and reputation I was livid.

    So yes, your analogy of this blog is spot on with PrinASS and Bekki Sowerby. They have no clue what the truth is. They live a lie.

    Thank you for the blog. Very nicely done!

  3. Here is a compliment to your blog. You both should work together. :)

  4. Another well written blog Kari.

  5. Hi KariSueBee!

    First, I want to thank you for visiting my blog. Second, I want to bring to your attention the remarks that are on Bekki Sowerby's blog namely, JFTC Radio.

    It was brought to my attention this morning that Bekki stated that you and I are in a "pissing contest" and openly states this on her blog. A screenshot was sent to me for viewing. I would like to make myself clear, as I feel with your recent visit to my site, we are on the SAME page.

    I want to tell all your viewers and followers that I feel your blog is informative, well written, truth, and full of passion for a cause. I want to thank you for bringing out matters that DO matter!

    Please continue doing your wonderful work and do not allow Bekki to sidetrack you as she is trying to do with her comment left on her own blog. It is strange that her statistics are nothing. No one comments on her blog and no one visits it. You can look up the stats on a web page.

    Murt has more people that follow him and love what he writes. Isn't Bekki against Murt? Hmmm... There is her pissing contest.

    Be well!

  6. We all have your back Kari and you too Annie Marie! Bekki will not admit to the truth for the truth and Bekki are strangers. Hmmm where have I heard that before?

    Lying bitch she is! And wow nice words for murt there bekki. Nice to tell a person to Die already. Does that make you feel all warm and cozy inside? You are a disgusting!
