Monday, September 28, 2009


Zanlaughsatyou, there is ALWAYS a very thin line in every situation - cross that line, which YOU have now done, AND it can change the whole course and outcome of that situation.

Are YOU Zanlaughsatyou referring to my 17 year old daughter who accompanied me when I went and met Murt for dinner, or are you referring to my 8 year old daughter whose innocence of childhood was at risk of being corrupted by the contents of that filthy IM sent to me by PrincessBH back in June - which was the prime basis for this Blog of mine to be put up in the first place? In either case Zanlaughsatyou, both of my daughters are MINORS!!!! The line has been crossed!!!

In the words of that feistyoldbroad "....... ROT IN HELL"!

Do you Zanlaughsatyou think that you can hide behind those fake nicknames? I may not know who you are YET, but YOU still have to live with yourself and look at yourself in the mirror, no doubt 24/7. The "person" looking back at YOU in real time is exactly the "person" I see out here in cyberspace, i.e. a deeply disturbed individual who is UGLY clear to the bone!



  1. Things with them crossed THAT line long ago. I have a few people that are very disturbed by this post as well as others from zanlaughsatyou, princessbh, beaconhell, Michelle McKee, the list goes on and on and on. Do the signatures get to the "target" at all? They are nervous to sign it due to the fact that if they are THIS mean to a man they do not know, what will they do to them. I can understand their concern. please respond so I can point them in the right direction. Anything else that can be done, please post and we will do whatever means necessary to get these mean women stopped. It is a shame they say they are concerned for children. Their actions have CLEARLY shown the mentality of the type of predators we are dealing with.

    Keep up the good work.

  2. To Anonymous above.

    Yes you are right - the line was crossed long ago with these sick individuals especially in their verbal abuse of the elderly chatters and members of Murt's chat room! I absolutely agree with you that their actions have CLEARLY shown the mentality of the type of predators we are dealing with.

    It is my intention to absolutely take the Petition as far as possible in order to get the Laws on the books to rid cyberspace of these types of sick demented individuals. They claim their 1st Amendment Rights while they rob others of the very same rights -- the old double standard at its best.

    The powers that be need to do what is so desperately needed to be done to rid cyberspace of the cowardly low life bullies that hide behind their computer screens and harrass others. How could these horrible people be positive role models for ANY of their children/grand-children/great-grandchildren in their care, custody, control and presence -- they CANNOT!

    To all who wish to sign the Petition at the link found above on the right hand side, but are reluctant to do so for fear of being targeted by these hate filled people, I understand completely, and perhaps the best thing to do in order to safeguard your whereabouts and identy is to go to your nearest library, kinkos, etc. and see if that works. Just complete the minimum of info required and choose for your signature to appear as Anonymous to the public. Print off the Petition and make a note of where your signature appears on the Petition for future reference and use.

    To ALL who have taken the chance of signing the Petition I say THANK YOU. All, that is with the exception of that CrazyCajun who thought it amusing for a known BULLY like herself to have her signature appear on a Petition trying to end cyberbullying and cyberharrassment - isn't that right #22 Ms. Queen Bee.

  3. Seeing Red does not say how I feel right now! To say such a nasty thing about a child ,not only crosses the line ,but Zan Smith need to be locked up with all the other child molesters out there ! Princess ,If you Do care about children as you say you do ,then you need to step up and ban Zan from your lists ,Even you do not stoop as low as this!!The only thing I can say good about you ,Is your love for the kids out there now is time to step up.all you haters need to hang your heads in shame,to even think this is cute or clever ,shame on you all .
    We as adults can fight and carry this to whatever limits you want to ,but leave the kids out of it, as your nasty fingers type!
    man what are we dealing with here I think a check needs to be done on Zan Smith ,hopefully she has no chidren around her ,and if she does may God Protect them. have you all lost what morals you ever had ?
    May God have pity on your poor soul ,Zan ,because I don't

  4. NOBODY should involve children in the conflict of adults regardless of the reason. The use of Kari's daughter in the Twitter posts not only demonstrates Zan's lack of consideration for Kari's children but also sends a bad message for all users of Twitter.

    Someone needs to alert Twitter of this situation. Twitter also needs to be informed that one of their customers Paltalk, is being defamed on Twitter by this group.

    Midnite02 and others who are part of the Beaconhell group claim the following:

    They have 3rd party software that allows them to bypass a room owner's ban and view any room they please as invisible/

    They have the ability to see ANY pm as invisible even if they are not a party to that PM

    They have distributed Paltalk PM's over Twitter which is a clear violation of Paltalk TOS and may well be a criminal action.

    This group has made it clear, by their actions, that they care not the consequences to persons state of health, the condition of someones marriage or other personal relationships and most of all the welfare of children who must endure the kind of posts that Zanlaughsatyou have been posting.

    These people are supposed to be here for the children. They sure have an odd way of showing it.


  5. Keep up the good work Kari and I hope your petition gets enough signatures on it. As for those people of BH I am starting to think that maybe she doesn't have that many people who follow her site. It seems that she has used so many different names on the internet and that many of her so called followers are really just one person named Princess.
    Sounds like Princess is really nothing but some psycho who gets her kicks out of harrassing people instead of following missing people. Eventually people will start seeing the true psycho person she is and will stop following her.

    So here is to you Princess or whoever you are keep up the great twitter posts and soon we can all be writing Beaconhell's obituary. After all who wants to read something that is written by a foul mouthed psycho beotch. I know I don't!!!!

  6. Uneffin real!! I do see red Kari. I wish you (and Murt) and anyone else that these lost souls are attacking, the best in stopping this bullshit. Let me know if there is anything I can do.

  7. I did contact twitter about the content of the posts that Zan and Princess has on their site. Apparently they didn't do anything about it. I also told them how they are stalking certain individuals and how they are contacting these individuals at their home and even contacting their employers. If this isn't considered stalking and harrassing then I would hate to see how much worse it will get before twitter will do something. I think twitter should close Princess's and Zan's twitter accts.
    One of these days Princess is going to mess with the wrong person. She may think she can do whatever she wants on the internet but she will eventually get caught.
    I think it is really sad that an individual is that lonely and desperate for attention that she has to attack people to get it. No wonder her family wants nothing to do with her. She may think her family is the psycho when It is really HER that has the Problems. I wouldn't be surprised if her family hasn't tried to have her committed somewhere for all of the things she has done to people. Someone as sick as Princess shouldn't be allowed to have a website or blog about missing children. For all we know she could also be a child abuser.

  8. Why do you read what they write, if it bothers you so much?

  9. To Anonymous above who commented on Friday, October 02, 2009 @ 7:48:00 AM.

    Let's see, why do I read what they write, if it bothers me so much - hmmmmm? Short answer: because it is about ME, Anonymous, that's why? You and others may accept that "this is only the internet" and therefore enjoy playing the sick twisted games that I have witnessed for the past year but I think it is disgusting and beyond childlike.

    Unlike you ANONYMOUS, I am not all about being on the internet as just a mere FAKE person, using a FAKE name, hiding behind my monitor just so that I can spew HATE and harrass others - I am very much REAL. Each and every person on the internet, whether they use one username/nickname or multiple usernames/nicknames are ALL real people.

    Perhaps because of the fact that I have come out from behind my monitor screen and have connected with and spent time with fellow chatters in Murt's room and have gotten to know them personally makes it even moreso important to me to stand up and defend my name and character. I don't turn a blind eye to injustices I see being experienced by others, so why should I turn a blind eye to an injustice being exprienced by me personally?!

    Funny how you come here to question me about WHY I read what these sick people write about me, instead of you going on and asking PrincessBH and her fellow co-horts WHY they write such horrible disgusting stuff about people they do not even know on the internet and why they drag someone's child/children into all the disgusting crap? Why do you want me to explain to you why it bothers me so much - just WHO are you Anonymous - I don't even have a clue WHO you are, but somehow I get the feeling that YOU are indeed a REAL person hiding behind that ANONYMOUS name. Makes it easier I guess to dismiss horrible things written about YOU and your FAMILY when you sneak around the internet as an ANONYMOUS FAKE person, but for a REAL person -- not so easy.

    Perhaps ANONYMOUS if you had the courage to come on this here internet as a REAL person instead of a FAKE person, you may very well feel the same as I do with regard to all of this that has happened this past year in Murt's chat room -- especially if you were to find yourself the target of PrincessBH et al just because you voiced your favorable opinion about Murt which was a big no no as far as the beaconhell "haters" were concerned.

    Now, should I dare ask you a question or two - heck yea: Anonymous, why do you come here to MY blog if it bothers you that I get bothered by what is being said about me by beacohell, Zanlaughsatyou, Michelle McKee, OhioLinda etc. etc. etc. on twitter and elsewhere? AND, Just who are YOU Anonymous REALly?

  10. I have just finished reading the rantings of a madwoman, known on as zanlaughsatyou. Some believe that Zan is one of the many names Sandra Goddard aka Princess aka and the list goes on, uses in her smear campaigns against others. If you look at the times of her posts, you will notice that she was up all night spewing her filth and hate. I am sickened that she would talk about your daughter in such a disgusting manner. Kari, I know that you are an intelligent young woman, but I just want to emphasize that you must contact law enforcement as well as an attorney. I'm sure that you have already contacted with your concerns. Did you know that there are lawsuits pending against for just what you are going through? Some will say that you can't get money out of a stone and so why sue. Well, I know of one judge that ordered a very large payment to be made over a 10 year period and the money was non-dischargeable in bankruptcy. Kari, she will be caught, no doubt about that.

  11. You all seriously need to stop screaming child porn at everything.

    There is a clear definition of what is considered child porn. Someone can sit here and talk about your kids all day long without it being illegal, the closest you will get to retribution is maybe punishment by paltalk, twitter, ect. But it is not illegal.

    What is illegal is the photographing of nude prepubescent children, or the transfer of video,still images of nude prepubescent children. As long as there is a naked child in the picture it can be considered child porn even your own pictures of little suzy in the bathtub.. CHILD PORN.

    And cartoon form of child porn doesn't count either. There are millions of japanese anime' comic books being legally made and sold all over the world that depict children. Still legal if there isn't a living child to be the victim.

  12. Isn't this the exact same as Murt talking about Trenton Duckett sexually? Oh that's right there is one difference, she didn't joke about killing your child did she?

    You are fine with Murt doing it to other people's children but when it comes to your own it's not ok?

    That's typical of you. You are fine with bashing, smearing and defaming others but when it happens to you it's not ok, someone must speak out against everyone else and ignore the fact that you, yourself, are doing the exact same thing if not more.

    How did that lengthy conversation with Profiler Pat go? I hear it was thrilling..

  13. I find it particularly amusing that you go on and on about blogs and such that are "unfit for your virgin daughter's eyes" yet you write a blog that has a warning before you can read it.
