Friday, January 29, 2010

"HELP ME!" said the mole as it gasped its last breath.

Poor little moley, it should have been trying to beg for forgiveness from all whose life it had caused problems for and all the damage it was about to leave behind? Will it be too late for poor little moley?

One day after catching a glimpse of itself in a mirror, poor little moley was shocked to see the ugly rat of a mole starring back at it. Poor little moley had become a very ugly mole indeed - too ugly for poor little moley to even bare to look at. Poor little moley right then realized that it had long ago allowed itself to be trapped and poisoned. It knew it had become highly toxic and poisonous to itself as well as to all who came into contact with it, but it was too weak to even try to change. Poor little moley, all the while it and its fellow mole rats were feeling so proud of all their digging and digging and digging, they didn't realize that the tunnel they worked so diligently on day in and day out had long since taken a downward direction and was leading them closer and closer to the gates of Hell. Poor little moley gloated and laughed along with its fellow mole rats at the huge mounds of broken hearts, shattered spirits and destroyed friendships they had dug up and destroyed along the way. Was it now going to be too late for poor little moley? Had all its digging finally ended at the gates of hell and it was about to be sucked into the abyss? Was poor little moley's last two words "HELP ME" enough to right all the wrongs and repair all the damage it had done in its lifetime? Poor little moley :( - if only it had chosen its last two words more wisely, and instead of saying "HELP ME" it would have said "FORGIVE ME"! :(


Mole Control & Removal

Need mole removal in your Chat Room?

Mole Info: Moles live underground and surface only occasionally. Their bloated bodies, especially their heads, are ideal for digging, especially digging up garbage. Moles create a complex network of interconnected Chat rooms and Blog sites in cyberspace by burrowing both deep into and close with fellow chatters and bloggers disguising themselves as something they only long to be. Their true selves often leave visible signs of their filthy, disgusting personalities. They have very poor insight and feed mainly on others emotions with their keen ability to manipulate and con others. They do not eat or sleep for days on end until their destructive work is done and their sick perverted laughs had.

Nuisance concerns: The primary problem with moles is that they take up way more space than they are worth and they possess an outmatched ability to deceive, connive and twist everything they say and do as well as what others say - in their attempt to make their own selves appear as important and right. They leave broken spirits and hearts all over cyberspace with their destructive self-centered behavior. They also leave large molehills of shit everywhere in cyberspace that they manipulate or dig their way into. In their selfish little demented minds they believe they own cyberspace and every one else's voice. They are primarily dangerous to their own selves but one or two who claim to be a beacon of hell can ruin one's whole Internet, Chat room and Blog experience and your real life too -- unless they are trapped, stopped and exposed.

Wondering how to get rid of moles? There is no magic spray or device that you can use to make them go away. Some people try to ward off the little demons that they are by calling out the name of Almighty GOD three (3) times and seek His help and guidance through prayer to expose the moles for who and what they truly are -- it does work! Some old wives' tales recommend the use of mothballs or ammonia-soaked rags to make them leave, but I wouldn't even waste my rags on any of them. The ONE AND ONLY WAY to take care of your problem with moles is with trapping and removal of the low life pests once and for all.

If YOU have a problem with MOLES destroying your chat room, blog or Internet experience in any way whatsoever, there is only one way to get rid of the problem - WITH MOLE TRAPS. Just set the mole trap out in the open, keeping it above the surface, and you'll have digging no longer - problem solved. Unfortunately though, mole trapping is not easy but it sure as heck is worth the trouble and is very rewarding! :).


Hey, What do you get when you have a Company of moles acting like idiots in their Citadels?

Answer: MoleAsses

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Contributed by: Pep

I received this this morning and it kind of helped me understand why Princess and her ilk do the things they do to hurt others:

Why Hurt People Hurt Other People?

The following are common traits hurt people display in their interactions with others.

I. Hurt people often transfer their inner anger onto their family and close friends

II. Hurt people interpret every word spoken to them through the prism of their pain

III. Hurt people interpret every action through the prism of their pain

IV. Hurt people often portray themselves as victims and carry a “victim spirit”

V. Hurt people often alienate others and wonder why no one is there for them

VI. Hurt people have the emotional maturity of the age they received their (un-dealt with) hurt

VII. Hurt people are often frustrated and depressed because past pain continually spills over into their present consciousness

VIII. Hurt people often erupt with inappropriate emotion because particular words, actions, or circumstances “touch” and “trigger” past woundedness

IX. Hurt people often occupy themselves with busyness, work, performance, and/or accomplishments as a way of compensating for low self-esteem

X. Hurt people often attempt to medicate themselves with excessive entertainment, drugs, alcohol, pornography, sexual relationships, or hobbies as a way to forget their pain and run from reality

XI. Hurt people have learned to accommodate their private “false self” or “dark side” which causes them to be duplicitous and lack integrity

XII. Hurt people are often self-absorbed with their own pain and are unaware that they are hurting other people

XIII. Hurt people are susceptible to demonic deception

XIV. God often purposely surfaces pain so hurt people can face reality

XV. Hurt people need to forgive to be released and restored to freedom

* • The Gospel of St. John 20:23 says that we have to release the sins of others if we are going to be released. This means that if we do not forgive others then the very thing we have become victimized with will become a part of our life. For example, alcoholic fathers breed alcoholic sons if their sons do not forgive and release their fathers.

* • The good news is that, through the efficacious blood of Christ, we can all be healed and set free from all past hurts so we can comfort others with the same comfort we ourselves have received from God (2 Corinthians 1:4).

Truly our mess can become our message!

~ Pep

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


myspace layouts

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Alex, I know I am going to kick myself in the BUTT for offering you this piece of advice but because of your mistaken habit of giving me credit for ALL that is bad in your life lately (which just may cost you more than just a little pain in the BUTT in the END), here goes:

1. I would strongly recommend that you contact your local Law Enforcement Agency and lodge an official complaint with them with respect to any THREAT you have received from ANYONE. Provide LE with the evidence of the said THREATENING messages you claim to have received from me Karen Sue Lim via YouTube, and let them handle it from there. I am sure you know that YouTube can be ordered by the Courts to produce the necessary information etc. of anyone having a YouTube account, which is what one needs in order to post messages, right? Have you at least lodged an official complaint with YouTube to alert them to the fact that you have received THREATENING messages via their service. Start there and let YouTube know how much you are in fear because of those THREATENING messages you have received from ME. Of course LE's first question to you would be: Do you know of anyONE who would be sending threatening messages to you? AND unfortunately for you Alex, when you answer: "Yes, there are about 500+ people who would do this to me". Then can you figure out what LE's next question to you will be Alex. I can, it will be a simple one word question Alex, and that being: 'WHY?'. Then what will your answer be to LE Alex?

2. You need to wake up Alex, I by no means am the only one on this here Internet who has a beef with you - do you really think I am alone in my loathing of you for all that you have done the past few years on this here Internet? GET REAL! I think you would be surprised Alex, just how many people there are "out there" who have been your VICTIM the last few years that have been pushed to the vigilante style of justice to get you to STOP what you have done and continue to do to INNOCENT people. Rumor once had it that YOU had over 200 members on your Blog - just curious Alex, why is there never more than the same old 10/12 nick names in any room on PalTalk following you to show their support in all of the disgusting crap you do on a daily basis to cause trouble for others in so many ways???? What happened to your other 187+- faithful followers Alex?

Alex, maybe YOU need to STOP doing what you do on the Internet to INNOCENT people, which is precisely what the majority of the people who were following Murt in his chat room were when you and your disgusting cohorts on a daily basis invaded his room and ruined their Internet Chat Room experience. I personally sat day in and day out in Murt's chat room for approximately 5 months putting up with you and your cohorts' disgusting trouble making ways - until I could take no more. If, in your opinion, I am a MONSTER now, guess who is to blame for that. YOU, Alex, no doubt have created many "MONSTERS" via this here Internet over the last few years. Maybe you need to take the advice of your BFF Rebecca Sue Sowerby and turn the dang computer off and get to doing something more with your life, it is as easy as that - so says Rebecca Sue Sowerby. What happened to all that determination and dedication and all those hours and hours of sleuthing both on and off the Internet a couple years back to discover the true identity of Princess Blue? All that time and effort now seems to have been just a huge waste. Makes me very suspicious about your motives and your genuineness behind your intentions to HELP bring Princess Blue home, as well as your involvement in missing/ kidnapped/murdered children's cases.


It boggles my mind the audacity you have Alex, in allowing yourself to think that, with all the BAD that you have done and do to so many people on so many levels on this here Internet, that you have only one (1) enemy in me. There is absolutely NO doubt in my mind that all that you have done on this here Internet for the past few years while under the guise of trying to solve cases involving missing/murdered/ unidentified children and adults was and is all FAKE you are a FRAUD and you must be EXPOSED. How can there be ANY doubt in any ones mind about you, when you compare what you initially involved yourself with on this here Internet to what you have been involved with the last year or two while pursuing your agenda in ruining Murt and others. Any wrong YOU ever put "out there" about Murt or me will always be over shadowed by ALL the wrong YOU and your cohorts have done to INNOCENT people over and over and over again the past few years.

There is a huge difference in what I am trying to do here and what you have and are doing Alex. I am trying to EXPOSE you as the TRUE person that you are. You are not an INNOCENT nor am I trying to ruin your good reputation and good character - YOU DID THAT A LONG TIME AGO ALEX. I have the TRUTH on my side, while all you have are LIES, FALSE ALLEGATIONS, INNUENDOS, CONJURED UP BULL CRAP and like minded women with very low self esteem and NO self respect - with absolutely no substance, fact or truth at all. Can you comprehend the difference between what I am TRYING to stand for and what you have stood for and DO stand for Alex?

NOW there is my advice to you Alex, take it or leave it. Threats against a persons life need to be taken very, very seriously and in view of the fact that you have written proof of such threats by way of messages sent to you by ME on Youtube, IMO you have a very very strong case against me -- REPORT IT WITHOUT FURTHER DELAY!

P.S. TO SheWolfRocks: Bet you are going to claim that you never ever heard of PrincessBH's Blog Site called You Make My Butt Hurt. LMBOOOOO at SheWolfRocks -- where ya been all this time girl? Oh don't bother to answer that question in a comment on my Blog because I am telling you right now, my quota for wasted space has been reached. Try over at For Blog Sake OR The Truth About Karisuebee OR -- they are all about WASTE over at those two (2) sites! PLUS that way SheWolfRocks, ALL that "traffic and increase in numbers" that your comments generate can be theirs to gloat about.

Friday, January 15, 2010

MOMMIESDOLLIES1 and NANANC never cease to disgust me. Anyone who has followed the tragic case of little Caylee Marie Anthony are well aware of how offensive the image that the individual being referred to as "karisuebear" chose to upload to his/her Profile on this Blog which MOMMIESDOLLIES1 and NANANC are so very proud of. There should be NO doubt now as to who ALL was involved in this sick demented piece of "humor" (as all of them mistakenly call it) and everything else that so many have witnessed who have followed little Caylee's case since 15th July 2008 - YET they all want to claim that they CARE about the missing/kidnapped/murdered children!
MOMMIESDOLLIE1 and NANANC was their anything else on YOUR Blogs about me or Murt that you wanted me to be shocked/surprised/ashamed of -- because it didn't work. Again I stand by anything that I have ever said in any comment anywhere on this here Internet. I will gladly repeat it to any ones FACE as well.
Keep digging MOMMIESDOLLIES1 and NANANC but I can assure you that NOTHING you find in my background will ever cause me to abandon my principals, beliefs, morals, etc. which I live by TODAY and become another VICTIM of PrincessBH et al by being threatened with EXPOSURE unless I join the low life ranks of all of them. Some are of the belief MOMMIESDOLLIES1 and NANANC as well as TINKER_BELL-1967 that perhaps such is the case with all three (3) of you. That is what you call BULLYING, INTIMIDATING, HARASSING, TERRORIZING, BLACK MAILING, etc. and I for one do not play that "GAME".
Keep digging MOMMIESDOLLIES1 and NANANC and if there is anything I can help you with just ask, just ask - that is all you have to do. Need a list of all the sites I have ever left a comment on, just ask, just ask. Bet both or all of you were pretty darn shocked yourselves to see that what I have ever said since having the misfortune of "meeting" you all on this here Internet is what I have said all along, same opinions, same views, same talk, same ME, ME, ME. Unfortunately, from way back in Murt's chat room both of you, especially you NANANC, will recall that politics and religion were NEVER allowed to be discussed in depth and when the two (2) subjects were brought up wasn't it YOU SUPER ADMIN NANANC who always put an end to the discussion immediately with threats of RED DOTTING/BOUNCING or BANNING people. Makes me wonder why you want it discussed now! But oh well, bring it on.
NANANC do you truly believe that the FREEDOMS which are being fought and have been fought by the men and women in the Military, and all the thousands and thousands of lives lost in combat over the years, were LOST so that you and all your BFFs could have the RIGHT to ABUSE others and cause pain and suffering with all the hatred, filth, garbage, lies upon lies, etc. which YOU have been doing either jointly or alone for at least the past 12-15 months? I have United States Citizen Uncles who have also served in the Military and I know for fact that they did not put their lives on the line to fight for such disgusting things and who, no doubt, shed many a tears out of pain, NOT for what they witnessed on the battle fields, but out of disgust when they hear people like YOU with the gall to claim that THEY fought for your FREEDOMS so that you can abuse such FREEDOMS to spew hate, to cause harm in one way or the other to your fellow man, to cause pain and suffering, and to cause divisiveness.
Personally, I would be so enraged if I were to have lost a loved one or have a loved one returned home severely injured only to be subjected to the bull crap from people the likes of YOU that repeatedly insist that he/she fought for the RIGHT for YOU to spew such hate and cause such pain and suffering, especially to your fellow Americans, either while hiding behind your monitor screens in cyberspace or in your "real" life. You should be ashamed NanaNC and MOMMIESDOLLIES1 and any one of your other ten (10) BFFs who mistakenly believe that! Ask your son NANANC when he returns home safely (and I pray to God that he does) if he concurs with what you believe. Ask him if he fought for YOU to have the right to be on the computer in cyberspace and purposely to do all that you have done or been involved in the past 12-15 months for no other reason but to inflict pain and suffering in one way shape or form, and then let us ALL know what his answer is, please.
I welcome ANYONE to come here to my blog (or anyone who chats with me in Dew Drop Inn) and ask me anything about anything contained in that hate filled Blog that MOMMIESDOLLIES1 and NANANC take such pride in having put up on the Internet for all to see - with the hope of accomplishing only one (1) thing, i.e. to cause trouble and divisiveness. What, am I not entitled to my Opinions like the two (2) of you and all your other BFFs? Good thing for all of you that my Internet Life only goes back, oh I would safely say to around the beginning of 2006 - otherwise you all would really be wasting your precious time - time and energy that could be put to such causes like the missing/kidnapped/murdered childrens' cases which are happening at an alarming rate each day.
Perhaps we should all now wonder what your respective husbands would think about what the two (2) of you do on this here Internet daily. My husband is well aware of what I am doing and he is also well aware of WHY.
P.S. MOMMIESDOLLIES1 you keep accusing me about some complaint that I supposedly made to CPS or whatever, can you provide me with the City/State you live in so that I can call them to ask for a copy of my supposed complaint or such other proof that would support your claim, please. Yes, I do feel for your daughters and guess why I do, besides the OBVIOUS as expressed by me many times both on my Blog and in a chat room setting -- because I can, and BECAUSE you give me reason to and I can't help it. Is it really so horrible that I would be concerned about your daughters considering all that you have done on this here Internet the past 12-15 months? YOU made it my business from the very second you introduced your daughters to us in Murt's chat room on cam, remember, and what was Murt's room rating at the time - was it a G or an R, and how many people were in Murt's chat room at the time -- hmmmmm?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Believe it or not, southerncharm_1 aka MOMMIESDOLLIES1 is the mother of two beautiful girls. What kind of example is she being for her daughters? Google will be their friend too when they grow up and can you imagine the things they will discover on this here Internet about their mother -- too sad.

Children learn by way of example MOMMIESDOLLIES1 and recalling some of the stories you used to share with us in Murt's room as relates to you and your mother -- you very well know yourself deep down inside that it is true. Unless of course all those stories of yours were just pure LIES? You are supposed to do your utmost to try and break the cycle MOMMIESDOLLIES1 not let the cycle continue on and on and on and on. If I am not mistaken, the name of MOMMIESDOLLIES is a tribute to her daughters, and yet she sees fit to put disgusting stuff behind her name on PalTalk where perhaps hundreds of people can see and know just what kind of female she really is behind the name.

Well let's see southerncharm_1 aka MOMMIESDOLLIES1 -- I would say that I would no doubt win taking into account that since you only playing with half a deck, chances are pretty high that you only have half a ruler too. Let's use my ruler shall we. LMBOOOOOOO @ MOMMIESDOLLIES1.

Why is it that you females who have been sucked into the abyss keep trying to make people believe that Murt disrespects women by the things he says in response to all the crap you all spew to and about him. As a woman myself I find it even hard when referring to any of you to lump you under the umbrella of a "woman". Good grief IMO all of you have probably never in your lives acted like a lady and now all of you are not even worthy of being referred to individually or as a group as "women". Sorry state of affairs isn't it Mommiesdollies1 - you gutter mouth garbage spewing individual?

WILL THE REAL Annie Marie aka For Blog Sake aka Analee please step forward?

I'm waiting.........

Still waiting............

YES, I'm still waiting............

Is this a test of my patience or what? Well yes, I am still patiently waiting..........


HOLY RIP and WTH! Rebecca Sue Sowerby aka CallMeCrim aka Crim aka CriminalInjustice aka MorningGlory aka Maladaptation aka GiggleSneeze aka about 50+ other nick names you are using or have used on the Internet WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE - IS THAT REALLY YOU???

Prove me WRONG Bekki with solid concrete evidence (such as State ID, Passport, Notarized letter from your Attorney (or Annie's Attorney or both - whatever), IF you can. IF NOT, I intend to PROVE me RIGHT and expose YOU for exactly what YOU are and exactly what YOU are not!

Hey Bekki, how about YOU (or ME) creating a ROOM on PalTalk named HERE'S YOUR PROOF KARISUEBEE and have YOU and Annie Marie both on cam at the same exact time (looking GORGEOUS like we all know you both to look) with your respective proof of identification in hand to show whoever may be interested in all of this that I am WRONG. And I will go as far as to say that IF you prove me WRONG Bekki, I will go on cam and eat.......... my words and get down on my hands and knees and ask both of you for forgiveness for being so suspicious of the two of you and making such outlandish accusations against you both. Gee Bekki, now that is a challenge YOU should take delight in accepting, right?


P.S. Not that I accepted "Annie's" explanation for her use of those two (2) different nick names on PalTalk in one of her comments here, but can there really be any sensible (and I mean sensible) explanation from "Annie" as to why she would deem it necessary to send ME two (2) separate Friend Requests on PalTalk. You see it has only been somewhat recent that I have focused my attention on just who "Annie Marie/For Blog Sake" is, and as I mentioned earlier in a comment of mine relating to her, I have been ignoring my gut feelings about her for far to long now.

Why would she want to try and make out to ME that "For Blog Sake" and "Annie Marie" were two (2) different women altogether by sending ME two (2) different Friend Requests? Why would someone purposely cast doubt in their direction, considering ALL that has gone on the past 12 or so months? I cannot wait to hear this one "Annie" and I am sure your explanation will make all of this clear as MUD.

Perhaps Rev. Grund (and I sincerely apologise to Rev. Grund for bringing his name into this at this time) needs to be made aware of this, my latest Blog, so that he can be up on all the latest disgusting foul ill intended crap "Annie Marie" of For Blog Sake has been up to lately. I am sure he would be saddened and shocked considering all the sweet little innocent tweets she is and has exchanged with him on Yes indeed, perhaps we should all turn to Rev. Grund for spiritual help and guidance in ALL of this. Wouldn't you agree "Annie"? I will leave it to you "Annie" to arrange that since the two of you are Twitter friends.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

About a week ago I was chatting with a fellow chatter in Dew Drop Inn and the topic was about the latest Blog Post on the site known as For Blog Sake run by Annie Marie (who I "think" I now understand used to go by the nick name of Analee months ago on PalTalk AND who I "think" I now understand the whole love/hate relationship between her and "Crim" aka Rebecca Sue Sowerby). The particular Post of interest was contributed by "Crim". ( I'm not even going to go into the ridiculousness of that contribution by "Crim" as I am sure a lot of us know exactly what it is that "Crim" is trying to do and WHO she is trying to do it for in the case of a murdered beautiful little girl, Caylee Marie Anthony (who most of the World fell in love with) -- AND IMO THERE IS NO DOUBT!)
Okay, so I tried to visit For Blog Sake's site, which I have saved to my favorites, of course. I got to the site but the latest Blog Post I saw said it was posted by "princess"! "WTH", I thought. I couldn't believe what I saw, so I rubbed my eyes and pinched myself to make sure I was not dreaming BUT when I looked back on my monitor screen I saw the same exact thing. Initially I thought "OMG, Annie Marie has been sucked into the Abyss along with MOMMIESDOLLIES1 and others by PrincessBH".
For whatever unexplained reason (or reason I am unable to grasp because of my limited knowledge of this whole concept of computers, the internet, etc.), the Site I actually got to after clicking on the link from my Favorites for For Blog Sake, was NONE OTHER THAN The url (or whatever the heck it is called) on my browser said: (in 2 places on my monitor in fact) yet what I saw at the Blog site was not the latest Blog Post by Annie Marie (or even Crim for that matter), but what I saw and what was contained on what should have been For Blog Sake's site was the latest Blog Post by princess on with comments from of all her regular members (followers/worshippers) -- HOLY RIP!!!!!!! I was able to read all of PrincessBH's latest blog posts at that time, all the comments from her 10 followers, EVERYTHING! So I exited the Site (not sure which site it was - was it Beaconhell or is it For Blog Sake) and then I went back the same way, and sure enough, even though the address in my browser still said the Blog site and all its contents was that of
How in the world could something like this happen? I was shocked because when "Annie Marie" returned back on the scene with the For Blog Sake site she was a staunch supporter of the fight to rid the Internet of the bullies, harassers and sick minded individuals who have been causing so much problems for so many, particularly the last 12-15 months (and in fact "Annie Marie" and I have exchanged a few in depth IM conversations since her return to PalTalk) -- OR so I thought!
For some strange reason, this whole "mixed up" URL/blog address on my computer caused me to recall what I found when I visited the site called back, if I remember correctly, in June last year. Well here is what my comment was to ScribbleMuse (somewhere on my Blog I previously dealt with this comment of mine on ScribbleMuse), and unfortunately some 6/7 months later STILL HERE WE ARE, oh I reiterate every last single word in this comment to "ScribbleMuse" still to this day, the only thing that has changed from June to today is the increase in the number of victims at the hands of PrincessBH:

"RE: FORUM WARS blog posted on May 18th, 2009 by Lisha on ScribbleMuse Blog Site

Well if this is not one big huge joke, ScribbleMuse. This is such a tremendous case of hypocrisy! What a joke that comment is posted under this blog post by beaconhell (5 weeks ago), and I quote “Sadly, there are always going to be forum wars. Some of them are entertaining. Others not so much. I don’t think there is anything wrong with calling out goobers. LOL”

Well since beaconhell doesn’t see anything WRONG with calling out “goobers”, then beaconhell can appreciate others seeing the need to call out “goobers” too!

Since my 8/9 months being in a chat room it has been PrincessBH from Beaconhell that has harassed, bashed, bullied, threatened, terrorized (yep basically that is what it comes down to "Internet terrorism"), implicated innocent people with all her conjured up LIES, spewed hatred and IS the cause of a number of the Internet Forum/Chat Wars Lisha speaks about on the Internet today, especially those Blog Sites set up specifically to discuss the murder of beautiful little Caylee Marie Anthony – the last place one would expect to have to tolerate this sort of sick behavior.

PrincessBH and all her "Cult Followers" have ruined chat time for a lot of people who are not physically able for one reason or another to "get out" and socialize with others on a daily basis or people like myself who CHOOSE to spend THEIR time on the Internet on Blogs or in chat rooms. I do not believe for one second that YOU ScribbleMuse are not aware of this fact. After being the "victim" of PrincessBH's Internet BASHING with her trying to ruin my friendships, my reputation, my name (ok fake nick name) and character in the Chat room I was a member of, I have now decided that tit for tat is in order and to give PrincessBH and any other like minded people following her cult whose sole purpose is to cause trouble for others who are exercising their RIGHT to enjoy the time they spend on the Internet however way they want but in a RESPECTABLE way, A TASTE OF THEIR OWN MEDICINE. Sometimes that is the ONLY way to STOP A BULLY, you have to fight fire with fire, or engage in a tit for tat.

My experience with this PrincessBH person (sorry but it shames me to even refer to PrincessBH as a "woman") is documented in my Blog The first thing I do now when I visit a Blog Site these days that specifically discuss anything relating to little Caylee Marie Anthony is to check out what other Blog Sites are listed under their “Blog Roll” or are recommended by the Host as “great” sites to visit. Such was the case with your site here ScribbleMuse, I was told about your site yesterday but the person telling me about it had not been on in a while. The first thing I did when I came here was to check out who YOU are associated with or who you have entertained in one way or another on your site, and yep regrettably there it was, that site's name again – Beaconhell, and then to add insult to injury beaconhell has the audacity to post the comment above.

The hypocrisy of what I found here was way more than I could turn a blind eye to, as May 18 2009 when you posted this Blog was NOT all that long ago. It makes me kind of wonder where the heck you have been all these months NOT to have had a heads-up on what Beaconhell and/or its Host PrincessBH is really ALL about especially since you seem to accept that beaconhell’s way of calling people out can be backed up with documentation – well not all can so I doubt it very much – just more conjured up lies born from her sick twisted mind. I would like her proof of ME sending her screen shots as she tried to make people believe that I had done. I would like for her or that MorningGlory person to direct me to the so called video I posted – yep I am still waiting on the proof of those two things that PrincessBH and MorningGlory claim I did. Sick, twisted LIARS!

You just have to take a glance at how many of the members/followers of Beaconhell post comments to Blog Posts about missing/kidnapped/murdered children on that Site as opposed to how many post comments to her Blog Posts about William “Murt” Murtaugh, Lois Peter and her 13 year old grandchild whom she has full legal guardianship of, and any and everyone else who she cannot get to kiss her behind and control what their comment content is. Look up the one Blog Post about me under “Dear Karen”, I think the number count for comments from her and her hateful disgusting members made it way past 300, last I was able to check. Now look up a Blog Post about a missing/kidnapped/murdered child – you will immediately see the shocking difference in the number of comments. That Beaconhell site's sole purpose is to spew HATRED in a foul and disgusting way all under the guise of the missing/kidnapped/murdered children and their safety and wellbeing.

Let me ask you ScribbleMuse would you like for someone to try and ruin your reputation and character, to try and put a wedge between you and others in a chat room or on a blog site where you are a member of, and who you have grown to truly care for, by spewing LIES about you? PrincessBH has already ruined her own reputation and called into question her own character (or confirmed her lack of character I should say), obviously a long time ago, so now she takes delight in trying to ruin other people’s reputation and character in an attempt to bring them down to her low life level. The sad part about it is that she has grandmothers, mothers, young adults and even fathers caught up in her sick evil game -- spewing nothing but hatred and taking delight in using foul, filthy and disgusting language in their comments posted on her site, and elsewhere (once they have received her permission to post on other sites or participate in other chat rooms that is). What kind of EXAMPLES are these people being to the child or children entrusted in their care???

Thank you for the space on your Site and just an FYI, I intend to use this comment in my next Blog Post on my site, and NOT as entertainment but as proof of the SAD state this here Internet is in and how it has obviously gone straight to hell!"


Sorry, got carried away, back to the topic at hand. So, HOW DOES SUCH A THING HAPPEN AND WHY DOES IT HAPPEN JUST ON MY COMPUTER AND NOT ANYONE ELSE'S??? Someone out there, please educate me on the how and whys before I go totally bunkers :(

Dang it, I just went to my Favorites, looked for my saved and STILL I get directed to showing the last Blog Post "The Satsuma Hillbillies" by princess, on December 31st, 2009. WHY DOES THINGS LIKE THIS HAPPEN ONLY TO ME, ME, ME!!!! Oh, I wonder if PrincessBH will help me sort this freaky problem out - she has my IP address and email address from back in April when I commented on her site regarding AngelinFL, she can check to see if my IP address shows up on her site for this morning, Tuesday, 5th January 2010 @ approximately 9:30 am. Then, and I am almost certain Annie will help me out -- she too can check to see if my IP address showed up on her blog for the same date and time. H E L P!!!!!


Note: When doing spell check for this Post I inadvertently corrected the "i" to a "I" for internet throughtout my quoted comment above regarding ScribbleMuse. Sorry but got to try and stay ahead of this game and cover myself from all angles LOL.