Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Contributed by: Pep

I received this this morning and it kind of helped me understand why Princess and her ilk do the things they do to hurt others:

Why Hurt People Hurt Other People?

The following are common traits hurt people display in their interactions with others.

I. Hurt people often transfer their inner anger onto their family and close friends

II. Hurt people interpret every word spoken to them through the prism of their pain

III. Hurt people interpret every action through the prism of their pain

IV. Hurt people often portray themselves as victims and carry a “victim spirit”

V. Hurt people often alienate others and wonder why no one is there for them

VI. Hurt people have the emotional maturity of the age they received their (un-dealt with) hurt

VII. Hurt people are often frustrated and depressed because past pain continually spills over into their present consciousness

VIII. Hurt people often erupt with inappropriate emotion because particular words, actions, or circumstances “touch” and “trigger” past woundedness

IX. Hurt people often occupy themselves with busyness, work, performance, and/or accomplishments as a way of compensating for low self-esteem

X. Hurt people often attempt to medicate themselves with excessive entertainment, drugs, alcohol, pornography, sexual relationships, or hobbies as a way to forget their pain and run from reality

XI. Hurt people have learned to accommodate their private “false self” or “dark side” which causes them to be duplicitous and lack integrity

XII. Hurt people are often self-absorbed with their own pain and are unaware that they are hurting other people

XIII. Hurt people are susceptible to demonic deception

XIV. God often purposely surfaces pain so hurt people can face reality

XV. Hurt people need to forgive to be released and restored to freedom

* • The Gospel of St. John 20:23 says that we have to release the sins of others if we are going to be released. This means that if we do not forgive others then the very thing we have become victimized with will become a part of our life. For example, alcoholic fathers breed alcoholic sons if their sons do not forgive and release their fathers.

* • The good news is that, through the efficacious blood of Christ, we can all be healed and set free from all past hurts so we can comfort others with the same comfort we ourselves have received from God (2 Corinthians 1:4).

Truly our mess can become our message!

~ Pep


  1. AMEN

    Very insightful message.

    Thank you, Pep, for sharing.


  2. Please tell me ur not actually saying people that have been hurt are to blame for their abuse.

  3. Thank you for that Pep and I echo shadow - it was very insightful.

    Anonymous that was not what I got out of it at all. Strange how different people interpret things so differently.

  4. Nobody said anything about people are to blame for their own hurt/abuse. What I got from it is that people who have been hurt need to forgive so they don't propagate the hurt.

    God bless you

  5. Take notice those lugnuts are contacting LE, Att. Gen and who ever else they can harass, again. How many times will LE put up with a flock of hens pestering the poop out of them over a internet war.Bet the're LTAO. Now they have started on the Bahamas, lol wish I could hear what they are saying.

  6. Anonymous @ 3:08:00 PM

    If they contact any LE here in the Bahamas they had better hide all of the incriminating evidence that they have against themselves first LOL. Everything from them thus far points directly to 'THEM' as the cyberbullies, trouble makers, slander and libel slinging low lifes that they are, oh yea and LIARS too. LMBO at 'THEM' PLUS we here in the Bahamas don't put much credence in Coach toting, filthy porn talking pigs who wear lipstick.

  7. Kari:
    From the out to lunch bunch.

    The latest from theloser's blog.

    I am you and you are me.

    I am so confused.


  8. pep ,
    I thought that post was great. I have found that there are two ways people who have been truly hurt in there lives go ,They either try and help others who have been hurt ,or they strike out at everyone and try to ease there pain by causing pain.I find the later sad ,because it only makes it worse for them ,the pain never goes away.Just makes them bitter ,mean people.we know which path some have taken, maybe someday they will learn how to love and trust, but doubt it.

  9. There is nothing on that post about hurt people are to blame for their abuse. The post is about why people who have been hurt themselves go on to hurt others.
    Some people feel that people who use cyberbullying as a way to hurt others have low self esteem, or have been hurt in the past by someone. They then go on and use the internet to hurt others so that they can feel better about themselves or they can go on to help others that have been bullied by someone.

  10. They also hate themselves so much that they end up hating everyone around them.

  11. That is true Anon Above. This hurt also has to do not only with bullying on the internet but bullying people in person. Look at how many children have committed suicide recently because they have been victims of some kind of Bullying. Look at how many young children are the bullies who are victimizing other children.
    It seems like bullying is easier nowadays because of all of the new technology we now have. A person can now sit behind a computer and bully whoever they want and it is being done anonymously. Most bullies do it for something to do or just as a for entertainment. Some do it because they think is funny.
    It seems we hear more and more about it everday.

  12. Why is the post about Analee Grace that I posted not being approved?

  13. To Anonymous at Saturday, January 30, 2010 6:51:00 PM

    I have no idea, perhaps you are mistaken and you actually posted it on her Blog - For Blog Sake. Or perhaps you posted it under a Blog Post here that you have to go in search of.

    Re-send it - let's get to the bottom of this mystery - I'm curious as to what your comment contained.

  14. Kari,
    Odds are good you will not take this in the spirit is it meant with. It is in no way an attack on you, or anyone else. It is just my observation after being away from the internet for a while, and coming back and reading all of this on both sides. It has been going on for months for you, but it only took me a couple of days to read. So my perspective is different than those who have lived it for months and months.

    Does this endless posting and ranting about the behavior of others(who you have no control over) help you in any way? Do you see any positive results coming forth, or just more frustration and anger in your own world? It doesn't appear that they care at all, and may even enjoy getting a public reaction out of you. It truly seems like a huge waste of energy and effort.

    Can you find even one positive thing that has come from this never ending blog war? These are people you can ignore, and who are not in your real life. The internet is a very big place, you can exclude them from your part of it. Nothing has changed, and there is really no impact on others. The tone of your blogs have actually become a bit obsessive and scary, and I am concerned what all this anger is doing to you and your health, and to those in your family who have to cope with it too.

    You are not the first person I have seen with these sorts of internet conflicts. Maybe it is time to rise above the level your 'enemies' are bringing you down to? It feels like they are making a fool out of you, and you are not having an impact on them at all.

    There is a whole wonderful world out here in real life, and so many other places you can find in cyberspace.
    You are,in my opinion, letting them 'win' by wasting your happiness and energy on this futile battle to control the actions of others. I have found you can only be responsible for your own integrity and morality and actions. Will you look back someday and feel this time was well spent?

    But hey, if you really do feel better doing this blog, then have at it. You should realize that some of us that 'knew' you before this are blown away by how you are letting these people derail your life and drain your energy and spirit. Are they really worth the cost to you? Hate and anger only hurts you, and not them.

    Hope you are able to get past this and away from this nonsense soon. Trust me when I say life is too short, and too important to waste on people who just don't care.

    I don't care if you post this, I just wanted to offer this perspective. And it is just my own opinion. I won't be hurt by any of this, and I hope you believe me when I say this comes from my heart without any negative intentions.

    Leaving this anonymously posted only because I have no desire to get pulled into any of this.

  15. Sorry Kari...I had posted it under a different blog here. My fault there!

  16. Thats Annie up there as "two to go"

  17. Really Anonymous @ 11:10:00 AM, you think that "two to go" up above is really Annie Marie -- hmmmmmm, strange that she has the audacity to include the following in her comment, as I do not "know" her nor any of her cohorts:

    "You should realize that some of us that 'knew' you before this are blown away by how you are letting these people derail your life and drain your energy and spirit. Are they really worth the cost to you? Hate and anger only hurts you, and not them."

    Where the heck does Annie or any of them get off thinking they ever "knew" me "before this"? Interesting indeed Anonymous.

  18. I am not Annie, or anyone else you want to accuse. My post was not an attack, or in any way mean. By saying I 'knew' Kari, I was inferring that I 'knew' her about as well as most others she has chatted with.

    I was one of the many who followed Murt when he first started his road trips. I have no 'dog in this fight'. I really don't care about a blog war, or playing 'let's start a rumor', or 'name that poster', or any other lame game going on. I don't have my own blog, and I don't attack people online- I firmly believe in the 'Do Unto Others' way of life.

    I always liked chatting with Kari, she was funny, and cheerful, and seemed to be an interesting person. As were many others in chats I have visited, especially those I 'met' during my following of the Caylee Anthony case. We really do not 'know' those we meet on the internet, do we? This is why I put the quotation marks around the word.

    You can keep trying to blame others for my comment. You can keep trying to read nefarious motives into my comment. They simply are not there.

    I just do not like seeing people hurt, especially by the internet. My comment was meant to show my concern about the way this is affecting people, when in reality it is a choice to participate in the games being played. Bringing people's real life and real names into it is wrong. Trying to control others by attacking them is wrong.

    I have real life experience with stalkers, and I have almost been killed by mine. I mean that literally.

    It has taken years and I am still not okay. I am still hiding, an do not appreciate anyone trying to connect my name, or find it and post it. It could cost me my safety. I hope you will stop trying to identify me, as it could endanger me in real life.

    I probably should not have even commented, but like I stated above. I liked Kari, and hate to see her caught up in things she can't really change that seem to be hurting her.

    In my opinion, it does not help anyone to hang onto anger over what they can not change. You can't change the character of another person by fighting with them. You CAN choose to walk away from the stupidity and craziness. I actually find ignoring a person's existence to be more effective. Anger only hurts the person who carries it.

    All of this is my own perspective and opinion. I have said what I wanted and do not intend to be party to this fight. It goes against the way I live, my beliefs.

    I only posted because I wish this would end, so people can find some peace and put this behind them.

    I wish you all well, and hope you respect my request to not 'sleuth' me.

    Kari, I hope this will clear up things for you and others. I hope you find the peace you deserve, and that this all ends well for both sides and all those concerned.


  19. I have to agree with some of the things that Twotogo has said. This does need to end by all the parties involved!
    What did any of this bullying accomplish? Peoples reputations were ruined by these posts, people calling and bugging LE, Social Services, Zoning Dept., Attorney General, and the Lawyer of the Grandparents of a murdered child.
    Doesn't anyone remember the real reason we were brought together. Does the name Caylie Anthony ring a bell to anyone anymore?
    Why can't any of you take this obsession and do something good with it. What happened to writing about missing people? Did you all forget about that?
    Instead what started off as a feud between a couple of people now has ruined at least 4 or 5 blogs that used to write about missing people. I just hope that whatever numbers your blogs are now attracting is worth ruining what your blogs started out to be about!!
    Now all I read about on these blogs are nothing but false allegations and people claiming that a certain person really isn't who they say they are. I now read about a how some supposed Mom accuses a person of being a pedophile when she should of gone to LE officials and file a complaint. I now read people defending themselves against false accusations where there has been nothing shown to prove these allegations are true.
    Did anyone think that you not only destroyed one persons reputation but you now have destroyed your own by all of these posts that you have posted. There is only yourselves to blame for ruining your blogs and your names which are now being posted all
    over the internet.
    Can any of you say you are proud with what has been psoted?

  20. AMEN to the anon above. Excellent Post!!!! Their children will see all of this stuff one day! :( RIP Caylee Marie Anthony Such a precious soul and yet such anger and hurt brought out by those who said they were trying to help. :(
