Saturday, January 16, 2010


Alex, I know I am going to kick myself in the BUTT for offering you this piece of advice but because of your mistaken habit of giving me credit for ALL that is bad in your life lately (which just may cost you more than just a little pain in the BUTT in the END), here goes:

1. I would strongly recommend that you contact your local Law Enforcement Agency and lodge an official complaint with them with respect to any THREAT you have received from ANYONE. Provide LE with the evidence of the said THREATENING messages you claim to have received from me Karen Sue Lim via YouTube, and let them handle it from there. I am sure you know that YouTube can be ordered by the Courts to produce the necessary information etc. of anyone having a YouTube account, which is what one needs in order to post messages, right? Have you at least lodged an official complaint with YouTube to alert them to the fact that you have received THREATENING messages via their service. Start there and let YouTube know how much you are in fear because of those THREATENING messages you have received from ME. Of course LE's first question to you would be: Do you know of anyONE who would be sending threatening messages to you? AND unfortunately for you Alex, when you answer: "Yes, there are about 500+ people who would do this to me". Then can you figure out what LE's next question to you will be Alex. I can, it will be a simple one word question Alex, and that being: 'WHY?'. Then what will your answer be to LE Alex?

2. You need to wake up Alex, I by no means am the only one on this here Internet who has a beef with you - do you really think I am alone in my loathing of you for all that you have done the past few years on this here Internet? GET REAL! I think you would be surprised Alex, just how many people there are "out there" who have been your VICTIM the last few years that have been pushed to the vigilante style of justice to get you to STOP what you have done and continue to do to INNOCENT people. Rumor once had it that YOU had over 200 members on your Blog - just curious Alex, why is there never more than the same old 10/12 nick names in any room on PalTalk following you to show their support in all of the disgusting crap you do on a daily basis to cause trouble for others in so many ways???? What happened to your other 187+- faithful followers Alex?

Alex, maybe YOU need to STOP doing what you do on the Internet to INNOCENT people, which is precisely what the majority of the people who were following Murt in his chat room were when you and your disgusting cohorts on a daily basis invaded his room and ruined their Internet Chat Room experience. I personally sat day in and day out in Murt's chat room for approximately 5 months putting up with you and your cohorts' disgusting trouble making ways - until I could take no more. If, in your opinion, I am a MONSTER now, guess who is to blame for that. YOU, Alex, no doubt have created many "MONSTERS" via this here Internet over the last few years. Maybe you need to take the advice of your BFF Rebecca Sue Sowerby and turn the dang computer off and get to doing something more with your life, it is as easy as that - so says Rebecca Sue Sowerby. What happened to all that determination and dedication and all those hours and hours of sleuthing both on and off the Internet a couple years back to discover the true identity of Princess Blue? All that time and effort now seems to have been just a huge waste. Makes me very suspicious about your motives and your genuineness behind your intentions to HELP bring Princess Blue home, as well as your involvement in missing/ kidnapped/murdered children's cases.


It boggles my mind the audacity you have Alex, in allowing yourself to think that, with all the BAD that you have done and do to so many people on so many levels on this here Internet, that you have only one (1) enemy in me. There is absolutely NO doubt in my mind that all that you have done on this here Internet for the past few years while under the guise of trying to solve cases involving missing/murdered/ unidentified children and adults was and is all FAKE you are a FRAUD and you must be EXPOSED. How can there be ANY doubt in any ones mind about you, when you compare what you initially involved yourself with on this here Internet to what you have been involved with the last year or two while pursuing your agenda in ruining Murt and others. Any wrong YOU ever put "out there" about Murt or me will always be over shadowed by ALL the wrong YOU and your cohorts have done to INNOCENT people over and over and over again the past few years.

There is a huge difference in what I am trying to do here and what you have and are doing Alex. I am trying to EXPOSE you as the TRUE person that you are. You are not an INNOCENT nor am I trying to ruin your good reputation and good character - YOU DID THAT A LONG TIME AGO ALEX. I have the TRUTH on my side, while all you have are LIES, FALSE ALLEGATIONS, INNUENDOS, CONJURED UP BULL CRAP and like minded women with very low self esteem and NO self respect - with absolutely no substance, fact or truth at all. Can you comprehend the difference between what I am TRYING to stand for and what you have stood for and DO stand for Alex?

NOW there is my advice to you Alex, take it or leave it. Threats against a persons life need to be taken very, very seriously and in view of the fact that you have written proof of such threats by way of messages sent to you by ME on Youtube, IMO you have a very very strong case against me -- REPORT IT WITHOUT FURTHER DELAY!

P.S. TO SheWolfRocks: Bet you are going to claim that you never ever heard of PrincessBH's Blog Site called You Make My Butt Hurt. LMBOOOOO at SheWolfRocks -- where ya been all this time girl? Oh don't bother to answer that question in a comment on my Blog because I am telling you right now, my quota for wasted space has been reached. Try over at For Blog Sake OR The Truth About Karisuebee OR -- they are all about WASTE over at those two (2) sites! PLUS that way SheWolfRocks, ALL that "traffic and increase in numbers" that your comments generate can be theirs to gloat about.


  1. was NOT started to expose the underbelly of crime. It was started as a smear campaign against HER OWN FAMILY.

    She also had SEVERAL videos on (since taken down oddly enough) dealing mainly with smears against those who came to her aid when she most needed it.

    She repaid their kindness,allegadly, by vandalizing the place they provided her to say and by spreading lies about her family and those she had issuses with all over the internet.

    This pattern of behavior repeats itself to this day.

    Don't believe me? I suggest people out there start searching for Midwest Tree Service, Deklb County, Illinois, DTree Sandra Goddard, Sandra Godding. Princess, Princessbh, and so on and so on.

    The keys to all of this is the beginning, the beginning of her blog.

    Also, a long time ago, the template of her blog was that of a large tree. The meaning escaped me until one day it dawned on me that most of those she was directing her ire towards were in the Landscaping industry in the field of Tree removal and surgery.

    Once you understand that metaphors, more metaphors in Princess's content becomes clear and her true nature is exposed.

    That of pure and unadulterated evil.


  2. Wonder why the a$$hole over on FBS didn't post the date of my request to join. Just goes to show you how they turn everything around and tell untruths. The blog turned out to be something that I would never want to be a part of. And yes, they may have my name and that is ok. I also have names and addresses of all the haters. The post was pointed out to me or I never would have known about it. I do not read over at FBS and in future I will not return. It's not worth my time.


  3. I post at BH, but I do not chat. I watched your friend Murt for months begging for money and gifts, then I got disgusted and went to BH. I applaud Princess for her views on Murt and you. Murt says he has names and addresses. I think not. Why do you support a conman like Murt? It's well documented that he's been scamming for years.

  4. Guess who I found out who owns FBS? None other than p nasty herself, Shes darn good at, getting her two to three weeks ago haters, to do such nasty things against roomies. Expecialy when she done the SAME thing to them a few months back.I suppose if you sit staring at the screen long enough she can put a spell or a hex on you. Just don't get it.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Carol,

    I did not see that Murt wrote that he has names and addresses. A poster wrote that he/she has that stuff.

  7. Carol, I don't know what chat you were in, but it wasn't Murt's. I have been with Murt since the beginning and I can honestly say that I have NEVER heard him ask for money or gifts. Just another lie coming from the dark side.


  8. Kari,
    As a former follower of BH who finally realized what Princess was doing I have to say I loved what you just posted. I too am one of her victims who can't wait until the day Princess is finally off the internet.
    Her claims of you threatening her sound exactly like the same claim that she made about Murt when I was a member of her group. I remember her telling people how he sends her threatening emails. Not once did she ever post a copy of any of them. Even if she did produce any video of anyone threatening her we all know how she is good at altering things to make it look like that person has sent them. Princess will do anything to get people to feel sorry for her. She definitely has narcissistic tendencies. If she isn't the center of everyone's attention she causes drama to get it. Hopefully, her haters will team up and finally expose her for the mean vicious person she truly is.

    Keep up the great work exposing her!! I have to admire your courage to stand up to her and exposing all of her lies.

  9. Kari,
    I have been quiet lately mainly because this whole thing that Princess has caused is so stupid it is hard to comment. I have never seen a group of people like these people on BH make such a big deal about some little thing. I also love how when something is done to Princess just like she has done to others she is always screaming that she is going to SUE someone. I just LMAO at her saying that.
    1. I doubt her supposed lawyer will ever get rich off her.
    2. He probably thinks she is psycho
    3. For someone that is suppose to be hiding from her relatives, she certainly has drawn attention to herself so they could find her. I thought I remember her saying she was supposedly in some kind of witness protection program because of her testifying against them in some Tax Case.
    4.Her lawyer is probably none other than Michele Mckee. Isn't she the same Michele Mckee that is rumored to have been disbarred and had been sending pages after pages of tweets to people like Pat Brown?
    5. Even if this did go to court, all the evidence you and others have would show that she is a serial cyberbullyer. I am sure no jury would side with her. Even better they may decide to have her committed in some mental hospital.
    6. I doubt she would remember to even show up in court because she would have to reveal her true ID in which she has claimed to have had to hide because of the so called TAX case against her relatives (we wouldn't want them to know where she lives) and with all the pain killers she takes she'd be too stoned to testify (she probably wouldn't remember the court date anyhow)
    7. I doubt she could use any of her members as witness's only because they would all be afraid that if they did they would also be charged with a crime.
    8. I am sure you could get Nana to testify on your behalf. It seems like she loves being in the spotlight and would do anything to save herself.
    9. The only evidence she has is what she copied from someone else's website. Also after the jury read her posts and sees the Bad language she uses, I am sure they would be shocked that any woman would talk like her.
    10. She might have to prove there really is a Zanlaughsatyou.
    11. A Jury would need a chart just to keep up with all of the ID's she and her group uses, and how many websites she has started. They also would have to be very careful to see that some names she uses are similar to others. Remember the Karisuebe on twitter which was made to look like it way your twitter account.

    In other word's Kari, I wouldn't take Princess's threats to seriously (I know you don't anyhow) only because she is full of BS. Also the amount of witness's that would testify against her would certainly outnumber the amount that would testify for her since we also know that most of those posting on her site are actually the same person using different ID's just to make their blog look more popular than it actually is.
    Also, Princess knows she would be the one charged with a crime. (Oh that's right Kari, I forgot Princess is innocent. It is actually her so called buddies that have done all of this!! I guess Maybe Nana, Crim,and AnnieMarie better watch out they might be the ones thrown under the bus after all by Princess just so she can save her own ASS oops I mean reputation)

    I will sign this using these names.
    PrincesbH, PrincessBs, PrincessHater, BHHater,Beaconhel, JaDed, etc....

  10. To Carol up above @ 2:31:00 PM.

    I must not have been in Murt's chat room at the same time as you. I started with Murt over on uStream around September/October 2008 prior to him moving over to PalTalk around the 1st December 2008. I do not recall Murt begging his members or the guest in his chat room for money and gifts at any time.

    The most frustrating thing for me about all the crap AngelinFlorida and PrincessBH et al spew about Murt asking for donations is that in essence they are trying to DICTATE to people what to do with their hard earned money. Where the hell did/does PrincessBH and AngelinForida et al get off dictating to anyone what they should or should not do with their hard earned money?

    You must be the "Carol" who wrote a comment or two on that FloriDuh Blog Site about Murt conning money from 2 or 3 women, are you? Geesh, I think I am still waiting to hear just what it was that those 2 or 3 women expected from Murt to explain why they each handed over all that money to him just like that. Do you know Carol? Are those "stories" even true Carol? Do you have the PROOF Carol? If so, do share.

    You may not feel this way Carol, but for me, I appreciated what it was that Murt was doing for me while I sat on my butt behind my Computer at home day after day enjoying his whole chat room experience (MINUS all the crap we were subjected to daily from PrincessBH and her cohorts). Murt kept us abreast of all that was happening in little Caylee's tragic case - he did not just sit behind his computer screen the whole time and regurgitate information from other sites or media outlets. He took us on road trips to different places pertinent to little Caylee's case - AND usually at the behest of us, his roomies. He had to travel long distances in order to obtain info from Doc Dumps, and the Court House in Orlando in order to live-stream the Trials for his roomies. He shared updated information and discussed the case with us at length day in and day out. He took us on a very special road trip to the Memorial Site where little Caylee's remains were found so that WE as a group could pay our respects to little Caylee the way WE all wanted to. Did you hitch a ride on the roof with us that day Carol? It was a beautiful and touching Memorial for little Caylee – we ALL shared in prayer, song and tears.

    I do not know about you Carol, but for me personally, I appreciated the fact that the road trips which Murt took us on had to be expensive for him, considering the cost of gas at that time. Was it truly expected and fair that Murt should fund all of those road trips out of his own pocket ALL FOR FREE and ALL FOR US? Where I come from Carol, that’s called USING people for ones own selfish gain. I saw no wrong then and I see no wrong now for Murt to be compensated in some way, shape or form for all that he did and provided for us while enjoying his whole Chat Room experience. I never once heard Murt ask or, as you say, BEG for money. What I did witness was US roomies OFFERING to send Murt money for gas, or OFFERING to pay for this or pay for that. Huge difference Carol.

    TO BE CONTD.......

  11. Contd. from above

    FYI with respect to little Caylee's Memorial Bench, it was US, Murt's roomies, who brought up the idea of doing something as a group in Memory of little Caylee. It was not Murt's idea. Murt advised us of how much the Bench would cost and who ever wanted or was able to donate was free to do so. Murt and his Mod Jesse774 (from my recollection) kept us abreast of how much was received and how much was needed by the deadline and Murt even said on a number of occasions that if funds were short by the deadline date that he would put in whatever amount was necessary to make up the payment. It was NOT a scam for Murt to "make" money off of little Caylee, in fact, quite the contrary - it was something FOR little Caylee!

    Murt never once said "Well if you all want to go on a road trip to little Caylee's Memorial Site, or to Jay Blanchard Park, or to here or there then send me money, money, money". What I witnessed was people OFFERING to send Murt this or that out of the kindness of their hearts. Perhaps it was what their conscience dictated they should do, as a small token to show Murt their appreciation for all that he did for them personally. Murt more than satisfied a craving that all of us in his room were so desperate for, i.e. up close and personal info on all that was going on in the tragic case involving little Caylee Marie Anthony.

    Contrary to the false allegations and false accusations of me sending Murt money via my Pay Pal account I never once sent Murt money, but I can sure as hell tell you that in good conscience I know I owe him big time - for all that he did and has done. I have not heard one person thus far say that going on any of Murt's road trips was NOT fun, or that being in Murt’s chat room back say November/December 2008 to January 2009 was NOT fun despite what we all had to endure thanks to PrincessBH and her cohorts. Have you Carol? Do share.

    Not that I need to explain this to you Carol, or anyone else for that matter, but the only money I have ever given to Murt was what I donated for little Caylee's Memorial Bench that was supposed to be placed at Mt. Dora Park. I'll tell you how secretive I was in getting my contribution to him for that Bench -- I had my oldest daughter and my 79 year old mother arrange to MEET Murt half way between where my mother lives and where he lives, i.e. at a gas station/convenient store and in the parking Lot MY donation was handed over to Murt personally by my daughter. LMBOOOO.

    TO BE CONTD......

  12. Contd. from above

    As to your question "Why do you support a conman like Murt?", the answer is quite simple Carol: BECAUSE in my personal opinion from what I have observed of and from Murt the past 12+ months is nothing resembling a conman. As for that "well documented" evidence that Murt has been scamming for years that you speak of, may I ask: Do you possess such original non-doctored evidence Carol? If so, do share. Oh and if your “well documented” evidence to that claim that Murt is a con man is going to by way of that PRESS RELEASE that PrincessBH has made herself look like an ass by distributing it all over God’s creation, or something from people the likes of AngelinFlorida, NanaNC, Mommiesdollies1, CriminalInjustice, etc. etc. etc. etc. - please do not waste your time nor mine, because not one of those individuals have an once of credibility at this time. All of the individuals just named by me and the majority of the others that make up “the cohorts” of PrincessBH have long since been proven with actual EVIDENCE (shared here on my Blog and elsewhere) to be nothing but BOLD FACE LIARS, FAKES and FRAUDS. What a sight that must be to see a LIAR, a FAKE, and a FRAUD all rolled into one sporting a $1,000.00 Coach purse!!

    Carol you say: "I applaud Princess for her views on Murt and you." I say: Carol ARE YOU FOR REAL?! How can YOU base your opinion on Murt and/or me on pure lies, false allegations and just plain old stupid crap that she has circulated on this here Internet for past 12+ months regarding either of us?

    The Proof is in the pudding Carol, not the Kool-Aid!!! Please SNAP OUT OF IT!!!

  13. Kari,
    What I don't understand is why do people think it is wrong for any person to ask for money to help offset the expense of bringing a live broadcast to people that would never been able to see what was happening.

    Because of Murt he helped keep people interested in what was happening to a little missing child that would of been forgotten by people that don't live in that area.

    Isn't it because of Murt that a group of you at one time where friends only to have that friendship destroyed by a person who does that for entertainment?

    Do these people think Murt is rich that he can provide that kind of a broadcast for free. If it was someone else wouldn't they have posted a donate button on their site so people could donate money.

    I was logged on and the request for money did not come from Murt. It was a suggestion by some people thank Murt for doing this so they could find out what was going on with this case. There was a lot of confusion going on in that room when he was broadcasting. I don't agree with what went on but it wasn't all Murt's fault. His fault was that he trusted the wrong people. In my opinion those people were there to ruin what Murt had invented or thought that Murt's broadcast could make them money. Isn't it funny how know one else has been able to do the same thing he did. Maybe that is because of the costs involved.

  14. they offer to send money to murt. he never asked.
    I should know. I was there from way back. It was fun being in his chat room. they got jelous. none of what they are saying happen. I use to leave my computer on for my mom to hear everyone in the room. people kept offering him to send him this and that. wish you people leave us all alone. Dee

  15. I said what I had to say and I'm not going to waste my time arguing with a dunce on "this here internet". Life is too short.

  16. In the later part of 2008 BH had it out for WS and the owner Trisha. Same meanie stuff, accused her of using banners to make money.

  17. Kari,

    I was also in the chats when suggestions were made by others and inquiries were made by chatters as to how they could help. I recall someone trying to find places where food/pizza/water could be delivered to searchers at JB Park. Murt did not ask for donations. This came from the goodness of the chatters in the room at the time...... unless.....

    Some chatters may have been there to "goad" people on or to encourage Murt to sound as if he wanted donations. After all, there were chatters there at that time whom we did not know were behind setting up Murt and others to later claim that this happened of his accord.

    It would be a relief to know that the above "goading" was not the case. It really didn't feel like it at the time but as more and more revelations appear about the tricks others have played anything is possible.

    And even IF Murt made any suggestions towards need for funding of what he was doing then so what? Chatters could close their ears or eyes to that or choose to do whatever they wanted. It would have been their decision to make--not yours--and their choice should not be judged by others.

  18. you are all sickos. Finding amusement in trying to find a dead kid. SICK SICK!

  19. Why is it alright for Princess of Beaconhell to sell items to make money to help run all of her blogs but not ok for someone else. We all know she makes quite a bit of profit off of those things if anyone does buy them. Alot of blog owners have donate buttons on their sites. Why is that any different than what happened in Murt's room. Princess still would of accused Murt of ripping people off even if he did have a donate button on his site. Also, If you wanted to go and watch some show that is being shown throught the internet you would have to pay to watch most of them. Very few things are free so why shouldn't people want to help Murt with the expenses that he incurred by doing his broadcasts. The only thing Princess accomplished was taking away a place where people could get info about certain missing children that they would not ever hear about. Who knows maybe Murt's broadcasts could of help find a missing person. Guess we will never know now.

  20. Seems to me ,nananc and mommies could speak up and tell the truth ,since they were mods in Murts at the time all this bad stuff they say Murt did went down. Would these two self proclaimed angels have been in a room and at least one showed her daughters and husband on cam? And the other had high hopes of meeting Murt when she flew to Florida ,and was upset when he didnt have time to meet and greet with her.,Just so happens ,when this scorned lady found out he did meet with Kari and her mom and daughter In a public place ,all crap hit the fan ,isn't it funny thats when she turned against Murt ,,Gee whiz ,If Murt was so bad ,why were mommies and nannc mods in the room at the time all this took place ? Gee ,I am trying to sort this all out ,seems pretty strange to me ,Murt had thousands on his chat at one time ,how many has Princess had at one time or annie marie ,seems we have a little problem with jealously here ,girls .imo

  21. I would have to say Princess probably only has 10 followers. Most of the names that you see on there are just other ID's that they use on the internet and to make it look like she has alot of followers. Wasn't Princess the one who keeps posting on Murt's blog how he talks to himself. Maybe she needs to take a better look at herself because she seems to be the one talking to herself. At least Murt uses the same name when he posts.
    How many of her followers can actually say they know who Princess really is? My guess is probable 2 people.

  22. To Anonymous above @ 12:40:00 AM

    I agree with you 100%. At present the nick names we know of that follow and support all the crap that Princess aka Alexandria Goddard does and that are REAL (but still 100% fakes IMO) and who HAVE been seen on cam by ME are: NanaNC aka Diana Kittel, Mommiesdollies1 aka Lisa Coach, tinker_bell-1967 aka whatever, Hargarmoopy aka Julie Bo Bulie (lol), and CriminalInjustice aka Rebecca Sue Sowerby. Quite a lot of other people have also seen these individuals on cam in chat rooms on PalTalk. About a month ago, I got a glimpse of "PrincessBH's" cam and for a sew seconds I saw "her" and to me the person on cam looked like an individual who had once been a member of Murt's Chat room but was Banned and she was also banned from "my" chat room months and months ago. It was puzzling, strange and very interesting to say the least. After seeing the person on PrincessBH's cam I went in search of the pic of that individual that had been on PalTalk for months and months up until that time BUT there was NO pic(s) of her to be found anywhere - they all vanished -- hmmm.

    I would like to know too if ANYONE with any credibility whatsoever in this whole ordeal can SWEAR that they have indeed seen ON CAM the following: PrincessBH; disgruntled; Feistyoldbroad; SweetPea14; heybuddy_2; mysterymuse; midnite01; Blue-TN (aka Pat-KY); PATTY 100; JerseyMom123; CakeCre8tor; copnwpa; Annie Marie aka Analee aka For Blog Sake; and a couple others. Oh I know some of these "individuals" have been on mic but we all know how easy it is to change ones voice on mic with all the gadgets "out there". Oh yea, I did see CrazyCajun on cam once but the part of her body that I saw it would be close to impossible for me to pick her out of a crowd anywhere -- wink, wink.

    Who in their right mind would FOLLOW an individual(s) on this here Internet without EVER seeing that person in REAL LIFE with their own eyes. Now that is what you call being a BLIND follower!

    Well Anonymous, let's sit back and see just how many in that sick demented group can actually say they know who Princess really is and what she really looks like, as well as the others that I named who never ever went on cam in Murt's room, shall we. At the very least, I expect to be put in my place about my suspicions, so bring on the comments and let's get REAL!!! I have revealed the REAL me to at least 3 people from Murt's chat room so I know and they know I am no FAKE.

    P.S. Thought this link which provides some personal info on Mommiesdollies1 was interesting considering the date when she joind back in November 2008 (round about the same time Murt moved his chat room over to PalTalk). I do not recall when Mommiesdollies officially joined Murt's chat room as an Admin, so Murt if you read this can you please confirm for me the exact date that she did?

  23. To add to Pee nastys NBFf Annie (Annie Rush, AKA Whisper Of The Angels, Wings Of Empowerment, Third Eye Radio On My Space, Never delivered the "life Coaching" services she was paid for upfront and in full - takes the money and runs Schaumburg illinois) She has a lot of dumb ass in her to stir ANY pot.And there is plenty more.stickin thief.

  24. LOL...The mystery of PrincessBH...Will the real Princess please stand up, please stand-up! (anyone know that rap song?)

    I have been following these blogg wars for about a year now.. I haven't had one word to say till now...It high time that the real princess is exposed. I state this as "an outsider" looking in... I am on neither side of the fence, everyone has done their share of wrongs here.

    This stuff is too funny, which is good till you realize people are hurt with all the BS...

    Tired of blog warring? Try this...Refuse to get sucked in the web of BS. Turn off your computer..Blog about something important. Teach your children a good deed. Refrain from the hatefulness. Stop visiting the terrorist blogs. Develop a deeper interest in humanity besides hate and discontent.Take a walk, experience the "truth" of nature...

    If you feel Murt is a criminal, take it to LE. I am sure they already have Murt's number and if they felt he was a threat it would be all done but the crying'

    I will also say I feel more comfortable to post my feelings at this blog. This is the last thing I will say on the matter.

    I think I will follow my own advise and focus on more important issues...I am done with following the blog wars, its worse than following a really bad soap opera.

  25. I have to say what I read on the Rip off Report today is taking this revenge against Murt or anyone a little bit too far.
    First of all as a parent, If I found some guy doing what that person said Murt supposedly was emailing to MY daughter I wouldn't post in on some blog. I would of gone straight to the Police and file a report and have it investigated. I did have something like this happen to my child about 5 years ago. When I found out I called the police and file a complaint.

    All that this group that is run by PrincessBH aka Sandra Goddard has done is ruined a person's life.
    Here's a questiong for you Princess or whoever was behind that post:
    If someone posted that about you What would you do?

    If you were called a pedophile, you would be screaming LAWSUIT or I am CONTACTING MY ATTORNEY!!

    ANYONE who thinks that post was funny or some kind of joke is sick and needs psychiatric help. I hope you got a nice laugh from it. Remember this, Laugh Now because when the Police investigate this and decide to arrest you, we will see if you are still laughing!!!

    As for Murt, Hang in there! They may be laughing now, but you will be the one laughing in the end when they are finally all exposed and we finally learn their true ID's.
    I think we may find out who Princess truly is soon enough!!! I am sure if anyone is able to find out who she is, that YOU will be the one!!!

  26. Kari, you are dealing with people who are devoid of a conscience. I just listened to a filthy recording by Crim on FBS and you could hear her children right at her feet as she recorded it. Annie thought it was "cool." Oy Vey!!

    ~ Pep

  27. I saw that too Pep and wondered how she could allow that. It doesn't even phase her. Very Sad.

  28. All Murt has to do is save these recordings, etc. and give them to the Police. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out WHO the filthy, lying perps are in this case.

    ~ Pep


  30. Not only has someone posted something about Murt on the Ripoff report they also posted something about Kari the day before. Isn't this a coincedence.
    I hope both you and Murt find out who did this and that both of you will be able to do something legally to them.

  31. aw ,If you read disclamer for ripoff ,you will see why they post there . Doubt if many read on that site. Anyone can write anything there . Kind of like there agnorant rantings on there blogs doubt if anyone with any common sense would believe anything on that site,it's a bitch site for looney Tunes

  32. RE: Admins;
    Mommies came on as an admin during the "admin gold rush" where a number of adminds came forward wanting a piece of the action. Mommies was one who came out of this along with NANANC who eventually worked herself into the top spot, so to speak.

    All of this occured and was in place within a couple of weeks after the changeover to Paltalk.

    Prior to that Pressi, I think, a veteran to Paltalk was an admin for a brief period while things got going.


  33. I find this whole situation amusing for several reasons. YOU Kari are doing exactly what you claim is being done to you and your buddy Murt.
    Go read the archieves at USLEUTH. Murt showed his true colors long ago. Dig deep you will find you are defending the wrong person. Ask the long time members from the old CourtTV forum about him.
    You might just find someone that actually has met the real murt.
    That would be your best bet before you go off on Princess.
    But then again I could be whilstling Dixie too.

  34. Lady or man, give your head a shake. Let's take Murt out of the equation. Have you not read what princessbh and her slimeballs have posted about Kari and her children? Have you not read the false twitter profile set up under Kari's name. Have you not seen the vulgar and filth plastered all over the internet about Kari and her children? Nah, we shouldn't go off on princess. Now back to your hell hole sweetie.

  35. Can Murt please provide the documented prooof that he filed with the police? He stated he filed criminal charges and would follow up. We called no criminal investigation is underway. Can Murt please provide an update.

    Thank you

  36. It is not only Kari and Murt they have gone after. They also have gone after anyone that shows any kind of support for Murt. What have these people done to Princess. Nothing! They were just a member who appreciated what Murt did and enjoyed chatting with friends. Princess's group would go into the Chat rooms and then post what was being said on her blog or on one of her private forums or chat rooms. Remember, what they post about people can be easily done to them or any member of their grooup by any person who has access to the internet. We all know she wouldn't like that if someone ruined her reputation.

  37. To Anonymous up above @ 3:27:00

    Maybe that information isn't just for every Tom, Dick or Harry, especially given what such a police report would have entailed that Murt filed/complained about. All reports called into a LE agency are automatically given a Case Number as soon as it is transferred from the reception area to an on duty Sgt. or similar ranking Police Officer, and no doubt particulars of the telephone number from where such a call came in from is also automatically noted with respect to such Case Number. I could be wrong, and it not work like that at every Police/Sheriff's Department throughout the U.S.A., but that has been my experience anyway.

  38. ANON:
    You know a police report has been filed because you called the agency, As is the case that Princess CLAIMS to have ongoing, a law enforcement agency has no obligation to inform anyone of any ongoing investigation. THIS INCLUDES THOSE BEING INVESTIGATED.


    What is being IGNORED in this debate about the police report is what TRIGGERED it in the first place.

    Someone made FALSE accusations about me and others on Ripoffreport and now are using the police report to RUN AWAY from THE LIES THEY WERE TOLD.

