Monday, September 28, 2009


Zanlaughsatyou, there is ALWAYS a very thin line in every situation - cross that line, which YOU have now done, AND it can change the whole course and outcome of that situation.

Are YOU Zanlaughsatyou referring to my 17 year old daughter who accompanied me when I went and met Murt for dinner, or are you referring to my 8 year old daughter whose innocence of childhood was at risk of being corrupted by the contents of that filthy IM sent to me by PrincessBH back in June - which was the prime basis for this Blog of mine to be put up in the first place? In either case Zanlaughsatyou, both of my daughters are MINORS!!!! The line has been crossed!!!

In the words of that feistyoldbroad "....... ROT IN HELL"!

Do you Zanlaughsatyou think that you can hide behind those fake nicknames? I may not know who you are YET, but YOU still have to live with yourself and look at yourself in the mirror, no doubt 24/7. The "person" looking back at YOU in real time is exactly the "person" I see out here in cyberspace, i.e. a deeply disturbed individual who is UGLY clear to the bone!