Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Here is my comment left on Murt's Blog Post entitled: HUH? To Stalk or not to stalk. Posted by Murt on Monday, November 30, 2009:

"December 7, 2009 10:29 AM

KariSueBee said...
Since when does INVESTIGATING in real life the people on the internet who have bullied, harassed, insulted, lied, made fun of, impersonated, threatened, verbally abused elderly chatters in a chat room, talked PORN talk about minors, ruined chat experience for hundreds, and so on and so on make them a stalker. I doubt that is what individuals working in law enforcement call themselves, and well since there are NO laws on the books to protect innocent people from the likes of PrincessBH, Michelle McKee, CriminalInjustice, NanaNC, etc. etc. etc. on the internet then what is left for one to do but to take matters into their own hands and stand up for their rights and principals, and fight against the predators who are victimizing them. Murt if you or any of us out here who still support you just look the other way it will not STOP these sick bitches it will merely give them one more notch in their belts and they will go on to bully, harass, stalk, intimidate, threaten, etc. etc. some other one or group of people with whom they may or may not have a gripe with, and all just for their daily amusement -- WELL,I DON'T THINK SO! Oh but we got to be careful when doing our internet search investigations on these scums - like my one search on a Michelle McKee revealed that she was a disbarred lawyer from Baton Rouge, Louisiana -- disbarred for, well stealing her clients' money which was due them in court settlements and/or moneys held in escrow accounts. Surprisingly, finding the current address and telephone contact information for that Michelle McKee was not hard to obtain either from the proper authorities. Oh and for the record, I am not scared of Michele McKee or PrincessBH or any of that sick little club, unless they are Satan of course -- hmmmmm. Murt, was that CriminalInjustice who threw AngelinFlorida under the bus in a comment way up yonder?"


BROWN indicates entire content of my comment posted on Murt's said Blog Post.

GREEN indicates that portion of my said comment which dealt with my advice to anyone out there in cyberland who was perhaps instituting internet search investigations on the subject scums to be careful.

RED indicates that portion of my said comment referencing "Michelle McKee" and I would draw your particular attention to the operative words used by me, i.e. "a" and "that" in front of the name "Michelle McKee" on both occasions respectively . Two very small words but with very big roles to play in one's ability to fully comprehend the meaning behind the entire section of my said comment in GREEN, oh and just in case, I have also underlined the said operative words.




  1. So you have no problem sleuthing a person you have never met, and who probably isn't even the person you WANT to sleuth? You think it's okay, as long as you say it MIGHT be the person you are searching for?

    I notice you didn't post anything about all the other Michelle McKees that popped on Google. No dirt on the accountant?

    You really suck at this.

  2. My GAWD... They seriously done all this stuff? Unbelieveable... oh and btw have you had that mental condition of yours checked yet
    ? I feel so awful for u.. I was always taught not to make fun of the mentally challenged.. These girls are just bad.... lmaoooo... Your a loser and no worries bout posting this.. you just reading it gives me satisfaction! STUPID!

  3. To: Coward Anonymous first in line above:

    I am an optimist, I don't too much care for your choice of words: "isn't" and "MIGHT".

    PLUS when one has a gut feeling about something, no further action is required.

    And you my cowardly Anonymous little one, suck at everything in YOUR life.

    God Speed.

  4. To: Coward Anonymous second in line above:

    What the heck is "GAWD". It is "unbelievable" drop the 3rd "e". YES I did have my mental condition checked and the results were the same as they have been this past year -- I STILL THINK YOU ARE A SORRY EXCUSE FOR A HUMAN BEING!

    Do not feel awful for me my cowardly Anonymous second little one, for it is YOU with the problem.

    You could have fooled me, from my observance of YOU it is my opinion that YOU were NEVER taught anything - yet. NO you "girls" are not bad, you are AWFUL.

    Oh no worries, it's posted AND you must be very satisfied since I am responding to you too my cowardly Anonymous little one. Now, what is that saying "it takes one to know one" so there you have it, guess we are both STUPID.

    God Speed.

  5. No I'm a great human being... As for my spelling, yeah i caught that all but in the same sense I thought it unnecessary to correct it.. Didn't realise that is all you'd have to pick at..
    I suggest a small vacation for you in a cozy little padded room, you are confusing reality with those made up little places in your mind. I heard you were an idiot, you have proven your an idiot and so much more.. :) Cowardly? now would that because of the anon? Well i figured it was ok for you to use at murt's, didn't realise there was 2 sets of rules. Besides all that "silly stuff" why don't you start getting your stories straight? when you can't find dirt on someone you make it up? That brings you some kind of happiness or is it the attention your lacking? Your a pathetic excuse for a human and a bold face liar..But thanks for the laughs.. Now just to educate you, GAWD, sound it out! I don't like to use the lords name in vane.. But considering some of the posts I've seen you write I know for a fact that you wouldn't understand that kind of a priority.. STUPID

  6. You are completely wrong about where Michelle Mckee lives and who she is. That will make two women you are pillloring through un-necessary self importance. Leave them both in peace and go and find a real life.

  7. To Anonymous who commented Thursday, December 10, 2009 @ 2:15 AM.

    Firstly Crim, I mean Anonymous, whether or not a person deserves to be referred to as a "great human being" is not because of what they think of THEMSELVES, but rather what others think of them. If it were YOUR way the world would be full of nothing but GREAT HUMAN BEINGS, and well we ALL know that is not the case.

    Oh and you don't use the Lord's name in vain (another spelling mistake by the way but I'm not correcting you on that one) but you show God more disrespect by screwing around with the 3 simple letters that make his name, and if we really want to get technical the full and proper way to address him is JEHOVAH GOD.

    Now do you see how petty and unnecessary all you and yours' endless jokes and wise cracks about Murt's spelling mistakes really is. One of the first things that amazed me about the hypocrisy on's blog was that the very people poking fun and calling Murt "dumb", "stupid", etc. etc. for his spelling mistakes (especially MOMMIESDOLLIES1), were the very ones who themselves had numerous spelling mistakes in their own comments -- go figure.

    AND if I am STUPID, wonder what that makes YOU.

    God Speed to you and yours.

  8. To Anonymous who commented Thursday, December 10, 2009 @ 8:25:00 AM

    Oh ok, I am wrong about Michelle McKee, so why do you and yours keep dwelling on it - besides the Ms. ICB Michelle McKee has all the gadgets available on the internet to keep track of who and why anyone searches her name so no need to worry about her, and this other Michelle McKee you speak of -- seems you are the one "stalking" her and trying to dig up all her personal info so YOU need to leave her in peace.

    And as for you telling me to go and find a real life -- OK, I'm going -- BUT WAIT one second, who the heck are you to tell me what to do, are you my Maker, Jehovah God?

    God Speed to you and yours, too.

  9. To Crim, I mean Anonymous above, I forgot to address your accusation about me using and/or posting comments on Murt's Blog under "Anonymous".

    Brace yourself for some HONESTY for once in your life -- I did post as Anonymous MAYBE twice but ONCE for sure to the best of my recollection at this very moment and it WAS just the other night. Now do I need to use my color FONT, in BOLD and UNDERLINED on this reply comment to you to help you understand what I am saying here? That comment went through by mistake on my part because I did not check or preview my comment to realise that my KariSueBee name was not automatically there as it usually is when I have my Blog site OPEN, and to save time from having to go and log into my Blog, I simply chose "Anonymous". Provide me with the comment(s) which YOU assume were written by me on Murt's Blog and I will take responsbility, or deny responsibility, of the same at this time.

    The only other place on this here internet I have ever left a comment(s) as an "ANONYMOUS" poster was on that FloriDUH site on the piece about Murt (which "piece" was recently referred to here on my Blog) and the only reason I posted under Anonymous (I think it was something like "Anonymous Me For Once" or "Anonymous Me Again") was to TEST how comments to that particular "piece" written by that woman (who's name escapes me right at the moment) was able to be posted in view of the fact that YOU and YOUR cohorts who posted on that same "piece" were bragging about how there were so many people "out there" that "hated" Murt and so on according to ALL the negative comments. Hope I explained this to where you can understand.

    Now, again, if you have dug up some other comment posted anywhere on this here internet that YOU believe to have really been posted by ME, KariSueBee, using Anonymous then please bring it to my attention and afford me the opportunity of either acknowledging that it is/was in fact a comment written by me, or the opportunity of setting you straight in your WRONG assumptions, once again, where I am concerned.

  10. You can put lipstick on a pig But, But, But, these pigs turn into big ole nasty mud wallering HOGS! I bet they have no trouble sleeping at night, they have no soul.

  11. I have never stalked anyone in my life you crazy, lying bitch! Plus this is the last time I will ever contact you and you are as evil as your cohorts!

  12. I am the "Anon" in the first post - You don't know me, we've never EVER had a conversation. I have NEVER followed Murt, gone into a PalTalk chat or whatever. You couldn't possibly know if I "suck at life" or not. :-)

    I have never even written a comment on your blog, or Murt's or whomever. I am simply commenting on the fact that thinking you are destroying someone's reputation, by digging up information on a name, when you aren't sure and can't be, that it's the same person you WANT to dig dirt on, is irresponsible. And dangerous. Not that you'll get it. You seem to be a very angry person. A lot of people are.

    You should ask God to soften your heart. It works wonders. In fact, I'll seriously pray that God does just that.


  13. There is ABSOLUTELY no possibility that "twitter McKee" is not the Michelle Barner McKee, the disgraced/disbarred attorney from LA. I have posted docs and pics - is that more than a coincidence? I think not. The pix I compared it to was her pic from the IN COLD BLOG website where she is noted as an editor.

  14. Oh so I am wrong? You do not post under anon on murts site?... alrighty.. and you assume that I pick away at murt? his spelling? i guess I'll have to go back and check that one out.. Mainly because I am above that and a GREAT human being and I can't imagine myself doing that.. Not only considered GREAT by myself but also by anyone who knows me..(real life Kari) I am NOT like you,I do not pick away at people simply for the shear enjoyment of making their lives miserable. I find that a pathetic trait that only some can claim. You being one. You don't know me Kari, I'm not Crim, I've seen some of her postings but other than that know nothing of her. I am just someone who has sat on the sidelines watching. By doing so i have learned of what a lying shit disturber you are. Even when both sides seem to calm down, you have to fire it up again! What a lonely life it would be for you if all this STOPPED! Whatever would you do than, you would have no purpose in life, you couldn't spew your hurtful angry words. You are a sick person! On murts site I always put my nic, on yours... it's not worth the few seconds it would take me... Go look it up, you claim to be good at that!

  15. Don't bring me into your shit Kari. That post you attributed to me? WRONG AGAIN. I was asleep at two in the morning i had clinicals at 6am. If you wanna check on that feel free to check my paltalk this weekend when the pictures are put up from our lunch out with our instructor. You really need to quit pulling me into your posts, blogs, rants and or raves. I know for a fact you have a stat counter on your page so it should have been more than simple for you to check the IP's and you would have easily seen i was not the one posting the comment. Do your checking before you drag people's names into it as i'm getting really really tired of not saying a word to you and then BOOM you pull me back in so i will talk. And since WHEN do i post here as anon? Look back in the history! Every single comment i have put up i have signed with my name.

  16. The link to the picture, please. And how can you be so sure it's the "disgraced/disbarred attorney from LA" and not another?

  17. Id appreciate it if you would post the comment i left and clear things up a bit. When you open your mouth and the wrong information comes out you need to set shit straight. I was NOT the above mentioned comment and you have proof of it, your own damn stat counter.

  18. Here is a full list of Michelle McKee's which kinda puts the kabosh on your insistance that the one specific one WITHOUT A PHOTO is her.

    There are more than one lawyer on there as well.
    The lawyer from baton rouge was only disbarred in the state of Louisiana, not the entire united states.
    That is most definitely not the same Michelle McKee. Just information so that you can be better informed when you post comments defaming people you do not know.

  19. Bekki Sue Sowerby aka Crim aka CriminalInjustice why are you searching the internet for all these "Michelle McKee's" -- why are you bringing all of these "innocent" people into this??

    Because you are so dumb Bekki I just cannot waste anymore of my time on you AND any further comments I receive on my blog, and I have the slightest "GUT" feeling it is from you but signed Anonymous, will NOT be posted. Do you really have time for all of this that you are doing when you are supposed to be studying and have two children under the age of 6? Good Lord you sure do lack direction in your life, among a heck of a lot of other things too!

    And Bekki you need to get your FACTS (do you have a clue what those are) straight and stop accusing me of posting all these comments about Michelle McKee on Murt's blog -- I cannot do anything more to TRY to make you comprehend my comment regarding "Michelle McKee" on Murt's Blog and here -- ask one of your children to explain it to you please.

    And why are you fighting so hard to clear up your friend Michelle McKee's name -- you are making it seem either (1) YOU are Michelle McKee -- hey how is that book coming you were working on?; or (2) you are the one that got Michelle McKee involved in all of this with Murt in the first place so she is looking to you to clear her good name otherwise she will rip you a new one and YOU know full well she will do it too.

    You have been given fair warning Bekki Sue Sowerby aka Crim aka CriminalInjustice aka MorningGlory (which brings us back full circle, doesn't it) so do not waste anymore of your precious time posting anymore comments on MY BLOG because your 2 cents worth will NOT be published - for the mere fact that it is not even worth 2 cents!
