Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Convinced that KariSueBee is in The Busy Bees invisible, CrazyCajun provides the chat room (specifically for Hargarmoopy) with the link to the iPeep gadget site and tries to talk Hargarmoopy (who as at that date Tuesday, 20th October 2009 was still claiming not to want to get in the middle of all that is going on with Murt and his remaining chatters) into purchasing the program available on the net to facilitate "getting around a ban" on PalTalk. Hargarmoopy, though insisting she is "neutral" expressed excitment at the possibility of owning this iPeep gadget but was hesitant after CrazyCajun scared her with talk about how using a gadget like that on PalTalk was grounds for the powers that be to BAN someone from their program for..eva, BUT CrazyCajun assured her that it was better that she (Hargarmoopy) break PalTalk's rule on such a gadget instead of her because she (CrazyCajun) has been on PalTalk for so long and she has all of the Admins on her PalList that apparently, I guess, they would consider that she should know better -- yeah right!
After a bit, CrazyCajun gets on mic and says: "Hey Moopy did you install that yet? Let me know when you get it up and running". "I think I don't like how it's a 6 months license", Hargarmoopy posted in chat. "but hey..I've got money to waste", Hargarmoopy continues. Then SweetPea14 chimes in and posts in chat: "ok. go into dew drop inn when you are done". "Oh I have to use it on one computer", Hargarmoopy wrote. "After 6 months you have to renew your license for $19 a year", Hargarmoopy continued to write in chat to CrazyCajun. "So just use it for 6 months and be done with them", CrazyCajun says to Hargarmoopy. "Yep.." Hargarmoopy posts. "I'm sure this shit wont drag out longer than 6 months, right? Just don't renew your subscription", CrazyCajun informs Hargarmoopy. Then Hargarmoopy posts: "lol.. I STAYED AWAY FOR SO FREAKIN LONG!!!" ..................
A very interesting audio clip to say the least.
Notice out of CrazyCajun's own foul mouth she says "I am sure this shit wont drag out longer than 6 months, right?". So if this audio is from 20th October 2009, according to CrazyCajun we ALL only have about 4 1/2 months left of this shit to tolerate.
Isn't it interesting that CrazyCajun can state such a time frame for all this shit to go on, even though ALL of them from that sick hatefilled group contend that they stopped all the harassing of Murt from weeks prior and had put in place their "BLACKOUT" against Murt, and as evidence of their lame proof of the same had ALL ceased all of their twittering of disgusting messages about Murt and others, including minor female children, and they claimed they were NOT bothering Murt or anyone of us who still supported Murt for weeks prior at that time. Wasn't that what you kept saying over, and over, and over Ms. Diana Kittel aka NanaNC? All the while during the so called BLACKOUT against Murt you all continued to poke fun of the new direction he tried to take his blog site and chat room; you all (who were still able to get in)continued to enter into his chat room as the FAKES you all are, oh yes, even little sweet mouth willie PATTY100 who tried to make Murt and others believe she was sincere being in his room and chatting with him all the while streaming his chat room into your tinychat rooms and laughing at him (while he still continued to give YOU the benefit of any doubt PATTY100 and YOU too SweetPea14), UNTIL of course the real and true persons who both of you are was revealed in that PalTalk Notifer trying to enter into Dew Drop Inn using foul and disgusting passwords. You do remember Patty100, right - how you knew that little game that night definitely blew your cover.
Oh and NanaNC, I have seen with my own eyes on the recordings in my possession where you stated in you alls chat room words to the effect that "we've NEVER cared about Murt", so you see NanaNC you are indeed the FAKE, PHONEY, FRAUD, LIAR, DISGRACE, ETC. ETC. ETC. I for one claim you to be -- no matter how pretty you think your little Registered Nurse's outfit makes you look on the outside!
By the way, WTH is the significance of the 6 month time frame CrazyCajun projects? What is supposed to be happening at the end of that 6 month period? Just curious.
Is it CrazyCajun who calls the shots in that bee hive - hmmmmm. Can only be 1 Queen Bee CrazyCajun and the rest that are taking up space in the hive are merely the slaves to do all the dirty work while the Queen sits back sucking up all that sweet honey and laughing at everyone else!!! Bet that causes problems for Queen Bee PrincessBH, or is it NanaNC, or perhaps it is MOMMIESDOLLIES1!
From what I can tell, present in The Busy Bees chat room at the time this audio recording was made was:


  1. Poor things ,they all think they are the Queen Bee lol oh all except poor old Dis ,she is happy to just be the number one follower of who she thinks is the queen. Poor ,poor ,nutty women.Idiots still don't get the web that princeass caught them all in ,Bet she is Laughing her fat rear off at all the Queens lol It's just to funny They are the joke of the internet.

  2. NanaNC sucks and is a LIAR. She has next to her name on Paltalk "The Truth Never Lies" well she does. and so does Mommiesdollies. Wow where in the HELL did she come up with that name? That is one weird chick for sure. I listened to all the tapes and they are very VERY ILL people. They all should be turned in to the authorities. I listend to Cathy960 talk about killing someone. Threatening their life on that other site they have up and Kris926 talking in agreement with her. These people are sick MF's they really are. And they all should be banned from paltalk. I am making a formal complaint to PalTalk and letting them know they have sick ass people on their. I mean ya I get it. There are many on there. But if everyone puts in complaints, maybe they will listen.

    Just all of this is really really sick.

  3. Hey Kari, I think Murt's defenders should just sit back and watch as those foul mouth women go after each other. I think we are seeing the beginning of a big power struggle as to who is the TRUE LEADER of that group.
    I think this is going to be more interesting than watching Nancy Grace any more. Any one care to place bets on who will win the title Queen Beotch!!!!!!

  4. Hanging out over at the chit chat room, lmao at them pretending theres not a PINK RAT in the room. Now WCIB?

  5. They're too stupid to know there might be a mole or two amongst them. LMAO.

  6. Or more. It turns out that NANANC has some skelatons in her closet and has an enemy of her own. Her enemy is MAD.

