Monday, March 15, 2010


You have repeatedly over the course of the last several weeks claimed to have in your possession FACTS that prove I am a GRANDMA, please provide me with the same ASAP.  The only reason I can come up with as to why you will NOT provide me with those facts and/or details so that I can make contact with the proper Authorities for help in finding the whereabouts of my Grandson, has to be because YOU have my Grandson.   Do you think you are being funny and cute SheWolfRocks -- that is called kidnapping -- it is a CRIME!!   I knew YOU and PrincessBH and all her fellow cohorts were cyber bullies and trouble makers BUT this proves just how very sick and evil YOU truly are!!!   NOW WHERE IS MY GRANDSON?


  1. Hmm, another missing child case. I guess I will load up the news van and come over there to look for the lost grandchild. Something else for Princess to piss her pants about.


  2. Kari,

    Did you find that grandchild yet?

  3. Kari,
    As a mom whose daughters name was posted on Shortbusdude's chat site by none other than Prinnie, I know how you feel about your children and defending them. My daughter's name, where she goes to school, what her major is , and a threat that my daughter will never be able to get a job anywhere because posts I supposedly made that they twisted around, was posted on SHOTBUSDUDE"S chat and was left on there along with attacks on a person named Annie.
    Unfortunately, they have put it out on the internet where any psycho could find my daughter and do something to her. Because of this, I had to contact my local PD and make a report and forward the emails.
    If that wasn't enough, They still were sending me more emails this afternoon when I wasn't home. I replied on my blackberry after one said that they did not have to take down a video they posted because they didn't use real names. I then replied well you posted my daughter's name and info.
    A few minutes later I get some fake Cease and Desist letter by none other than Princess. I then received another email from SBD.
    Now Kari, how stupid do these two who obviously have been in on all of this together since the beginning think we are. I don't know about them but I did GRADUATE from College with a degree in Law and had worked on a police dept. Yes I knew that was a fake Cease and Desist letter.
    Well Kari, I guess the joke will be on them after I sign the police report tomorrow. Oh BTW, I would post the where I filed it and the name of the officer but I don't want to hear Mommies Whiny voice on a recording where she called the detective asking if her name was on there. Or do I want to hear Princess's Big mouth crying she never did anything to anyone. Thanks to the one Email it says Princess on it so Guess you are not so innocent after all are you.

  4. I would call the police Kari with all the evidence you do have that SheWolf says she KNOWS you have a grandkid. I would def go to authorities and say she will not tell me where he is! Enough is enough for goodness sake. She must turn him back over. SheWolf claimed on twitter that she was having HER grandson over to spend the night a couple of nights ago. WELL maybe in her sicko twisted mind she really thinks YOUR grandson is HER grandson.

    Hurry dont delay call today!!! Forget that widget and counting the days. YOUR GRANDSON NEEDS YOU!!!!!!!!

  5. Kari please do me this favor. It has come to my attn that Prinnie is looking for her girlfriend Sybil. She has this posted everywhere. I mean craigslist, her site youmakemybutthurt and all. Lets all ban together and help find Sybil for Prinnie!

    All the info is on my blog.

    AND retweet folks. There is a possibly missing person. I believe this is true with all the attn Prinnie is putting into this. Dont mind the code word she has on there. I explained it on my blog.

    Thanks Kari!

    Oh should we make flyers for your grandson since SheWolf is not cooperating. I have Dianna working on it.

  6. All:
    I have started to put together the pieces of a vary large puzzle I have been working on for over 2 years.

    Late last night I was handed what my be the final piece. Once I get the information I need and can verify it, I will be going forward with my article "The Truth Never Lies."

    The article will detail how a single event, a vary long time ago resulted, in a way, with all of us being here today.

    Stay Tuned


  7. I still say that them there so called experts that we see on the tv should come back here to search my Kens old ford pickup truck sitting on them there blocks and that old commode in the front yard. You know them CSI guys on that show when they get that science evidence but this time please make them wear those donated clothes and shoes so my neighbors will know that them educated people no longer need to wear paper coveralls and blue paper footies, they will get some good ole ice tea and some polk salad and corn bread and beans with tators for sure and then they can look hard for that baby with my dogs givin' a nose to help um duh duh

  8. Hey STCB:

    If you did graduate from college with a degree in law, and worked in a police department, then what is your excuse for what you did when you were on the other side of the fence? Wasn't it YOU who posted at BH against Murt? Wasn't it YOU who stalked Murt and looked up information on him? Wasn't it YOU who posted and said horrible things about Murt? Wasn't it YOU with your college degree in law and having worked for a police department that did all these things that you KNEW were WRONG?

    Oh, that's right, you apologized. Sorry forgot about that. Then you went right over to Murt's side and started doing the same damn thing to everyone else that you did to Murt. What a HYPOCRITE.

    Maybe instead of getting involved in the blog war, you might want to go out and celebrate the fact that you are alive. Celebrate the fact that cancer hasn't taken you life. Enjoy your family and spend time with them. I would think you would want to spend as much time with family and enjoying the happier things in life.

  9. To Anonymous right above me at 11:30:00 AM, just real quick -- we could also ask the same of CrazyCajun, right CrazyCajun?

    STCB needs to be commended, not only for her past service in Law Enforcement, but because she realized the wrong in what she was partaking in with PrincessBH and all her fellow cohorts at Beaconhell AND she has apologized to Murt, both privately as well as publically. Anonymous, ask tinker_bell_1967 all about the power of those two little but oh so mighty words "I'M SORRY" as she claims that is why her and PrincessBH are now such butt buddies -- because PrincessBH apologized to her for ALL that horrendous crap spewed about her and all the personal attacks on her sister too, right tinker_bell_1967?

    STCB is now trying to RIGHT a WRONG in the part she played as far as Murt is concerned, whereas tinker_bell_1967 has digressed -- she is now standing on the side of, and a full fledged participant in, all the WRONG and EVIL AT IT'S BEST still going on upon the orders from PrincessBH!!!

  10. Kari,
    They are right on half of it. No I was WRONG in what I did to Murt. Yes I was Led to believe Murt was bad.
    As for Princess, SHE attacked me by posting to people I was a DRUG ADDICT. SHE PUT MY DAUGHTER's life in DANGER by posting what State she lives in and the name of her College! What if some psycho reads that and decides to go after my daughter. Or Better yet ANON, YOUR CHILD!! YOU would be doing the same as me. I never used her REAL name until she attacked me. SHE posted my info after she kicked me off.
    AS for Nana and TINK, well they knew better. Didn't Nana read all the Topix boards where someone posted her name, address, phone number all over them. I am sorry but Why would you join a group that trashed you?
    Yes I made a mistake, I apologized to Murt. But I did not make a mistake by trashing Princess on the internet. I just posted the TRUTH!!!!!!!! Maybe you Anon should open your eyes and see what type of person your Druggie Psycho Bitch friend name Alex aka Princess really is.

  11. You people are really sick joking about missing grandchildren.
    So many people suffering over real missing children.
    You should all be ashamed.

  12. To Anonymous at 3:19:00 PM

    Who is joking about a missing grandson - I am not.

    SheWolfRocks, midnite01, SweetPea14, MOMMIESDOLLIES1, tinker_bell_1967 and CrazyCajun all have repeatedly said that they have the PROOF that proves my daughter gave birth to a child. SheWolfRocks especially has said repeatedly that she has the proof from off of my daughter's Facebook account. SheWolfRocks insists she knows what she is talking about and thus I have no other choice but to believe her -- just in case. Anonymous, what would YOU have me to do -- given what so many people have said about my daughter after doing extensive reading of her personal writings/thoughts posted on her Facebook Account? I have not read my daughters Facebook! THEY, especially SheWolfRocks, have planted that seed of doubt in my mind about my own daughter.

    If you Anonymous know for FACT that SheWolfRocks and her other cohorts are "joking" about anything regarding my grandson, then do please share, otherwise I have absolutely NO choice but to pursue all avenues to get to the bottom of this once and for all.

    I do agree with you Anonymous, there are so many people suffering over real missing children -- now I ask for you to join me in my plea to SheWolfRocks to produce the facts OR come clean that she has LIED about it all and offer up a written apology to my daughter for everything -- then Anonymous, you can proceed to condemn the hell out of her for her immature and neglegent behavior for months now.

  13. To the Anon that told me to celebrate my life

    I do go out and spend time with my family. I don't spend my time on the internet like you and all your friends. I DO HAVE A LIFE and yes I do thank GOD every day because I am alive. If you would of read my posts, I am the one that said this needs to end. I am the one that said that peoople need to stop attacking our children because they did not do anything to them.
    I attacked Murt because I was foolish enough like you to believe Princess's lies about him. I am the type of person that is going to stand up and defend people I thought were my friends. I now know that Princess doesn't have friends she just uses people like you will find out soon.
    I do my blogging in the evening when my children are gone. My kids are older and do go out and spend time elsewhere. I spend lots of time with my husband. I also have always made sure that we all sit down every night at the table and have dinner together when my children were home. I still sit down at the dinner table with my husband. I have always enjoyed this time with my family. I could go on and on about how I ENJOY My family, my real life friends, my internet friends and my LIFE.

    Anon, let me ask you this question:
    Why are you on here attacking me when you should be spending time with your family and enjoying LIFE? The Answer: You don't have a life like I do.

  14. ALL;

    I find a common rather strange trend in some of the comments. They go around to our blogs and criticize our writings, and then proceed to tell us to shut up and go away.

    This reminds me of people who do not like certain tv shows. They scream and whine about the tv show rather than turn the channel and ignore it.

    There are a million blogs out there. Are these people going to go to ALL the blogs who's content they do not like and tell THEM to shut up??

    Uhh, no. Remember, Anons, if you do not like the content, there is that little red x just waiting for your attention.

    As for She Wolf. I have stayed out of the fight, but. She has made a serious accusation, joking or not. The kind of accusation that can ruin the reputation of a vary young woman.

    Even a joke can turn into a serious matter in the real world.

    I had a "joke" played on me and now that "joke" is discovery in a murder trial.

    Kari has every right to demand this matter get cleared up.



  15. JOKING ABOUT A MISSING CHILD - QUITLY AS CHARGED - I am Lovecanines and yes I have made several comments about this missing baby but my posts should show all that I wrote them like an uneducated idiot as I was one of the people who was able to see Kari's daughter during the time the real idiots claim she was pregnant, so really the joking is because they are the joke. There is nor ever has been a missing child in this case so yes I made jokes, but I can tell you that I am an extremely sensitive person. Example-before fencing our property my dogs would leave hunting and be gone all night, I would sit on my back porch after hours of driving the dirt roads and I would cry and drink coffee all night until they all came dragging home, now in that time the tears flowed, and the prayers were many. So if this was in fact a child, I would have already shed tears and been praying several times a day. So to show how idiotic those people are that claim Kari is a grandmother, I admit my guilt of making jokes as they are a joke.
    So please forgive me as I meant no harm to those in real life who have had the worse of the worse happen to them - losing a child. Please find it in your heart to forgive me for offending you or anyone else who took this serious.
    God Bless You
    aka Lovecanines
