Sunday, November 22, 2009


FROM Murt: "A reply to the comments MS.Bekki made.

I read Kari's articles both here and the one afterword and find that Bekki made some statements that need to be corrected.

First, the Caretaker letter. There is not nor was there ever an FBI investigation of that letter. The primary agency in charge of the investigation was the Leesburg City Police department and NOT the FBI. Anyone is welcome to call the Ocala, Fl. Office which is the field office for the Leesburg area.

The PM's were public for over a YEAR, first appearing on Monoxide's blog and less than 24 hours after they were made public.

Second. The comment made in regards to my not properly completing the paperwork for the bench is incorrect.

The permission to place the bench in the park was denied by a committee that oversees the program and held a meeting when the subject came up.

They were afraid of the Anthony's and felt that having a bench for Caylee was too much of a hot potato for them to allow.

I only found out about the denial when I went to John's office to check on the progress of getting the plack for the bench.

John expressed suprised as he felt that there should have been no problem getting the bench placed.

The denial came after Sherri, the person who took the funds for the bench, already deposited them in the city's account thus making it impossible to refund everyone's checks or money orders.

I went into the room and made the announcement that the bench permit had been denied and that I would write refund checks for the refunds to everyone.

Those who had made the donations had a chat and collectively decided that I should donate the funds to the Cummings family to aid in the search for Heiligh Cummings who has just went missing.

The one exception to this wish was Cubbiesmom who asked that her donation be given to someone she knows who rescues dogs.

I contacted the Victim's advocate, and employee of the Sumter County Sheriff's Department. She in turn contacted the Cummings family who decided the donation should go to TES to aid in their search efforts.

The donation was then made on behalf of the room and that was the end of the matter.


Thanks for that Murt, with respect to little Caylee's Memorial Bench, here is what I looked up from the comments left on that SunSentinel article posted on Floriduh by Liz Doup on November 19, 2009 @ 8:26 AM:

"Murt i hope that document drop to Conway in re: to your threats, chat, and request for donations for a Caylee bench at Mt. Dora, has caused you some discomfort. Reading the new chat in your Internet room appears that maybe someone contacted you about your scams. Keep giving it out and we'll keep sending it to the proper authorities.

Posted by: popcorn January 24, 2009 4:15 PM"


"As expected, Mt. Dora won't allow Murt to put up the bench. While he claims there was a "mass campaign" against him as the reason, in truth, they stopped the memorail bench program some time ago. All the money was returned. To Murt.

Posted by: JOOTA February 13, 2009 5:22 AM

NO JOOTA, I personally spoke with John who was over-seeing the Bench Project there at Mount Dora Park back in August while I was in Florida and I was advised that the Board had unanimously voted against OUR Memorial Bench for little Caylee -- do you wonder why -- let's all ask "popcorn" OR maybe we can all flood Brad Conway's office with letters of inquiry as to WHY his clients George and Cindy Anthony (the loving grandparents of little Caylee) would be so spiteful as to STOP a Memorial Bench being placed at Mount Dora Park for their precious granddaughter Caylee Marie Anthony. Joota's comment above as quoted really does make the people running City Hall there at Mount Dora look incompetent, seeing that John had taken Murt out to show him the possible spots where such a Memorial Bench could be placed at the Park and he showed Murt plans plus advised Murt how the funds should be sent in order to pay the requisite fee THEN they accepted the donation checks from Murt, deposited the said checks AND THEN after all of that the Memorial Bench for little Caylee Marie was voted against unanimously by the Board -- does that sound like how such a program is run by any City Hall anywhere in a 1st world country? I hardly doubt it IMO.


  1. Just who is on this so called Board? I think a further investigation is in order.

  2. What I don't understand is Why did the people of BH think they should get involved in this to begin with. Why should they care if people on the internet or anywhere want to donate their money. It is up to the individual person if they want to send their OWN money that THEY worked for to anyone for any cause. I thought we lived in the US. We can do whatever we want with OUR Money. People don't need BH groupies to tell us how to live our lives. Yes, there is a chance that a person might get ripped off by some con on the internet when people donate to someone they don't know. Usually a con, will send out a mass email to thousands.
    This was a project that was suppose to be done by one group of people that were suppose to be friends and they were thrown together because of this tragedy. Murt isn't the first person who had started a site from people who followed this tragedy. If it wasn't for this, do you think anyone would of bothered to log onto or even followed Princess on Beaconhell. Of course not. She knew it. She knew that hardly anyone gave a crap about her BS story about her family and how she was a whistleblower.

  3. You can call the City of Mount Dora and they can fill you in. I am not sure if it is a town council or a group that is there only for the purpose of approving benches.


  4. I for one witnessed Murt speaking in his chat room regarding the denial about the Memorial Bench and what he should do with the funds that people gave out of the kindness of their hearts. I did not give therefore I have no invested interest in defending Murt regarding his actions in his chat, but I heard it all, and as a group, those who did send money wanted it to go exactly where it went - TES and I also know that Cubbies wanted her funds to go to another cause which I too thought was great. I never heard one person "ever" say to me in private or in open chat that they wanted their money back-not one-not ever. So just as a bystander in this whole thing, it is true that all except one wanted the funds to go to TES. Dang baffles my mind that some of you are stll harping on this matter and of course I am sure that none of you Murt haters ever wondered if Murt ever gave money/donations/gifts just out of the kindness of his heart. I have so much more to say regarding an earlier blog posting related to chats on Sept. 29th about 9pm but I am pushed for time but just a side note while all the vulgar and evil acts were happening I was watching the love of my life die so all the IM's of sweet words about that loss of mine, I now know how fake it was. You haters are so lowlife bottom feeders in the grand scheme of things just another blade of grass needing to be mowed down. Just my opinion of course. AKA Lovecanines

  5. Great job Kari, keep em' comin'!!!! They are all looking dumber everyday as you reveal the TRUTH! BEACONHELL WILL BE STOPPED!

  6. Re: Lovecanines

    I totally agree with you love. Never once did I hear a complaint from those that donated. I did hear that the donors wanted the money to go to TES and that Chubbies wanted hers donated to an animal rescue. What the heck business is it of the haters anyway.

    I'm wondering if angelinfl or any of the other haters had anything to do with the boards decision. Idiots, just a bunch of pathetic idiots.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving to all.


  8. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours Dee!

  9. Loves and all:
    First, Happy Thanksgiving.

    Loves, I was touched and saddened by your last comment. I know how hard of a time you were going through recently. It is truely sad to find out that some of those who sent their thoughts and prayers, did so without being sincere.

    I remember back to this day a year ago when we all gathered as friends with a common interest, that being Caylee and her fate, which had not been known until a month later.

    We now stand at the precipice of the first of two trials that Casey will face to determine her guilt and involvement regarding the financial crimes she is charged with as well as the awful things she has done to her daughter.

    Those of us who do not have our loved ones here on this special day cannot comprehend how someone could do these things to their own daughter.

    We also, sadly, cannot understand what motivated those who decided to hate so deeply, regardless of my actions.

    I alone, am responsable for my actions, not those who chose, for their own reasons, to be my friends and supporters.

    Let us hope on this day of thanks, that those of that other group remember what the true meaning of this day represents and find it in themselves to at least, hate less.


  10. Great posts from both Love and Murt. I was thinking of you both and all of us that have lost loved ones. It is so tough especially at holiday time. It means we have have souls and a heart, and we truly care for other people. I feel for those that dont. I could not live with so much darkness and hatred.
    And to add..I also was asked more than once if I wanted my money returned or to go to Haleighs search after Caylees memorial bench didnt pan out. I of course told Murt to definitely give it to TES, as did we all except Cubbies. The end...or so I thought.

  11. One of my happiest moments was being part of those of us who wanted to dedicate a memorial bench for Caylee. No one forced me. I did it because I had been so deeply touched by the commaraderie shared in Murt's chat room.

    When we were told the bench plaque was not going to be placed for that lovely child I was deeply affected. Why could this not be done for such an innocent victim?

    We were kept informed of what was happening and I, too, was asked several times about how I wanted my donation to be handled. It went to TES.

    This was an endearing gesture for most of us which unfortunately and erroneously was later made out to be a "con job" by a man who never showed such traits.

    May those who contributed to the smear campaign of Murt sit back and ask themselves how they will be remembered when they are no longer alive. Do their loved ones know what they have been doing in front of their monitors in an endless goal to destroy someone? I think not. Will they be remembered for the good they did in their lives to comfort others, compliment those with good morals, make life tolerable for those inflicted with mental illness, physical ailments, financial woes and loneliness? Hmmmm.

  12. I was not here when the bench ordeal was going on. I came in soon after that and thought, what a nice group of people. To my dismay was i wrong. There was a few that were nice. I was new to paltalk didn`t know how to do things.So I sat back and watched and tried to learn and was called all kind of things for doing that. I like Love had just lost my best friend,love of my life, soulmate. Did they care ??NO. Since then i have moved to a another room and found the real friendship i was looking for.I thought how can grown women have so much hate in their hearts when some of us our hearts that are breaking for the loved ones we have lost and friends who are sick. It is just a shame you people do not know that kind of love and friendship and probable never will.

  13. Anon:

    I am sorry you had that experience in "our" room. However, AT THAT TIME, most of us in their were nice people who DID care and have hearts filled with love and have helped each other through many hard times, sicknesses, deaths, surgeries etc. and we that are left continue to do the same.
    Unless I/we know what your nic was, I/we have no way of defending myself/ourselves against what is an untrue statement.
    Happy for you that you found what you were looking for. I hope it doesn't come back and bite ya.

  14. To the anon who just sit back and watched,
    I don't remember anyone telling us of a loss of a loved one in the room,but IF you did ,and were treated badly ,I am so sorry.
    But I find it hard to believe that any of us that chat in the "Inn" now were the ones who were mean to you.
    I am glad you found somewhere you are happy. May God Bless you

  15. To the anon who came soon after the bench incident:

    It was around that time when things in my room started to fall apart. There were a number of reasons for the circumstances that probably gave you a bad impression of the room and may have led to you not getting the attention you felt justified>

    First, the room was under attack by those from the outside who felt it should not exist.

    The main objection they had was that the room was owned and operated by me.

    The attacks resulted in the loyal members being a bit suspious of outsiders. Their suspicions also expanded to any tales of hardship that came with them.

    The reasons for this suspicion came from hoaxes that were played on the members of the room by the attackers, either to diminish the valadity of the room or simply to be mean.

    One incident in particular was where a woman feigned her wish to commit suicide. By some "miracle" my head administrator was able to "save the day" and talk her out of it.

    I have since learned that this was an elaborate hoax that I only learned about from someone who claimed to have helped plan and take part in the hoax.

    There were other similar incidents where people would join the room and share their "personal lives" with the rest of us.

    Those lives would turn out to be as fraudulant as the first one I described.

    The room came under attack by the "haters" as I call them. This group had the same goal as the first group and were sometimes made up of the same people as well as others, that also included a blogger who had a warped view of who can and cannot participate in the blogosphere as well as how they can participate in society as a whole.

    The haters decided to impose their will by any means necessary no matter how unlawfull, unethical or hurtful they may be.

    There was a third group"the pranksters" or "the hackers" as I called them who partook in the same efforts as the two groups simply "for the hell of it" or for the "lulz."

    This group of internet vandals infiltrated the other two groups and used their motives to get their "lulz" by wreaking havoc on the room and eventually destroying it.

    You came along at a bad time and at the beginning if the inevedable end of the room.

    The room had no coheasion as nobody could trust each other.

    Members saw loyal friends turn out to be nothing more than frauds and had their faith in this new medium shattered by those with no morals and ethics.

    If it is true that you found a room to suit your goals and needs, then I congratulate you.

    I do so with this caveat. "Beware your internet friends for they may be your internet enemys."

    Be advised accordingly


  16. To that person who felt was treated coldly/badly, I think I know who you are but as you were not treated the way you should have been, just think of losing the one person who was the center of my world/life and to open PM's from chatters wishing me condolences then finding out that some of them were being foul haters using foul words referring to other women and they are females too. They were doing their foul actions while I stood beside Ken's hospital bed and held him and wispered in his ear about our love and his path of going to the light and God and for fighting so hard to stay alive long enough to give me one more birthday which he did and as he died those horrible females were posting the foul words that KariSue shared with us on this blog. So thank you Murt, and the others who posted here and spoke to me in their message. The words those women use when talking about other womem would have never been spoken by my Ken about any female and I would never allow any man to talk that way, yet that is the langauge they are using in reference to other females, what the heck is wrong with you women? Do you allow your men to speak to you using those words and if so OM Goodness! You have no self respect so how can you expect anyone else to respect you? So I do hope that person has found the "good" friends that are on pal talk. AKA Lovecanines
