Thursday, July 16, 2009


Thanks to Murt for bringing this one to my attention, I did find it both interesting and very informative! Can you believe all the nick names Rebecca Sue Sowerby uses on the internet - now you know there is no way in HELL she knows the real her anymore - if she ever did. I sure do wish her husband would step up to the plate and offer the kind of intervention his wife needs -- before it is too late for those two darling children of theirs - PLEASE!!!!!

P.S. Please also check out my latest Blog Post of Wednesday July 15, 2009 - THREE PEAS IN A POD! Thanks.


  1. AMEN! Wow what an article that was!!!! Says it all in once place. Unreallllll!! Bekki it is time you put the keyboard down and seeked professional help. I see her on paltalk tellling MURT to leave her alone. LOL. Ya ok! She is the one that STALKS and makes other peoples lives miserable.

    KariSueBee I sure hope those kids are ok of hers. I mean comeon..... how can a mother be on the Internet all day, all night long with two very young children?? That's why her husband doesn't work! He can't, someone has to watch the kids. LMAO!

    And did you see her response? OMG. Ya this is to you Bekki Sowerby. I HIGHLY doubt any authorities are going to STOP looking into the cyber crimes being committed ya know like kiddie porn, abductions, drug selling to STOP and figure out who is against peon Bekki Sowerby. I can see it now. "Oh no Chief I can't take that call on a predator online, I have to figure who is calling Bekki Sowerby a bitch! I am right in the middle of a PRINTOUT." WTF.

    Grow up Sowerby. Get a real job. Take care of your kids. Stop worrying about what others are doing. Worry about your won backyard. Stop hanging around alcoholics and druggies on paltalk and gee maybe just maybe life will be good for ya!

    And most of all quit blaming everyone around you for being a sick peice of shit!


    PROOF that Bekki Sowerby knows MONO whom she is denying and lying to MURT and everyone.

    Man does she ever tell the truth?

  3. How is that proof of her knowing mono theres how many people on that page commenting and just like with murts blog NanaNC was spoofed with her full name. Sorry i don't see anything there that jumps off the page and screams BEKKI at me except the one poster that says her name is bekkifanfiction but turns around and bashes bekki s. give credit where it is deserved but methinks you give too much credit to one girl.

  4. To the above Anonymous

    Maybe you did not read the entire post over at the other blog where he is talking to Bekki S. He even states her proxy service isnt working and brings up her mother. READ the whole thing. Please...

    Bekki S. is known all over the net. And imo, this is either Bekki Sowerby posting above or one of her two puppets. Hell it may even be Princess from BH. We all know she took the young'n under her wing. Word has it she even got her to get the ripoffreport down a few pages on google. WE all know how to do that and WE all know how to make it reappear. No real secrets there. LMAO

    The talk of most blogs is how Princess saved Sowerby LMAO! Oh what a role model you chose to follow there. cough, cough, puke.

  5. i think its pathetic to have this crap on a blog but the front page is preaching gods word you should be ashamed of yourself Kari.

  6. To Anonymous above (comment dated Tuesday, July 21, 2009 12:37:00 pm).

    If you would please have the guts to post either, at least, your first name or your nick name which you utilize to post comments on sites on this here internet, then I will reply to you. I do not wish to waste my time responding to a comment of this nature in the event the real person behind your "Anonymous" comment is really Rebecca Sue Sowerby.

    Oh and I think YOU should be ashamed of yourself for not having used a capital "G" when referring to GOD in your comment.

    Suffice it to say, I think God is already well aware of the contents of this Blog BUT I am extremely happy that you did take the time out to read the remarks by Mr. Ben Stein -- I truly hope it has given you a lot to think about.

  7. AMEN AMEN AMEN Kari!! LOL I can always tell Bekki Sowerby aka every imaginable nick or fake name on the internet, her style of writing. It's like a fingerprint. It goes with you everywhere. AND I am sure she is using her good ole' proxy changer.

    See, I may sign mine "Anonymous" but Kari knows who I am from my IP. I do not hide it from her. I just do not want the idiots from netland to know who I am. And I trust Kari.

    As far as preaching God's word? Ummm have you picked up your Bible lately? It states and I paraphrase that "if you see an injustice you are not to turn a blind eye, but to call it out..." and that is what KariSueBee is doing. Calling out the injustice of what certain indiviuals are doing on the Interent. Calling out a CERTAIN person (s) that is a no gooder on the net. So what Kari is doing is following God.

    What may I pray tell are you doing? Following Bekki, aka demon? She is a wiccan. OUT OF HER OWN MOUTH SHE HAS TOLD ALL! But hey we will all meet our maker one day and that will be the day we need to be accountable for all we do and say. If what you think you do here on earth you will get away with, sorry mistaken. I do believe in the Word of God. And I do try to follow it. WE all fall short of His Glory.

    Bekki, what do you think Jesus would say to you? What would He say Bekki for you terrorizing people on the net? What would He say for your false lies you spread about others? What would He say about your foul mouth and vulgarity? What Bekki would GOD say about your actions and what your own children are learning from you? You know our children are but on loan from God. And God has entrusted them to us. What are you teaching your children Bekki Sowerby? That it is okay to preach lies and hurt others?

    I am real curious as to what Bekki or Princess aka Sandra Goddard would say to God.

    Got guts come forth and let's hear it. We know you come here to read the blog. Comeon' change your IP and give it a shot. Whatcha gotta lose?

    Great response to the Anonymous Kari. And KEEP UP YOUR GOOD WORK! Do not let the naysayers in to sway you. You are a great person!!

  8. WEll as we can see that the evil tactics that Bekki Sue Sowerby tried to do on a certain person WHO DOES fight in the trenches did NOT work! Bekki sent an email to a very well known child abuse org. and that email was sent on to all people. Bekki, I mean REBECCA SUE SOWERBY was investigated and found to be sending fraudulent emails out against Shattered WINGS! This child abuse org looked into it. First they had to remove Wings but now that the truth is out, WINGS is back on.

    Guess your BS didnt work Sowerby. Hallelujah!! Good does tromp evil EVERYTIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    AND the reports on RipOffReport are authentic and true. No false accusations there and there is documents on the site to back it up.

    Don't give up your day job SOWERBY----- oh that's right YOU DO NOT WORK!!

  9. Ummm Everyone should look at the latest updates on Bekki Sowerby.. on ripoff. She got totally busted!
